提交 711a9e80 编写于 作者: 草原企鹅's avatar 草原企鹅

update new keys translate

上级 74afaced
......@@ -1550,11 +1550,11 @@
/* TSX-3o-2jP */
"TT_PointerSpeedMul" = "在Apple Event协议的OpenCore实现中配置指针速度倍增器. \n\n配置加倍以进行指针移动. Apple OEM默认值为1.";
"TT_PointerPollMin" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Configure minimal pointer polling period in ms.\n\nThis is the minimal period the OpenCore builtin AppleEvent driver polls pointer devices (e.g. mice, trackpads) for motion events. The current implementation defaults to 10 ms. Setting 0 leaves this default unchanged.\n\nNote: The OEM Apple implementation uses a polling rate of 2 ms.";
"TT_PointerPollMin" = "以毫秒为单位配置最小指针轮询周期.\n\n这是 OpenCore 内置 AppleEvent 驱动程序轮询指针设备(例如鼠标、触控板)以获取运动事件的最短时间. 当前实现默认为 10 毫秒.设置 0 保持此默认值不变.\n\n注意:OEM Apple 实施使用 2 毫秒的轮询速率.";
"TT_PointerPollMax" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Configure maximum pointer polling period in ms.\n\nThis is the maximum period the OpenCore builtin AppleEvent driver polls pointer devices (e.g. mice, trackpads) for motion events. The period is increased up to this value as long as the devices do not respond in time. The current implementation defaults to 80 ms. Setting 0 leaves this default unchanged.\n\nCertain trackpad drivers often found in Dell laptops can be very slow to respond when no physical movement happens. This can affect OpenCanopy and FileVault 2 user interface responsiveness and loading times. Increasing the polling periods can reduce the impact.\n\nNote: The OEM Apple implementation uses a polling rate of 2 ms.";
"TT_PointerPollMax" = "以毫秒为单位配置最大指针轮询周期.\n\n这是 OpenCore 内置 AppleEvent 驱动程序轮询指针设备(例如鼠标、触控板)以获取运动事件的最长时间. 只要设备没有及时响应,周期就会增加到这个值. 当前实现默认为 80 毫秒. 设置 0 保持此默认值不变.\n\n戴尔笔记本电脑中常见的某些触控板驱动程序在没有发生物理移动时响应速度可能非常慢. 这会影响 OpenCanopy 和 FileVault 2 用户界面的响应能力和加载时间. 增加轮询周期可以减少影响.\n\n注意:OEM Apple 实施使用 2 毫秒的轮询速率.";
"TT_PointerPollMask" = "Type: plist integer, 32 bit\nFailsafe: -1\nDescription: Configure indices of polled pointers.\n\nSelects pointer devices to poll for AppleEvent motion events. -1 implies all devices. A bit sum is used to determine particular devices. E.g. to enable devices 0, 2, 3 the value will be 1+4+8 (corresponding powers of two). A total of 32 configurable devices is supported.\n\nCertain pointer devices can be present in the firmware even when no corresponding physical devices are available. These devices usually are placeholders, aggregate devices, or proxies. Gathering information from these devices may result in inaccurate motion activity in the user interfaces and even cause performance issues. Disabling such pointer devices is recommended for laptop setups having issues of this kind.\n\nThe amount of pointer devices available in the system can be found in the log. Refer to Found N pointer devices message for more details.\n\nNote: Has no effect when using the OEM Apple implementation (see AppleEvent setting).";
"TT_PointerPollMask" = "配置轮询指针的索引.\n\n选择指针设备以轮询 AppleEvent 运动事件. -1 表示所有设备.位总和用于确定特定设备. 例如,要启用设备 0、2、3,该值将为 1+4+8(对应的 2 次方). 共支持 32 个可配置设备.\n\n即使没有相应的物理设备可用,固件中也可能存在某些指针设备. 这些设备通常是占位符、聚合设备, 或代理. 从这些设备收集信息可能会导致用户界面中的运动活动不准确,甚至导致性能问题. 对于存在此类问题的笔记本电脑设置,建议禁用此类指针设备.\n\n系统中可用的指针设备数量可以在日志中找到. 有关详细信息,请参阅找到 N 个指针设备消息.\n\n注意:使用 OEM Apple 实现时无效(请参阅 AppleEvent 设置).";
/* Audio */
/* YTE-Ba-80O */
......@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ cat /proc/asound/card{n}/codec#{m}\n\n使用AudioOutMask, 它可以播放声音
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "macOS 引导加载程序要求 GOP (图形输出协议) 存在于控制台句柄上\n大部分的笔记本都不提供 GOP, 台式机的独立显卡可以单独刷入 GOP\n如果选择了啰嗦模式启动之后不出现Verbose详细信息,请启用此项\n开启此选项能最大可能保证 OpenCore UI 和 苹果标志 以正确分辨率显示";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "在驱动程序连接期间重新连接所有图形驱动程序.\n\n在某些固件上, 可能需要使用替代图形驱动程序在旧机器上提供更好的屏幕分辨率选项, 或支持 ForceResolution 的驱动程序此选项尝试在连接新加载的驱动程序之前断开所有当前连接的图形驱动程序.\n\n注意: 此选项需要启用 ConnectDrivers.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "在驱动程序连接期间重新连接所有图形驱动程序.\n\n在某些固件上, 可能需要使用替代图形驱动程序在旧机器上提供更好的屏幕分辨率选项, 或支持 ForceResolution 的驱动程序.此选项尝试在连接新加载的驱动程序之前断开所有当前连接的图形驱动程序.\n\n注意: 此选项需要启用 ConnectDrivers.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "有些固件在 GOP 分辨率改变后要求重新连接控制器才能输出文本, 开启这个选项会导致从 UEFI Shell 中启动 OpenCore 时直接黑屏, 尽量避免开启.\n如果你遇到开机直到登录界面之前一直是黑屏,请试试选择 YES.";
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