import * as THREE from 'three' import { PointerLockControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/PointerLockControls' import Player, { Mode } from '../player' import Terrain, { BlockType } from '../terrain' import Block from '../terrain/mesh/block' import Noise from '../terrain/noise' import Audio from '../audio' import { isMobile } from '../utils' enum Side { front, back, left, right, down, up } export default class Control { constructor( scene: THREE.Scene, camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera, player: Player, terrain: Terrain, audio: Audio ) { this.scene = scene = camera this.player = player this.terrain = terrain this.control = new PointerLockControls(camera, document.body) = audio this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster() this.raycaster.far = 8 this.far = this.player.body.height this.initRayCaster() this.initEventListeners() } // core properties scene: THREE.Scene camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera player: Player terrain: Terrain control: PointerLockControls audio: Audio velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) // collide and jump properties frontCollide = false backCollide = false leftCollide = false rightCollide = false downCollide = true upCollide = false isJumping = false raycasterDown = new THREE.Raycaster() raycasterUp = new THREE.Raycaster() raycasterFront = new THREE.Raycaster() raycasterBack = new THREE.Raycaster() raycasterRight = new THREE.Raycaster() raycasterLeft = new THREE.Raycaster() tempMesh = new THREE.InstancedMesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(), 100 ) tempMeshMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute( new Float32Array(100 * 16), 16 ) // other properties p1 = p2 = raycaster: THREE.Raycaster far: number holdingBlock = BlockType.grass holdingBlocks = [ BlockType.grass, BlockType.stone, BlockType.tree, BlockType.wood, BlockType.diamond, BlockType.quartz,, BlockType.grass, BlockType.grass, BlockType.grass ] holdingIndex = 0 wheelGap = false clickInterval?: ReturnType jumpInterval?: ReturnType mouseHolding = false spaceHolding = false initRayCaster = () => { this.raycasterUp.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0) this.raycasterDown.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0) this.raycasterFront.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0) this.raycasterBack.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(-1, 0, 0) this.raycasterLeft.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1) this.raycasterRight.ray.direction = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1) this.raycasterUp.far = 1.2 this.raycasterDown.far = this.player.body.height this.raycasterFront.far = this.player.body.width this.raycasterBack.far = this.player.body.width this.raycasterLeft.far = this.player.body.width this.raycasterRight.far = this.player.body.width } setMovementHandler = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.repeat) { return } switch (e.key) { case 'q': if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking) { this.player.setMode(Mode.flying) } else { this.player.setMode(Mode.walking) } this.velocity.y = 0 this.velocity.x = 0 this.velocity.z = 0 break case 'w': case 'W': this.velocity.x += this.player.speed break case 's': case 'S': this.velocity.x -= this.player.speed break case 'a': case 'A': this.velocity.z -= this.player.speed break case 'd': case 'D': this.velocity.z += this.player.speed break case ' ': if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking) { // jump if (!this.isJumping) { this.velocity.y = 8 this.isJumping = true this.downCollide = false this.far = 0 setTimeout(() => { this.far = this.player.body.height }, 300) } } else { this.velocity.y += this.player.speed } if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking && !this.spaceHolding) { this.spaceHolding = true this.jumpInterval = setInterval(() => { this.setMovementHandler(e) }, 10) } break case 'Shift': if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking) { } else { this.velocity.y -= this.player.speed } break default: break } } resetMovementHandler = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.repeat) { return } switch (e.key) { case 'w': case 'W': this.velocity.x = 0 break case 's': case 'S': this.velocity.x = 0 break case 'a': case 'A': this.velocity.z = 0 break case 'd': case 'D': this.velocity.z = 0 break case ' ': this.jumpInterval && clearInterval(this.jumpInterval) this.spaceHolding = false if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking) { return } this.velocity.y = 0 break case 'Shift': if (this.player.mode === Mode.walking) { return } this.velocity.y = 0 break default: break } } mousedownHandler = (e: MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault() // let p1 = this.raycaster.setFromCamera({ x: 0, y: 0 }, const block = this.raycaster.intersectObjects(this.terrain.blocks)[0] const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4() switch (e.button) { // left click to remove block case 0: { if (block && block.object instanceof THREE.InstancedMesh) { // calculate position block.object.getMatrixAt(block.instanceId!, matrix) const position = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(matrix) // don't remove bedrock if ( (BlockType[ as any] as unknown as BlockType) === BlockType.bedrock ) { this.terrain.generateAdjacentBlocks(position) return } // remove the block block.object.setMatrixAt( block.instanceId!, new THREE.Matrix4().set( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ) // block and sound effect BlockType[ as any] as unknown as BlockType ) const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1), this.terrain.materials.get( this.terrain.materialType[ parseInt(BlockType[ as any]) ] ) ) mesh.position.set(position.x, position.y, position.z) this.scene.add(mesh) const time = let raf = 0 const animate = () => { if ( - time > 250) { this.scene.remove(mesh) cancelAnimationFrame(raf) return } raf = requestAnimationFrame(animate) mesh.geometry.scale(0.85, 0.85, 0.85) } animate() // update block.object.