未验证 提交 05991f34 编写于 作者: 静夜思朝颜's avatar 静夜思朝颜 提交者: GitHub

Change using service lebel metrics (#8319)

上级 5da205ba
......@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
expSuffix: tag({tags -> tags.service = 'satellite::' + tags.service}).instance(['service'], ['instance'])
expSuffix: tag({tags -> tags.service = 'satellite::' + tags.service}).service(['service'])
metricPrefix: satellite
- name: instance_receive_event_count
exp: sw_stl_gatherer_receive_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service", "instance"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: instance_fetch_event_count
exp: sw_stl_gatherer_fetch_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service", "instance"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: instance_queue_input_count
exp: sw_stl_queue_output_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service", "instance"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: instance_send_event_count
exp: sw_stl_sender_output_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service", "instance"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: instance_queue_total_capacity
exp: sw_stl_pipeline_queue_total_capacity.sum(["pipeline", "service", "instance"])
- name: instance_queue_used_count
exp: sw_stl_pipeline_queue_partition_size.sum(["pipeline", "service", "instance"])
- name: instance_server_cpu_utilization
- name: service_receive_event_count
exp: sw_stl_gatherer_receive_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: service_fetch_event_count
exp: sw_stl_gatherer_fetch_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: service_queue_input_count
exp: sw_stl_queue_output_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: service_send_event_count
exp: sw_stl_sender_output_count.sum(["pipe", "status", "service"]).increase("PT1M")
- name: service_queue_total_capacity
exp: sw_stl_pipeline_queue_total_capacity.sum(["pipeline", "service"])
- name: service_queue_used_count
exp: sw_stl_pipeline_queue_partition_size.sum(["pipeline", "service"])
- name: service_server_cpu_utilization
exp: sw_stl_grpc_server_cpu_gauge
- name: instance_grpc_connect_count
- name: service_grpc_connect_count
exp: sw_stl_grpc_server_connection_count
\ No newline at end of file
# Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
{{- contains .}}
- id: {{ b64enc "satellite::satellite-service" }}.1_{{ b64enc "satellite-instance" }}
name: satellite-instance
attributes: []
language: UNKNOWN
instanceuuid: {{ b64enc "satellite::satellite-service" }}.1_{{ b64enc "satellite-instance" }}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,11 +17,8 @@
# service list
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql service ls
expected: expected/satellite-service.yml
# service instance list
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql instance list --service-name=satellite::satellite-service
expected: expected/satellite-service-instance.yml
# service instance metrics
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=satellite_instance_server_cpu_utilization --instance-name=satellite-instance --service-name=satellite::satellite-service |yq e 'to_entries' -
# service metrics
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=satellite_service_server_cpu_utilization --service-name=satellite::satellite-service |yq e 'to_entries' -
expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=satellite_instance_grpc_connect_count --instance-name=satellite-instance --service-name=satellite::satellite-service |yq e 'to_entries' -
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=satellite_service_grpc_connect_count --service-name=satellite::satellite-service |yq e 'to_entries' -
expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml
\ No newline at end of file
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