提交 b35edce4 编写于 作者: lzc828's avatar lzc828


上级 6b014a98
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: admin
* Date: 2019/3/20
* Time: 17:37
namespace One\Database\Mysql;
class MorphOne
protected $remote_type = [];
protected $remote_type_id = [];
* @var Model
protected $model;
* @var ListModel
protected $list_model;
protected $self_id = '';
protected $self_type = '';
public function __construct($remote_type, $remote_type_id, $self_type, $self_id, $model)
$this->self_id = $self_id;
foreach ($remote_type as $type => $remote_model) {
$this->remote_type[$type] = new $remote_model($this);
$this->remote_type_id = $remote_type_id;
$this->model = $model;
$this->self_type = $self_type;
* @param array $calls [\Closure(Model)]
* @return $this
public function each(array $calls)
foreach ($calls as $type => $call) {
if (isset($this->remote_type[$type])) {
return $this;
public function setRelation()
$type = $this->model[$this->self_type];
foreach ($this->remote_type as $type1 => $remote_model) {
if ($type1 == $type) {
$remote_model->where($this->remote_type_id[$type], $this->model[$this->self_id]);
} else {
return $this;
public function setRelationList(ListModel $list_model)
$this->list_model = $list_model;
$types = $this->list_model->pluck($this->self_type, true, true);
foreach ($this->remote_type as $type => $remote_model) {
if (isset($types[$type])) {
$ids = array_column($types[$type], $this->self_id);
$remote_model->whereIn($this->remote_type_id[$type], $ids);
} else {
return $this;
public function setRelationModel(Model $model)
$this->model = $model;
return $this->setRelation();
public function get()
return end($this->remote_type)->find();
public function merge($key)
if ($this->list_model === null) {
$this->model->$key = $this->get();
} else {
$third_arr = $this->third_model->findAll()->pluck($this->third_column, true);
foreach ($this->list_model as $val) {
$k = $val[$this->self_column];
$val->$key = isset($third_arr[$k]) ? $third_arr[$k] : null;
unset($this->model, $this->third_model);
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......@@ -6,25 +6,48 @@ namespace One\Database\Mysql;
trait RelationTrait
* @param $self_column
* @param $third
* @param $third_column
* @param string $self_column
* @param string $remote
* @param string $remote_column
* @return Model
protected function hasOne($self_column, $third, $third_column)
protected function hasOne($self_column, $remote, $remote_column)
return new HasOne($self_column, $third, $third_column, $this);
return new HasOne($self_column, $remote, $remote_column, $this);
* @param $self_column
* @param $third
* @param $third_column
* @param string $self_column
* @param string $remote
* @param string $remote_column
* @return Model
protected function hasMany($self_column, $third, $third_column)
protected function hasMany($self_column, $remote, $remote_column)
return new HasMany($self_column, $third, $third_column, $this);
return new HasMany($self_column, $remote, $remote_column, $this);
* @param array $remote_type [$self_type => $remote_model_class]
* @param array $remote_type_id [$self_type => $remote_table_rel_id]
* @param string $self_id
* @return MorphOne
protected function morphOne(array $remote_type, array $remote_type_id, $self_id)
return new MorphOne($remote_type, $remote_type_id, $self_id, $this);
* @param array $remote_type [$self_type => $remote_model_class]
* @param array $remote_type_id [$self_type => $remote_table_rel_id]
* @param string $self_id
* @return Model
protected function morphMany(array $remote_type, array $remote_type_id, $self_id)
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