# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # configs: - name: zookeeperServers default: '' description: Zookeeper quorum connection string - name: globalZookeeperServers default: '' description: Global Zookeeper quorum connection string - name: brokerServicePort default: '6650' description: Broker data port - name: brokerServicePortTls default: '6651' description: Broker data port for TLS - name: webServicePort default: '8080' description: Port to use to server HTTP request - name: webServicePortTls default: '8443' description: Port to use to server HTTPS request - name: webSocketServiceEnabled default: 'false' description: Enable the WebSocket API service in broker - name: bindAddress default: description: Hostname or IP address the service binds on, default is - name: advertisedAddress default: '' description: Hostname or IP address the service advertises to the outside world. If not set, the value of InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() is used. - name: clusterName default: '' description: Name of the cluster to which this broker belongs to - name: zooKeeperSessionTimeoutMillis default: '30000' description: Zookeeper session timeout in milliseconds - name: brokerShutdownTimeoutMs default: '3000' description: Time to wait for broker graceful shutdown. After this time elapses, the process will be killed - name: backlogQuotaCheckEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable backlog quota check. Enforces action on topic when the quota is reached - name: backlogQuotaCheckIntervalInSeconds default: '60' description: How often to check for topics that have reached the quota - name: backlogQuotaDefaultLimitGB default: '10' description: Default per-topic backlog quota limit - name: brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable the deletion of inactive topics - name: brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsFrequencySeconds default: '60' description: How often to check for inactive topics - name: messageExpiryCheckIntervalInMinutes default: '5' description: How frequently to proactively check and purge expired messages - name: activeConsumerFailoverDelayTimeMillis default: '1000' description: How long to delay rewinding cursor and dispatching messages when active consumer is changed. - name: clientLibraryVersionCheckEnabled default: 'false' description: Enable check for minimum allowed client library version - name: clientLibraryVersionCheckAllowUnversioned default: 'true' description: Allow client libraries with no version information - name: statusFilePath default: '' description: Path for the file used to determine the rotation status for the broker when responding to service discovery health checks - name: preferLaterVersions default: 'false' description: If true, (and ModularLoadManagerImpl is being used), the load manager will attempt to use only brokers running the latest software version (to minimize impact to bundles) - name: tlsEnabled default: 'false' description: Enable TLS - name: tlsCertificateFilePath default: '' description: Path for the TLS certificate file - name: tlsKeyFilePath default: '' description: Path for the TLS private key file - name: tlsTrustCertsFilePath default: '' description: Path for the trusted TLS certificate file - name: tlsAllowInsecureConnection default: 'false' description: Accept untrusted TLS certificate from client - name: maxUnackedMessagesPerConsumer default: '50000' description: | Max number of unacknowledged messages allowed to receive messages by a consumer on a shared subscription. Broker will stop sending messages to consumer once, this limit reaches until consumer starts acknowledging messages back. Using a value of 0, is disabling unackeMessage limit check and consumer can receive messages without any restriction - name: maxUnackedMessagesPerSubscription default: '200000' description: | Max number of unacknowledged messages allowed per shared subscription. Broker will stop dispatching messages to all consumers of the subscription once this limit reaches until consumer starts acknowledging messages back and unack count reaches to limit/2. Using a value of 0, is disabling unackedMessage-limit check and dispatcher can dispatch messages without any restriction - name: maxConcurrentLookupRequest default: '10000' description: Max number of concurrent lookup request broker allows to throttle heavy incoming lookup traffic - name: maxConcurrentTopicLoadRequest default: '5000' description: Max number of concurrent topic loading request broker allows to control number of zk-operations - name: authenticationEnabled default: 'false' description: Enable authentication - name: authenticationProviders default: '' description: Autentication provider name list, which is comma separated list of class names - name: authorizationEnabled default: 'false' description: Enforce authorization - name: superUserRoles default: '' description: Role names that are treated as "super-user", meaning they will be able to do all admin operations and publish/consume from all topics - name: brokerClientAuthenticationPlugin default: '' description: Authentication settings of the broker itself. Used when the broker connects to other brokers, either in same or other clusters - name: brokerClientAuthenticationParameters default: '' - name: athenzDomainNames default: '' description: Supported Athenz provider domain names(comma separated) for authentication - name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationPlugin default: '' description: Authentication plugin to use when connecting to bookies - name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParametersName default: '' description: BookKeeper auth plugin implementatation specifics parameters name and values - name: bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParameters default: '' - name: bookkeeperClientTimeoutInSeconds default: '30' description: Timeout for BK add / read operations - name: bookkeeperClientSpeculativeReadTimeoutInMillis default: '0' description: Speculative reads are initiated if a read request doesn't complete within a certain time Using a value of 0, is disabling the speculative reads - name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable bookies health check. Bookies that have more than the configured number of failure within the interval will be quarantined for some time. During this period, new ledgers won't be created on these bookies - name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckIntervalSeconds default: '60' - name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckErrorThresholdPerInterval