# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. name: CI on: pull_request: schedule: - cron: "0 18 * * *" # TimeZone: UTC 0 concurrency: group: skywalking-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true env: SW_AGENT_JDK_VERSION: 8 MAVEN_OPTS: -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=120 SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_MINS: 5 # Cache restore timeout jobs: license-header: if: (github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || (github.event_name != 'schedule') name: License header runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 10 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Check license header uses: apache/skywalking-eyes@bd8d2db65f2fea938b74401ae72b0365733bdfdc code-style: if: (github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || (github.event_name != 'schedule') name: Code style runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 10 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Check code style run: ./mvnw -B -q clean checkstyle:check dependency-license: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.pom == 'true' || needs.changes.outputs.ui == 'true') name: Dependency licenses needs: [changes] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: distribution: "temurin" java-version: "11" cache: "maven" - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version: "1.16" - name: Check Dependencies Licenses run: | go install github.com/apache/skywalking-eyes/cmd/license-eye@bd8d2db65f2fea938b74401ae72b0365733bdfdc license-eye dependency resolve --summary ./dist-material/release-docs/LICENSE.tpl || exit 1 if [ ! -z "$(git diff -U0 ./dist-material/release-docs/LICENSE)" ]; then echo "LICENSE file is not updated correctly" git diff -U0 ./dist-material/release-docs/LICENSE exit 1 fi sanity-check: if: ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && (github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || (github.event_name != 'schedule') name: Sanity check results needs: [license-header, code-style, dependency-license] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 10 steps: - name: Check results run: | [[ ${{ needs.license-header.result }} == 'success' ]] || exit 1; [[ ${{ needs.code-style.result }} == 'success' ]] || exit 1; [[ ${{ needs.dependency-license.result }} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${{ needs.dependency-license.result }} == 'skipped' ]] || exit 1; changes: # Check if anything related to Actual code / CI(functional testing) is changed # set outputs for other jobs to access for if conditions runs-on: ubuntu-latest # To prevent error when there's no base branch if: github.event_name != 'schedule' timeout-minutes: 10 outputs: oap: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.oap }} pom: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.pom }} ui: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.ui }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # required for push event - name: Check for file changes uses: getsentry/paths-filter@v2 id: filter with: token: ${{ github.token }} # The following is a single composite pattern that allows next CI steps, # the pattern is in form of [not (foo or bar)] to be safe. # When new files come in, the CI will NOT ignore them unless listed, # so remember to extend here if they do not serve functional purposes. # NOTE: careful with using ** in expression, keep !**/{old, new things}. filters: | oap: - "!**/{\ *.md,*.txt,\ skywalking-ui,\ .asf.yaml,.dlc.json,.gitignore,.licenserc.yaml,\ codeStyle.xml,\ HEADER,LICENSE,NOTICE,\ docs/**,\ .github/workflows/codeql.yaml,\ .github/(ISSUE_TEMPLATE/**|PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE),\ dist-material/release-docs/**,\ component-libraries.yml\ }" pom: - "**/pom.xml" ui: - "skywalking-ui" list-files: json # logs matched files dist-tar: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: Build dist tar needs: [sanity-check, changes] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: distribution: "temurin" java-version: "11" cache: "maven" - name: Build distribution tar run: | ./mvnw clean install -B -q \ -Dmaven.test.skip \ -Dmaven.javadoc.skip \ -Dcheckstyle.skip - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 name: Upload distribution tar with: name: dist path: dist docker: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: Docker images needs: [dist-tar, changes] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: matrix: java-version: [11, 17] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 name: Download distribution tar with: name: dist path: dist - name: Set up Java uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: distribution: temurin java-version: ${{ matrix.java-version }} - name: Build and save docker images env: SW_OAP_BASE_IMAGE: eclipse-temurin:${{ matrix.java-version }}-jre run: | make docker.all || make docker.all docker save -o docker-images-skywalking-oap.tar skywalking/oap:latest docker save -o docker-images-skywalking-ui.tar skywalking/ui:latest - name: Upload docker images uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: docker-images-${{ matrix.java-version }} path: docker-images-skywalking-*.tar unit-test: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: Unit test needs: [sanity-check, changes] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest timeout-minutes: 30 strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu, macos, windows] java-version: [11] include: - os: ubuntu java-version: 17 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Cache maven repository uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/.m2/repository key: ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-maven- - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.java-version }} distribution: temurin - name: Unit test run: ./mvnw clean test -q -B -D"checkstyle.skip" || ./mvnw clean test -q -B -D"checkstyle.skip" integration-test: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: Integration test needs: [sanity-check, changes] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 60 strategy: matrix: java-version: [11, 17] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Cache