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true // check existence let existed = false for (const customBlock of this.terrain.customBlocks) { if ( customBlock.x === position.x && customBlock.y === position.y && customBlock.z === position.z ) { existed = true customBlock.placed = false } } // add to custom blocks when it's not existed if (!existed) { this.terrain.customBlocks.push( new Block( position.x, position.y, position.z, BlockType[ as any] as unknown as BlockType, false ) ) } // generate adjacent blocks this.terrain.generateAdjacentBlocks(position) } } break // right click to put block case 2: { if (block && block.object instanceof THREE.InstancedMesh) { // calculate normal and position const normal = block.face!.normal block.object.getMatrixAt(block.instanceId!, matrix) const position = new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(matrix) // return when block overlaps with player if ( position.x + normal.x === Math.round( && position.z + normal.z === Math.round( && (position.y + normal.y === Math.round( || position.y + normal.y === Math.round( - 1)) ) { return } // put the block matrix.setPosition( normal.x + position.x, normal.y + position.y, normal.z + position.z ) this.terrain.blocks[this.holdingBlock].setMatrixAt( this.terrain.getCount(this.holdingBlock), matrix ) this.terrain.setCount(this.holdingBlock) //sound effect // update this.terrain.blocks[this.holdingBlock].instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true // add to custom blocks this.terrain.customBlocks.push( new Block( normal.x + position.x, normal.y + position.y, normal.z + position.z, this.holdingBlock, true ) ) } } break default: break } if (!isMobile && !this.mouseHolding) { this.mouseHolding = true this.clickInterval = setInterval(() => { this.mousedownHandler(e) }, 333) } // console.log( - p1) } mouseupHandler = () => { this.clickInterval && clearInterval(this.clickInterval) this.mouseHolding = false } changeHoldingBlockHandler = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (isNaN(parseInt(e.key)) || e.key === '0') { return } this.holdingIndex = parseInt(e.key) - 1 this.holdingBlock = this.holdingBlocks[this.holdingIndex] ?? BlockType.grass } wheelHandler = (e: WheelEvent) => { if (!this.wheelGap) { this.wheelGap = true setTimeout(() => { this.wheelGap = false }, 100) if (e.deltaY > 0) { this.holdingIndex++ this.holdingIndex > 9 && (this.holdingIndex = 0) } else if (e.deltaY < 0) { this.holdingIndex-- this.holdingIndex < 0 && (this.holdingIndex = 9) } this.holdingBlock = this.holdingBlocks[this.holdingIndex] ?? BlockType.grass } } initEventListeners = () => { // add / remove handler when pointer lock / unlock document.addEventListener('pointerlockchange', () => { if (document.pointerLockElement) { document.body.addEventListener( 'keydown', this.changeHoldingBlockHandler ) document.body.addEventListener('wheel', this.wheelHandler) document.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.setMovementHandler) document.body.addEventListener('keyup', this.resetMovementHandler) document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedownHandler) document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler) } else { document.body.removeEventListener( 'keydown', this.changeHoldingBlockHandler ) document.body.removeEventListener('wheel', this.wheelHandler) document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', this.setMovementHandler) document.body.removeEventListener('keyup', this.resetMovementHandler) document.body.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedownHandler) document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler) this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) } }) } // move along X with direction factor moveX(distance: number, delta: number) { += distance * (this.player.speed / Math.PI) * 2 * delta } // move along Z with direction factor moveZ = (distance: number, delta: number) => { += distance * (this.player.speed / Math.PI) * 2 * delta } // collide checking collideCheckAll = ( position: THREE.Vector3, noise: Noise, customBlocks: Block[], far: number ) => { this.collideCheck(Side.down, position, noise, customBlocks, far) this.collideCheck(Side.front, position, noise, customBlocks) this.collideCheck(Side.back, position, noise, customBlocks) this.collideCheck(Side.left, position, noise, customBlocks) this.collideCheck(Side.right, position, noise, customBlocks) this.collideCheck(Side.up, position, noise, customBlocks) } collideCheck = ( side: Side, position: THREE.Vector3, noise: Noise, customBlocks: Block[], far: number = this.player.body.width ) => { const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4() //reset simulation blocks let index = 0 this.tempMesh.instanceMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute( new Float32Array(100 * 16), 16 ) // block to remove let removed = false let treeRemoved = new Array( this.terrain.noise.treeHeight + 1 ).fill(false) // get