/* mountefiController */ "%@ APFS Container [%@]" = "%1$@ APFS容器 [%2$@]"; /* mountefiController */ "%lu partitions" = "%lu 個分區"; /* sidebarMenu */ "ACPI" = "ACPI-ACPI設定"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "B/s" = "B/s"; /* startScreen */ "Backup Configurations" = "備份設定值"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "base64 string" = "base64字串"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Booter" = "Booter-啟動設定"; /* opencoreDownloaderController reading_savingOperation */ "Cancel" = "取消"; /* mountefiController */ "Capacity In Use:" = "使用容量:"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Check" = "檢查中..."; /* mountefiController */ "Check Partition" = "檢查分區"; /* startScreen */ "Configurations Acquired" = "取得相同的設定值"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Copy" = "複製"; /* AFNetworking */ "Could not decode string: %@" = "不能解碼字串: %@"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Cut" = "剪下"; /* AFNetworking */ "Data failed decoding as a UTF-8 string" = "資料無法解碼為 UTF-8 字串"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Day" = "天"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Days" = "天"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "decimal string" = "10進制字串"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Delete: %@ successfully removed" = "刪除: %@ 已成功刪除"; /* installDriversController */ "Delete: %@.efi successfully removed" = "刪除: %@.efi 已成功刪除"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name:" = "設備 BSD 名稱:"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name: %@" = "設備 BSD 名稱: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Device BSD Name: N/A" = "設備 BSD 名稱:N/A"; /* mountefiController */ "Device Identifier: %@ - APFS Physical Store Disk: %@ - UUID: %@ - Size: %@" = "設備辨識代號: %1$@ - APFS實體儲存硬碟: %2$@ - UUID: %3$@ - 容量: %4$@"; /* mountefiController */ "Device Identifier: %@ - Partition Scheme: %@ - Size: %@" = "設備辨識代號: %1$@ - 分區格式: %2$@ - 容量: %3$@"; /* sidebarMenu */ "DeviceProperties" = "DeviceProperties-設備屬性設定"; /* mountefiController */ "Devices / Media Name:" = "設備 / 詳細型號:"; /* mountefiController */ "Devices / Media Name: %@" = "設備 / 詳細型號: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Identifier:" = "磁區代號:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]" = "磁區代號: %@ 狀態: [當前引導硬碟]"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type:" = "硬碟類型:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: %@" = "硬碟類型: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: APFS Container" = "硬碟類型:APFS容器"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: APFS Volume" = "硬碟類型:: APFS 資料卷宗"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: Apple HFS+" = "硬碟類型:: Apple HFS+"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: N/A" = "硬碟類型:: N/A"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Cache" = "硬碟類型:: SoftRAID Cache"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Scratch" = "硬碟類型: SoftRAID Scratch"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Status" = "硬碟類型:SoftRAID Status"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk Type: SoftRAID Volume" = "硬碟類型: SoftRAID Volume"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID:" = "硬碟 UUID:"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID: %@" = "硬碟 UUID:%@"; /* mountefiController */ "Disk UUID: N/A" = "硬碟 UUID:N/A"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Download" = "下載"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ has been successfully copied to %@" = "下載: %1$@ 已成功複製到 %2$@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ has been successfully updated to %@" = "下載: %1$@ 已成功更新至%2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ successfully backed up to %@" = "下載: %1$@ 成功備份到 %2$@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: %@ successfully downloaded...." = "下載: %@成功下載...."; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Error: %@" = "下載: 錯誤: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: ERROR: %@" = "下載: 錯誤: %@"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!" = "下載: 錯誤: 你沒有在這裡進行寫入的權限!"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Path doesn't exist!" = "下載:路徑不存在!"; /* installDriversController */ "Download: Please select a driver name!" = "下載:請選擇一個驅動程式名稱!"; /* installToolsController */ "Download: Please select a tool name!" = "下載: 請選擇一個工具名稱!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Download: Please select a kext name!" = "下載:請選擇一個 kext 名稱!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Downloading %@" = "下載中 %@"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Error" = "錯誤"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error during unzipping file!" = "解壓縮檔案時發生錯誤!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error: %@" = "錯誤: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "FakeSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..." = "檢測到FakeSMC ...選擇要安裝的檔案......"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GB/s" = "GB/s"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "HEX converter" = "16進制轉換器"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "HEX string" = "16進制字串"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hour" = "小時"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Hours" = "小時"; /* openPanelConfigConverterTool */ "Import a Clover config file for conversion" = "導入 Clover 配置文件以進行轉換"; /* installDriversController kextsInstallerController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Initialization: Unable to read database. Cannot find server or there's no internet connection." = "初始化:無法讀取資料庫。找不到伺服器或沒有網路連接。"