maven repository uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/.m2/repository key: ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-maven- - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.java-version }} distribution: temurin - name: Integration test run: | # Exclude slow integration tests and run those tests separately below. ./mvnw -B clean integration-test -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipUTs=true -DexcludedGroups=slow || \ ./mvnw -B clean integration-test -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipUTs=true -DexcludedGroups=slow # Slow tests slow-integration-test: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: Slow Integration Tests needs: [sanity-check, changes] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 60 strategy: matrix: test: - name: ShardingSphere class: org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.storage.plugin.jdbc.shardingsphere.ShardingSphereIT - name: ElasticSearch / OpenSearch class: org.apache.skywalking.library.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchIT steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Cache maven repository uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: ~/.m2/repository key: ${{ runner.os }}-maven-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-maven- - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: java-version: 11 distribution: temurin - name: ${{ matrix.test.name }} run: | ./mvnw -B clean integration-test -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipUTs=true -Dit.test=${{ matrix.test.class }} -DfailIfNoTests=false || \ ./mvnw -B clean integration-test -Dcheckstyle.skip -DskipUTs=true -Dit.test=${{ matrix.test.class }} -DfailIfNoTests=false e2e-test: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: E2E test needs: [docker] runs-on: ${{ matrix.test.runs-on || 'ubuntu-latest' }} timeout-minutes: 60 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: test: - name: Cluster ZK/ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/cluster/zk/es/e2e.yaml - name: Agent NodeJS Backend config: test/e2e-v2/cases/nodejs/e2e.yaml - name: Agent Golang config: test/e2e-v2/cases/go/e2e.yaml - name: Agent NodeJS Frontend config: test/e2e-v2/cases/browser/e2e.yaml - name: Agent NodeJS Frontend ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/browser/es/e2e.yaml - name: Agent NodeJS Frontend ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/browser/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: Agent PHP config: test/e2e-v2/cases/php/e2e.yaml - name: Agent Python config: test/e2e-v2/cases/python/e2e.yaml - name: Agent Lua config: test/e2e-v2/cases/lua/e2e.yaml - name: BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: Storage H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Storage MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Storage TiDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/tidb/e2e.yaml - name: Storage PostgreSQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: Storage ES 6.3.2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=6.3.2 - name: Storage ES 7.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.0.0 - name: Storage ES 7.8.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.8.0 - name: Storage ES 7.10.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.10.1 - name: Storage ES 7.14.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.14.0 - name: Storage ES 7.15.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.15.0 - name: Storage ES 8.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=8.0.0 - name: Storage ES 8.1.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=8.1.0 - name: Storage OpenSearch 1.1.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.1.0 - name: Storage OpenSearch 1.3.6 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.3.6 - name: Storage OpenSearch 2.4.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=2.4.0 - name: Storage ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: Alarm H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/alarm/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Alarm ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/alarm/es/e2e.yaml - name: Alarm ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/alarm/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: Alarm MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/alarm/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Alarm PostgreSQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/alarm/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: TTL TiDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/ttl/tidb/e2e.yaml - name: TTL PostgreSQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/ttl/postgresql/e2e.yaml - name: TTL ES 6.3.2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/ttl/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=6.3.2 - name: TTL ES 7.15.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/ttl/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.15.0 - name: TTL ES 8.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/ttl/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=8.0.0 - name: Event BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/event/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: Event H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/event/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Event ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/event/es/e2e.yaml - name: Event MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/event/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Log H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Log MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Log PostgreSQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: Log ES 6.3.2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=6.3.2 - name: Log ES 7.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.0.0 - name: Log ES 7.8.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.8.0 - name: Log ES 7.10.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.10.1 - name: Log ES 7.14.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.14.0 - name: Log ES 7.15.