default: '5' - name: bookkeeperClientHealthCheckQuarantineTimeInSeconds default: '1800' - name: bookkeeperClientRackawarePolicyEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable rack-aware bookie selection policy. BK will chose bookies from different racks when forming a new bookie ensemble - name: bookkeeperClientIsolationGroups default: '' description: Enable bookie isolation by specifying a list of bookie groups to choose from. Any bookie outside the specified groups will not be used by the broker - name: managedLedgerDefaultEnsembleSize default: '2' description: Number of bookies to use when creating a ledger - name: managedLedgerDefaultWriteQuorum default: '2' description: Number of copies to store for each message - name: managedLedgerDefaultAckQuorum default: '2' description: Number of guaranteed copies (acks to wait before write is complete) description: Number of guaranteed copies (acks to wait before write is complete) - name: managedLedgerCacheSizeMB default: '1024' description: Amount of memory to use for caching data payload in managed ledger. This memory is allocated from JVM direct memory and it's shared across all the topics running in the same broker - name: managedLedgerCacheEvictionWatermark default: '0.9' description: Threshold to which bring down the cache level when eviction is triggered - name: managedLedgerDefaultMarkDeleteRateLimit default: '1.0' description: Rate limit the amount of writes per second generated by consumer acking the messages - name: managedLedgerMaxEntriesPerLedger default: '50000' description: | Max number of entries to append to a ledger before triggering a rollover. A ledger rollover is triggered on these conditions: * Either the max rollover time has been reached * or max entries have been written to the ledged and at least min-time has passed - name: managedLedgerMinLedgerRolloverTimeMinutes default: '10' description: Minimum time between ledger rollover for a topic - name: managedLedgerMaxLedgerRolloverTimeMinutes default: '240' description: Maximum time before forcing a ledger rollover for a topic - name: managedLedgerCursorMaxEntriesPerLedger default: '50000' description: Max number of entries to append to a cursor ledger - name: managedLedgerCursorRolloverTimeInSeconds default: '14400' description: Max time before triggering a rollover on a cursor ledger - name: managedLedgerMaxUnackedRangesToPersist default: '1000' description: | Max number of "acknowledgment holes" that are going to be persistently stored. When acknowledging out of order, a consumer will leave holes that are supposed to be quickly filled by acking all the messages. The information of which messages are acknowledged is persisted by compressing in "ranges" of messages that were acknowledged. After the max number of ranges is reached, the information will only be tracked in memory and messages will be redelivered in case of crashes. - name: loadBalancerEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable load balancer - name: loadBalancerPlacementStrategy default: weightedRandomSelection description: Strategy to assign a new bundle - name: loadBalancerReportUpdateThresholdPercentage default: '10' description: Percentage of change to trigger load report update - name: loadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes default: '15' description: maximum interval to update load report - name: loadBalancerHostUsageCheckIntervalMinutes default: '1' description: Frequency of report to collect - name: loadBalancerSheddingIntervalMinutes default: '30' description: Load shedding interval. Broker periodically checks whether some traffic should be offload from some over-loaded broker to other under-loaded brokers - name: loadBalancerSheddingGracePeriodMinutes default: '30' description: Prevent the same topics to be shed and moved to other broker more that once within this timeframe - name: loadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage default: '1' description: Usage threshold to determine a broker as under-loaded - name: loadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage default: '85' description: Usage threshold to determine a broker as over-loaded - name: loadBalancerResourceQuotaUpdateIntervalMinutes default: '15' description: Interval to update namespace bundle resource quotat - name: loadBalancerBrokerComfortLoadLevelPercentage default: '65' description: Usage threshold to determine a broker is having just right level of load - name: loadBalancerAutoBundleSplitEnabled default: 'false' description: enable/disable namespace bundle auto split - name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxTopics default: '1000' description: maximum topics in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered - name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxSessions default: '1000' description: maximum sessions (producers + consumers) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered - name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxMsgRate default: '1000' description: maximum msgRate (in + out) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered - name: loadBalancerNamespaceBundleMaxBandwidthMbytes default: '100' description: maximum bandwidth (in + out) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered - name: loadBalancerNamespaceMaximumBundles default: '128' description: maximum number of bundles in a namespace - name: replicationMetricsEnabled default: 'true' description: Enable replication metrics - name: replicationConnectionsPerBroker default: '16' description: Max number of connections to open for each broker in a remote cluster More connections host-to-host lead to better throughput over high-latency links. - name: replicationProducerQueueSize default: '1000' description: Replicator producer queue size - name: replicatorPrefix default: pulsar.repl description: Replicator prefix used for replicator producer name and cursor name - name: defaultRetentionTimeInMinutes default: '0' description: Default message retention time - name: defaultRetentionSizeInMB default: '0' description: Default retention size - name: keepAliveIntervalSeconds default: '30' description: How often to check cms connection is still alive - name: brokerServicePurgeInactiveFrequencyInSeconds default: '60' description: How often broker checks for inactive topics to be deleted (topics with no subscriptions and no one connected) - name: loadManagerClassName default: org.apache.pulsar.broker.loadbalance.impl.SimpleLoadManagerImpl description: Name of load manager to use