; /* bdmesgController */ "Nothing to read here! Try to configure \"Target\" key in Misc->Debug section" = "現在這裡什麼都看不到! 試試在Misc-其他設定->Debug部分設定\"Target\"輸入,具體内容参照OC官方PDF說明文件"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid base64 data" = "無效base64數據"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid data" = "無效數據"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "Invalid HEX data" = "無效的十六進制數據"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "KB/s" = "KB/s"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Kernel" = "Kernel-內核設定"; /* left_toolbar */ "Load Configuration" = "載入設定檔"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ has been successfully copied to %@" = "手動安裝 %1$@ 已成功複製到%2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ has been successfully updated to %@" = "手動安裝: %1$@ 已成功更新至 %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: %@ successfully backed up to %@" = "手動安裝: %1$@已成功備份至 %2$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: ERROR: %@" = "手動安裝 :錯誤: %@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: ERROR: You don't have permission to write here!" = "手動安裝: 錯誤: 你沒有在這裡進行寫入的權限!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: Kext file required!" = "手動安裝:需要 Kext 文件!"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Manual Installation: Path doesn't exist!" = "手動安裝:路徑不存在!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MB/s" = "MB/s"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Minute" = "分鐘"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Minutes" = "分鐘"; /* sidebarMenu */ "Misc" = "Misc-其他設定"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point:" = "掛載點:"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point: %@" = "掛載點: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Mount Point: N/A" = "掛載點: N/A"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "No EFI folder found. Creating one...." = "找不到已掛載的EFI分區。建立一個...."; /* sidebarMenu */ "NVRAM" = "NVRAM-非揮發性記憶體設定"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Old file has been renamed to BOOTx64_%@.efi.bak" = "舊文件已重新命名為BOOTx64_%@.efi.bak"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Old file has been renamed to OpenCore_%@.efi.bak" = "舊文件已重新命名為OpenCoree_%@.efi.bak"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "OpenCore Configurator could not be synchronized because an error occurred: %@" = "由於發生錯誤,OpenCore Configurator無法同步: %@"; /* pasteBoardController */ "Paste" = "貼上"; /* left_toolbar */ "Paypal - Free Donation" = "Paypal - 斗內"; /* sidebarMenu */ "PlatformInfo" = "PlatformInfo-機型平台設定"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Repair" = "修復"; /* mainMenu */ "Restart" = "重新啟動"; /* left_toolbar */ "Save" = "儲存"; /* left_toolbar */ "Save As..." = "另存為..."; /* left_toolbar */ "Save, Save As Configuration" = "儲存, 另存為新配置"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Second" = "秒"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Seconds" = "秒"; /* left_toolbar */ "Share" = "分享"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Show Location: Path doesn't exist!" = "顯示位置:路徑不存在!"; /* mountefiController */ "Size:" = "容量:"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Some info for %@.kext => Identifier: %@ | Version: %@%@" = "資訊: %1$@.kext =>Identifier: %2$@ | 版本: %3$@%4$@"; /* rtvariablesController */ "Sorry to generate a valid ROM, you need unique UUID in SystemParameters->Custom UUID (copy from system or generate one) or go in SMBIOS->Smuuid and add a valid uuid in the format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX." = "抱歉生成有效的ROM,您需要SystemParameters-> Custom UUID中的唯一UUID(從系统複製或生成一個)或進入SMBIOS-> Smuuid並加入以下格式的有效uuid:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX 。"; /* mountefiController */ "Status:" = "狀態:"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "Synchronized" = "同步"; /* sectionSourceListHexConverterPopover */ "text string" = "文字字串"; /* mainMenu */ "To apply this change, you must restart the app" = "要套用此修改,您必須重新啟動應用程式"; /* mainMenu */ "Do you also want to change fork type?" = "您還想更改分支類型嗎?"; /* mainMenu */ "Do you also want to change configuration properties type?" = "您是否還想更改版本屬性類型?"; /* sidebarMenu */ "UEFI" = "UEFI-UEFI設定"; /* installDriversController opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unable to read database." = "無法讀取資料庫。"; /* mountefiController */ "Untitled" = "無標題"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unzip process was aborted because I can't create a backup" = "解壓縮過程中止,因為我無法建立備份"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Unzip: Error during unzipping file!" = "解壓縮:解壓縮文件時出錯!"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Unzipped..." = "解壓縮..."; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Update available for %@.kext => Local version: %@ | Remote version: %@" = "更新可用於 %1$@.kext =>本機版本: %2$@ | 遠端版本: %3$@"; /* kextsInstallerController */ "VirtualSMC detected... Choose an add on to install..." = "檢測到VirtualSMC ...選擇要安裝的檔案..."; /* kextsInstallerController */ "Intel Wi-Fi detected... Choose an add on to install..." = "Intel Wi-Fi detected... Choose an add on to install..."; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier:" = "卷宗代號:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier: %@" = "卷宗代號: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Identifier: %@ Status: [Current Boot Disk]" = "卷宗代號: %@ 狀態: [當前啟動硬碟]"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Name:" = "卷宗名:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume Name: %@" = "卷宗名: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID:" = "卷宗UUID:"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID: %@" = "卷宗UUID: %@"; /* mountefiController */ "Volume UUID: N/A" = "卷宗UUID: N/A"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "You don't have permission to write here!" = "您沒有權限在這裡寫入!"; /* dockMenu */ "New Configuration..." = "新建配置..."; /* dockMenu */ "Open Configuration..." = "打開配置..."; /* dockMenu */ "Leave A Message" = "留言"; /* installDriversController opencoreDownloaderController */ "No EFI folder found.....