提交 08b5eb39 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Added ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect key description

@Eugene-grb @bluehomewu @btwise @droofy @socialskyo @sebaprawilnie
上级 aa551e6a
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "macOS 引导加载程序要求 GOP (图形输出协议) 存在于控制台句柄上\n大部分的笔记本都不提供 GOP, 台式机的独立显卡可以单独刷入 GOP\n如果选择了啰嗦模式启动之后不出现Verbose详细信息,请启用此项\n开启此选项能最大可能保证 OpenCore UI 和 苹果标志 以正确分辨率显示";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "有些固件在 GOP 分辨率改变后要求重新连接控制器才能输出文本, 开启这个选项会导致从 UEFI Shell 中启动 OpenCore 时直接黑屏, 尽量避免开启.\n如果你遇到开机直到登录界面之前一直是黑屏,请试试选择 YES.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "某些固件无法打印制表符,甚至不能打印制表符之后的所有内容,从而导致困难或无法使用UEFI Shell内置的文本编辑器来编辑属性列表和其他文档. 此选项使控制台输出空间代替制表符.\n注意:此选项仅适用于系统渲染器才能起作用.";
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect console controllers after changing screen resolution.\n\nOn certain firmware, the controllers that produce the console protocols (simple text out) must be reconnected when the screen resolution is changed via GOP. Otherwise, they will not produce text based on the new resolution.\n\nNote: On several boards this logic may result in black screen when launching OpenCore from Shell and thus it is optional. In versions prior to 0.5.2 this option was mandatory and not configurable. Please do not use this unless required.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some types of firmware do not print tab characters or everything that follows them, causing difficulties in using the UEFI Shell’s builtin text editor to edit property lists and other documents. This option makes the console output spaces instead of tabs.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect console controllers after changing screen resolution.\n\nOn certain firmware, the controllers that produce the console protocols (simple text out) must be reconnected when the screen resolution is changed via GOP. Otherwise, they will not produce text based on the new resolution.\n\nNote: On several boards this logic may result in black screen when launching OpenCore from Shell and thus it is optional. In versions prior to 0.5.2 this option was mandatory and not configurable. Please do not use this unless required.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some types of firmware do not print tab characters or everything that follows them, causing difficulties in using the UEFI Shell’s builtin text editor to edit property lists and other documents. This option makes the console output spaces instead of tabs.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect console controllers after changing screen resolution.\n\nOn certain firmware, the controllers that produce the console protocols (simple text out) must be reconnected when the screen resolution is changed via GOP. Otherwise, they will not produce text based on the new resolution.\n\nNote: On several boards this logic may result in black screen when launching OpenCore from Shell and thus it is optional. In versions prior to 0.5.2 this option was mandatory and not configurable. Please do not use this unless required.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some types of firmware do not print tab characters or everything that follows them, causing difficulties in using the UEFI Shell’s builtin text editor to edit property lists and other documents. This option makes the console output spaces instead of tabs.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect console controllers after changing screen resolution.\n\nOn certain firmware, the controllers that produce the console protocols (simple text out) must be reconnected when the screen resolution is changed via GOP. Otherwise, they will not produce text based on the new resolution.\n\nNote: On several boards this logic may result in black screen when launching OpenCore from Shell and thus it is optional. In versions prior to 0.5.2 this option was mandatory and not configurable. Please do not use this unless required.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some types of firmware do not print tab characters or everything that follows them, causing difficulties in using the UEFI Shell’s builtin text editor to edit property lists and other documents. This option makes the console output spaces instead of tabs.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
......@@ -1628,6 +1628,8 @@
"TT_ProvideConsoleGop" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Ensure GOP (Graphics Output Protocol) on console handle.\nmacOS bootloader requires GOP or UGA (for 10.4 EfiBoot) to be present on console handle, yet the exact location of the graphics protocol is not covered by the UEFI specification. This option will ensure GOP and UGA, if present, are available on the console handle.\n\nNote: This option will also replace incompatible implementations of GOP on the console handle, as may be the case on the MacPro5,1 when using modern GPUs.";
"TT_ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect all graphics drivers during driver connection.\n\nOn certain firmware, it may be desireable to use an alternative graphics driver providing better screen resolution options on legacy machines, or a driver supporting ForceResolution. This option attempts to disconnect all currently connected graphics drivers before connecting newly loaded drivers.\n\nNote: This option requires ConnectDrivers to be enabled.";
"TT_ReconnectOnResChange" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Reconnect console controllers after changing screen resolution.\n\nOn certain firmware, the controllers that produce the console protocols (simple text out) must be reconnected when the screen resolution is changed via GOP. Otherwise, they will not produce text based on the new resolution.\n\nNote: On several boards this logic may result in black screen when launching OpenCore from Shell and thus it is optional. In versions prior to 0.5.2 this option was mandatory and not configurable. Please do not use this unless required.";
"TT_ReplaceTabWithSpace" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Some types of firmware do not print tab characters or everything that follows them, causing difficulties in using the UEFI Shell’s builtin text editor to edit property lists and other documents. This option makes the console output spaces instead of tabs.\n\nNote: This option only applies to System renderer.";
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