提交 d405414c 编写于 作者: Z zengbin93

0.5.4 新增获取分段方法

上级 7ff8339f
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ except ImportError:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from czsc.utils import plot_ka
def find_zs(points):
......@@ -809,7 +808,7 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
return bc
def get_sub_section(self, start_dt: datetime, end_dt: datetime, mode="bi", is_last=True):
def get_sub_section(self, start_dt, end_dt, mode="bi", is_last=True):
:param start_dt: datetime
......@@ -847,7 +846,7 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
return [x for x in points if end_dt >= x['dt'] >= start_dt]
def calculate_macd_power(self, start_dt: datetime, end_dt: datetime, mode='bi', direction="up"):
def calculate_macd_power(self, start_dt, end_dt, mode='bi', direction="up"):
"""用 MACD 计算走势段(start_dt ~ end_dt)的力度
:param start_dt: datetime
......@@ -876,7 +875,7 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
raise ValueError
return power
def calculate_vol_power(self, start_dt: datetime, end_dt: datetime):
def calculate_vol_power(self, start_dt, end_dt):
"""用 VOL 计算走势段(start_dt ~ end_dt)的力度
:param start_dt: datetime
......@@ -890,3 +889,105 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
power = sum([x['vol'] for x in fd_vol])
return int(power)
def get_latest_fd(self, n=6, mode="bi"):
fd 为 dict 对象,表示一段走势,可以是笔、线段,样例如下:
fd = {
"start_dt": "",
"end_dt": "",
"power": 0, # 力度
"direction": "up",
"high": 0,
"low": 0,
"mode": "bi"
:param n:
:param mode:
:return: list of dict
if mode == 'bi':
points = self.bi_list[-(n + 1):]
elif mode == 'xd':
points = self.xd_list[-(n + 1):]
raise ValueError
res = []
for i in range(len(points)-1):
p1 = points[i]
p2 = points[i+1]
direction = "up" if p1[mode] < p2[mode] else "down"
power = self.calculate_macd_power(start_dt=p1['dt'], end_dt=p2['dt'], mode=mode, direction=direction)
"start_dt": p1['dt'],
"end_dt": p2['dt'],
"power": power,
"direction": direction,
"high": max(p1[mode], p2[mode]),
"low": min(p1[mode], p2[mode]),
"mode": mode
return res
def get_last_fd(self, mode='bi'):
:param mode: str
可选值 ['bi', 'xd'],默认值 'bi'
if mode == 'bi':
p1 = self.bi_list[-1]
points = [x for x in self.fx_list[-60:] if x['dt'] >= p1['dt']]
if len(points) < 2:
return None
if p1['fx_mark'] == 'd':
direction = "up"
max_fx = max([x['fx'] for x in points if x['fx_mark'] == 'g'])
p2 = [x for x in points if x['fx'] == max_fx][0]
elif p1['fx_mark'] == 'g':
direction = "down"
min_fx = min([x['fx'] for x in points if x['fx_mark'] == 'd'])
p2 = [x for x in points if x['fx'] == min_fx][0]
raise ValueError
p2 = dict(p2)
p2['bi'] = p2.pop('fx')
elif mode == 'xd':
p1 = self.xd_list[-1]
points = [x for x in self.bi_list[-60:] if x['dt'] >= p1['dt']]
if len(points) < 4:
return None
if p1['fx_mark'] == 'd':
direction = "up"
max_fx = max([x['bi'] for x in points if x['fx_mark'] == 'g'])
p2 = [x for x in points if x['bi'] == max_fx][0]
elif p1['fx_mark'] == 'g':
direction = "down"
min_fx = min([x['bi'] for x in points if x['fx_mark'] == 'd'])
p2 = [x for x in points if x['bi'] == min_fx][0]
raise ValueError
p2 = dict(p2)
p2['xd'] = p2.pop('bi')
raise ValueError
power = self.calculate_macd_power(start_dt=p1['dt'], end_dt=p2['dt'], mode=mode, direction=direction)
return {
"start_dt": p1['dt'],
"end_dt": p2['dt'],
"power": power,
"direction": direction,
"high": max(p1[mode], p2[mode]),
"low": min(p1[mode], p2[mode]),
"mode": mode
......@@ -357,9 +357,7 @@ class Signals:
self.klines = klines
self.kas = {k: KlineAnalyze(self.klines[k], name=k, min_bi_k=5,
ma_params=(5, 20, 120),
max_raw_len=5000, verbose=False)
self.kas = {k: KlineAnalyze(self.klines[k], name=k, ma_params=(5, 20, 120), max_xd_len=20, verbose=False)
for k in self.klines.keys()}
self.symbol = self.kas["1分钟"].symbol
self.end_dt = self.kas["1分钟"].end_dt
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