\n" = "未找到已掛載的EFI分區!\n"; /* preferencesPanel */ "Release Version" = "正式版"; /* preferencesPanel */ "Development Version" = "開發版"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Audio Device Properties" = "音頻裝置屬性"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Video Device Properties" = "视频裝置屬性"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Advanced Properties" = "高級屬性"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "display number" = "等顯示器编號"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Connections" = "接口"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "connector index" = "等接口索引号號"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Other" = "其它"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Presets" = "預設值"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "High Sierra" = "High Sierra"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Mojave and above" = "Mojave或更高版本"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device Properties" = "裝置屬性"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Help" = "協助"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select '%@' device before adding '%@' key" = "在增加'%2$@'鍵之前選擇'%1$@'裝置"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a '%@' device before adding a preset" = "在增加預設之前選擇一個'%1$@'裝置"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a Platform ID before adding a preset" = "在增加預設之前選擇平台ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Select a valid device path" = "選擇一個有效的裝置路徑"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Product Name" = "產品名稱"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "CPU Codename" = "CPU架構"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Platform ID" = "平台ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device ID" = "裝置ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Device Name" = "裝置名稱"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Available Device IDs" = "可用裝置ID"; /* deviceProperties_table_properties_menu */ "Available Models" = "可用型號"; /* nvram_add_properties_table */ "Select a valid UUID" = "選擇一個有效的UUID"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "You seem to have an old version of OpenCore bootloader." = "您似乎使用了一個舊版本的OpenCore引導程式。"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "The bootloader looks like it is not installed or your NVRAM isn't native." = "引導程式看起来好像沒有安裝,或者您的NVRAM不是本機的。"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "2nd_message" = "此應用程式為%1$@或更高版本建立配置文件."; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "Use at your own risk" = "使用後果自負!"; /* compatibilityWarningScreen */ "(select 'Backup File Before Saving' in Preferences Pane)" = "(在'首選項'窗格中選擇'儲存前備份文件'')"; /* advancedUser */ "The key “%@” already exists in containing item." = "包含項目的鍵“%@”已存在。"; /* advancedUser */ "(%lu items)" = "(%lu个項目)"; /* advancedUser */ "Item %lu" = "項目 %lu"; /* advancedUser */ "New item" = "新項目"; /* outlineMode */ "Cut" = "剪下"; /* outlineMode */ "Copy" = "複製"; /* outlineMode */ "Paste" = "貼上"; /* outlineMode */ "Delete" = "删除"; /* outlineMode */ "Value Type" = "值類型"; /* outlineMode */ "Array" = "數組"; /* outlineMode */ "Dictionary" = "字典"; /* outlineMode */ "Boolean" = "布林"; /* outlineMode */ "Data" = "數據"; /* outlineMode */ "Date" = "日期"; /* outlineMode */ "Number" = "數字"; /* outlineMode */ "String" = "字串"; /* outlineMode */ "Add Item" = "增加"; /* outlineMode */ "Replace" = "替換"; /* outlineMode */ "Key" = "鍵"; /* outlineMode */ "Type" = "資料類型"; /* outlineMode */ "Value" = "值"; /* miscController */ "Please make sure to select a file from a boot efi path." = "請確保從引導efi路徑中選擇一個文件。"; /* miscController */ "No efi boot path found." = "找不到efi引導路徑。"; /* quicktoolsController */ "%@ on Disk Identifier: %@" = "硬碟代號上的%1$@: %2$@"; /* quicktoolsController */ "Status: [%@]" = "狀態: [%@]"; /* quicktoolsController */ "OpenCore Boot Partition" = "OpenCore引導分區"; /* preferencesPanel */ "Official" = "官方原版"; /* preferencesPanel */ "MOD" = "MOD分支版"; /* preferencesPanel */ "App Settings" = "應用設定"; /* preferencesPanel */ "OpenCore Settings" = "OpenCore設定"; /* titleBar */ "Release Configuration" = "%1$@ 正式版配置"; /* titleBar */ "Development Configuration" = "%1$@ 開發版配置"; /* titleBar */ "for Official OpenCore" = "官方原版OpenCore"; /* titleBar */ "for MOD OpenCore" = "MOD修改版OpenCore"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "This configuration contains one or more properties that Official OpenCore doesn't usually use. Do you want to open this configuration in MOD mode?" = "此配置包含一個或多個官方OpenCore通常不使用的屬性。是否要以MOD修改本模式打開此配置?"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "This configuration contains standard properties but you are working in MOD mode. Do you want switch to Official mode?" = "此配置檢測為官方版本,但是您正在MOD版OC模式下工作。