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The consensus algorithm it uses is [PacificA](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/pacifica-replication-in-log-based-distributed-storage-systems/). ## Features * High performance Here are several key aspects that make Pegasus a high performance storage system: - Implemented in C++ - [Staged event-driven archiecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staged_event-driven_architecture), a distinguished archiecture that Nginx adopts. - High performance storage-engine with [RocksDB](https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb), though slight change is made to support fast learning. * High availablility Unlike Bigtable/HBase, a non-layered replication archiecture is adopted in pegasus in which an external DFS like GFS/HDFS isn't the dependency of the persistent data, which benefits the availablity a lot. Meanwhile, availablity problems in HBase which result from Java GC are totally eliminated for the use of C++. * Strong consistency We adopt the [PacificA](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/pacifica-replication-in-log-based-distributed-storage-systems/#) consensus algorithm to make Pegasus a strong consistency system. * Easily scaling out Load can be balanced dynamically to newly added data nodes with a global load balancer. * Easy to use We provided C++ and Java client with simple interfaces to make it easy to use. ## Archiecture overview The following diagram shows the archiecture of Pegasus: ![docs/media-img/pegasus-archiecture-overview.png](docs/media-img/pegasus-archiecture-overview.png) Here is a brief explaination on the concepts and terms in the diagram: * MetaServer: a component in Pegasus to do the whole cluster management. The meta-server is something like "HMaster" in HBase. * Zookeeper: the external dependency of Pegasus. We use zookeeper to store the meta state of the cluster and do meta-server's fault tolerance. * ReplicaServer: a component in Pegasus to serve client's read/write request. The replica-server is also the container for replicas. * Partition/replica: the whole key space is splitted into several partitions, and each partition has several replicas for fault tolerance. You may want to refer to the [PacificA](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/pacifica-replication-in-log-based-distributed-storage-systems/#) algorithm for more details. For more details about design and implementation, please refer to PPTs under [`docs/ppt/`](docs/ppt/). ## Data model & API overview The data model in Pegasus is (hashkey + sortkey) -> value, in which: * Hashkey is used for partitioning. Values with different hash keys may stored in different partitions. * Sortkey is used for sorting within a hashkey. Values with the **same** hashkey but **different** sortkeys are in the **same partition**, and ordered by the sort key. If you use scan API to scan a single hashkey, you will get the values by the lexicographical order of sortkeys. The following diagram shows the data model of Pegasus: ![docs/media-img/pegasus-data-model.png](docs/media-img/pegasus-data-model.png) ## Quick Start You may want to refer to the [installation guide](docs/installation.md). ## Related Projects Client libs: * [Pegasus Java client](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-java-client) * [Pegasus Python Client](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-python-client) * [Pegasus Go Client](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-go-client) * [Pegasus Node.js Client](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-nodejs-client) * [Pegasus Scala Client](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-scala-client) Test tools: * [Pegasus YCSB](https://github.com/xiaomi/pegasus-YCSB) ## How to contibute We open source this project because we known that the system is far from mature and needs lots of improvement. So we are looking forward to your [contribution](docs/contribution.md). If you have more questions, please join our [slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/pegasus-kv/shared_invite/enQtMjcyMjQzOTk4Njk1LWVkMjlkMGE5Mzg1Y2M3MDc0NGYyYzQ5YzYyMGE0ZjlhMDMyNjU1ZGViYzdjZmUwNjVmNGE0ZDdkMWJiN2Q1MDY). ## License Copyright 2015-2017 Xiaomi, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0