# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Define all component libraries' names and IDs, used in monitored application. # This is a bothway mapping, agent or SDK could use the value(ID) to represent the component name in uplink data. # # ###### # id # ###### # We highly recommend DO NOT change the IDs in these file, just append new one, and make sure the ID unique. # Any replacement will cause visualization and aggregation error. # # All IDs in this files are reserved, even some IDs removed by some reasons, those IDs will be abandoned. # # ###### # languages # ###### # Languages declare which languages are using this component. Multi languages should be separated by `,` Tomcat: id: 1 languages: Java HttpClient: id: 2 languages: Java,C#,Node.js Dubbo: id: 3 languages: Java H2: id: 4 languages: Java Mysql: id: 5 languages: Java,C#,Node.js ORACLE: id: 6 languages: Java Redis: id: 7 languages: Java,C#,Node.js Motan: id: 8 languages: Java MongoDB: id: 9 languages: Java,C#,Node.js Resin: id: 10 languages: Java Feign: id: 11 languages: Java OKHttp: id: 12 languages: Java SpringRestTemplate: id: 13 languages: Java SpringMVC: id: 14 languages: Java Struts2: id: 15 languages: Java NutzMVC: id: 16 languages: Java NutzHttp: id: 17 languages: Java JettyClient: id: 18 languages: Java JettyServer: id: 19 languages: Java Memcached: id: 20 languages: Java ShardingJDBC: id: 21 languages: Java PostgreSQL: id: 22 languages: Java,C#,Node.js GRPC: id: 23 languages: Java ElasticJob: id: 24 languages: Java RocketMQ: id: 25 languages: Java httpasyncclient: id: 26 languages: Java Kafka: id: 27 languages: Java ServiceComb: id: 28 languages: Java Hystrix: id: 29 languages: Java Jedis: id: 30 languages: Java SQLite: id: 31 languages: Java,C# h2-jdbc-driver: id: 32 languages: Java mysql-connector-java: id: 33 languages: Java ojdbc: id: 34 languages: Java Spymemcached: id: 35 languages: Java Xmemcached: id: 36 languages: Java postgresql-jdbc-driver: id: 37 languages: Java rocketMQ-producer: id: 38 languages: Java rocketMQ-consumer: id: 39 languages: Java kafka-producer: id: 40 languages: Java kafka-consumer: id: 41 languages: Java mongodb-driver: id: 42 languages: Java SOFARPC: id: 43 languages: Java ActiveMQ: id: 44 languages: Java activemq-producer: id: 45 languages: Java activemq-consumer: id: 46 languages: Java Elasticsearch: id: 47 languages: Java transport-client: id: 48 languages: Java http: id: 49 languages: Java,C#,Node.js rpc: id: 50 languages: Java,C#,Node.js RabbitMQ: id: 51 languages: Java rabbitmq-producer: id: 52 languages: Java rabbitmq-consumer: id: 53 languages: Java Canal: id: 54 languages: Java Gson: id: 55 languages: Java Redisson: id: 56 languages: Java Lettuce: id: 57 languages: Java # .NET/.NET Core components # [3000, 4000) for C#/.NET only AspNetCore: id: 3001 languages: C# EntityFrameworkCore: id: 3002 languages: C# SqlClient: id: 3003 languages: C# CAP: id: 3004 languages: C# StackExchange.Redis: id: 3005 languages: C# SqlServer: id: 3006 languages: C# Npgsql: id: 3007 languages: C# MySqlConnector: id: 3008 languages: C# EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory: id: 3009 languages: C# EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer: id: 3010 languages: C# EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite: id: 3011 languages: C# Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql: id: 3012 languages: C# Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL: id: 3013 languages: C# InMemoryDatabase: id: 3014 languages: C# AspNet: id: 3015 languages: C# # NoeJS components # [4000, 5000) for Node.js agent HttpServer: id: 4001 languages: Node.js express: id: 4002 languages: Node.js Egg: id: 4003 languages: Node.js Koa: id: 4004 languages: Node.js # Component Server mapping defines the server display names of some components # e.g. # Jedis is a client library in Java for Redis server Component-Server-Mappings: mongodb-driver: MongoDB rocketMQ-producer: RocketMQ rocketMQ-consumer: RocketMQ kafka-producer: Kafka kafka-consumer: Kafka activemq-producer: ActiveMQ activemq-consumer: ActiveMQ rabbitmq-producer: RabbitMQ rabbitmq-consumer: RabbitMQ postgresql-jdbc-driver: PostgreSQL Xmemcached: Memcached Spymemcached: Memcached h2-jdbc-driver: H2 mysql-connector-java: Mysql Jedis: Redis StackExchange.Redis: Redis Redisson: Redis Lettuce: Redis SqlClient: SqlServer Npgsql: PostgreSQL MySqlConnector: Mysql EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory: InMemoryDatabase EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer: SqlServer EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite: SQLite Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql: Mysql Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL transport-client: Elasticsearch