您要切換到官方版本模式吗?"; /* reading_savingOperation */ "For changes to take effect, this app will be relaunched" = "為了使更改生效,此應用將重新啟動"; /* outlinemodeController */ "If you continue, all unknown keys will be lost" = "如果切换回GUI模式,所有手工添加的未知鍵值將失去!"; /* textmodeController */ "Syncronize" = "同步"; /* textmodeController */ "Syncronize Outline Mode" = "同步樹形編輯器模式"; /* importPatchesController */ "Import set of patches" = "導入補丁集合"; /* importPatchesController */ "Import set of kexts" = "導入Kext集合"; /* importPatchesController */ "Export selected patches" = "匯出所選為匯出集"; /* importPatchesController */ "Export selected kexts" = "匯出所選kexts集合"; /* importPatchesController */ "Add set of patches from database" = "導入在線預設匯出集合"; /* importPatchesController */ "Add set of kexts from database" = "導入在線預設KEXT集合"; /* importPatchesController */ "Battery Patches" = "電池更名匯出"; /* importPatchesController */ "Rename Patches" = "常規更名匯出"; /* configCheckerController */ "Check current configurations (if you managing multiple windows, select the window you want to check). Save your configuration before continuing to check." = "檢查當前配置完善性 (如果管理多個視窗,請選擇要檢查的視窗). 繼續檢查配置前儲存你的配置文件."; /* configCheckerController */ "Import configuration from local selecting \"Choose...\"" = "從\"選擇...\"選擇本地文件匯入 "; /* configCheckerController */ "Drag your configuration here" = "將您的配置文件拖曳到此處"; /* configCheckerController */ "No Network Access" = "無網際網路連線"; /* configCheckerController */ "Uploading..." = "上傳..."; /* configCheckerController */ "Downloading Resources..." = "下載資源文件..."; /* configCheckerController */ "Downloaded %.2f MB of %.2f MB (%@)" = "已下載 %1$.2f MB/%2$.2f MB (%3$@)"; /* configCheckerController */ "Resources Extraction..." = "提取資源文件..."; /* configCheckerController */ "Ready!" = "完成!"; /* configCheckerController */ "Error extracting resources files!" = "提取資源文件時發生錯誤!"; /* configCheckerController */ "Failed to download resources!" = "下載資源文件失敗!"; /* configCheckerController */ "Updating Resources..." = "更新資源文件..."; /* configCheckerController */ "Checking For Resources..." = "檢查資源文件..."; /* configCheckerController */ "Desktop" = "普通桌上型電腦"; /* configCheckerController */ "High-End Desktop" = "高性能桌上型電腦"; /* configCheckerController */ "Laptop" = "筆記型電腦"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Successfully backed up to %@" = "成功備份到 %@"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error during creating EFI backup folder!" = "建立EFI備份資料夾時發生錯誤!"; /* ocValidator */ "Connection Established" = "連結已建立"; /* ocValidator */ "Failed to checking resources!" = "無法檢查資源!"; /* platformInfoController */ "No Network Access. You may not get latest SMBIOS data." = "無網際網路連線。您可能無法取得最新的SMBIOS資料."; /* installDriversController */ "Download: %@ removed from queue because is not compatible with 32-bit version." = "下載: 由於與32位版本不相容,已從下載隊列中删除%@."; /* efiMaker */ "Based on OpenCore Bootloader %@ settings by Dortania's help guide" = "基於Dortania幫助文件中的OpenCore Bootloader%@設定"; /* efiMaker */ "For more information about different settings, click on each CPU Family option" = "有關不同設定的更多資訊,請單擊每個CPU系列選項"; /* efiMaker */ "Downloading latest Opencore Bootloader" = "下載最新的Opencore引導程式"; /* efiMaker */ "Error while downloading Opencore Bootloader. Unable to continue." = "下載Opencore引導程式時出錯。無法繼續."; /* efiMaker */ "Downloading %@ configuration" = "正在下載%@配置"; /* efiMaker */ "Populating SMBIOS data for %@ configuration" = "為%@配置填充SMBIOS數據"; /* efiMaker */ "Error while downloading the configuration. Unable to continue." = "下載配置時出錯. 無法繼續."; /* efiMaker */ "Error while populating %@ key" = "填充%@鍵值時出錯"; /* efiMaker */ "Some keys have not been updated. Please update them manually." = "某些鍵值尚未更新. 請手動更新."; /* efiMaker */ "Done! Opening folder at %@" = "完成! 正在打開資料夾%@"; /* efiMaker */ "Download SSDT" = "下載SSDT"; /* efiMaker */ "successfully downloaded" = "成功下載"; /* efiMaker */ "Download SSDT Error" = "下載SSDT錯誤"; /* efiMaker */ "Downloading latest" = "正在下載最新文件"; /* efiMaker */ "Download essential Kext" = "下載基本Kext文件"; /* efiMaker */ "Download Kext Error" = "下載Kext文件錯誤"; /* efiMaker */ "Download Drivers" = "下載驅動程式文件"; /* efiMaker */ "Download Drivers Error" = "下載驅動程式錯誤"; /* efiMaker */ "Error during processing" = "處理期間發生錯誤"; /* efiMaker */ "For more information about %@ settings, click here" = "有關%@設定的更多訊息, 點擊這裡"; /* efiMaker */ "For more information about %@ settings" = "有關%@設定的更多訊息"; /* efiMaker */ "click here" = "點擊這裡"; /* efiMaker */ "Summary Information" = "摘要訊息"; /* efiMaker */ "CPU Family selected" = "已選擇的CPU系列"; /* efiMaker */ "SMBIOS selected" = "已選擇的SMBIOS機型"; /* efiMaker */ "Configuration type selected" = "已選擇的配置類型"; /* efiMaker */ "Architecture type selected" = "已選擇的體系類型"; /* efiMaker */ "Download related files" = "下載相關文件"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Starting compiling gettext tools. This process may take a while on some machines, so please be patient. If this process asking to install Java SDK, please just skip that message." = "開始編譯 gettext 工具。 在某些機器上,此過程可能需要一段時間,因此請耐心等待。 如果此過程要求安裝 Java SDK,請跳過該訊息。"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "GETTEXT is missing!, downloading..." = "缺少 GETTEXT,正在下載..."; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Building GETTEXT..." = "正在編譯 GETTEXT..."; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error while compiling resources for localization" = "當編譯地區性資源時發生錯誤"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Xcode Application needed." = "需要 Xcode 應用程式."; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Download XCode" = "下載 XCode"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "In order to use this section, please install Xcode application." = "為了使用此部分,請安裝 Xcode 應用程式"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Start Building...." = "開始編譯...."; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Error occurred during building OpenCorePkg" = "當編譯 OpenCorePkg 時 發生錯誤"; /* opencoreDownloaderController */ "Operation aborted by user" = "使用者停止處理程序"; /* themesDownloader*/ "successfully downloaded and installed" = "successfully downloaded and installed"; /* themesDownloader */ "Download: Please select