8.1.0 ------------------ #### Project * Support Kafka as an optional trace, JVM metrics, profiling snapshots and meter system data transport layer. * Support Meter system, including the native metrics APIs and the Spring Sleuth adoption. * Support JVM thread metrics. #### Java Agent * [**Core**] Fix the concurrency access bug in the Concurrency ClassLoader Case. * [**Core**] Separate the config of the plugins from the core level. * [**Core**] Support instrumented class cached in memory or file, to be compatible with other agents, such as Arthas. * Add logic endpoint concept. Could analysis any span or tags flagged by the logic endpoint. * Add Spring annotation component name for UI visualization only. * Add support to trace `Call procedures` in MySQL plugin. * Support GraphQL plugin. * Support Quasar fiber plugin. * Support InfluxDB java client plugin. * Support brpc java plugin * Support `ConsoleAppender` in the logback v1 plugin. * Enhance vert.x endpoint names. * Optimize the code to prevent mongo statements from being too long. * Fix WebFlux plugin concurrency access bug. * Fix ShardingSphere plugins internal conflicts. * Fix duplicated Spring MVC endpoint. * Fix lettuce plugin sometimes trace doesn‘t show span layer. * Fix `@Tag` returnedObject bug. #### OAP-Backend * Support Jetty Server advanced configurations. * Support label based filter in the prometheus fetcher and OpenCensus receiver. * Support using k8s configmap as the configuration center. * Support OAP health check, and storage module health check. * Support sampling rate in the dynamic configuration. * Add `endpoint_relation_sla` and `endpoint_relation_percentile` for endpoint relationship metrics. * Add components for Python plugins, including Kafka, Tornado, Redis, Django, PyMysql. * Add components for Golang SDK. * Add Nacos 1.3.1 back as an optional cluster coordinator and dynamic configuration center. * Enhance the metrics query for ElasticSearch implementation to increase the stability. * Reduce the length of storage entity names in the self-observability for MySQL and TiDB storage. * Fix labels are missing in Prometheus analysis context. * Fix column length issue in MySQL/TiDB storage. * Fix no data in 2nd level aggregation in self-observability. * Fix searchService bug in ES implementation. * Fix wrong validation of endpoint relation entity query. * Fix the bug caused by the OAL debug flag. * Fix endpoint dependency bug in MQ and uninstrumented proxy cases. * Fix time bucket conversion issue in the InfluxDB storage implementation. * Update k8s client to 8.0.0 #### UI * Support endpoint dependency graph. * Support x-scroll of trace/profile page * Fix database selector issue. * Add the bar chart in the UI templates. #### Document * Update the user logo wall. * Add backend configuration vocabulary document. * Add agent installation doc for Tomcat9 on Windows. * Add istioctl ALS commands for the document. * Fix TTL documentation. * Add FAQ doc about thread instrumentation. #### CVE * Fix fuzzy query sql injection in the MySQL/TiDB storage. All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/52?closed=1)