diff --git a/docs/cn/Example_Simple_cn.md b/docs/cn/Example_Simple_cn.md
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+# Basic Sample
+* RocketMQ可用于以三种方式发送消息:可靠的同步、可靠的异步和单向传输。前两种消息类型是可靠的,因为无论它们是否成功发送都有响应。
+* RocketMQ可以用来消费消息。
+### 1 添加依赖
+``` java
+ org.apache.rocketmq
+ rocketmq-client
+ 4.3.0
+``` java
+compile 'org.apache.rocketmq:rocketmq-client:4.3.0'
+### 2 发送消息
+##### 2.1 使用Producer发送同步消息
+``` java
+public class SyncProducer {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ // Instantiate with a producer group name
+ DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name");
+ // Specify name server addresses
+ producer.setNamesrvAddr("localhost:9876");
+ // Launch the producer instance
+ producer.start();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ // Create a message instance with specifying topic, tag and message body
+ Message msg = new Message("TopicTest" /* Topic */,
+ "TagA" /* Tag */,
+ ("Hello RocketMQ " + i).getBytes(RemotingHelper.DEFAULT_CHARSET) /* Message body */
+ );
+ // Send message to one of brokers
+ SendResult sendResult = producer.send(msg);
+ // Check whether the message has been delivered by the callback of sendResult
+ System.out.printf("%s%n", sendResult);
+ }
+ // Shut down once the producer instance is not longer in use
+ producer.shutdown();
+ }
+##### 2.2 发送异步消息
+``` java
+public class AsyncProducer {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ // Instantiate with a producer group name
+ DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name");
+ // Specify name server addresses
+ producer.setNamesrvAddr("localhost:9876");
+ // Launch the producer instance
+ producer.start();
+ producer.setRetryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ final int index = i;
+ // Create a message instance with specifying topic, tag and message body
+ Message msg = new Message("TopicTest",
+ "TagA",
+ "OrderID188",
+ "Hello world".getBytes(RemotingHelper.DEFAULT_CHARSET));
+ // SendCallback: receive the callback of the asynchronous return result.
+ producer.send(msg, new SendCallback() {
+ @Override
+ public void onSuccess(SendResult sendResult) {
+ System.out.printf("%-10d OK %s %n", index,
+ sendResult.getMsgId());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onException(Throwable e) {
+ System.out.printf("%-10d Exception %s %n", index, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Shut down once the producer instance is not longer in use
+ producer.shutdown();
+ }
+##### 2.3 以单向模式发送消息
+``` java
+public class OnewayProducer {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
+ // Instantiate with a producer group name
+ DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name");
+ // Specify name server addresses
+ producer.setNamesrvAddr("localhost:9876");
+ // Launch the producer instance
+ producer.start();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ // Create a message instance with specifying topic, tag and message body
+ Message msg = new Message("TopicTest" /* Topic */,
+ "TagA" /* Tag */,
+ ("Hello RocketMQ " + i).getBytes(RemotingHelper.DEFAULT_CHARSET) /* Message body */
+ );
+ // Send in one-way mode, no return result
+ producer.sendOneway(msg);
+ }
+ // Shut down once the producer instance is not longer in use
+ producer.shutdown();
+ }
+### 3 消费消息
+``` java
+public class Consumer {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, MQClientException {
+ // Instantiate with specified consumer group name
+ DefaultMQPushConsumer consumer = new DefaultMQPushConsumer("please_rename_unique_group_name");
+ // Specify name server addresses
+ consumer.setNamesrvAddr("localhost:9876");
+ // Subscribe one or more topics and tags for finding those messages need to be consumed
+ consumer.subscribe("TopicTest", "*");
+ // Register callback to execute on arrival of messages fetched from brokers
+ consumer.registerMessageListener(new MessageListenerConcurrently() {
+ @Override
+ public ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus consumeMessage(List msgs, ConsumeConcurrentlyContext context) {
+ System.out.printf("%s Receive New Messages: %s %n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), msgs);
+ // Mark the message that have been consumed successfully
+ return ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus.CONSUME_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ });
+ // Launch the consumer instance
+ consumer.start();
+ System.out.printf("Consumer Started.%n");
+ }
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