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.15.0 - name: Log ES 8.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=8.0.0 - name: Log ES 8.0.0 Shardng config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=8.0.0 - name: Log FluentBit ES 6.3.2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=6.3.2 - name: Log FluentBit ES 7.0.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.0.0 - name: Log FluentBit ES 7.8.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.8.0 - name: Log FluentBit ES 7.10.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.10.1 - name: Log FluentBit ES 7.14.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.14.0 - name: Log FluentBit ES 7.15.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/fluent-bit/e2e.yaml env: ES_VERSION=7.15.0 - name: Trace Profiling BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/es/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling Postgres config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling TiDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/tidb/e2e.yaml - name: Trace Profiling OpenSearch 1.1.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.1.0 - name: Trace Profiling OpenSearch 1.3.6 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.3.6 - name: Trace Profiling OpenSearch 2.4.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/trace/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=2.4.0 - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/h2/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/es/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU Postgres config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU TiDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/tidb/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU OpenSearch 1.1.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.1.0 - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU OpenSearch 1.3.6 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.3.6 - name: eBPF Profiling On CPU OpenSearch 2.4.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/oncpu/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=2.4.0 - name: eBPF Profiling Off CPU config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/offcpu/e2e.yaml runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 - name: eBPF Profiling Network BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/h2/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/es/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network Postgres config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network TiDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/tidb/e2e.yaml - name: eBPF Profiling Network OpenSearch 1.1.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.1.0 - name: eBPF Profiling Network OpenSearch 1.3.6 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=1.3.6 - name: eBPF Profiling Network OpenSearch 2.4.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/profiling/ebpf/network/opensearch/e2e.yaml env: OPENSEARCH_VERSION=2.4.0 - name: Kafka Basic config: test/e2e-v2/cases/kafka/simple-so11y/e2e.yaml - name: Kafka Profiling config: test/e2e-v2/cases/kafka/profile/e2e.yaml - name: Kafka Meter config: test/e2e-v2/cases/kafka/meter/e2e.yaml - name: Kafka Log config: test/e2e-v2/cases/kafka/log/e2e.yaml - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.8.2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.8.2 KUBERNETES_VERSION=19 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.9.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.9.1 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.10.3 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.10.3 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.11.4 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.11.4 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.12.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.12.0 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.13.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.13.1 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.14.4 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.14.4 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.15.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.15.0 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Istio Metrics Service 1.16.0 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/metrics/e2e.yaml env: | ISTIO_VERSION=1.16.0 KUBERNETES_VERSION=20 - name: Satellite config: test/e2e-v2/cases/satellite/native-protocols/e2e.yaml - name: Auth config: test/e2e-v2/cases/simple/auth/e2e.yaml - name: SSL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/simple/ssl/e2e.yaml - name: mTLS config: test/e2e-v2/cases/simple/mtls/e2e.yaml - name: Virtual Gateway config: test/e2e-v2/cases/gateway/e2e.yaml - name: Meter config: test/e2e-v2/cases/meter/e2e.yaml - name: VM Zabbix config: test/e2e-v2/cases/vm/zabbix/e2e.yaml - name: VM Prometheus config: test/e2e-v2/cases/vm/prometheus-node-exporter/e2e.yaml - name: VM Telegraf config: test/e2e-v2/cases/vm/telegraf/e2e.yaml - name: So11y config: test/e2e-v2/cases/so11y/e2e.yaml - name: MySQL Prometheus and slowsql config: test/e2e-v2/cases/mysql/mysql-slowsql/e2e.yaml - name: PostgreSQL Prometheus config: test/e2e-v2/cases/postgresql/postgres-exporter/e2e.yaml - name: MariaDB Prometheus and slowsql config: test/e2e-v2/cases/mariadb/mariadb-slowsql/e2e.yaml - name: Rover with Istio Process 1.13.1 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/rover/process/istio/e2e.yaml env: ISTIO_VERSION=1.13.1 runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 - name: Zipkin ES config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/es/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin ES Sharding config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/es/es-sharding/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin MySQL config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/mysql/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin Opensearch config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/opensearch/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin H2 config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/h2/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin Postgres config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/postgres/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin Kafka config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/kafka/e2e.yaml - name: Zipkin BanyanDB config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/banyandb/e2e.yaml - name: MySQL-Sharding storage config: test/e2e-v2/cases/storage/mysql/sharding/e2e.yaml - name: MySQL-Sharding log config: test/e2e-v2/cases/log/mysql/sharding/e2e.yaml - name: MySQL-Sharding browser config: test/e2e-v2/cases/browser/mysql/sharding/e2e.yaml - name: MySQL-Sharding zipkin config: test/e2e-v2/cases/zipkin/mysql/sharding/e2e.yaml - name: APISIX metrics config: test/e2e-v2/cases/apisix/otel-collector/e2e.yaml - name: Exporter Kafka config: test/e2e-v2/cases/exporter/kafka/e2e.yaml - name: Virtual MQ config: test/e2e-v2/cases/virtual-mq/e2e.yaml - name: AWS Cloud EKS config: test/e2e-v2/cases/aws/eks/e2e.yaml - name: Windows config: test/e2e-v2/cases/win/e2e.yaml steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 name: Download docker images with: name: docker-images-11 path: docker-images - name: Load docker images run: find docker-images -name "*.tar" -exec docker load -i {} \; - name: Prepare test services shell: bash run: ./mvnw -B -f test/e2e-v2/java-test-service/pom.xml clean package - name: Set env var run: | echo "${{ matrix.test.env }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: ${{ matrix.test.name }} uses: apache/skywalking-infra-e2e@964ede199fe199e166920169dc5f8c9b214cfac5 with: e2e-file: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/${{ matrix.test.config }} - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ failure() }} name: Upload Logs with: name: logs path: "${{ env.SW_INFRA_E2E_LOG_DIR }}" e2e-test-istio: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: E2E test needs: [docker] runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 timeout-minutes: 60 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: analyzer: [k8s-mesh, mx-mesh] versions: - istio: 1.7.1 kubernetes: 18 - istio: 1.8.2 kubernetes: 19 - istio: 1.9.1 kubernetes: 19 - istio: 1.10.3 kubernetes: 19 - istio: 1.11.4 kubernetes: 19 - istio: 1.12.0 kubernetes: 19 - istio: 1.13.1 kubernetes: 20 - istio: 1.14.4 kubernetes: 20 - istio: 1.15.0 kubernetes: 20 - istio: 1.16.0 kubernetes: 20 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 name: Download docker images with: name: docker-images-11 path: docker-images - name: Load docker images run: find docker-images -name "*.tar" -exec docker load -i {} \; - name: ${{ matrix.test.name }} uses: apache/skywalking-infra-e2e@964ede199fe199e166920169dc5f8c9b214cfac5 env: ISTIO_VERSION: ${{ matrix.versions.istio }} KUBERNETES_VERSION: ${{ matrix.versions.kubernetes }} ALS_ANALYZER: ${{ matrix.analyzer }} with: e2e-file: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/test/e2e-v2/cases/istio/als/e2e.yaml e2e-test-java-versions: if: | ( always() && ! cancelled() ) && ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/skywalking') || needs.changes.outputs.oap == 'true') name: E2E test needs: [docker] runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 60 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: java-version: [11, 17] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 name: Download docker images with: name: docker-images-${{ matrix.java-version }} path: docker-images - name: Load docker images run: find docker-images -name "*.tar" -exec docker load -i {} \; - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.java-version }} distribution: temurin - name: Prepare test services shell: bash run: ./mvnw -B -f test/e2e-v2/java-test-service/pom.xml clean package - name: Java version ${{ matrix.java-version }} uses: apache/skywalking-infra-e2e@964ede199fe199e166920169dc5f8c9b214cfac5 env: SW_AGENT_JDK_VERSION: ${{ matrix.java-version }} with: e2e-file: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/test/e2e-v2/cases/simple/jdk/e2e.yaml required: if: always() name: Required needs: - dependency-license - unit-test - integration-test - slow-integration-test - e2e-test - e2e-test-istio - e2e-test-java-versions runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 10 steps: - name: Merge Requirement # check changes, sanity, dependency license, unit, integration, e2e, e2e-istio and e2e-java-versions, # if all of them are working as expected then naturally exits else return error code run: | execute=${{ needs.changes.outputs.oap }} sanityResults=${{ needs.dependency-license.result }} [[ ${sanityResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${sanityResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -1; depLicenseResults=${{ needs.dependency-license.result }} unitResults=${{ needs.unit-test.result }}; integrationResults=${{ needs.integration-test.result }}; timeConsumingITResults=${{ needs.slow-integration-test.result }}; e2eResults=${{ needs.e2e-test.result }}; e2eIstioResults=${{ needs.e2e-test-istio.result }}; e2eJavaVersionResults=${{ needs.e2e-test-java-versions.result }}; [[ ${depLicenseResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${depLicenseResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -2; [[ ${unitResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${unitResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -3; [[ ${integrationResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${integrationResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -4; [[ ${e2eResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${e2eResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -5; [[ ${e2eIstioResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${e2eIstioResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -6; [[ ${e2eJavaVersionResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${e2eJavaVersionResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -7; [[ ${timeConsumingITResults} == 'success' ]] || [[ ${execute} != 'true' && ${timeConsumingITResults} == 'skipped' ]] || exit -8; exit 0;