a theme name!" = "Download: Please select a theme name!"; /* themesDownloader */ "Update available for %@ theme" = "Update available for %@ theme"; /* themesDownloader */ "didn't pass the requirements check. For more information you need to open Themes Validator." = "didn't pass the requirements check. For more information you need to open Themes Validator."; /* themesDownloader */ "Resources folder" = "Resources folder"; /* themesDownloader */ "Do you want open Themes Validator?" = "Do you want to open it?"; /* themesDownloader */ "Open Themes Validator" = "Open Themes Validator"; /* themesDownloader */ "Set as default" = "Set as default"; /* themesValidator */ "doesn't contain" = "doesn't contain"; /* themesValidator */ "this file is required." = "this file is required."; /* themesValidator */ "Label folder doesn't contain" = "Label folder doesn't contain"; /* themesValidator */ "Font folder doesn't contain" = "Font folder doesn't contain"; /* themesValidator */ "OpenCanopy requires graphical resources located in Resources directory to run. There seem to be missing files. Sample resources (fonts, label and images) can be found in OcBinaryData repository, do you want to download it?" = "OpenCanopy requires graphical resources located in Resources directory to run. There seem to be missing files. Sample resources (fonts, labels and images) can be found in OcBinaryData repository, do you want to download it?"; /* themesValidator */ "Downloading OCBinaryData..." = "Downloading OCBinaryData..."; /* themesValidator */ "All resources have been successfully copied." = "All resources have been successfully copied."; /* themesValidator */ "Fonts have been successfully copied." = "Fonts have been successfully copied."; /* themesValidator */ "Labels have been successfully copied." = "Labels have been successfully copied."; /* themesValidator */ "Images have been successfully copied." = "Images have been successfully copied."; /* themesValidator */ "Starting validation for OC Resources folder" = "Starting validation for OC Resources folder"; /* themesValidator */ "Reason:" = "Reason:"; /* themesValidator */ "Label folder:" = "Label folder:"; /* themesValidator */ "Passed" = "Passed"; /* themesValidator */ "Not Passed" = "Not Passed"; /* themesValidator */ "Font folder:" = "Font folder:"; //---------------- TOOLTIPS---------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> /* acpiController */ /* Add */ /* 9ZU-zR-Tmy */ "TT_acpi_addTable" = "這部分主要填寫我們使用的ACPI修補文件,以及DSDT文件,如果没有請把0-8的SSDT全部删除。如果你有修改的SSDT或者DSDT文件,請先將文件放入EFI/OC/ACPI下。\nACPI修補文件是黑蘋果的核心,針對OC的ACPI修補文件請參考宪武大神的OC-litte,https://github.com/daliansky/OC-little"; /* Delete */ /* 8sm-zn-vNl */ "TT_acpi_deleteTable" = "停用某個 ACPI 表, 比如常用於停用 DAMR 來關閉 VT-d。"; /* Patch */ /* 2tM-Ig-MFJ */ "TT_acpi_patchTable" = "這裡我們需要填寫一下ACPI的更名和修復文件。\n在10.15中,一些資料指出我們需要把EC控制器(EC0)重新命名為EC來確保能進入10.15系统(當然也可以用EC仿冒修補文件)\n華擎、華碩、微星主機板可能會遇到RTC時鐘問題而無法進入系统,這同樣需要加入修補文件来修復\n具體修補文件包可以查看宪武大神做的OC-Little修補文件包https://github.com/daliansky/OC-little\n\n1. Base\n通過取得到所提供路徑的偏移量来選擇ACPI路徑以進行修補文件尋找(或立即替換).\n\n僅支持完全限定的對路徑(例如\\_SB_.PCI0.GFX0).當前支援的對象類型是: Device, Field, Method.\n\n注意:請謹慎使用,並非所有OEM表都可以被解析.使用ACPIe實用程式進行Debug 使用DEBUG=1 make命令編譯的ACPIe會產生有用的ACPI尋找跟蹤. \n\n2. BaseSkip\n 設定為0:(不要跳過任何事件)\n在應用程式發現和替換之前要跳過的已發現基本事件的數量.\n\n3. Comment\n任意ASCII字符串,用於為項目提供可讀的参考. 是否使用此值由實現定義.\n\n4. Count\n設置為0 (將修補應用程式於發現的所有事件)\n要修補的出现次數。\n\n5. Enabled\n設定為true以套用此ACPI修補文件.\n\n6. Find\n數據尋找。如果設定,則必須等於替換大小.\n\n注意:如果指定了Base,則可以為空, 在這種情况下,發生基本查詢後立即替換.\n\n7. Limit\n設定為0 (搜尋整個ACPI表)\n搜尋的最大字串數.\n\n8. Mask\n設定為空 (被忽略)\n尋找比較期間使用的數據按位掩碼。 通過忽略未屏蔽(設定為零)位来進行模糊搜尋. 如果設定,則必須等於替換大小.\n\n9. OemTableId\n全為零 (匹配任何表的OEM ID)\n匹配表OEM ID等於此值.\n\n10. Replace\n一個或多個字串的替換數據.\n\n11. ReplaceMask\n替換期間使用的數據按位掩碼. 通過更新屏蔽(設定為非零)位来允許模糊替換.如果設定,則必須等於體換大小.\n\n12. Skip\n設定為0 (不要跳過任何事件)\n應用程式替換之前要跳過的發現事件數.\n\n13. TableLength\n設定為0 (匹配任何表大小)\n匹配表大小等於此值.\n\n14. TableSignature\n(匹配任何表簽名)\n匹配表簽名等於該值"; /* Quirks */ /* xYB-OX-ce7 */ "TT_FadtEnableReset" = "一些舊的主機板需要對FADT進行標記來開啟電腦的開機和關機功能,這裡我們不建議開啟它"; /* eza-Xg-dPF */ "TT_NormalizeHeaders" = "清理ACPI頭,一些主機板的ACPI表需要打開這個修復啟動。只有 macOS 10.13 需要"; /* iWF-dk-0VK */ "TT_RebaseRegions" = "換硬體、升级BIOS等對硬體的操作會對ACPI表產生影響,一般不需要打開,使用自定義 DSDT 則必須開啟"; /* u3f-B9-p1e */ "TT_ResetHwSig" = "存在重新啟動後因無法維持硬體簽名而導致從休眠中喚醒的問題的硬體需要開啟。一般選擇NO\n注意:此選項將來可能會被删除."; /* 0zY-cF-e9r */ "TT_ResetLogoStatus" = "無法在有 BGRT 表的系统上顯示 OEM Windows 標誌的硬體需要開啟."; "TT_SyncTableIds" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Sync table identifiers with the SLIC table.\n\nThis works around patched tables becoming incompatible with the SLIC table causing licensing issues in older Windows operating systems."; /* booterController */ /* MmioWhitelist */ /* RWw-Gp-0A4 */ "TT_booter_mmioWhitelistTable" = "預設的第一項是為Haswell晶片組提供的記憶體尋址修復,如果此類晶片組碰到記憶體相關問題,請開啟它(enable選擇yes)。\n預設第二項是開機卡PCI Configuration這裡。ACPI、PCI device同時釋放到記憶體時發生0x1000記憶體地址被占用而卡在PCI Configration.如果碰到此類問題,請開啟它。"; /* oWj-qp-bH5 */ "TT_booter_patchTable" = "1. Arch\n引導程式修補文件架構 (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment\n用於為條目提供可讀参考的任意ASCII字串.\n3. Count\n要應用的修補文件出现次數. 設定為0將修補文件應用於發現的所有事件.\n4. Enabled\n除非設定為true,否則將不使用此啟動程式修補文件.\n5. Find\n數據尋找。長度必須等於替換.\n6. Identifier\nApple for macOS引導程式(通常為boot.efi); 或帶有特定後綴的後綴名稱(例如bootmgfw.efi);或任何/空字串(故障安全)以匹配任何引導程式.\n7. Limit\n搜尋的最大字節數. 可以設定為 0 以查看整個引導程式.\n8. Mask\n尋找比較期間使用的數據按位掩碼。通過忽略未隱藏(設定為零)位來允許模糊搜尋。可以設定為空數據以忽略。否則長度必須等於尋找.\n9. Replace\n一個或多個字節的替換數據.\n10. ReplaceMask\n替換期間使用的數據按位掩碼。通過更新隱藏(設定為非零)位來允許模糊替換. 可以設定為空數據忽略. 否則必須等於替換長度.\n11. Skip\n完成替換之前要跳過的發現事件次數."; /* Quirks */ /* bib-aL-YwI */ "TT_AllowRelocationBlock" = "允許通過重定位塊引導macOS.\n\n重定位塊是分配给較低的4 GB的暫存緩衝區,用於由EfiBoot在韌體上載入 Kernel 和相關結構,在該韌體上,較低的記憶體被(假設是)非執行時數據占用。