# Contributing to PDM First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions include but are not restricted to: - Reporting bugs - Contributing to code - Writing tests - Writing documentation The following is a set of guidelines for contributing. ## A recommended flow of contributing to an Open Source project This section is for beginners to OSS. If you are an experienced OSS developer, you can skip this section. 1. First, fork this project to your own namespace using the fork button at the top right of the repository page. 2. Clone the **upstream** repository to local: ```bash git clone https://github.com/pdm-project/pdm.git # Or if you prefer SSH clone: git clone git@github.com:pdm-project/pdm.git ``` 3. Add the fork as a new remote: ```bash git remote add fork https://github.com/yourname/pdm.git git fetch fork ``` where `fork` is the remote name of the fork repository. **ProTips:** 1. Don't modify code on the main branch, the main branch should always keep track of origin/main. To update main branch to date: ```bash git pull origin main # In rare cases that your local main branch diverges from the remote main: git fetch origin && git reset --hard main ``` 2. Create a new branch based on the up-to-date main branch for new patches. 3. Create a Pull Request from that patch branch. ## Local development To make sure the test suites can run correctly, you need to install [Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/), then ```bash git lfs install # If you have already cloned the repository, execute the below command as well. git lfs pull ``` Then, you need to install base dependencies in a venv. Make sure your `pip` is newer than `21.3` to install PDM in develop/editable mode. ```bash python -m pip install -U "pip>=21.3" python -m pip install -e . ``` You are free to create a virtualenv with either `venv` module or `virtualenv` tool for the development. If you are doing so, you may also need to set `pdm config use_venv true` after installation is done. Now, all dependencies are installed into the Python environment you choose, which will be used for development after this point. ### Run tests ```bash pdm run test ``` The test suite is still simple and needs expansion! Please help write more test cases. !!! note You can also run your test suite against all supported Python version using `tox` with the `tox-pdm` plugin. You can either run it by yourself with: ```shell tox ``` or from `pdm` with: ```shell pdm run tox ``` ### Code style PDM uses `pre-commit` for linting. Install `pre-commit` first, then: ```bash pre-commit install pdm run lint ``` PDM uses `black` for code style and `isort` for sorting import statements. If you are not following them, the CI will fail and your Pull Request will not be merged. ### News fragments When you make changes such as fixing a bug or adding a feature, you must add a news fragment describing your change. News fragments are placed in the `news/` directory, and should be named according to this pattern: `..md` (e.g., `566.bugfix.md`). #### Issue Types - `feature`: Features and improvements - `bugfix`: Bug fixes - `refactor`: Code restructures - `doc`: Added or improved documentation - `dep`: Changes to dependencies - `removal`: Removals or deprecations in the API - `misc`: Miscellaneous changes that don't fit any of the other categories The contents of the file should be a single sentence in the imperative mood that describes your changes. (e.g., `Deduplicate the plugins list.` ) See entries in the [Change Log](/changelog) for more examples. ### Preview the documentation If you make some changes to the `docs/` and you want to preview the build result, simply do: ```bash pdm run doc ``` ## Release Once all changes are done and ready to release, you can preview the changelog contents by running: ```bash pdm run release --dry-run ``` Make sure the next version and the changelog are as expected in the output. Then cut a release on the **main** branch: ```bash pdm run release ``` GitHub action will create the release and upload the distributions to PyPI. Read more options about version bumping by `pdm run release --help`.