提交 1fc563c1 编写于 作者: Q qiang

chore: build

上级 105993af
......@@ -21444,11 +21444,12 @@ var serviceContext = (function () {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1776,11 +1776,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1424,11 +1424,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1061,11 +1061,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1229,11 +1229,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1279,11 +1279,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1389,11 +1389,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1481,11 +1481,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -2422,6 +2423,7 @@ function initRefs (vm) {
const instances = Object.create(null);
const components = Object.create(null);
function initRelation ({
......@@ -2641,17 +2643,26 @@ function parseBaseComponent (vueComponentOptions, {
return [componentOptions, VueComponent]
const components = [];
function currentComponents (mpInstance, callback) {
const webviewId = mpInstance.__webviewId__;
const currentComponents = components[webviewId];
if (currentComponents) {
function parseComponent (vueOptions) {
const [componentOptions, VueComponent] = parseBaseComponent(vueOptions);
const lifetimes = componentOptions.lifetimes;
// 基础库 2.0 以上 attached 顺序错乱,按照 created 顺序强制纠正
componentOptions.lifetimes.created = function created () {
lifetimes.created = function created () {
currentComponents(this, components => {
componentOptions.lifetimes.attached = function attached () {
lifetimes.attached = function attached () {
this.__lifetimes_attached = function () {
const properties = this.properties;
......@@ -2678,6 +2689,7 @@ function parseComponent (vueOptions) {
// 触发首次 setData
currentComponents(this, components => {
let component = this;
while (component && component.__lifetimes_attached && components[0] && component === components[0]) {
......@@ -2685,10 +2697,20 @@ function parseComponent (vueOptions) {
delete component.__lifetimes_attached;
component = components[0];
lifetimes.detached = function detached () {
currentComponents(this, components => {
const index = components.indexOf(this);
if (index >= 0) {
components.splice(index, 1);
// ready 比 handleLink 还早,初始化逻辑放到 handleLink 中
delete componentOptions.lifetimes.ready;
delete lifetimes.ready;
componentOptions.methods.__l = handleLink$1;
......@@ -2731,8 +2753,17 @@ function parsePage (vuePageOptions) {
const lifetimes = pageOptions.lifetimes;
const oldCreated = lifetimes.created;
lifetimes.created = function created () {
const webviewId = this.__webviewId__;
components[webviewId] = [];
if (typeof oldCreated === 'function') {
// 页面需要在 ready 中触发,其他组件是在 handleLink 中触发
pageOptions.lifetimes.ready = function ready () {
lifetimes.ready = function ready () {
if (this.$vm && this.$vm.mpType === 'page') {
......@@ -2743,8 +2774,11 @@ function parsePage (vuePageOptions) {
this.is && console.warn(this.is + ' is not ready');
pageOptions.lifetimes.detached = function detached () {
const oldDetached = lifetimes.detached;
lifetimes.detached = function detached () {
if (typeof oldDetached === 'function') {
this.$vm && this.$vm.$destroy();
// 清理
const webviewId = this.__webviewId__;
......@@ -2753,6 +2787,7 @@ function parsePage (vuePageOptions) {
delete instances[key];
delete components[webviewId];
return pageOptions
......@@ -1212,11 +1212,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1059,11 +1059,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
......@@ -1230,11 +1230,12 @@ function getPushClientId (args) {
const hasSuccess = isFn(success);
const hasFail = isFn(fail);
const hasComplete = isFn(complete);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof enabled === 'undefined') {
enabled = false;
cid = '';
cidErrMsg = 'unipush is not enabled';
cidErrMsg = 'uniPush is not enabled';
getPushCidCallbacks.push((cid, errMsg) => {
let res;
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