#!/bin/bash PID=$$ ROOT=`pwd` LOCAL_IP=`scripts/get_local_ip` export REPORT_DIR="$ROOT/test_report" export DSN_ROOT=$ROOT/DSN_ROOT export DSN_THIRDPARTY_ROOT=$ROOT/rdsn/thirdparty/output export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DSN_ROOT/lib:$DSN_THIRDPARTY_ROOT/lib:$BOOST_DIR/lib:$TOOLCHAIN_DIR/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH function usage() { echo "usage: run.sh []" echo echo "Command list:" echo " help print the help info" echo " build build the system" echo echo " start_zk start local single zookeeper server" echo " stop_zk stop local zookeeper server" echo " clear_zk stop local zookeeper server and clear data" echo echo " start_onebox start pegasus onebox" echo " stop_onebox stop pegasus onebox" echo " list_onebox list pegasus onebox" echo " clear_onebox clear pegasus onebox" echo echo " start_onebox_instance start pegasus onebox instance" echo " stop_onebox_instance stop pegasus onebox instance" echo " restart_onebox_instance restart pegasus onebox instance" echo echo " start_kill_test start pegasus kill test" echo " stop_kill_test stop pegasus kill test" echo " list_kill_test list pegasus kill test" echo " clear_kill_test clear pegasus kill test" echo echo " bench run benchmark test" echo " shell run pegasus shell" echo " migrate_node migrate primary replicas out of specified node" echo " downgrade_node downgrade replicas to inactive on specified node" echo echo " test run unit test" echo echo " pack_server generate pegasus server package for deploy with minos" echo " pack_client generate pegasus client package" echo " pack_tools generate pegasus tools package for shell and benchmark test" echo echo " bump_version change the version of the project" echo "Command 'run.sh -h' will print help for subcommands." } ##################### ## build ##################### function usage_build() { echo "Options for subcommand 'build':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -t|--type build type: debug|release, default is release" echo " -s|--serialize serialize type: dsn|thrift|proto, default is thrift" echo " -c|--clear clear rdsn/rocksdb/pegasus before building, not clear thirdparty" echo " -cc|--half-clear clear pegasus before building, not clear thirdparty/rdsn/rocksdb" echo " --clear_thirdparty clear thirdparty/rdsn/rocksdb/pegasus before building" echo " --compiler specify c and cxx compiler, sperated by ','" echo " e.g., \"gcc,g++\" or \"clang-3.9,clang++-3.9\"" echo " default is \"gcc,g++\"" echo " -j|--jobs the number of jobs to run simultaneously, default 8" echo " -b|--boost_dir specify customized boost directory, use system boost if not set" echo " -w|--warning_all open all warnings when building, default no" echo " --enable_gcov generate gcov code coverage report, default no" echo " -v|--verbose build in verbose mode, default no" echo " --disable_gperf build without gperftools, this flag is mainly used" echo " to enable valgrind memcheck, default no" echo " --sanitizer build with sanitizer to check potential problems, type: address|leak|thread|undefined" echo " --skip_thirdparty whether to skip building thirdparties, default no" } function run_build() { # Note(jiashuo1): No "memory" check mode, because MemorySanitizer is only available in Clang for Linux x86_64 targets # # https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/google-sanitizers.html SANITIZERS=("address" "leak" "thread" "undefined") C_COMPILER="gcc" CXX_COMPILER="g++" BUILD_TYPE="release" CLEAR=NO PART_CLEAR=NO CLEAR_THIRDPARTY=NO JOB_NUM=8 BOOST_DIR="" WARNING_ALL=NO ENABLE_GCOV=NO RUN_VERBOSE=NO DISABLE_GPERF=NO SKIP_THIRDPARTY=NO SANITIZER="" TEST_MODULE="" while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_build exit 0 ;; -t|--type) BUILD_TYPE="$2" shift ;; -c|--clear) CLEAR=YES ;; -cc|--part_clear) PART_CLEAR=YES ;; --clear_thirdparty) CLEAR_THIRDPARTY=YES ;; --compiler) C_COMPILER=`echo $2 | awk -F',' '{print $1}'` CXX_COMPILER=`echo $2 | awk -F',' '{print $2}'` if [ "x"$C_COMPILER == "x" -o "x"$CXX_COMPILER == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid compiler option: $2" echo usage_build exit 1 fi shift ;; -j|--jobs) JOB_NUM="$2" shift ;; -b|--boost_dir) BOOST_DIR="$2" shift ;; -w|--warning_all) WARNING_ALL=YES ;; --enable_gcov) ENABLE_GCOV=YES ;; --sanitizer) IS_SANITIZERS=`echo ${SANITIZERS[@]} | grep -w $2` if [[ -z ${IS_SANITIZERS} ]]; then echo "ERROR: unknown sanitizer type \"$2\"" usage_build exit 1 fi SANITIZER="$2" shift ;; -v|--verbose) RUN_VERBOSE=YES ;; --disable_gperf) DISABLE_GPERF=YES ;; --skip_thirdparty) SKIP_THIRDPARTY=YES ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_build exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "debug" -a "$BUILD_TYPE" != "release" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid build type \"$BUILD_TYPE\"" echo usage_build exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $ROOT/rdsn/include ]; then echo "ERROR: rdsn submodule not fetched" exit 1 fi # reset DSN_ROOT env because "$ROOT/DSN_ROOT" is not generated now. export DSN_ROOT=$ROOT/rdsn/builder/output if [ ! -e $ROOT/DSN_ROOT ]; then ln -sf $DSN_ROOT $ROOT/DSN_ROOT fi echo "Build start time: `date`" start_time=`date +%s` echo "INFO: start build rdsn..." cd $ROOT/rdsn OPT="-t $BUILD_TYPE -j $JOB_NUM --compiler $C_COMPILER,$CXX_COMPILER" if [ "$BOOST_DIR" != "" ]; then OPT="$OPT -b $BOOST_DIR" fi if [ "$CLEAR" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT -c" fi if [ "$CLEAR_THIRDPARTY" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT --clear_thirdparty" fi if [ "$WARNING_ALL" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT -w" fi if [ "$RUN_VERBOSE" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT -v" fi if [ "$ENABLE_GCOV" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT --enable_gcov" fi if [ "$DISABLE_GPERF" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT --disable_gperf" fi if [ "$SKIP_THIRDPARTY" == "YES" ]; then OPT="$OPT --skip_thirdparty" fi if [ ! -z $SANITIZER ]; then OPT="$OPT --sanitizer $SANITIZER" fi ./run.sh build $OPT --notest if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build rdsn failed" exit 1 fi echo "INFO: start build rocksdb..." ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR="$ROOT/rocksdb/build" ROCKSDB_BUILD_OUTPUT="$ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR/output" CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$C_COMPILER -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$CXX_COMPILER -DWITH_LZ4=ON -DWITH_ZSTD=ON -DWITH_SNAPPY=ON -DWITH_BZ2=OFF -DWITH_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-g" if [ "$WARNING_ALL" == "YES" ] then echo "WARNING_ALL=YES" CMAKE_OPTIONS="$CMAKE_OPTIONS -DWARNING_ALL=TRUE" else echo "WARNING_ALL=NO" fi if [ "$ENABLE_GCOV" == "YES" ] then echo "ENABLE_GCOV=YES" CMAKE_OPTIONS="$CMAKE_OPTIONS -DENABLE_GCOV=TRUE" else echo "ENABLE_GCOV=NO" fi if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "debug" ] then echo "BUILD_TYPE=debug" CMAKE_OPTIONS="$CMAKE_OPTIONS -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" else echo "BUILD_TYPE=release" fi if [ -f $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR/CMAKE_OPTIONS ] then LAST_OPTIONS=`cat $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR/CMAKE_OPTIONS` if [ "$CMAKE_OPTIONS" != "$LAST_OPTIONS" ] then echo "WARNING: CMAKE_OPTIONS has changed from last build, clear environment first" CLEAR=YES fi fi if [ "$CLEAR" == "YES" ] && [ -d "$ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR" ] then echo "Clear $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR ..." rm -rf $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR fi if [ ! -f $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR/Makefile ]; then echo "Running cmake..." mkdir -p $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR cd $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR echo "$CMAKE_OPTIONS" >CMAKE_OPTIONS cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$ROCKSDB_BUILD_OUTPUT $CMAKE_OPTIONS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: cmake failed" exit 1 fi else cd $ROCKSDB_BUILD_DIR fi echo "Building..." if [ "$RUN_VERBOSE" == "YES" ] then echo "RUN_VERBOSE=YES" MAKE_OPTIONS="$MAKE_OPTIONS VERBOSE=1" else echo "RUN_VERBOSE=NO" fi make install -j $JOB_NUM $MAKE_OPTIONS if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR: build rocksdb failed" exit 1 else echo "Build rocksdb succeed" fi echo "INFO: start build pegasus..." cd $ROOT/src C_COMPILER="$C_COMPILER" CXX_COMPILER="$CXX_COMPILER" BUILD_TYPE="$BUILD_TYPE" \ CLEAR="$CLEAR" PART_CLEAR="$PART_CLEAR" JOB_NUM="$JOB_NUM" \ BOOST_DIR="$BOOST_DIR" WARNING_ALL="$WARNING_ALL" ENABLE_GCOV="$ENABLE_GCOV" SANITIZER="$SANITIZER"\ RUN_VERBOSE="$RUN_VERBOSE" TEST_MODULE="$TEST_MODULE" DISABLE_GPERF="$DISABLE_GPERF" ./build.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: build pegasus failed" exit 1 fi cd $ROOT chmod +x scripts/*.sh echo "Build finish time: `date`" finish_time=`date +%s` used_time=$((finish_time-start_time)) echo "Build elapsed time: $((used_time/60))m $((used_time%60))s" } ##################### ## test ##################### function usage_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--modules set the test modules: pegasus_unit_test pegasus_function_test" echo " -k|--keep_onebox whether keep the onebox after the test[default false]" echo " --on_travis run tests on travis without some time-cosuming function tests" } function run_test() { local test_modules="" local clear_flags="1" local on_travis="" while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_test exit 0 ;; -m|--modules) test_modules=$2 shift ;; -k|--keep_onebox) clear_flags="" ;; --on_travis) on_travis="--on_travis" ;; *) echo "Error: unknow option \"$key\"" echo usage_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$test_modules" == "" ]; then test_modules="pegasus_unit_test pegasus_function_test" fi echo "Test start time: `date`" start_time=`date +%s` ./run.sh clear_onebox #clear the onebox before test if ! ./run.sh start_onebox -w; then echo "ERROR: unable to continue on testing because starting onebox failed" exit 1 fi for module in `echo $test_modules`; do pushd $ROOT/src/builder/bin/$module REPORT_DIR=$REPORT_DIR ./run.sh $on_travis if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "run test \"$module\" in `pwd` failed" exit 1 fi popd done if [ "$clear_flags" == "1" ]; then ./run.sh clear_onebox fi echo "Test finish time: `date`" finish_time=`date +%s` used_time=$((finish_time-start_time)) echo "Test elapsed time: $((used_time/60))m $((used_time%60))s" } ##################### ## start_zk ##################### function usage_start_zk() { echo "Options for subcommand 'start_zk':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -d|--install_dir " echo " zookeeper install directory," echo " if not set, then default is './.zk_install'" echo " -p|--port listen port of zookeeper, default is 22181" } function run_start_zk() { # first we check the environment that zk need: java and nc command # check java type java >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "start zk failed, need install jre..."; exit 1;} # check nc command type nc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "start zk failed, need install netcat command..."; exit 1;} INSTALL_DIR=`pwd`/.zk_install PORT=22181 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_start_zk exit 0 ;; -d|--install_dir) INSTALL_DIR=$2 shift ;; -p|--port) PORT=$2 shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_start_zk exit 1 ;; esac shift done INSTALL_DIR="$INSTALL_DIR" PORT="$PORT" ./scripts/start_zk.