[apps..default] run = true count = 1 [apps.meta] type = meta name = meta ports = @META_PORT@ pools = THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT,THREAD_POOL_META_SERVER,THREAD_POOL_META_STATE,THREAD_POOL_FD,THREAD_POOL_DLOCK,THREAD_POOL_LOCAL_SERVICE [apps.replica] type = replica name = replica ports = @REPLICA_PORT@ pools = THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT,THREAD_POOL_REPLICATION_LONG,THREAD_POOL_REPLICATION,THREAD_POOL_FD,THREAD_POOL_LOCAL_APP,THREAD_POOL_LOCAL_SERVICE,THREAD_POOL_COMPACT [apps.collector] name = collector type = collector ports = 34101 pools = THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT,THREAD_POOL_REPLICATION [core] tool = nativerun toollets = profiler enable_default_app_mimic = true logging_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG [block_service.local_service] type = local_service [tools.simple_logger] short_header = false stderr_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR [threadpool..default] worker_count = 4 worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL partitioned = false [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT] name = default # The worker count in THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT must be >= 5. # Because in info collector server, there are four timer tasks(LPC_PEGASUS_APP_STAT_TIMER, LPC_PEGASUS_STORAGE_SIZE_STAT_TIMER, # LPC_DETECT_AVAILABLE and LPC_PEGASUS_CAPACITY_UNIT_STAT_TIMER). Each of these timer tasks occupies a thread in THREAD_POOL_DEFAULT. # Each of these timer tasks calls remote procedure to meta server(which produce a callback), and waits for the rpc's callback to execute. # If the worker_count <= 4, all of these threads are occupied by these timer tasks. so their rpc's callbacks can't get a thread to run. # it comes to be a deadlock(timer task wait for rpc's callback to execute, and rpc's callback wait for the timer task to release the thread). worker_count = 5 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_REPLICATION] name = replica partitioned = true worker_count = 2 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_META_STATE] name = meta_state partitioned = true worker_count = 1 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_DLOCK] name = dist_lock partitioned = true worker_count = 1 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_FD] name = fd worker_count = 2 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_LOCAL_APP] name = local_app worker_count = 2 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_REPLICATION_LONG] name = rep_long worker_count = 2 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_LOCAL_SERVICE] name = local_service worker_count = 1 [threadpool.THREAD_POOL_COMPACT] name = compact worker_count = 1 [meta_server] server_list = @LOCAL_IP@:34601,@LOCAL_IP@:34602,@LOCAL_IP@:34603 cluster_root = /pegasus/onebox/@LOCAL_IP@ distributed_lock_service_type = distributed_lock_service_zookeeper distributed_lock_service_parameters = /pegasus/onebox/@LOCAL_IP@ meta_state_service_type = meta_state_service_zookeeper stable_rs_min_running_seconds = 0 server_load_balancer_type = greedy_load_balancer min_live_node_count_for_unfreeze = 1 cold_backup_disabled = false recover_from_replica_server = false [replication] allow_non_idempotent_write = true mutation_2pc_min_replica_count = 1 cold_backup_root = onebox duplication_disabled = true cluster_name = onebox [meta_server.apps.@APP_NAME@] app_name = @APP_NAME@ app_type = pegasus partition_count = @PARTITION_COUNT@ [meta_server.apps.stat] app_name = stat app_type = pegasus partition_count = 4 [pegasus.server] perf_counter_enable_logging = false [pegasus.collector] available_detect_app = @APP_NAME@ available_detect_alert_script_dir = ./package/bin usage_stat_app = stat [pegasus.clusters] onebox = @LOCAL_IP@:34601,@LOCAL_IP@:34602,@LOCAL_IP@:34603 [zookeeper] hosts_list = timeout_ms = 60000 logfile = zoo.log [task..default] is_trace = false is_profile = false allow_inline = false fast_execution_in_network_thread = false rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_TCP rpc_timeout_milliseconds = 5000 [task.RPC_PREPARE] is_profile = true [task.RPC_PREPARE_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_PUT] is_profile = true profiler::size.request.server = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_PUT_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_MULTI_PUT] is_profile = true profiler::size.request.server = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_MULTI_PUT_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_REMOVE] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_REMOVE_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_MULTI_REMOVE] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_MULTI_REMOVE_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_INCR] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_INCR_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_CHECK_AND_SET] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_CHECK_AND_SET_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_CHECK_AND_MUTATE] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_CHECK_AND_MUTATE_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_GET] is_profile = true profiler::size.response.server = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_GET_ACK] is_profile = true [task.RPC_RRDB_RRDB_MULTI_GET] is_profile = true profiler::size.response.server = true