import os import sphinx.errors import sys # Ensure we get the local copy of tornado instead of what's on the standard path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) import tornado master_doc = "index" project = "Tornado" copyright = "The Tornado Authors" version = release = tornado.version extensions = [ "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.coverage", "sphinx.ext.doctest", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx.ext.viewcode", "sphinxcontrib.asyncio", ] primary_domain = "py" default_role = "py:obj" autodoc_member_order = "bysource" autoclass_content = "both" autodoc_inherit_docstrings = False # Without this line sphinx includes a copy of object.__init__'s docstring # on any class that doesn't define __init__. # autodoc_docstring_signature = False coverage_skip_undoc_in_source = True coverage_ignore_modules = [ "tornado.platform.asyncio", "tornado.platform.caresresolver", "tornado.platform.twisted", "tornado.simple_httpclient", ] # I wish this could go in a per-module file... coverage_ignore_classes = [ # tornado.gen "Runner", # tornado.web "ChunkedTransferEncoding", "GZipContentEncoding", "OutputTransform", "TemplateModule", "url", # tornado.websocket "WebSocketProtocol", "WebSocketProtocol13", "WebSocketProtocol76", ] coverage_ignore_functions = [ # various modules "doctests", "main", # tornado.escape # parse_qs_bytes should probably be documented but it's complicated by # having different implementations between py2 and py3. "parse_qs_bytes", # tornado.gen "Multi", ] html_favicon = "favicon.ico" latex_documents = [ ( "index", "tornado.tex", "Tornado Documentation", "The Tornado Authors", "manual", False, ) ] intersphinx_mapping = {"python": ("", None)} on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) == "True" # On RTD we can't import sphinx_rtd_theme, but it will be applied by # default anyway. This block will use the same theme when building locally # as on RTD. if not on_rtd: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # Suppress warnings about "class reference target not found" for these types. # In most cases these types come from type annotations and are for mypy's use. missing_references = { # Generic type variables; nothing to link to. "_IOStreamType", "_S", "_T", # Standard library types which are defined in one module and documented # in another. We could probably remap them to their proper location if # there's not an upstream fix in python and/or sphinx. "_asyncio.Future", "_io.BytesIO", "asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.run_forever", "", "concurrent.futures._base.Executor", "concurrent.futures._base.Future", "futures.Future", "socket.socket", "TextIO", # Other stuff. I'm not sure why some of these are showing up, but # I'm just listing everything here to avoid blocking the upgrade of sphinx. "Future", "httputil.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate", "httputil.HTTPServerRequest", "OutputTransform", "Pattern", "RAISE", "Rule", "socket.AddressFamily", "tornado.concurrent._T", "tornado.gen._T", "tornado.ioloop._S", "tornado.ioloop._T", "tornado.ioloop._Selectable", "tornado.iostream._IOStreamType", "tornado.locks._ReleasingContextManager", "tornado.queues._T", "tornado.options._Mockable", "tornado.web._ArgDefaultMarker", "tornado.web._HandlerDelegate", "tornado.web._RequestHandlerType", "_RequestHandlerType", "traceback", "WSGIAppType", "Yieldable", } def missing_reference_handler(app, env, node, contnode): if node["reftarget"] in missing_references: raise sphinx.errors.NoUri def setup(app): app.connect("missing-reference", missing_reference_handler)