package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * TTL Java Agent. *

* Since {@code v2.6.0}, TTL agent jar will auto add self to {@code boot classpath}. * But you should NOT modify the downloaded TTL jar file name in the maven repo(eg: {@code transmittable-thread-local-2.x.x.jar}).
* if you modified the downloaded TTL agent jar file name(eg: {@code ttl-foo-name-changed.jar}), * you must add TTL agent jar to {@code boot classpath} manually * by java option {@code -Xbootclasspath/a:path/to/ttl-foo-name-changed.jar}. *

* The implementation of auto adding self agent jar to {@code boot classpath} use * the {@code Boot-Class-Path} property of manifest file({@code META-INF/MANIFEST.MF}) in the TTL Java Agent Jar: *

* A list of paths to be searched by the bootstrap class loader. Paths represent directories or libraries (commonly referred to as JAR or zip libraries on many platforms). * These paths are searched by the bootstrap class loader after the platform specific mechanisms of locating a class have failed. Paths are searched in the order listed. *

* More info about {@code Boot-Class-Path} see * The mechanism for instrumentation. * * @author Jerry Lee (oldratlee at gmail dot com) * @see Instrumentation * @see The mechanism for instrumentation * @see JAR File Specification - JAR Manifest * @see Working with Manifest Files - The Java™ TutorialsHide * @since 0.9.0 */ public final class TtlAgent { private TtlAgent() { throw new InstantiationError("Must not instantiate this class"); } /** * Entrance method of TTL Java Agent. * *

TTL Agent configuration

* Configure TTL agent via agent arguments, format is {@code k1:v1,k2:v2}. Below is available configuration keys. * *

The log configuration

* The log of TTL Java Agent is config by key {@code ttl.agent.logger}. * * *

* configuration example: *

* *

Enable TimerTask class decoration

* Enable TimerTask class decoration is config by key {@code ttl.agent.enable.timer.task}. Do not enable when no configuration for this key. *

* configuration example: {@code -javaagent:/path/to/transmittable-thread-local-2.x.x.jar=ttl.agent.enable.timer.task:true} * *

Multi key configuration example

* {@code -javaagent:/path/to/transmittable-thread-local-2.x.x.jar=ttl.agent.logger:STDOUT,ttl.agent.enable.timer.task:true} * * @see The mechanism for instrumentation * @see Logger * @see Logger#TTL_AGENT_LOGGER_KEY * @see Logger#STDERR * @see Logger#STDOUT */ public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) { final Map kvs = splitCommaColonStringToKV(agentArgs); Logger.setLoggerImplType(getLogImplTypeFromAgentArgs(kvs)); final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TtlAgent.class); try {"[TtlAgent.premain] begin, agentArgs: " + agentArgs + ", Instrumentation: " + inst); final List> transformletList = new ArrayList>(); transformletList.add(TtlExecutorTransformlet.class); transformletList.add(TtlForkJoinTransformlet.class); if (enableTimerTask(kvs)) { transformletList.add(TtlTimerTaskTransformlet.class); } final ClassFileTransformer transformer = new TtlTransformer(transformletList); inst.addTransformer(transformer, true);"[TtlAgent.premain] addTransformer " + transformer.getClass() + " success");"[TtlAgent.premain] end"); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Fail to load TtlAgent , cause: " + e.toString(); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } } private static String getLogImplTypeFromAgentArgs(final Map kvs) { return kvs.get(Logger.TTL_AGENT_LOGGER_KEY); } private static final String TTL_AGENT_ENABLE_TIMER_TASK_KEY = "ttl.agent.enable.timer.task"; private static boolean enableTimerTask(final Map kvs) { final boolean hasEnableKey = kvs.containsKey(TTL_AGENT_ENABLE_TIMER_TASK_KEY); if (!hasEnableKey) return false; return !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(kvs.get(TTL_AGENT_ENABLE_TIMER_TASK_KEY)); } /** * Split to {@code json} like String({@code "k1:v1,k2:v2"}) to KV map({"k1"->"v1", "k2" -> "v2"}). */ static Map splitCommaColonStringToKV(String commaColonString) { Map ret = new HashMap(); if (commaColonString == null || commaColonString.trim().length() == 0) return ret; final String[] splitKvArray = commaColonString.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (String kvString : splitKvArray) { final String[] kv = kvString.trim().split("\\s*:\\s*"); if (kv.length == 0) continue; if (kv.length == 1) ret.put(kv[0], ""); else { ret.put(kv[0], kv[1]); } } return ret; } }