\n在 Kernel 啟動之前,重定位塊被複製回較低的地址。同樣,所有其他指向重定位塊的地址也進行了仔细調整. 在以下情况下可以使用重定位塊:\n•沒有更好的幻燈片存在(已使用所有記憶體)\n• slide = 0被強制(通過参數或安全模式)\n• 不支援KASLR(slide)(這是macOS 10.7或更舊的版本)\n\n此怪癖需要同時啟用ProvideCustomSlide,並且通常需要避免RuntimeDefrag才能正常工作. 使用重定位塊引導時不支援休眠(但是啟用了怪癖時,並不總是使用重定位塊).\n\n注意:雖然需要在具有較低記憶體的平台上執行舊版macOS,但需要執行該操作,但它與某些硬體和macOS 11不相容. 在這種情况下,您可以嘗試改用EnableSafeModeSlide."; /* ubm-2i-zPE */ "TT_AvoidRuntimeDefrag" = "大部分UEFI都會寫入時間、電源管理等資訊,這個所有黑蘋果主機板都應該選擇YES."; /* NUB-EN-5ql */ "TT_DevirtualiseMmio" = "記憶體注入方式包括KASLR方式(分布式注射到各個記憶體地址中)以及連續性方式。在使用KASLR時,PCIE載入到記憶體,可能會佔據所有所有avaliable值而導致OC的 Kernel 以及 Kernel Cache無法注入,導致啟動失敗。使用KASLR方式很容易出错,我們更適合使用連續性的記憶體注入方式,並在boot args中增加slide=1。因為我們之後會增加這個slide=1去使用連續性的記憶體注入方式,所以這個選項一般選擇NO."; /* Ssn-0z-qIb */ "TT_DisableSingleUser" = "這裡關乎主機是否能開啟單使用者模式。開啟後會禁止 Cmd + S 和 -s 的使用,使裝置更加接近於 T2 白蘋果,如果你覺得有用就開啟它,一般選NO."; /* KE8-rd-Ty5 */ "TT_DisableVariableWrite" = "非原生NVRAM主機板需要模擬nvram.plist進而寫入variable值,因此我們要禁止此項來防止其他程式對nvram進行寫入,我們這裡選YES。需要注意一點,如果你的主機板支援原生nvram(Z370/X299/C422),請選擇NO!\n在 Z390/HM370 等沒有原生 macOS 支援 NVRAM 的主機板上需要開啟."; /* ELB-6s-GBW */ "TT_DiscardHibernateMap" = "當電腦從休眠(hibernation)中喚醒時,硬碟裡的資料會復原到記憶體中去,但這個時候OC的 Kernel 以及 Kernel Cache等也會寫入,這樣可能導致衝突,這個選項是幫助我們解决這個問題的。而目前來看,除了Z370/X299/C422都無法進行休眠(注意睡眠sleep和休眠hibernation是兩個概念),桌機的话就更不需要休眠功能了,一般選擇NO。\n開啟後會重用原始休眠記憶體映射,僅某些舊硬體需要."; /* qyH-8f-uTZ */ "TT_EnableSafeModeSlide" = "開啟後會允許在安全模式下使用 Slide 值。這個不是那麼重要,你不會每天進安全模式的。像Z390這樣本來也不用分布式注入記憶體方式的(KASLR),選擇YES,與正常情况下保持一致."; /* xH6-La-kRg */ "TT_EnableWriteUnprotector" = "允許對UEFI執行時服務代碼的寫存取\n保证nvram能正常寫入而不受到UEFI内的一些服務的影響,無論什么主機板都要選擇YES."; /* woE-nK-MFN */ "TT_ForceBooterSignature" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Set macOS boot-signature to OpenCore launcher.\n\nBooter signature, essentially a SHA-1 hash of the loaded image, is used by Mac EFI to verify the authenticity of the bootloader when waking from hibernation. This option forces macOS to use OpenCore launcher SHA-1 hash as a booter signature to let OpenCore shim hibernation wake on Mac EFI firmware.\n\nNote: OpenCore launcher path is determined from LauncherPath property."; /* cTN-CD-c3M */ "TT_ForceExitBootServices" = "這個選項是讓那些非常老舊的主機板也能使用記憶體尋址,正常情况下選NO."; /* 5Km-5w-nkl */ "TT_ProtectMemoryRegions" = "保護記憶體區域免受錯誤存取.\n一些韌體錯誤地映射了選定的儲存區域:\n• 可以將CSM區域標記為引導服務代碼或數據,從而將其留作XNU Kernel 的可用記憶體.\n• MMIO區域可以標記為保留記憶體並保持未映射狀態,但是可能需要在執行時對其進行存取以支援NVRAM.\n\n注意:有睡眠喚醒問題或引導失敗問題可嘗試開啟。只有非常老的韌體才需要此怪癖. 一般選NO"; /* VnZ-XI-LOq */ "TT_ProtectSecureBoot" = "保護UEFI安全啟動變量不被寫入.\n報告嘗試從操作系统寫入db,dbx,PK和KEK變量期間發生的安全衝突.\n\n注意:此怪癖主要嘗試避免碎片整理問題對NVRAM實施的影響,例如選擇Insyde或MacPro5,1."; /* 3fG-t6-MF7 */ "TT_ProtectUefiServices" = "保護UEFI服務不被韌體覆蓋.\n包括硬體和虛擬機(例如VMware)在内的某些現代韌體可能會在驅動程式載入和相關操作期間更新指向UEFI服務的指針. 因此,這直接破壞了影響記憶體管理的其他怪癖,例如DevirtualiseMmio,並且還可能破壞其他怪癖,具體取决於這些怪癖的影響.\n\n注意:在VMware上,可以通過“您的Mac OS來賓系统可能不可靠地在多個虛擬 Kernel 上執行(Your Mac OS guest might run unreliably with more than one virtual core.)”資訊來診斷此問題.\n\nZ390晶片組建議使用!"; /* wGH-hP-xhD */ "TT_ProvideCustomSlide" = "是否使用slide值。一般選擇連續性注入記憶體並配合slide,所以選擇YES.\nBat.bat解释:\n如果 Slide 值存在衝突, 此選項將強制 macOS 執行以下操作:\n使用一個偽随機值. 只有在遇到 Only N/256 slide values are usable! 時需要."; /* gi2-WY-dKJ */ "TT_ProvideMaxSlide" = "當沒有更高KASLR slide時,提供最大的KASLR slide。\n啟用ProvideCustomSlide時,此選項會覆蓋最大slide,而不是TOTAL_SLIDE_NUM(256)。可以相信,現代韌體從上到下分配池記憶體,有效地導致了slide掃描時的空閒記憶體,後來被用作 Kernel 載入期間的臨時記憶體。如果這些記憶體不可用,此選項可以停止評估更高的幻燈片。\n\n注意:此問題的必要性由啟用ProvideCustomSlide且随機slide落入不可用範圍時的随機引導失敗確定. 啟用AppleDebug時,通常 Debug 日誌中可能包含諸如AAPL之類的消息: [EB|‘LD:LKC] } Err(0x9). 要找到最佳值,請手動將slide = X附加到boot-args並紀錄不會導致啟動失敗的最大参數."; /* JMF-hg-GgC */ "TT_RebuildAppleMemoryMap" = "建立與macOS相容的記憶體映射。Dell 5490如有啟動故障,可啟用此項!\n\n注意:此怪癖的必要性取决於早期啟動故障。該怪癖在大多數平台上替代了EnableWriteUnprotector."; "TT_ResizeAppleGpuBars" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: -1\nDescription: Reduce GPU PCI BAR sizes for compatibility with macOS.\n\nThis quirk reduces GPU PCI BAR sizes for Apple macOS up to the specified value or lower if it is unsupported. The specified value follows PCI Resizable BAR spec. While Apple macOS supports a theoretical 1 GB maximum, in practice all non-default values may not work correctly. For this reason the only supported value for this quirk is the minimal supported BAR size, i.e. 0. Use -1 to disable this quirk.\n\nFor development purposes one may take risks and try other values. Consider a GPU with 2 BARs:\n• BAR0 supports sizes from 256 MB to 8 GB. Its value is 4 GB.\n• BAR1 supports sizes from 2 MB to 256 MB. Its value is 256 MB.\n\nExample 1: Setting ResizeAppleGpuBars to 1 GB will change BAR0 to 1 GB and leave BAR1 unchanged.\nExample 2: Setting ResizeAppleGpuBars to 1 MB will change BAR0 to 256 MB and BAR0 to 2 MB.\nExample 3: Setting ResizeAppleGpuBars to 16 GB will make no changes.\n\nNote: See ResizeGpuBars quirk for general GPU PCI BAR size configuration and more details about the technology."; /* l3S-mh-5k0 */ "TT_SetupVirtualMap" = "是否建立虛擬記憶體並對物理記憶體進行映射。我們在開機時,OC的程式需要一塊連續性的記憶體進行存放 Kernel 等東西,而實際的物理記憶體一般都是分散的。因此,我們通過虛擬記憶體建立連續性記憶體供OC使用,並映射到分散的物理記憶體中。一般我們選擇YES."; /* Ryj-m2-2MI */ "TT_SignalAppleOS" = "報告通過OS Info載入的任何OS的macOS. \nMac OS韌體在不同的OS上具有不同的行為,因此該功能非常有用。例如,應該在某些雙GPU MacBook型號中在Windows和Linux中啟用Intel GPU。\一般用不到,選NO"; /* ymv-yt-Lvn */ "TT_SyncRuntimePermissions" = "更新記憶體權限以使OpenRuntime起作用. \n\n某些韌體可能會錯誤地將OpenRuntime標記為不可執行,此選項會更新記憶體映射和記憶體屬性表以更正此錯誤.\n\n注意:此怪癖的必要性取决於macOS或Linux/Windows中的早期啟動故障. 一般而言,僅2018年或之後發布的韌體會受到影響."; /* devicesPropertiesController*/ /* Add */ /* ogK-XX-Zb9 */ "TT_devicesProperties_addTables" = "此項是用来注入你的裝置的,主要是顯示卡和音效卡兩部分。同樣你也可以訂製一些裝置到你的關於本機–系统報告–PCI列表中,儘管沒有多大的意義。"; /* Delete */ /* 1eh-jH-TX2 */ "TT_devicesProperties_deleteTables" = "從設備路徑投射(plist dict)到plist字串格式的變量名數組(plist數組)中删除設備属性。