block position let x = Math.round(position.x) let z = Math.round(position.z) switch (side) { case Side.front: x++ this.raycasterFront.ray.origin = position break case Side.back: x-- this.raycasterBack.ray.origin = position break case Side.left: z-- this.raycasterLeft.ray.origin = position break case Side.right: z++ this.raycasterRight.ray.origin = position break case Side.down: this.raycasterDown.ray.origin = position this.raycasterDown.far = far break case Side.up: this.raycasterUp.ray.origin = new THREE.Vector3().copy(position) this.raycasterUp.ray.origin.y-- break } let y = Math.floor( noise.get(x /, z /, noise.seed) * noise.amp ) + 30 // check custom blocks for (const block of customBlocks) { if (block.x === x && block.z === z) { if (block.placed) { // placed blocks matrix.setPosition(block.x, block.y, block.z) this.tempMesh.setMatrixAt(index++, matrix) } else if (block.y === y) { // removed blocks removed = true } else { for (let i = 1; i <= this.terrain.noise.treeHeight; i++) { if (block.y === y + i) { treeRemoved[i] = true } } } } } // update simulation blocks (ignore removed blocks) if (!removed) { matrix.setPosition(x, y, z) this.tempMesh.setMatrixAt(index++, matrix) } for (let i = 1; i <= this.terrain.noise.treeHeight; i++) { if (!treeRemoved[i]) { let treeOffset = noise.get(x / noise.treeGap, z / noise.treeGap, noise.treeSeed) * noise.treeAmp let stoneOffset = noise.get(x / noise.stoneGap, z / noise.stoneGap, noise.stoneSeed) * noise.stoneAmp if ( treeOffset > noise.treeThreshold && y >= 27 && stoneOffset < noise.stoneThreshold ) { matrix.setPosition(x, y + i, z) this.tempMesh.setMatrixAt(index++, matrix) } } } this.tempMesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true // update collide const origin = new THREE.Vector3(position.x, position.y - 1, position.z) switch (side) { case Side.front: { const c1 = this.raycasterFront.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length this.raycasterFront.ray.origin = origin const c2 = this.raycasterFront.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 || c2 ? (this.frontCollide = true) : (this.frontCollide = false) break } case Side.back: { const c1 = this.raycasterBack.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length this.raycasterBack.ray.origin = origin const c2 = this.raycasterBack.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 || c2 ? (this.backCollide = true) : (this.backCollide = false) break } case Side.left: { const c1 = this.raycasterLeft.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length this.raycasterLeft.ray.origin = origin const c2 = this.raycasterLeft.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 || c2 ? (this.leftCollide = true) : (this.leftCollide = false) break } case Side.right: { const c1 = this.raycasterRight.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length this.raycasterRight.ray.origin = origin const c2 = this.raycasterRight.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 || c2 ? (this.rightCollide = true) : (this.rightCollide = false) break } case Side.down: { const c1 = this.raycasterDown.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 ? (this.downCollide = true) : (this.downCollide = false) break } case Side.up: { const c1 = this.raycasterUp.intersectObject(this.tempMesh).length c1 ? (this.upCollide = true) : (this.upCollide = false) break } } } update = () => { this.p1 = const delta = (this.p1 - this.p2) / 1000 if ( // dev mode this.player.mode === Mode.flying ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) += this.velocity.y * delta } else { // normal mode this.collideCheckAll(, this.terrain.noise, this.terrain.customBlocks, this.far - this.velocity.y * delta ) // gravity if (Math.abs(this.velocity.y) < this.player.falling) { this.velocity.y -= 25 * delta } // up collide handler if (this.upCollide) { this.velocity.y = -225 * delta this.far = this.player.body.height } // down collide and jump handler if (this.downCollide && !this.isJumping) { this.velocity.y = 0 } else if (this.downCollide && this.isJumping) { this.isJumping = false } // side collide handler let vector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1).applyQuaternion( ) let direction = Math.atan2(vector.x, vector.z) if ( this.frontCollide || this.backCollide || this.leftCollide || this.rightCollide ) { // collide front (positive x) if (this.frontCollide) { // camera front if (direction < Math.PI && direction > 0 && this.velocity.x > 0) { if ( (!this.leftCollide && direction > Math.PI / 2) || (!this.rightCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveZ(Math.PI / 2 - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera back if (direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI && this.velocity.x < 0) { if ( (!this.leftCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2) || (!this.rightCollide && direction < -Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveZ(-Math.PI / 2 - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera left if ( direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { if ( (!this.rightCollide && direction < 0) || (!this.leftCollide && direction > 0) ) { this.moveZ(-direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } // camera right if ( (direction < -Math.PI / 2 || direction > Math.PI / 2) && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { if (!this.rightCollide && direction > 0) { this.moveZ(Math.PI - direction, delta) } if (!this.leftCollide && direction < 0) { this.moveZ(-Math.PI - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } } // collide