Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.9.0 ------------------ #### OAP Server * Add component definition for `Jackson`. * Fix that zipkin-receiver plugin is not packaged into dist. * Replace e2e cases to e2e-v2: Lua Nginx/SelfObservability. * Upgrade Armeria to 1.12, upgrade OpenSearch test version to 1.1.0. * Add component definition for `Apache-Kylin`. * Enhance `get` generation mechanism of OAL engine, support map type of source's field. * Replace e2e cases to e2e-v2: Gateway. * Add `tag`(Map) into All, Service, ServiceInstance and Endpoint sources. * Fix `funcParamExpression` and `literalExpression` can't be used in the same aggregation function. * Support cast statement in the OAL core engine. * Support `(str->long)` and `(long)` for string to long cast statement. * Support `(str->int)` and `(int)` for string to int cast statement. * Support Long literal number in the OAL core engine. * Support literal `string` as parameter of aggregation function. * Add `attributeExpression` and `attributeExpressionSegment` in the OAL grammar tree to support `map` type for the attribute expression. #### UI * Optimize endpoint dependency. * Show service name by hovering nodes in the sankey chart. * Add Apache Kylin logo. * Add ClickHouse logo. #### Documentation All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).