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } ##################### ## stop_zk ##################### function usage_stop_zk() { echo "Options for subcommand 'stop_zk':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -d|--install_dir " echo " zookeeper install directory," echo " if not set, then default is './.zk_install'" } function run_stop_zk() { INSTALL_DIR=`pwd`/.zk_install while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_stop_zk exit 0 ;; -d|--install_dir) INSTALL_DIR=$2 shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_stop_zk exit 1 ;; esac shift done INSTALL_DIR="$INSTALL_DIR" ./scripts/stop_zk.sh } ##################### ## clear_zk ##################### function usage_clear_zk() { echo "Options for subcommand 'clear_zk':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -d|--install_dir " echo " zookeeper install directory," echo " if not set, then default is './.zk_install'" } function run_clear_zk() { INSTALL_DIR=`pwd`/.zk_install while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_clear_zk exit 0 ;; -d|--install_dir) INSTALL_DIR=$2 shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_clear__zk exit 1 ;; esac shift done INSTALL_DIR="$INSTALL_DIR" ./scripts/clear_zk.sh } ##################### ## start_onebox ##################### function usage_start_onebox() { echo "Options for subcommand 'start_onebox':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_count " echo " meta server count, default is 3" echo " -r|--replica_count " echo " replica server count, default is 3" echo " -c|--collector" echo " start the collector server, default not start" echo " -a|--app_name " echo " default app name, default is temp" echo " -p|--partition_count " echo " default app partition count, default is 8" echo " -w|--wait_healthy" echo " wait cluster to become healthy, default not wait" echo " -s|--server_path " echo " server binary path, default is ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_server" echo " --config_path" echo " specify the config template path, default is ./src/server/config.min.ini in non-production env" echo " ./src/server/config.ini in production env" echo " --use_product_config" echo " use the product config template" } function run_start_onebox() { META_COUNT=3 REPLICA_COUNT=3 COLLECTOR_COUNT=0 APP_NAME=temp PARTITION_COUNT=8 WAIT_HEALTHY=false SERVER_PATH=${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_server CONFIG_FILE="" USE_PRODUCT_CONFIG=false while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_start_onebox exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_count) META_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_count) REPLICA_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -c|--collector) COLLECTOR_COUNT=1 ;; -a|--app_name) APP_NAME="$2" shift ;; -p|--partition_count) PARTITION_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -w|--wait_healthy) WAIT_HEALTHY=true ;; -s|--server_path) SERVER_PATH="$2" shift ;; --config_path) CONFIG_FILE="$2" shift ;; --use_product_config) USE_PRODUCT_CONFIG=true ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_start_onebox exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ ! -f ${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server ]; then echo "ERROR: file ${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server not exist" exit 1 fi if ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep -E -q 'app_list meta|app_list replica|app_list collector'; then echo "ERROR: some onebox processes are running, start failed" exit 1 fi ln -s -f "${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server" "${ROOT}" if ! run_start_zk; then echo "ERROR: unable to setup onebox because zookeeper can not be started" exit 1 fi if [ $USE_PRODUCT_CONFIG == "true" ]; then [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] && CONFIG_FILE=${ROOT}/src/server/config.ini [ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] && { echo "${CONFIG_FILE} is not exist"; exit 1; } cp -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/\<34601\>/@META_PORT@/' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/\<34801\>/@REPLICA_PORT@/' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{cluster.name}/onebox/g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{network.interface}/eth0/g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{email.address}//g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{app.dir}/.\/data/g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{slog.dir}//g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{data.dirs}//g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's@%{home.dir}@'"$HOME"'@g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini for i in $(seq ${META_COUNT}) do meta_port=$((34600+i)) if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then meta_list="${LOCAL_IP}:$meta_port" else meta_list="$meta_list,${LOCAL_IP}:$meta_port" fi done sed -i 's/%{meta.server.list}/'"$meta_list"'/g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/%{zk.server.list}/'"${LOCAL_IP}"':22181/g' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/app_name = .*$/app_name = '"$APP_NAME"'/' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini sed -i 's/partition_count = .*$/partition_count = '"$PARTITION_COUNT"'/' ${ROOT}/config-server.ini else [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] && CONFIG_FILE=${ROOT}/src/server/config.min.ini [ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] && { echo "${CONFIG_FILE} is not exist"; exit 1; } sed "s/@LOCAL_IP@/${LOCAL_IP}/g;s/@APP_NAME@/${APP_NAME}/g;s/@PARTITION_COUNT@/${PARTITION_COUNT}/g" \ ${CONFIG_FILE} >${ROOT}/config-server.ini fi echo "starting server" ld_library_path=${SERVER_PATH}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ld_library_path mkdir -p onebox cd onebox for i in $(seq ${META_COUNT}) do meta_port=$((34600+i)) prometheus_port=$((9091+i)) mkdir -p meta$i; cd meta$i ln -s -f ${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server pegasus_server sed "s/@META_PORT@/$meta_port/;s/@REPLICA_PORT@/34800/;s/@PROMETHEUS_PORT@/$prometheus_port/" ${ROOT}/config-server.ini >config.ini echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list meta &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list meta &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. done for j in $(seq ${REPLICA_COUNT}) do prometheus_port=$((9091+${META_COUNT}+j)) replica_port=$((34800+j)) mkdir -p replica$j cd replica$j ln -s -f ${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server pegasus_server sed "s/@META_PORT@/34600/;s/@REPLICA_PORT@/$replica_port/;s/@PROMETHEUS_PORT@/$prometheus_port/" ${ROOT}/config-server.ini >config.ini echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list replica &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list replica &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. done if [ $COLLECTOR_COUNT -eq 1 ] then mkdir -p collector cd collector ln -s -f ${SERVER_PATH}/pegasus_server pegasus_server sed "s/@META_PORT@/34600/;s/@REPLICA_PORT@/34800/;s/@PROMETHEUS_PORT@/9091/" ${ROOT}/config-server.ini >config.ini echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list collector &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list collector &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. fi if [ $WAIT_HEALTHY == "true" ]; then cd $ROOT echo "Wait cluster to become healthy..." sleeped=0 while true; do sleep 1 sleeped=$((sleeped+1)) echo "Sleeped for $sleeped seconds" unhealthy_count=`echo "ls -d" | ./run.sh shell | awk 'f{ if(NF<7){f=0} else if($3!=$4){print} } / fully_healthy /{print;f=1}' | wc -l` if [ $unhealthy_count -eq 1 ]; then echo "Cluster becomes healthy." break fi done fi } ##################### ## stop_onebox ##################### function usage_stop_onebox() { echo "Options for subcommand 'stop_onebox':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_stop_onebox() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_stop_onebox exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_stop_onebox exit 1 ;; esac shift done ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep -E 'app_list meta|app_list replica|app_list collector' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null } ##################### ## list_onebox ##################### function usage_list_onebox() { echo "Options for subcommand 'list_onebox':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_list_onebox() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_list_onebox exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_list_onebox exit 1 ;; esac shift done ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep -E 'app_list meta|app_list replica|app_list collector' | sort -k11 } ##################### ## clear_onebox ##################### function usage_clear_onebox() { echo "Options for subcommand 'clear_onebox':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_clear_onebox() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_clear_onebox exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_clear_onebox exit 1 ;; esac shift done run_stop_onebox run_clear_zk rm -rf onebox *.log *.data config-*.ini &>/dev/null sleep 1 } ##################### ## start_onebox_instance ##################### function usage_start_onebox_instance() { echo "Options for subcommand 'start_onebox_instance':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_id start meta server with id" echo " -r|--replica_id start replica server with id" echo " -c|--collector start collector server" } function run_start_onebox_instance() { META_ID=0 REPLICA_ID=0 COLLECTOR_ID=0 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_start_onebox_instance exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_id) META_ID="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_id) REPLICA_ID="$2" shift ;; -c|--collector) COLLECTOR_ID=1 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_start_onebox_instance exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ $META_ID = "0" -a $REPLICA_ID = "0" -a $COLLECTOR_ID = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: no meta_id or replica_id or collector set" exit 1 fi if [ $META_ID != "0" ]; then dir=onebox/meta$META_ID if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid meta_id" exit 1 fi if ps -ef | grep "/meta$META_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list meta" ; then echo "INFO: meta@$META_ID already running" exit 1 fi cd $dir echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list meta &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list meta &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. echo "INFO: meta@$META_ID started" fi if [ $REPLICA_ID != "0" ]; then dir=onebox/replica$REPLICA_ID if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid replica_id" exit 1 fi if ps -ef | grep "/replica$REPLICA_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list replica" ; then echo "INFO: replica@$REPLICA_ID already running" exit 1 fi cd $dir echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list replica &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list replica &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. echo "INFO: replica@$REPLICA_ID started" fi if [ $COLLECTOR_ID != "0" ]; then dir=onebox/collector if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "ERROR: collector dir $dir not exist" exit 1 fi if ps -ef | grep "/collector/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list collector" ; then echo "INFO: collector already running" exit 1 fi cd $dir echo "cd `pwd` && $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list collector &>result &" $PWD/pegasus_server config.ini -app_list collector &>result & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_server config.ini' | grep "\<$PID\>" cd .. echo "INFO: collector started" fi } ##################### ## stop_onebox_instance ##################### function usage_stop_onebox_instance() { echo "Options for subcommand 'stop_onebox_instance':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_id stop meta server with id" echo " -r|--replica_id stop replica server with id" echo " -c|--collector stop collector server" } function run_stop_onebox_instance() { META_ID=0 REPLICA_ID=0 COLLECTOR_ID=0 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_stop_onebox_instance exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_id) META_ID="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_id) REPLICA_ID="$2" shift ;; -c|--collector) COLLECTOR_ID=1 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_stop_onebox_instance exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ $META_ID = "0" -a $REPLICA_ID = "0" -a $COLLECTOR_ID = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: no meta_id or replica_id or collector set" exit 1 fi if [ $META_ID != "0" ]; then dir=onebox/meta$META_ID if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid meta_id" exit 1 fi if ! ps -ef | grep "/meta$META_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list meta" ; then echo "INFO: meta@$META_ID is not running" exit 1 fi ps -ef | grep "/meta$META_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list meta" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null echo "INFO: meta@$META_ID stopped" fi if [ $REPLICA_ID != "0" ]; then dir=onebox/replica$REPLICA_ID if [ ! -d $dir ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid replica_id" exit 1 fi if ! ps -ef | grep "/replica$REPLICA_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list replica" ; then echo "INFO: replica@$REPLICA_ID is not running" exit 1 fi ps -ef | grep "/replica$REPLICA_ID/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list replica" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null echo "INFO: replica@$REPLICA_ID stopped" fi if [ $COLLECTOR_ID != "0" ]; then if ! ps -ef | grep "/collector/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list collector" ; then echo "INFO: collector is not running" exit 1 fi ps -ef | grep "/collector/pegasus_server config.ini" | grep "app_list collector" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null echo "INFO: collector stopped" fi } ##################### ## restart_onebox_instance ##################### function usage_restart_onebox_instance() { echo "Options for subcommand 'restart_onebox_instance':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_id restart meta server with id" echo " -r|--replica_id restart replica server with id" echo " -c|--collector restart collector server" echo " -s|--sleep sleep time in seconds between stop and start, default is 1" } function run_restart_onebox_instance() { META_ID=0 REPLICA_ID=0 COLLECTOR_OPT="" SLEEP=1 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_restart_onebox_instance exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_id) META_ID="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_id) REPLICA_ID="$2" shift ;; -c|--collector) COLLECTOR_OPT="-c" shift ;; -s|--sleep) SLEEP="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_restart_onebox_instance exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ $META_ID = "0" -a $REPLICA_ID = "0" -a "x$COLLECTOR_OPT" = "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: no meta_id or replica_id or collector set" exit 1 fi run_stop_onebox_instance -m $META_ID -r $REPLICA_ID $COLLECTOR_OPT echo "sleep $SLEEP" sleep $SLEEP run_start_onebox_instance -m $META_ID -r $REPLICA_ID $COLLECTOR_OPT } ##################### ## start_kill_test ##################### function usage_start_kill_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'start_kill_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_count " echo " meta server count, default is 3" echo " -r|--replica_count " echo " replica server count, default is 5" echo " -a|--app_name " echo " app name, default is temp" echo " -p|--partition_count " echo " app partition count, default is 16" echo " -t|--kill_type " echo " kill type: meta | replica | all, default is all" echo " -s|--sleep_time " echo " max sleep time before next kill, default is 10" echo " actual sleep time will be a random value in range of [1, sleep_time]" echo " -w|--worker_count " echo " worker count for concurrently setting value, default is 10" echo " -k|--killer_type " echo " killer type: process_killer | partition_killer, default is process_killer" } function run_start_kill_test() { META_COUNT=3 REPLICA_COUNT=5 APP_NAME=temp PARTITION_COUNT=16 KILL_TYPE=all SLEEP_TIME=10 THREAD_COUNT=10 KILLER_TYPE=process_killer while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_start_kill_test exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_count) META_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_count) REPLICA_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -a|--app_name) APP_NAME="$2" shift ;; -p|--partition_count) PARTITION_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -t|--kill_type) KILL_TYPE="$2" shift ;; -s|--sleep_time) SLEEP_TIME="$2" shift ;; -w|--worker_count) THREAD_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -k|--killer_type) KILLER_TYPE="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_start_kill_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done run_start_onebox -m $META_COUNT -r $REPLICA_COUNT -a $APP_NAME -p $PARTITION_COUNT cd $ROOT CONFIG=config-kill-test.ini sed "s/@LOCAL_IP@/${LOCAL_IP}/g;\ s/@META_COUNT@/${META_COUNT}/g;\ s/@REPLICA_COUNT@/${REPLICA_COUNT}/g;\ s/@ZK_COUNT@/1/g;s/@APP_NAME@/${APP_NAME}/g;\ s/@SET_THREAD_COUNT@/${THREAD_COUNT}/g;\ s/@GET_THREAD_COUNT@/${THREAD_COUNT}/g;\ s+@ONEBOX_RUN_PATH@+`pwd`+g" ${ROOT}/src/test/kill_test/config.ini >$CONFIG # start verifier mkdir -p onebox/verifier && cd onebox/verifier ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_kill_test/pegasus_kill_test ln -s -f ${ROOT}/$CONFIG config.ini echo "$PWD/pegasus_kill_test config.ini verifier &>/dev/null &" $PWD/pegasus_kill_test config.ini verifier &>/dev/null & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_kill_test config.ini verifier' | grep "\<$PID\>" sleep 0.2 cd ${ROOT} #start killer mkdir -p onebox/killer && cd onebox/killer ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_kill_test/pegasus_kill_test ln -s -f ${ROOT}/$CONFIG config.ini echo "$PWD/pegasus_kill_test config.ini $KILLER_TYPE &>/dev/null &" $PWD/pegasus_kill_test config.ini $KILLER_TYPE &>/dev/null & PID=$! ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_kill_test config.ini p*' | grep "\<$PID\>" sleep 0.2 cd ${ROOT} run_list_kill_test } ##################### ## stop_kill_test ##################### function usage_stop_kill_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'stop_kill_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_stop_kill_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_stop_kill_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_stop_kill_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_kill_test ' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null run_stop_onebox } ##################### ## list_kill_test ##################### function usage_list_kill_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'list_kill_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_list_kill_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_list_kill_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_list_kill_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done echo "------------------------------" run_list_onebox ps -ef | grep '/pegasus_kill_test ' | grep -v grep echo "------------------------------" echo "Server dir: ./onebox" echo "------------------------------" } ##################### ## clear_kill_test ##################### function usage_clear_kill_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'clear_kill_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_clear_kill_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_clear_kill_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_clear_kill_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done run_stop_kill_test run_clear_onebox rm -rf kill_history.txt *.data config-*.ini &>/dev/null } ##################### ## start_upgrade_test ##################### function usage_start_upgrade_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'start_upgrade_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -m|--meta_count " echo " meta server count, default is 3" echo " -r|--replica_count " echo " replica server count, default is 5" echo " -a|--app_name " echo " app name, default is temp" echo " -p|--partition_count " echo " app partition count, default is 16" echo " --upgrade_type " echo " upgrade type: meta | replica | all, default is all" echo " -o|--old_version_path " echo " old server binary and library path" echo " -n|--new_version_path " echo " new server binary and library path" echo " -s|--sleep_time " echo " max sleep time before next update, default is 10" echo " actual sleep time will be a random value in range of [1, sleep_time]" echo " -w|--worker_count " echo " worker count for concurrently setting value, default is 10" } function run_start_upgrade_test() { META_COUNT=3 REPLICA_COUNT=5 APP_NAME=temp PARTITION_COUNT=16 UPGRADE_TYPE=replica OLD_VERSION_PATH= NEW_VERSION_PATH= SLEEP_TIME=10 THREAD_COUNT=10 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_start_upgrade_test exit 0 ;; -m|--meta_count) META_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -r|--replica_count) REPLICA_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -a|--app_name) APP_NAME="$2" shift ;; -p|--partition_count) PARTITION_COUNT="$2" shift ;; -t|--upgrade_type) UPGRADE_TYPE="$2" shift ;; -o|--old_version_path) OLD_VERSION_PATH="${ROOT}/$2" shift ;; -n|--new_version_path) NEW_VERSION_PATH="${ROOT}/$2" shift ;; -s|--sleep_time) SLEEP_TIME="$2" shift ;; -w|--worker_count) THREAD_COUNT="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_start_upgrade_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done run_start_onebox -m $META_COUNT -r $REPLICA_COUNT -a $APP_NAME -p $PARTITION_COUNT -s $OLD_VERSION_PATH echo cd $ROOT CONFIG=config-upgrade-test.ini sed "s/@LOCAL_IP@/${LOCAL_IP}/g;\ s/@META_COUNT@/${META_COUNT}/g;\ s/@REPLICA_COUNT@/${REPLICA_COUNT}/g;\ s/@ZK_COUNT@/1/g;s/@APP_NAME@/${APP_NAME}/g;\ s/@SET_THREAD_COUNT@/${THREAD_COUNT}/g;\ s/@GET_THREAD_COUNT@/${THREAD_COUNT}/g;\ s+@ONEBOX_RUN_PATH@+`pwd`+g; \ s+@OLD_VERSION_PATH@+${OLD_VERSION_PATH}+g;\ s+@NEW_VERSION_PATH@+${NEW_VERSION_PATH}+g " ${ROOT}/src/test/upgrade_test/config.ini >$CONFIG # start verifier mkdir -p onebox/verifier && cd onebox/verifier ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_upgrade_test/pegasus_upgrade_test ln -s -f ${ROOT}/$CONFIG config.ini echo "./pegasus_upgrade_test config.ini verifier &>/dev/null &" ./pegasus_upgrade_test config.ini verifier &>/dev/null & sleep 0.2 echo cd ${ROOT} #start upgrader mkdir -p onebox/upgrader && cd onebox/upgrader ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_upgrade_test/pegasus_upgrade_test ln -s -f ${ROOT}/$CONFIG config.ini echo "./pegasus_upgrade_test config.ini upgrader &>/dev/null &" ./pegasus_upgrade_test config.ini upgrader &>/dev/null & sleep 0.2 echo cd ${ROOT} run_list_upgrade_test } ##################### ## stop_upgrade_test ##################### function usage_stop_upgrade_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'stop_upgrade_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_stop_upgrade_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_stop_upgrade_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_stop_upgrade_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done ps -ef | grep ' \./pegasus_upgrade_test ' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill &>/dev/null run_stop_onebox } ##################### ## list_upgrade_test ##################### function usage_list_upgrade_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'list_upgrade_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_list_upgrade_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_list_upgrade_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_list_upgrade_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done echo "------------------------------" run_list_onebox ps -ef | grep ' \./pegasus_upgrade_test ' | grep -v grep echo "------------------------------" echo "Server dir: ./onebox" echo "------------------------------" } ##################### ## clear_upgrade_test ##################### function usage_clear_upgrade_test() { echo "Options for subcommand 'clear_upgrade_test':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" } function run_clear_upgrade_test() { while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_clear_upgrade_test exit 0 ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_clear_upgrade_test exit 1 ;; esac shift done run_stop_upgrade_test run_clear_onebox