import * as psNode from 'ps-node' import * as fs from 'mz/fs' import * as os from 'os' import * as nodePTY from 'node-pty' import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs' import { first } from 'rxjs/operators' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { Logger, LogService, ConfigService } from 'terminus-core' import { exec } from 'mz/child_process' import { SessionOptions } from '../api/interfaces' import { WIN_BUILD_CONPTY_SUPPORTED, isWindowsBuild } from '../utils' /* eslint-disable block-scoped-var */ try { var macOSNativeProcessList = require('macos-native-processlist') // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires } catch { } try { var windowsProcessTree = require('windows-process-tree') // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires } catch { } export interface ChildProcess { pid: number ppid: number command: string } const windowsDirectoryRegex = /([a-zA-Z]:[^\:\[\]\?\"\<\>\|]+)/mi const catalinaDataVolumePrefix = '/System/Volumes/Data' const OSC1337Prefix = '\x1b]1337;' const OSC1337Suffix = '\x07' /** * A session object for a [[BaseTerminalTabComponent]] * Extend this to implement custom I/O and process management for your terminal tab */ export abstract class BaseSession { open: boolean name: string truePID: number protected output = new Subject() protected closed = new Subject() protected destroyed = new Subject() private initialDataBuffer = '' private initialDataBufferReleased = false get output$ (): Observable { return this.output } get closed$ (): Observable { return this.closed } get destroyed$ (): Observable { return this.destroyed } emitOutput (data: string) { if (!this.initialDataBufferReleased) { this.initialDataBuffer += data } else { } } releaseInitialDataBuffer () { this.initialDataBufferReleased = true this.initialDataBuffer = '' } async destroy (): Promise { if ( { = false this.output.complete() await this.gracefullyKillProcess() } } abstract start (options: SessionOptions): void abstract resize (columns: number, rows: number): void abstract write (data: string): void abstract kill (signal?: string): void abstract async getChildProcesses (): Promise abstract async gracefullyKillProcess (): Promise abstract async getWorkingDirectory (): Promise } /** @hidden */ export class Session extends BaseSession { private pty: any private pauseAfterExit = false private guessedCWD: string|null = null private reportedCWD: string constructor (private config: ConfigService) { super() } start (options: SessionOptions) { = || '' const env = { ...process.env, TERM: 'xterm-256color', TERM_PROGRAM: 'Terminus', ...options.env, || {}, } if (process.platform === 'darwin' && !process.env.LC_ALL) { const locale = process.env.LC_CTYPE || 'en_US.UTF-8' Object.assign(env, { LANG: locale, LC_ALL: locale, LC_MESSAGES: locale, LC_NUMERIC: locale, LC_COLLATE: locale, LC_MONETARY: locale, }) } let cwd = options.cwd || process.env.HOME if (!fs.existsSync(cwd)) { console.warn('Ignoring non-existent CWD:', cwd) cwd = undefined } this.pty = nodePTY.spawn(options.command, options.args || [], { name: 'xterm-256color', cols: options.width || 80, rows: options.height || 30, cwd, env: env, // `1` instead of `true` forces ConPTY even if unstable experimentalUseConpty: (isWindowsBuild(WIN_BUILD_CONPTY_SUPPORTED) && ? 1 : false) as any, }) this.guessedCWD = cwd || null this.truePID = this.pty['pid'] setTimeout(async () => { // Retrieve any possible single children now that shell has fully started let processes = await this.getChildProcesses() while (processes.length === 1) { this.truePID = processes[0].pid processes = await this.getChildProcesses() } }, 2000) = true this.pty.on('data-buffered', data => { data = this.processOSC1337(data) this.emitOutput(data) if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.guessWindowsCWD(data) } }) this.pty.on('exit', () => { if (this.pauseAfterExit) { return } else if ( { this.destroy() } }) this.pty.on('close', () => { if (this.pauseAfterExit) { this.emitOutput('\r\nPress any key to close\r\n') } else if ( { this.destroy() } }) this.pauseAfterExit = options.pauseAfterExit || false } processOSC1337 (data: string) { if (data.includes(OSC1337Prefix)) { const preData = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(OSC1337Prefix)) let params = data.substring(data.indexOf(OSC1337Prefix) + OSC1337Prefix.length) const postData = params.substring(params.indexOf(OSC1337Suffix) + OSC1337Suffix.length) params = params.substring(0, params.indexOf(OSC1337Suffix)) if (params.startsWith('CurrentDir=')) { this.reportedCWD = params.split('=')[1] if (this.reportedCWD.startsWith('~')) { this.reportedCWD = os.homedir() + this.reportedCWD.substring(1) } data = preData + postData } } return data } resize (columns, rows) { if (this.pty._writable) { this.pty.resize(columns, rows) } } write (data) { if ( { if (this.pty._writable) { this.pty.write(Buffer.from(data, 'utf-8')) } else { this.destroy() } } } kill (signal?: string) { this.pty.kill(signal) } async getChildProcesses (): Promise { if (!this.truePID) { return [] } if (process.platform === 'darwin') { const processes = await macOSNativeProcessList.getProcessList() return processes.filter(x => x.ppid === this.truePID).map(p => ({ pid:, ppid: p.ppid, command:, })) } if (process.platform === 'win32') { return new Promise(resolve => { windowsProcessTree.getProcessTree(this.truePID, tree => { resolve(tree ? => ({ pid:, ppid:, command:, })) : []) }) }) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { psNode.lookup({ ppid: this.truePID }, (err, processes) => { if (err) { return reject(err) } resolve(processes as ChildProcess[]) }) }) } async gracefullyKillProcess (): Promise { if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.kill() } else { await new Promise((resolve) => { this.kill('SIGTERM') setImmediate(() => { if (! { resolve() } else { setTimeout(() => { if ( { this.kill('SIGKILL') } resolve() }, 1000) } }) }) } } async getWorkingDirectory (): Promise { if (this.reportedCWD) { return this.reportedCWD } if (!this.truePID) { return null } if (process.platform === 'darwin') { let lines: string[] try { lines = (await exec(`lsof -p ${this.truePID} -Fn`))[0].toString().split('\n') } catch (e) { return null } let cwd = lines[lines[1] === 'fcwd' ? 2 : 1].substring(1) if (cwd.startsWith(catalinaDataVolumePrefix)) { cwd = cwd.substring(catalinaDataVolumePrefix.length) } return cwd } if (process.platform === 'linux') { return fs.readlink(`/proc/${this.truePID}/cwd`) } if (process.platform === 'win32') { if (!this.guessedCWD) { return null } try { await fs.access(this.guessedCWD) } catch (e) { return null } return this.guessedCWD } return null } private guessWindowsCWD (data: string) { const match = windowsDirectoryRegex.exec(data) if (match) { this.guessedCWD = match[0] } } } /** @hidden */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class SessionsService { sessions: {[id: string]: BaseSession} = {} logger: Logger private lastID = 0 constructor ( log: LogService, ) { require('../bufferizedPTY')(nodePTY) // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires this.logger = log.create('sessions') } addSession (session: BaseSession, options: SessionOptions) { this.lastID++ = `session-${this.lastID}` session.start(options) session.destroyed$.pipe(first()).subscribe(() => { delete this.sessions[] }) this.sessions[] = session return session } }