Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.2.0 ------------------ #### Project * Support Browser monitoring. * Add e2e test for ALS solution of service mesh observability. * Support compiling(include testing) in JDK11. * Support build a single module. #### Java Agent * Support metrics plugin. * Support slf4j logs of gRPC and Kafka(when agent uses them) into the agent log files. * Add `PROPERTIES_REPORT_PERIOD_FACTOR` config to avoid the properties of instance cleared. * Limit the size of traced SQL to avoid OOM. * Support `mount` command to load a new set of plugins. * Add plugin selector mechanism. * Enhance the witness classes for MongoDB plugin. * Enhance the parameter truncate mechanism of SQL plugins. * Enhance the SpringMVC plugin in the reactive APIs. * Enhance the SpringMVC plugin to collect HTTP headers as the span tags. * Enhance the Kafka plugin, about `@KafkaPollAndInvoke` * Enhance the configuration initialization core. Plugin could have its own plugins. * Enhance Feign plugin to collect parameters. * Enhance Dubbo plugin to collect parameters. * Provide Thrift plugin. * Provide XXL-job plugin. * Provide MongoDB 4.x plugin. * Provide Kafka client 2.1+ plugin. * Provide WebFlux-WebClient plugin. * Provide ignore-exception plugin. * Provide quartz scheduler plugin. * Provide ElasticJob 2.x plugin. * Provide Spring @Scheduled plugin. * Provide Spring-Kafka plugin. * Provide HBase client plugin. * Provide JSON log format. * Move Spring WebFlux plugin to the optional plugin. * Fix inconsistent logic bug in PrefixMatch * Fix duplicate exit spans in Feign LoadBalancer mechanism. * Fix the target service blocked by the Kafka reporter. * Fix configurations of Kafka report don't work. * Fix rest template concurrent conflict. * Fix NPE in the ActiveMQ plugin. * Fix conflict between Kafka reporter and sampling plugin. * Fix NPE in the log formatter. * Fix span layer missing in certain cases, in the Kafka plugin. * Fix error format of time in serviceTraffic update. * Upgrade bytebuddy to 1.10.14 #### OAP-Backend * Support Nacos authentication. * Support labeled meter in the meter receiver. * Separate UI template into multiple files. * Provide support for Envoy tracing. Envoy tracer depends on the Envoy community. * Support query trace by tags. * Support composite alarm rules. * Support alarm messages to DingTalk. * Support alarm messages to WeChat. * Support alarm messages to Slack. * Support SSL for Prometheus fetcher and self telemetry. * Support labeled histogram in the prometheus format. * Support the status of segment based on entry span or first span only. * Support the error segment in the sampling mechanism. * Support SSL certs of gRPC server. * Support labeled metrics in the alarm rule setting. * Support to query all labeled data, if no explicit label in the query condition. * Add TLS parameters in the mesh analysis. * Add health check for InfluxDB storage. * Add `super dataset` concept for the traces/logs. * Add separate replicas configuration for super dataset. * Add `IN` operator in the OAL. * Add `!=` operator in the OAL. * Add `like` operator in the OAL. * Add `latest` function in the prometheus analysis. * Add more configurations in the gRPC server. * Optimize the trace query performance. * Optimize the CPU usage rate calculation, at least to be 1. * Optimize the length of slow SQL column in the MySQL storage. * Optimize the topology query, use client side component name when no server side mapping. * Add component IDs for Python component. * Add component ID range for C++. * Fix Slack notification setting NPE. * Fix some module missing check of the module manager core. * Fix authentication doesn't work in sharing server. * Fix metrics batch persistent size bug. * Fix trace sampling bug. * Fix CLR receiver bug. * Fix end time bug in the query process. * Fix `Exporter INCREMENT mode` is not working. * Fix an error when executing startup.bat when the log directory exists #### UI * Add browser dashboard. * Add browser log query page. * Support query trace by tags. * Fix JVM configuration. * Fix CLR configuration. #### Document * Add the document about `SW_NO_UPSTREAM_REAL_ADDRESS`. * Update ALS setup document. * Add Customization Config section for plugin development. All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).