這裡的設定等同於 Clover 裡的 ACPI 重新命名 _DSM → XDSM + TgtBridge"; /* kernelController*/ /* Add */ /* pIA-W6-XA0 */ "TT_kernel_addTable" = "1. Arch\n Kext體系架構 (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath(捆绑路徑)\n Kext捆绑路徑 (例如 System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment(注釋)\n安全值: 空字符\n描述: 任意ASCII字串,用於為條目提供可讀的参考.\n4. Enabled(啟用)\n除非設定為true,否則不會增加此 Kernel 驅動程式.\n5. ExecutablePath(可執行路徑)\n Kext相對於包的可執行路徑 (例如: Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier(識別碼)\n Kext識別碼在增加之前執行狀態檢查 (例如 com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\n僅增加在高速Cache中找不到識別碼的驅動程式.\n7. MaxKernel(最大 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更早版本上增加 Kernel 驅動程式.\n注意: 請參考增加增加MaxKernel描述以取得匹配邏輯.\n8. MinKernel(最小 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更高版本上增加 Kernel 驅動程式.\n注意: 請參考增加增加MaxKernel描述以取得匹配邏輯.\n9. PlistPath(plist路徑)\n 相對於包的Kext Info.plist路徑 (例如: Contents/Info.plist)."; /* Block */ /* 8UL-f2-RSc */ "TT_kernel_blockTable" = "1. Arch(架構)\n Kext阻止架構 (Any, i386, x86_64).\n2. Comment(注釋)\n 用於為條目提供可讀参考的任意ASCII字串。是否使用此值由實現定義.\n3. Enabled(啟用)\n 除非設定為true,否則不會阻止此 Kernel 驅動程式.\n4. Identifier(識別碼)\n Kext捆绑包識別碼(例如com.apple.driver.AppleTyMCEDriver).\n5. MaxKernel(最大 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更早版本上阻止 Kernel 驅動程式.\n6. MinKernel(最小 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更高版本上阻止 Kernel 驅動程式."; /* Force */ /* p2g-8y-f45 */ "TT_kernel_forceTable" = "1. Arch\n Kext體系架構 (Any, i386, x86_64). \n2. BundlePath(捆绑路徑)\n Kext捆绑路徑 (例如 System\\Library \\Extensions \\IONetworkingFamily.kext).\n3. Comment(注釋)\n安全值: 空字符\n描述: 任意ASCII字串,用於為條目提供可讀的参考.\n4. Enabled(啟用)\n除非設定為true,否則不會增加此 Kernel 驅動程式.\n5. ExecutablePath(可執行路徑)\n Kext相對於包的可執行路徑 (例如: Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).\n6. Identifier(識別碼)\n Kext識別碼在增加之前執行狀態檢查 (例如 com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily).\n僅增加在高速Cache中找不到識別碼的驅動程式.\n7. MaxKernel(最大 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更早版本上增加 Kernel 驅動程式.\n注意: 請參考增加增加MaxKernel描述以取得匹配邏輯.\n8. MinKernel(最小 Kernel )\n 在指定的macOS版本或更高版本上增加 Kernel 驅動程式.\n注意: 請參考增加增加MaxKernel描述以取得匹配邏輯.\n9. PlistPath(plist路徑)\n 相對於包的Kext Info.plist路徑 (例如: Contents/Info.plist)."; /* Patch */ /* 9hf-l6-OjL */ "TT_kernel_patchTable" = "這裡是為一些kext打修補文件用的。\n我們可以看到樣本裡面有四個修補文件,都是關閉著的,其中有兩個是關於APPLE RTC的,這對於華碩主機板來說相對比較重要,這裡我們需要對appleRTC相關的兩個修補文件一一測試,打開—–Enabled—YES其中一個,即可。如果不行,關閉一個打開另一個。這樣能解決華碩主機板重啟丢失BIOS設定以及需要按F1跳過安全模式,當然RTC仍然需要進一步的設定。\n等同於 Clover 的 KextToPatch 和 KernelToPatch"; /* Emulate */ /* 7Jq-Yr-TQY */ "TT_Cpuid1Data" = "此選項幫助Ivy Bridge 和一些不受支援的CPU載入電源管理的,所有選項按預設即可。"; /* WQz-t0-GJT */ "TT_Cpuid1Mask" = "此選項幫助Ivy Bridge 和一些不受支援的CPU載入電源管理的,所有選項按預設即可。"; /* Wjh-w3-4g8 */ "TT_MinKernel" = "模擬CPUID並在指定的macOS版本或更高版本上應用DummyPowerManagement.\n\n注意:有關匹配邏輯,請參考增加MaxKernel描述."; /* SZI-EW-Tfa */ "TT_MaxKernel" = "模擬CPUID並在指定的macOS版本或更早版本上應用DummyPowerManagement.\n\n注意:有關匹配邏輯,請參考增加MaxKernel(最大 Kernel )描述."; /* vK8-Z1-ZOI */ "TT_DummyPowerManagement" = "停用AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement.\n\n注意 1: 對於在macOS中沒有本機電源管理驅動程式的CPU,此選項是NullCpuPowerManagement.kext的首選替代方案.\n\n注意 2: 雖然通常需要此選項來在不受支援的平台上停用AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement,但在其他情况下,也可以使用它來停用此kext (例如對於Cpuid1Data留為空白)."; /* Scheme */ "TT_CustomKernel" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Use customised kernel cache from the Kernels directory located at the root of the ESP partition.\n\nUnsupported platforms including Atom and AMD require modified versions of XNU kernel in order to boot. This option provides the possibility to using a customised kernel cache which contains such modifications from ESP partition."; /* wLJ-kT-oLE */ "TT_FuzzyMatch" = "在可用時將 Kernel Cache與不同的校驗和一起使用.\n在macOS 10.6和更早版本上,kernelcache文件名具有校驗和,本質上是SMBIOS產品名稱和EfiBoot裝置路徑中的adler32。在某些韌體上,由於ACPI或硬體方面的不同,EFIBoot裝置路徑在UEFI和macOS之間有所不同,從而使 Kernel Cache校驗和始終保持不變。\n此設定允許在沒有後綴的 Kernel Cache不可用時,將最新的 Kernel Cache與合適的體系結構進行匹配,從而提高了macOS 10.6在幾個平台上的啟動性能."; /* zDQ-MU-J9A */ "TT_kernelArch" = "如果可用,最好使用指定的 Kernel 體系結構(Auto, i386, x86_64). \n在macOS 10.7和更早版本上,XNU Kernel 可能無法使用通常的x86_64體系結構進行引導,確切的選擇取決於許多因素,包括引導参數,SMBIOS和操作系统類型。當macOS和配置支援時,此設定將使用指定的體系結構來引導macOS。以下是確定 Kernel 架構的算法。\ n(a)映像参數(例如,通過UEFI Shell啟動時)或boot-args變量中的arch参數會覆蓋所有相容性檢查並強制指定架構.\n(b) 確定的EfiBoot版本限制架構選擇:\n• 10.4-10.5 — i386\n• 10.6-10.7 — i386 或 x86_64\n• 10.8 或更新的 — x86_64\n(c) 根據下表,SMBIOS模型資訊和EfiBoot版本限制客户端和服務器操作系统的體系結構選擇和定義體系結構首選項。\n(d) 如果支援體系結構並且KernelArch不是Auto,則KernelArch設定會更新客户端和服務器操作系统的體系結構首選項.\n(e) EfiBoot決定服務器啟動時選擇服務器或客户端首選項。\n\n注意 1: 與10.7及更高版本不同, 在10.6上,許多型號支援64位 Kernel 載入,但預設情况下將其停用. 在Apple支援網站上有關10.6 64位Mac型號相容性的資訊不正確,並且與實際的EfiBoot行為不符.\n\n注意 2: 由於EfiBoot中的錯誤,較舊的10.6服務器版本將以客户端模式啟動. 考慮使用此首選項解決此問題."; /* ZjB-iQ-yjq */ "TT_kernelCache" = "如果可用,首選指定的 Kernel Cache類型(Auto, Cacheless, Mkext, Prelinked).\n\nmacOS的不同變量支援旨在提高啟動性能的不同 Kernel Cache變量.\n如果出於 Debug 和稳定性的原因而可以使用較慢的變量,則此設定將阻止使用較快的 Kernel Cache變量. 比如通過指定Mkext,預鏈接將被停用,比如只用於10.6,但不適用於10.7."; /* Quirks*/ /* FUx-RJ-QTK */ "TT_AppleCpuPmCfgLock" = "請確保你的BIOS中已經關閉了CFG Lock。如果你不會解這個鎖,你就選擇YES,這個適用於四代以前的機型。\n選擇這項一般就不要選後面的XcpmCfgLock選項,解鎖的情况下選擇NO."; /* 677-hy-Blh */ "TT_AppleXcpmCfgLock" = "請確保你的BIOS中已經關閉了CFG Lock。如果你不會解這個鎖,你就選擇YES,這個適用於四代以後的機型。\n選擇這項一般就不要選前面的CpupmCfgLock選項,解鎖的情况下選擇NO."; /* v6y-N9-uHT */ "TT_AppleXcpmExtraMsrs" = "主要在沒有原生電源管理的CPU上啟用,一般是Haswell-E, Broadwell-E, Skylake-X這三種CPU需要填寫YES。除此之外的CPU選擇NO."; /* cKa-I9-gvM */ "TT_AppleXcpmForceBoost" = "強制在XCPM模式下將電腦的cpu頻率鎖定為最高頻率,不建議開啟。\n此修補文件將0xFF00寫入MSR_IA32_PERF_CONTROL(0x199),一般而言,只有某些Xeon型號才能從該修補文件中受益."; "TT_CustomPciSerialDevice" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.7\nDescription: Performs change of PMIO register base address on a customised PCI serial device.