## 9.1.0 #### Project * Upgrade zipkin to 2.23.16. #### OAP Server * Add component definition(ID=127) for `Apache ShenYu (incubating)`. * Fix Zipkin receiver: Decode spans error, missing `Layer` for V9 and wrong time bucket for generate Service and Endpoint. * [Refactor] Move SQLDatabase(H2/MySQL/PostgreSQL), ElasticSearch and BanyanDB specific configurations out of column. * Support BanyanDB global index for entities. Log and Segment record entities declare this new feature. * Remove unnecessary analyzer settings in columns of templates. Many were added due to analyzer's default value. * Simplify the Kafka Fetch configuration in cluster mode. * [Breaking Change] Update the eBPF Profiling task to the service level, please delete index/table: `ebpf_profiling_task`, `process_traffic`. * Fix event can't split service ID into 2 parts. * Fix OAP Self-Observability metric `GC Time` calculation. * Set `SW_QUERY_MAX_QUERY_COMPLEXITY` default value to `1000` * Webapp module (for UI) enabled compression. * [Breaking Change] Add layer field to event, report an event without layer is not allowed. * Fix ES flush thread stops when flush schedule task throws exception, such as ElasticSearch flush failed. * Fix ES BulkProcessor in BatchProcessEsDAO was initialized multiple times and created multiple ES flush schedule tasks. * HTTPServer support the handler register with allowed HTTP methods. * [Critical] Revert [**Enhance DataCarrier#MultipleChannelsConsumer to add priority**](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/pull/8664) to avoid consuming issues. * Fix the problem that some configurations (such as group.id) did not take effect due to the override order when using the kafkaConsumerConfig property to extend the configuration in Kafka Fetcher. * Remove build time from the OAP version. * Add data-generator module to run OAP in testing mode, generating mock data for testing. * Support receive Kubernetes processes from gRPC protocol. * Fix the problem that es index(TimeSeriesTable, eg. endpoint_traffic, alarm_record) didn't create even after rerun with init-mode. This problem caused the OAP server to fail to start when the OAP server was down for more than a day. #### UI * General service instance: move `Thread Pool` from JVM to Overview, fix `JVM GC Count` calculation. * Add Apache ShenYu (incubating) component LOGO. * Show more metrics on service/instance/endpoint list on the dashboards. * Support average values of metrics on the service/list/endpoint table widgets, with pop-up linear graph. * Fix viewLogs button query no data. * Fix UTC when page loads. * Implement the eBPF profile widget on dashboard. #### Documentation All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/128?closed=1)