import re types = ['Integer', 'IntegerBase', 'BitString', 'BitStringBase', 'OctetString', 'OctetStringBase', 'Enumerated', 'EnumeratedBase', 'Sequence', 'SequenceOf', 'Choice', 'Null', 'Boolean'] constrainttypes = ['Integer', 'IntegerBase', 'BitString', 'BitStringBase', 'OctetString', 'OctetStringBase'] mod = '' class ASNObject: type = '' name = '' constrainttype = '' lowerlimit = '' upperlimit = '' value = 0 opt = 0 ext = 0 objs = list() written = 0 parent = None outfilename = '' includes = list() imports = list() def parsebracket(asnobj, string, cursor): #print string objstring = "" i = cursor openbrackets = 0 objs = list() for i in range(0, len(string)): if string[i] == ',' and openbrackets == 0 and len(objstring) > 0: childobj = parsestring(objstring.strip()) objs.append(childobj) childobj.parent = asnobj objstring = "" else: if string[i] == '{': openbrackets += 1 elif string[i] == '}': if openbrackets != 0: openbrackets -= 1 objstring += string[i] if '...' in objstring: asnobj.constrainttype = "EXTCONSTRAINED" else: if len(objstring) > 0: childobj = parsestring(objstring.strip()) objs.append(childobj) childobj.parent = asnobj asnobj.constrainttype = "CONSTRAINED" asnobj.objs = objs def parsesize(asnobj, string): count = 0 limits = list() limits.append("") skip = 0 begin = 0 if 'CONTAINING' in string: asnobj.constrainttype = "UNCONSTRAINED" return if 'SIZE' in string: for i in range(0, len(string)): begin += 1 if string[i] == '(': break if ',' in string: asnobj.constrainttype = "EXTCONSTRAINED" else: asnobj.constrainttype = "CONSTRAINED" for i in range(begin, len(string)): if string[i] != '.' and string[i] != ')': limits[count] += string[i] if string[i] == '.' and skip == 0: count += 1 limits.append("") skip = 1 if string[i] == ')': break if count == 0: limits.append(limits[count]) if not limits[0].replace("-", "").isdigit(): limits[0] = limits[0].replace("-", "_") if not limits[1].replace("-", "").isdigit(): limits[1] = limits[1].replace("-", "_") asnobj.lowerlimit = limits[0] asnobj.upperlimit = limits[1] def parsetype(asnobj, string): type = "" if string.split()[-1] == 'OPTIONAL': asnobj.opt = 1 string = string.split('OPTIONAL')[0].strip() if 'DEFAULT' in string: asnobj.opt = 1 string = string.split('DEFAULT')[0].strip() for i in range(0, len(string)): if string[i] == '(' or string[i] == '{' or string[i] == ',' or string[i] == ':': break else: type += string[i] type = type.strip() if type == 'INTEGER': asnobj.type = "Integer" elif type == 'BIT STRING': asnobj.type = "BitString" elif type == 'OCTET STRING': asnobj.type = "OctetString" elif type == 'SEQUENCE': if ' OF ' in string and '{' not in string: asnobj.type = "SequenceOf" else: asnobj.type = "Sequence" elif type == 'CHOICE': asnobj.type = "Choice" elif type == 'ENUMERATED': asnobj.type = "Enumerated" elif type == 'NULL': asnobj.type = "Null" elif type == 'BOOLEAN': asnobj.type = "Boolean" else: asnobj.type = type.replace("-", "") if '::=' in string and string.index(type) < string.index('::='): asnobj.constrainttype = "CONSTANT" def findfilename(string): filename = string while filename.find('-') != -1: pos = filename.index('-') first = filename.split('-')[0] second = filename.split('-')[1].title() if second.find(';') != -1: second = second[:-1] filename = first + second return filename def parseheader(asnobj, string): includes = list() imports = list() filename = string.split()[0] asnobj.outfilename = mod + findfilename(filename) words = string.split("\n") for i in range(0, len(words)): if 'FROM' in words[i]: filename = words[i].split()[1] if ';' in filename: filename = filename[:-1] include = mod + findfilename(filename) includes.append(include) else: imp = words[i].replace("-", "").strip() if ',' in imp: imp = imp[:-1] imports.append(imp) #print imp asnobj.includes = includes asnobj.imports = imports def parsestring(string): asnobj = ASNObject() words = list() if 'IMPORTS' in string or 'DEFINITIONS' in string: parseheader(asnobj, string) return asnobj if '::=' in string: string = string.replace("\t", ' ') string = string.replace("\n", '') string = re.sub('\s+', ' ', string) words = string.split('::=') if len(words[0].split()) > 1: words = string.split(' ', 1) = words[0].replace("-", "_").strip() else: = words[0].replace("-", "").strip() else: words = string.split(' ', 1) = words[0].replace("-", "_").strip() #print string + "\n" if len(words) > 1: parsetype(asnobj, words[1]) if asnobj.type != "Enumerated" and asnobj.constrainttype != "CONSTANT": firstletter =[0] =[1:] = firstletter.capitalize() + ="_", "") if asnobj.constrainttype != "CONSTANT": for i in range(0, len(string)): if string[i] == '(': words = words[1].split('(', 1) parsesize(asnobj, words[1]) break elif string[i] == '{': if asnobj.type in constrainttypes: words = words[1].split('}', 1) words = words[1].split('(', 1) parsesize(asnobj, words[1]) break else: words = words[1].split('{', 1) tmpstring = words[1].strip() while len(tmpstring) > 0: if tmpstring[len(tmpstring) - 1] == '}': tmpstring = tmpstring[:-1] break tmpstring = tmpstring[:-1] parsebracket(asnobj, tmpstring, 0) break else: asnobj.constrainttype = "UNCONSTRAINED" if asnobj.type == "SequenceOf": objs = list() objstring = words[1].split(' OF ')[1] objstring = + "Item " + objstring obj = parsestring(objstring.strip()) objs.append(obj) asnobj.objs = objs if asnobj.constrainttype == "CONSTANT": words = words[1].split('::=') words = words[1].split() asnobj.value = int(words[0]) if asnobj.constrainttype == "UNCONSTRAINED" and asnobj.type in constrainttypes: asnobj.type += "Base" return asnobj def parsefile(directory, filename, module): file = open(directory + filename, "r") lines = file.readlines() file.close() asnobjs = list() global mod mod = module objectstring = "" print ("parsing file " + filename + "...") for i, line in enumerate(lines): if '::=' in line: if len(objectstring) > 0: asnobjs.append(parsestring(objectstring)) objectstring = line elif '--' not in line and line != "\n" and line[:-1] != 'END': objectstring += line asnobjs.append(parsestring(objectstring)) return asnobjs