\n\nThe patch changes the PMIO register base address that the XNU kernel uses for serial input and output, from that of the default built-in COM1 serial port 0x3F8, to the base address stored in the first IO BAR of a specified PCI device or to a specific base address (e.g. 0x2F8 for COM2).\n\nNote: By default, serial logging is disabled. serial=3 boot argument, which enables serial input and output, should be used for XNU to print logs to the serial port.\n\nNote 2: In addition to this patch, kext Apple16X50PCI0 should be prevented from attaching to have kprintf method working properly. This can be achieved by setting (i.e. Delete, then Add) the class-code property of the PCI serial port device to FFFFFFFF in DeviceProperties section. As an alternative solution, a codeless kext PCIeSerialDisable.kext shown in the spoiler PCIeSerialDisable.kext/Contents/Info.plist may also be used. In addition, for certain Thunderbolt cards the IOKit personality IOPCITunnelCompatible also needs to be set to true, which can be done by the PCIeSerialThunderboltEnable.kext.\n\nNote 3: For this patch to be correctly applied, Override must be enabled with all keys properly set in Custom, under section Misc->Serial.\n\nNote 4: This patch is for PMIO support and is therefore not applied if UseMmio under section Misc->Serial->Custom is false. For MMIO, there are boot arguments pcie_mmio_uart=ADDRESS and mmio_uart=ADDRESS that allow the kernel to use MMIO for serial port access.\n\nNote 5: The serial baud rate must be correctly set in both BaudRate under section Misc->Serial->Custom and via serialbaud=VALUE boot argument, both of which should match against each other. The default baud rate is 115200."; /* alh-j7-rix */ "TT_CustomSMBIOSGuid" = "對 UpdateSMBIOSMode 自定義模式執行 GUID 修補, 用於Dell筆記型電腦 (等同於 Clover 的 DellSMBIOSPatch)."; /* 6Aa-HL-hah */ "TT_DisableIoMapper" = "停用VT-D,我們在BIOS裡已經停用VT-D了,這裡我們選擇NO就行了."; /* koV-S4-Tkn */ "TT_DisableLinkeditJettison" = "停用__LINKEDIT拋棄代碼.\n\n此選項使Lilu.kext和可能的其他功能在macOS Big Sur中以最佳性能執行而不適用keepsyms = 1啟動参數."; /* RA3-U5-VwM */ "TT_DisableRtcChecksum" = "在AppleRTC中禁止寫入主校驗和。\n\n注意 1: 此選項不會保護其他區域不被覆蓋,如果需要,請參考RTCMemoryFixup Kernel 擴展。\n\n注意 2: 此選項不能保護區域在韌體階段不被覆蓋 (例如 macOS bootloader), 如果需要,請參考RTC(FIXME)部分."; /* XZ1-7z-v2l */ "TT_ExtendBTFeatureFlags" = "將FeatureFlags設定為0x0F,以取得藍芽的全部功能,包括Continuity。\n\n注意:此選項代替了由於後期修補進度而無法正常執行的BT4LEContinuityFixup.kext."; /* SGM-P1-Mz5 */ "TT_ExternalDiskIcons" = "AHCI控制器相關,現在的主機板都對AHCI支援的很好,一般選擇NO."; "TT_ForceAquantiaEthernet" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nRequirement: 10.15.4\nDescription: Enable Aquantia AQtion based 10GbE network cards support.\n\nThis option enables Aquantia AQtion based 10GbE network cards support, which used to work natively before macOS 10.15.4.\n\nNote: In order for Aquantia cards to properly function, DisableIoMapper must be disabled, DMAR ACPI table must not be dropped, and VT-d must be enabled in BIOS.\n\nNote2: While this patch should enable ethernet support for all Aquantia AQtion series, it has only been tested on AQC-107s based 10GbE network cards.\n\nNote 3: To address AppleVTD incompatibilities after applying this quirk, the Reserved Memory Region section of the corresponding device in the DMAR ACPI table might be removed. This table should be disassembled and be deleted. More details can be found at comment on commit 2441455."; /* Y9I-V0-r5N */ "TT_ForceSecureBootScheme" = "用於IMG4驗證的強制x86方案.\n\n注意:當使用與x86legacy不同的SecureBootModel時,此選項在虛擬機上是必需的."; /* 8Db-Hu-t2R */ "TT_IncreasePciBarSize" = "解決卡PCI configuration,如果碰到請選擇yes, 一般選擇no。\n注意,一般卡pci configuration都是因為自己錯誤的設定或硬體問題。\n在 BIOS 中啟用 Above4GDecoding 是一種更加乾淨和安全的方法。某些 X99 主機板可能需要開啟, 這些主機板通常會在 IOPCIFamily 上遇到 Kernel 崩潰"; /* nsg-T6-DJT */ "TT_LapicKernelPanic" = "停用由 AP 核心 lapic 中斷造成的 Kernel 崩潰, 通常用於「HP電腦」 (等同於 Clover 的 Kernel LAPIC),無此問題選擇NO."; /* Bdo-0T-kr8 */ "TT_LegacyCommpage" = "將預設的64位Combpage bcopy實現替換為不需要SSSE3的實現, 對舊平台有用. 由於沒有可用的不需要SSSE3的64位bcopy函數,這可以防止沒有最後一次緊急情况的commpage."; /* axF-O3-KF9 */ "TT_PanicNoKextDump" = "一般選擇NO\n在發生 Kernel 崩潰時阻止输出 Kext 列表, 提供可供排错参考的崩潰日誌, 排错時請務必開啟."; /* 6Mq-wE-cHt */ "TT_PowerTimeoutKernelPanic" = "修復 macOS Catalina 中由於裝置電源狀態變化逾時而導致的 Kernel 崩潰。\n當你遇到睡眠不能喚醒,只有重啟後才能睡眠喚醒,請試試選擇YES."; "TT_ProvideCurrentCpuInfo" = "要求: 10.8\n向 Kernel 提供及時的 CPU 資訊 \n\n目前,該問題為 Kernel 提供了正確的 TSC 和 FSB 值, 以及停用 CPU 拓撲驗證。\n\n注意:這些修補程式及時針對 Microsoft Hyper-V,可能需要擴展以用於其他目的。"; /* yhV-cY-frg */ "TT_ThirdPartyDrives" = "為 SSD 啟用 TRIM 指令, NVMe SSD 會自動被 macOS 載入因此不需要, SATA SSD 可以在終端執行 sudo trimforce enable 開啟。\n同時修復 macOS 10.15 下非蘋果原廠 SSD 無法使用硬碟休眠 (hibernatemode 25)."; /* QzX-0b-2d3 */ "TT_XhciPortLimit" = "解除15個端口限制,如果USB端口已經訂製,請選擇NO."; /* Ot6-tN-JLe */ "TT_SetApfsTrimTimeout" = "要求:10.14(較早版本不需要)\n\n為SSD上的APFS文件系统設定微調(以微秒為單位).\n根據SSD控制器的調整程式可能會花費大量時間, 導致啟動速度顯著下降,因為這是APFS驅動程式執行調整操作時. 如果SSD支援超額配置,或者存在專用的未使用分區可用於保留塊, 修剪操作可能不是必需的。另一方面,如果SSD速度慢, 預設逾時(等於9.999999秒)可能還不夠.\n\n將此值設定為4294967295以取得最大逾時以確保修剪成功,或將該值設定為999以實質上停用修剪."; /* miscController */ /* Boot */ /* 5Or-M0-hZS */ "TT_pickermode" = "選擇用於啟動管理的啟動選擇器\n支援以下值:\n•Builtin(預設值)-引導管理由OpenCore處理,使用純文字使用者界面。\n•External-使用外部引導管理協議(如果可用),否則,將使用Builtin模式。\n•Apple-使用Apple引導管理(如果可用),否則,將使用Builtin模式."; /* hdQ-rL-KAo */ "TT_pickerattributes" = "設定啟動選單(GUI界面)的屬性。\n可以配置自訂的GUI界面風格,設定值包括:\n• 0x0001 —提供引導項的自訂圖示:\n\t– APFS分區的引導根目錄下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件。 \n\t– 其他檔案系統的卷宗根目錄下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件。\n\t– .icns的工具圖示文件. \n可以在Finder中設定卷圖示。 \n• 0x0002 — 提供引導項目的自訂渲染標題:  \t– 引導器相關的.disk_label(.disk_label_2x)文件,用於所有檔案系統。  \t– 工具相關的