提交 426a5a20 编写于 作者: Z zengbin93

0.5.5 优化third_bs

上级 9f9dc2db
......@@ -143,9 +143,13 @@ def check_third_bs(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5):
zs_g = min(fd1['high'], fd2['high'], fd3['high'])
third_bs = {"third_bs": "没有第三类买卖点", "notes": ""}
if max(fd1['power'], fd2['power'], fd3['power'], fd4['power'], fd5['power']) != fd4['power']:
third_bs = {"third_bs": "没有第三类买卖点", "notes": "第四段不是力度最大的段"}
return third_bs
if zs_g < zs_d:
third_bs = {"third_bs": "没有第三类买卖点", "notes": "前三段不构成中枢,无第三类买卖点"}
return third_bs
if fd4['low'] < zs_d and fd5['high'] < zs_d:
third_bs = {"third_bs": "三卖", "notes": "前三段构成中枢,第四段向下离开,第五段不回中枢"}
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