## 9.3.0 #### Project #### OAP Server * Add component ID(133) for impala JDBC Java agent plugin and component ID(134) for impala server * Use prepareStatement in H2SQLExecutor#getByIDs.(No function change). * Bump up snakeyaml to 1.31 for fixing CVE-2022-25857 * Fix `DurationUtils.convertToTimeBucket` missed verify date format. #### UI * Fix: tab active incorrectly, when click tab space * Add impala icon for impala JDBC Java agent plugin. * (Webapp)Bump up snakeyaml to 1.31 for fixing CVE-2022-25857 * [Breaking Change]: migrate from Spring Web to Armeria, now you should use the environment variable name `SW_OAP_ADDRESS` to change the OAP backend service addresses, like `SW_OAP_ADDRESS=localhost:12800,localhost:12801`, and use environment variable `SW_SERVER_PORT` to change the port. Other Spring-related configurations don't take effect anymore. #### Documentation All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/149?closed=1)