import * as fs from 'mz/fs' import * as path from 'path' const nodeModule = require('module') const nodeRequire = (global as any).require declare function delay (ms: number): Promise function normalizePath (path: string): string { const cygwinPrefix = '/cygdrive/' if (path.startsWith(cygwinPrefix)) { path = path.substring(cygwinPrefix.length).replace('/', '\\') path = path[0] + ':' + path.substring(1) } return path } => nodeModule.globalPaths.push(normalizePath(x))) if (process.env.DEV) { nodeModule.globalPaths.unshift(path.dirname(require('electron') } const builtinPluginsPath = process.env.DEV ? path.dirname(require('electron') : path.join((process as any).resourcesPath, 'builtin-plugins') const userPluginsPath = path.join( require('electron')'appData'), 'terminus', 'plugins', ) Object.assign(window, { builtinPluginsPath, userPluginsPath }) nodeModule.globalPaths.unshift(builtinPluginsPath) nodeModule.globalPaths.unshift(path.join(userPluginsPath, 'node_modules')) // nodeModule.globalPaths.unshift(path.join((process as any).resourcesPath, 'app.asar', 'node_modules')) if (process.env.TERMINUS_PLUGINS) { process.env.TERMINUS_PLUGINS.split(':').map(x => nodeModule.globalPaths.push(normalizePath(x))) } export declare type ProgressCallback = (current, total) => void export interface IPluginInfo { name: string description: string packageName: string isBuiltin: boolean version: string author: string homepage?: string path?: string info?: any } const builtinModules = [ '@angular/animations', '@angular/common', '@angular/compiler', '@angular/core', '@angular/forms', '@angular/platform-browser', '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic', '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap', 'ngx-toastr', 'rxjs', 'terminus-core', 'terminus-settings', 'terminus-terminal', 'zone.js/dist/zone.js', ] const cachedBuiltinModules = {} builtinModules.forEach(m => { cachedBuiltinModules[m] = nodeRequire(m) }) const originalRequire = nodeRequire('module').prototype.require nodeRequire('module').prototype.require = function (query) { if (cachedBuiltinModules[query]) { return cachedBuiltinModules[query] } return originalRequire.apply(this, arguments) } export async function findPlugins (): Promise { let paths = nodeModule.globalPaths let foundPlugins: IPluginInfo[] = [] let candidateLocations: { pluginDir: string, packageName: string }[] = [] for (let pluginDir of paths) { pluginDir = normalizePath(pluginDir) if (!await fs.exists(pluginDir)) { continue } let pluginNames = await fs.readdir(pluginDir) if (await fs.exists(path.join(pluginDir, 'package.json'))) { candidateLocations.push({ pluginDir: path.dirname(pluginDir), packageName: path.basename(pluginDir) }) } for (let packageName of pluginNames) { candidateLocations.push({ pluginDir, packageName }) } } for (let { pluginDir, packageName } of candidateLocations) { let pluginPath = path.join(pluginDir, packageName) let infoPath = path.join(pluginPath, 'package.json') if (!await fs.exists(infoPath)) { continue } let name = packageName.substring('terminus-'.length) if (foundPlugins.some(x => === name)) {`Plugin ${packageName} already exists, overriding`) foundPlugins = foundPlugins.filter(x => !== name) } try { let info = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(infoPath, {encoding: 'utf-8'})) if (!info.keywords || !(info.keywords.includes('terminus-plugin') || info.keywords.includes('terminus-builtin-plugin'))) { continue } let author = author = || author foundPlugins.push({ name: name, packageName: packageName, isBuiltin: pluginDir === builtinPluginsPath, version: info.version, description: info.description, author, path: pluginPath, info, }) } catch (error) { console.error('Cannot load package info for', packageName) } } (window as any).installedPlugins = foundPlugins return foundPlugins } export async function loadPlugins (foundPlugins: IPluginInfo[], progress: ProgressCallback): Promise { let plugins: any[] = [] progress(0, 1) let index = 0 for (let foundPlugin of foundPlugins) {`Loading ${}: ${nodeRequire.resolve(foundPlugin.path)}`) progress(index, foundPlugins.length) try { let packageModule = nodeRequire(foundPlugin.path) let pluginModule = packageModule.default.forRoot ? packageModule.default.forRoot() : packageModule.default pluginModule['pluginName'] = pluginModule['bootstrap'] = packageModule.bootstrap plugins.push(pluginModule) } catch (error) { console.error(`Could not load ${}:`, error) } await delay(1) index++ } progress(1, 1) return plugins }