rm -rf upgrade_history.txt *.data config-*.ini &>/dev/null } ##################### ## bench ##################### function usage_bench() { echo "Options for subcommand 'bench':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " --type benchmark type, supporting:" echo " fillrandom_pegasus --pegasus write N random values with random keys list" echo " readrandom_pegasus --pegasus read N times with random keys list" echo " deleterandom_pegasus --pegasus delete N entries with random keys list" echo " Comma-separated list of operations is going to run in the specified order." echo " default is 'fillrandom_pegasus,readrandom_pegasus,deleterandom_pegasus'" echo " --num number of key/value pairs, default is 10000" echo " --cluster cluster meta lists, default is ',,'" echo " --app_name app name, default is 'temp'" echo " --thread_num number of threads, default is 1" echo " --hashkey_size hashkey size in bytes, default is 16" echo " --sortkey_size sortkey size in bytes, default is 16" echo " --value_size value size in bytes, default is 100" echo " --timeout timeout in milliseconds, default is 1000" echo " --seed seed base for random number generator, When 0 it is specified as 1000. default is 1000" } function fill_bench_config() { sed -i "s/@TYPE@/$TYPE/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@NUM@/$NUM/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@CLUSTER@/$CLUSTER/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@APP@/$APP/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@THREAD@/$THREAD/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@HASHKEY_SIZE@/$HASHKEY_SIZE/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@SORTKEY_SIZE@/$SORTKEY_SIZE/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@VALUE_SIZE@/$VALUE_SIZE/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@TIMEOUT_MS@/$TIMEOUT_MS/g" ./config-bench.ini sed -i "s/@SEED@/$SEED/g" ./config-bench.ini } function run_bench() { TYPE=fillrandom_pegasus,readrandom_pegasus,deleterandom_pegasus NUM=10000 CLUSTER=,, APP=temp THREAD=1 HASHKEY_SIZE=16 SORTKEY_SIZE=16 VALUE_SIZE=100 TIMEOUT_MS=1000 SEED=1000 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_bench exit 0 ;; --type) TYPE="$2" shift ;; --num) NUM="$2" shift ;; --cluster) CLUSTER="$2" shift ;; --app_name) APP="$2" shift ;; --thread_num) THREAD="$2" shift ;; --hashkey_size) HASHKEY_SIZE="$2" shift ;; --sortkey_size) SORTKEY_SIZE="$2" shift ;; --value_size) VALUE_SIZE="$2" shift ;; --timeout) TIMEOUT_MS="$2" shift ;; --seed) SEED="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_bench exit 1 ;; esac shift done cd ${ROOT} cp ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_bench/config.ini ./config-bench.ini fill_bench_config ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_bench/pegasus_bench ./pegasus_bench ./config-bench.ini rm -f ./config-bench.ini } ##################### ## shell ##################### function usage_shell() { echo "Options for subcommand 'shell':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -c|--config config file path, default './config-shell.ini.{PID}'" echo " --cluster cluster meta lists, default ',,'" echo " -n cluster name. Will try to get a cluster ip_list" echo " from your minos config (\$MINOS2_CONFIG_FILE or \$MINOS_CONFIG_FILE) or" echo " from [uri-resolve.dsn://] of your config-file" } function run_shell() { CONFIG=${ROOT}/config-shell.ini.$PID CONFIG_SPECIFIED=0 CLUSTER=,, CLUSTER_SPECIFIED=0 CLUSTER_NAME=onebox CLUSTER_NAME_SPECIFIED=0 while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_shell exit 0 ;; -c|--config) CONFIG="$2" CONFIG_SPECIFIED=1 shift ;; -m|--cluster) CLUSTER="$2" CLUSTER_SPECIFIED=1 shift ;; -n|--cluster_name) CLUSTER_NAME="$2" CLUSTER_NAME_SPECIFIED=1 shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_shell exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ ${CLUSTER_SPECIFIED} -eq 1 -a ${CLUSTER_NAME_SPECIFIED} -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: can not specify both cluster and cluster_name at the same time" echo usage_shell exit 1 fi if [ ${CLUSTER_SPECIFIED} -eq 1 ]; then CLUSTER_NAME="unknown" fi if [ $CLUSTER_NAME_SPECIFIED -eq 1 ]; then meta_section="/tmp/minos.config.cluster.meta.section.$UID" if [ ! -z "$MINOS2_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then minos2_config_file=$(dirname $MINOS2_CONFIG_FILE)/xiaomi-config/conf/pegasus/pegasus-${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml fi if [ ! -z "$MINOS_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then minos_config_file=$(dirname $MINOS_CONFIG_FILE)/xiaomi-config/conf/pegasus/pegasus-${CLUSTER_NAME}.cfg fi if [ ! -z "$MINOS2_CONFIG_FILE" -a -f "$minos2_config_file" ]; then meta_section_start=$(grep -n "^ *meta:" $minos2_config_file | head -1 | cut -d":" -f 1) meta_section_end=$(grep -n "^ *replica:" $minos2_config_file | head -1 | cut -d":" -f 1) sed -n "${meta_section_start},${meta_section_end}p" $minos2_config_file > $meta_section if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: write $minos2_config_file meta section to $meta_section failed" exit 1 else base_port=$(grep "^ *base *:" $meta_section | cut -d":" -f2) hosts_list=$(grep "^ *- *[0-9]*" $meta_section | grep -oh "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*") config_file=$minos2_config_file fi elif [ ! -z "$MINOS_CONFIG_FILE" -a -f "$minos_config_file" ]; then meta_section_start=$(grep -n "\[meta" $minos_config_file | head -1 | cut -d":" -f 1) meta_section_end=$(grep -n "\[replica" $minos_config_file | head -1 | cut -d":" -f 1) sed -n "${meta_section_start},${meta_section_end}p" $minos_config_file > $meta_section if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: write $minos_config_file meta section to $meta_section failed" exit 1 else base_port=$(grep "^ *base_port *=" $meta_section | cut -d"=" -f2) hosts_list=$(grep "^ *host\.