back (negative x) if (this.backCollide) { // camera front if (direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI && this.velocity.x > 0) { if ( (!this.leftCollide && direction < -Math.PI / 2) || (!this.rightCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveZ(Math.PI / 2 + direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera back if (direction < Math.PI && direction > 0 && this.velocity.x < 0) { if ( (!this.leftCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2) || (!this.rightCollide && direction > Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveZ(direction - Math.PI / 2, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera left if ( (direction < -Math.PI / 2 || direction > Math.PI / 2) && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { if (!this.leftCollide && direction > 0) { this.moveZ(-Math.PI + direction, delta) } if (!this.rightCollide && direction < 0) { this.moveZ(Math.PI + direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } // camera right if ( direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { if ( (!this.leftCollide && direction < 0) || (!this.rightCollide && direction > 0) ) { this.moveZ(direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.leftCollide && !this.rightCollide && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } } // collide left (negative z) if (this.leftCollide) { // camera front if ( (direction < -Math.PI / 2 || direction > Math.PI / 2) && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { if (!this.frontCollide && direction > 0) { this.moveX(Math.PI - direction, delta) } if (!this.backCollide && direction < 0) { this.moveX(-Math.PI - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > 0 && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera back if ( direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { if ( (!this.frontCollide && direction < 0) || (!this.backCollide && direction > 0) ) { this.moveX(-direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction < Math.PI && direction > Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction > -Math.PI && direction < -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera left if (direction > 0 && direction < Math.PI && this.velocity.z < 0) { if ( (!this.backCollide && direction > Math.PI / 2) || (!this.frontCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveX(Math.PI / 2 - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction > -Math.PI && direction < -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && direction < 0 && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } // camera right if (direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI && this.velocity.z > 0) { if ( (!this.backCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2) || (!this.frontCollide && direction < -Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveX(-Math.PI / 2 - direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > 0 && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction < Math.PI && direction > Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } } // collide right (positive z) if (this.rightCollide) { // camera front if ( direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { if ( (!this.backCollide && direction < 0) || (!this.frontCollide && direction > 0) ) { this.moveX(direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction < -Math.PI / 2 && direction > -Math.PI && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction < Math.PI && direction > Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x > 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera back if ( (direction < -Math.PI / 2 || direction > Math.PI / 2) && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { if (!this.backCollide && direction > 0) { this.moveX(-Math.PI + direction, delta) } if (!this.frontCollide && direction < 0) { this.moveX(Math.PI + direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2 && direction > 0 && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.x < 0 ) { this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) } // camera left if (direction < 0 && direction > -Math.PI && this.velocity.z < 0) { if ( (!this.frontCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2) || (!this.backCollide && direction < -Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveX(Math.PI / 2 + direction, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction > Math.PI / 2 && direction < Math.PI && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction > 0 && direction < Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z < 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } // camera right if (direction > 0 && direction < Math.PI && this.velocity.z > 0) { if ( (!this.frontCollide && direction > Math.PI / 2) || (!this.backCollide && direction < Math.PI / 2) ) { this.moveX(direction - Math.PI / 2, delta) } } else if ( !this.frontCollide && !this.backCollide && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.frontCollide && direction > -Math.PI / 2 && direction < 0 && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } else if ( this.backCollide && direction > -Math.PI && direction < -Math.PI / 2 && this.velocity.z > 0 ) { this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } } } else { // no collide this.control.moveForward(this.velocity.x * delta) this.control.moveRight(this.velocity.z * delta) } += this.velocity.y * delta // catching net if ( < -100) { = 60 } } this.p2 = this.p1 } }