/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import i18n from '@/module/i18n' /** * Operation bar config * @code code * @icon icon * @disable disable * @desc tooltip */ const toolOper = (dagThis) => { const disabled = !!dagThis.$store.state.dag.isDetails// Permissions.getAuth() === false ? false : !dagThis.$store.state.dag.isDetails return [ { code: 'pointer', icon: 'el-icon-thumb', disable: disabled, desc: `${i18n.$t('Drag Nodes and Selected Items')}` }, { code: 'line', icon: 'el-icon-top-right', disable: disabled, desc: `${i18n.$t('Select Line Connection')}` }, { code: 'remove', icon: 'el-icon-delete', disable: disabled, desc: `${i18n.$t('Delete selected lines or nodes')}` }, { code: 'download', icon: 'el-icon-download', disable: !dagThis.type, desc: `${i18n.$t('Download')}` }, { code: 'screen', icon: 'el-icon-full-screen', disable: false, desc: `${i18n.$t('Full Screen')}` } ] } /** * Post status * @id Front end definition id * @desc tooltip * @code Backend definition identifier */ const publishStatus = [ { id: 0, desc: `${i18n.$t('Unpublished')}`, code: 'NOT_RELEASE' }, { id: 1, desc: `${i18n.$t('online')}`, code: 'ONLINE' }, { id: 2, desc: `${i18n.$t('offline')}`, code: 'OFFLINE' } ] /** * Operation type * @desc tooltip * @code identifier */ const runningType = [ { desc: `${i18n.$t('Start Process')}`, code: 'START_PROCESS' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Execute from the current node')}`, code: 'START_CURRENT_TASK_PROCESS' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Recover tolerance fault process')}`, code: 'RECOVER_TOLERANCE_FAULT_PROCESS' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Resume the suspension process')}`, code: 'RECOVER_SUSPENDED_PROCESS' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Execute from the failed nodes')}`, code: 'START_FAILURE_TASK_PROCESS' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Complement Data')}`, code: 'COMPLEMENT_DATA' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Scheduling execution')}`, code: 'SCHEDULER' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Rerun')}`, code: 'REPEAT_RUNNING' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Pause')}`, code: 'PAUSE' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Stop')}`, code: 'STOP' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Recovery waiting thread')}`, code: 'RECOVER_WAITING_THREAD' }, { desc: `${i18n.$t('Recover serial wait')}`, code: 'RECOVER_SERIAL_WAIT' } ] /** * Task status * @key key * @id id * @desc tooltip * @color color * @icoUnicode iconfont * @isSpin is loading (Need to execute the code block to write if judgment) */ const tasksState = { SUBMITTED_SUCCESS: { id: 0, desc: `${i18n.$t('Submitted successfully')}`, color: '#A9A9A9', icoUnicode: 'ri-record-circle-fill', isSpin: false, classNames: 'submitted' }, RUNNING_EXECUTION: { id: 1, desc: `${i18n.$t('Executing')}`, color: '#0097e0', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-s-tools', isSpin: true, classNames: 'executing' }, READY_PAUSE: { id: 2, desc: `${i18n.$t('Ready to pause')}`, color: '#07b1a3', icoUnicode: 'ri-settings-3-line', isSpin: false, classNames: 'submitted' }, PAUSE: { id: 3, desc: `${i18n.$t('Pause')}`, color: '#057c72', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-video-pause', isSpin: false, classNames: 'pause' }, READY_STOP: { id: 4, desc: `${i18n.$t('Ready to stop')}`, color: '#FE0402', icoUnicode: 'ri-stop-circle-fill', isSpin: false }, STOP: { id: 5, desc: `${i18n.$t('Stop')}`, color: '#e90101', icoUnicode: 'ri-stop-circle-line', isSpin: false }, FAILURE: { id: 6, desc: `${i18n.$t('Failed')}`, color: '#000000', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-circle-close', isSpin: false, classNames: 'failed' }, SUCCESS: { id: 7, desc: `${i18n.$t('Success')}`, color: '#33cc00', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-circle-check', isSpin: false, classNames: 'success' }, NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE: { id: 8, desc: `${i18n.$t('Need fault tolerance')}`, color: '#FF8C00', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-edit', isSpin: false }, KILL: { id: 9, desc: `${i18n.$t('Kill')}`, color: '#a70202', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-remove-outline', isSpin: false }, WAITING_THREAD: { id: 10, desc: `${i18n.$t('Waiting for thread')}`, color: '#912eed', icoUnicode: 'ri-time-line', isSpin: false }, WAITING_DEPEND: { id: 11, desc: `${i18n.$t('Waiting for dependence')}`, color: '#5101be', icoUnicode: 'ri-send-to-back', isSpin: false }, DELAY_EXECUTION: { id: 12, desc: `${i18n.$t('Delay execution')}`, color: '#5102ce', icoUnicode: 'ri-pause-circle-fill', isSpin: false }, FORCED_SUCCESS: { id: 13, desc: `${i18n.$t('Forced success')}`, color: '#5102ce', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-success', isSpin: false }, SERIAL_WAIT: { id: 14, desc: `${i18n.$t('Serial wait')}`, color: '#5102ce', icoUnicode: 'el-icon-loading', isSpin: false } } /** * Node type * @key key * @desc tooltip * @color color (tree and gantt) */ const tasksType = { SHELL: { desc: 'SHELL', color: '#646464' }, SUB_PROCESS: { desc: 'SUB_PROCESS', color: '#0097e0' }, PROCEDURE: { desc: 'PROCEDURE', color: '#525CCD' }, SQL: { desc: 'SQL', color: '#7A98A1' }, SPARK: { desc: 'SPARK', color: '#E46F13' }, FLINK: { desc: 'FLINK', color: '#E46F13' }, MR: { desc: 'MapReduce', color: '#A0A5CC' }, PYTHON: { desc: 'PYTHON', color: '#FED52D' }, DEPENDENT: { desc: 'DEPENDENT', color: '#2FBFD8' }, HTTP: { desc: 'HTTP', color: '#E46F13' }, DATAX: { desc: 'DataX', color: '#1fc747' }, PIGEON: { desc: 'PIGEON', color: '#1fc747' }, SQOOP: { desc: 'SQOOP', color: '#E46F13' }, CONDITIONS: { desc: 'CONDITIONS', color: '#E46F13' }, SWITCH: { desc: 'SWITCH', color: '#E46F13' }, WATERDROP: { desc: 'WATERDROP', color: '#646465' } } export { toolOper, publishStatus, runningType, tasksState, tasksType }