[0-9]*" $meta_section | grep -oh "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*") config_file=$minos_config_file fi else echo "ERROR: can't find minos config file for $CLUSTER_NAME, please check env \$MINOS2_CONFIG_FILE or \$MINOS_CONFIG_FILE" exit 1 fi if [ ! -z "$base_port" ] && [ ! -z "$hosts_list" ]; then meta_list=() for h in $hosts_list; do meta_list+=($h":"$[ $base_port + 1 ]) done OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS="," && CLUSTER="${meta_list[*]}" && IFS="$OLD_IFS" echo "INFO: parse meta_list from $config_file" else echo "ERROR: parse meta_list from $config_file failed" exit 1 fi fi if [ ${CONFIG_SPECIFIED} -eq 0 ]; then sed "s/@CLUSTER_NAME@/$CLUSTER_NAME/g;s/@CLUSTER_ADDRESS@/$CLUSTER/g" ${ROOT}/src/shell/config.ini >${CONFIG} fi cd ${ROOT} ln -s -f ${DSN_ROOT}/bin/pegasus_shell/pegasus_shell ./pegasus_shell ${CONFIG} $CLUSTER_NAME # because pegasus shell will catch 'Ctrl-C' signal, so the following commands will be executed # even user inputs 'Ctrl-C', so that the temporary config file will be cleared when exit shell. rm -f ${CONFIG} } ##################### ## migrate_node ##################### function usage_migrate_node() { echo "Options for subcommand 'migrate_node':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -c|--cluster cluster meta lists" echo " -n|--node the node to migrate primary replicas out, should be ip:port" echo " -a|--app the app to migrate primary replicas out, if not set, means migrate all apps" echo " -t|--type type: test or run, default is test" } function run_migrate_node() { CLUSTER="" NODE="" APP="*" TYPE="test" while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_migrate_node exit 0 ;; -c|--cluster) CLUSTER="$2" shift ;; -n|--node) NODE="$2" shift ;; -a|--app) APP="$2" shift ;; -t|--type) TYPE="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_migrate_node exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$CLUSTER" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: no cluster specified" echo usage_migrate_node exit 1 fi if [ "$NODE" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: no node specified" echo usage_migrate_node exit 1 fi if [ "$TYPE" != "test" -a "$TYPE" != "run" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid type $TYPE" echo usage_migrate_node exit 1 fi echo "CLUSTER=$CLUSTER" echo "NODE=$NODE" echo "APP=$APP" echo "TYPE=$TYPE" echo cd ${ROOT} echo "------------------------------" ./scripts/migrate_node.sh $CLUSTER $NODE "$APP" $TYPE echo "------------------------------" echo if [ "$TYPE" == "test" ]; then echo "The above is sample migration commands." echo "Run with option '-t run' to do migration actually." else echo "Done." echo "You can run shell command 'nodes -d' to check the result." echo echo "The cluster's auto migration is disabled now, you can run shell command 'set_meta_level lively' to enable it again." fi } ##################### ## downgrade_node ##################### function usage_downgrade_node() { echo "Options for subcommand 'downgrade_node':" echo " -h|--help print the help info" echo " -c|--cluster cluster meta lists" echo " -n|--node the node to downgrade replicas, should be ip:port" echo " -a|--app the app to downgrade replicas, if not set, means downgrade all apps" echo " -t|--type type: test or run, default is test" } function run_downgrade_node() { CLUSTER="" NODE="" APP="*" TYPE="test" while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) usage_downgrade_node exit 0 ;; -c|--cluster) CLUSTER="$2" shift ;; -n|--node) NODE="$2" shift ;; -a|--app) APP="$2" shift ;; -t|--type) TYPE="$2" shift ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown option \"$key\"" echo usage_downgrade_node exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$CLUSTER" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: no cluster specified" echo usage_downgrade_node exit 1 fi if [ "$NODE" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: no node specified" echo usage_downgrade_node exit 1 fi if [ "$TYPE" != "test" -a "$TYPE" != "run" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid type $TYPE" echo usage_downgrade_node exit 1 fi echo "CLUSTER=$CLUSTER" echo "NODE=$NODE" echo "APP=$APP" echo "TYPE=$TYPE" echo cd ${ROOT} echo "------------------------------" ./scripts/downgrade_node.sh $CLUSTER $NODE "$APP" $TYPE echo "------------------------------" echo if [ "$TYPE" == "test" ]; then echo "The above is sample downgrade commands." echo "Run with option '-t run' to do migration actually." else echo "Done." echo "You can run shell command 'nodes -d' to check the result." echo echo "The cluster's auto migration is disabled now, you can run shell command 'set_meta_level lively' to enable it again." fi } #################################################################### if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage exit 0 fi cmd=$1 case $cmd in help) usage ;; build) shift run_build $* ;; start_zk) shift run_start_zk $* ;; stop_zk) shift run_stop_zk $* ;; clear_zk) shift run_clear_zk $* ;; start_onebox) shift run_start_onebox $* ;; stop_onebox) shift run_stop_onebox $* ;; clear_onebox) shift run_clear_onebox $* ;; list_onebox) shift run_list_onebox $* ;; start_onebox_instance) shift run_start_onebox_instance $* ;; stop_onebox_instance) shift run_stop_onebox_instance $* ;; restart_onebox_instance) shift run_restart_onebox_instance $* ;; start_kill_test) shift run_start_kill_test $* ;; stop_kill_test) shift run_stop_kill_test $* ;; list_kill_test) shift run_list_kill_test $* ;; clear_kill_test) shift run_clear_kill_test $* ;; start_upgrade_test) shift run_start_upgrade_test $* ;; stop_upgrade_test) shift run_stop_upgrade_test $* ;; list_upgrade_test) shift run_list_upgrade_test $* ;; clear_upgrade_test) shift run_clear_upgrade_test $* ;; bench) shift run_bench $* ;; shell) shift run_shell $* ;; migrate_node) shift run_migrate_node $* ;; downgrade_node) shift run_downgrade_node $* ;; test) shift run_test $* ;; pack_server) shift PEGASUS_ROOT=$ROOT ./scripts/pack_server.sh $* ;; pack_client) shift PEGASUS_ROOT=$ROOT ./scripts/pack_client.sh $* ;; pack_tools) shift PEGASUS_ROOT=$ROOT ./scripts/pack_tools.sh $* ;; bump_version) shift ./scripts/bump_version.sh $* ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown command $cmd" echo usage exit 1 esac