提交 41a42105 编写于 作者: D Du Rendong

add display gps etc

上级 35f15094
......@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ int Open_Port(char* comport)
sprintf(port_tmp, comport, comport);
int fd=0;
// O_NOCTTY If path refers to a terminal device, do not allocate the device as the
// controlling terminal for this process
// O_NOCTTY If path refers to a terminal device, do not allocate the
// device as the controlling terminal for this process
// can use O_NONBLOCK instead of O_NDELAY
// fd=open(port_tmp,O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NDELAY);
perror("Can not open serial port");
......@@ -155,11 +155,13 @@ int Set_Opt(int fd, int nSpeed, int nBits, char nEvent, int nStop)
newtio.c_cc[VMIN]=0; // 0 non-block ; > 0 block
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
// This function returns OK if it was able to perform any of the requested actions, even if it couldn’t
// perform all the requested actions. If the function returns OK, it is our responsibility to
// see whether all the requested actions were performed. This means that after we call
// tcsetattr to set the desired attributes, we need to call tcgetattr and compare the
// actual terminal’s attributes to the desired attributes to detect any differences.
// This function returns OK if it was able to perform any of the
// requested actions, even if it couldn’tperform all the requested actions.
// If the function returns OK, it is our responsibility to
// see whether all the requested actions were performed. This means that
// after we call tcsetattr to set the desired attributes, we need to call
// tcgetattr and compare the actual terminal’s attributes to the desired a
// ttributes to detect any differences.
perror("Com set error");
......@@ -193,6 +195,37 @@ int write_read_serial(char* msg, char* result)
printf("%s\n", result);
int read_gps(char* msg, char* result)
write_read_serial("AT+GPSMODE=1\r", result);
write_read_serial("AT+GPSSTART\r", result);
// TODO check return result.
int fd = -1;
char *comport = "/dev/ttyUSB3";
int length = 0;
if((fd = Open_Port(comport)) < 0)
printf("Open uart err \n");
return -1;
if((Set_Opt(fd,115200,8,'N',1)) < 0)
perror("Set_Opt RS485 error");
return -2;
tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
memset(result, 0, 2048);
while((length = read(fd, result, 2048)) > 0) {
tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
printf("#### %s", result);
//#include <sys/types.h>
//#include <sys/stat.h>
......@@ -298,6 +331,7 @@ int write_read_serial(char* msg, char* result)
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define DISPLAY_INTERVAL 5 // seconds
map<char, string>DLSX;
void initializeDLSX(){
......@@ -312,7 +346,8 @@ void initializeDLSX(){
DLSX['3'] = "20"; DLSX['4'] = "21"; DLSX['5'] = "22"; DLSX['6'] = "23";
DLSX['7'] = "24"; DLSX['8'] = "25"; DLSX['9'] = "26"; DLSX['0'] = "27";
DLSX['"'] = "49"; DLSX['*'] = "50"; DLSX['<'] = "51"; DLSX['>'] = "52";
DLSX['.'] = "b1"; DLSX['-'] = "c9"; DLSX['x'] = "d4"; DLSX['%'] = "d5";
/*DLSX['.'] = "b1"; DLSX['-'] = "c9"; DLSX['x'] = "d4"; DLSX['%'] = "d5";*/
DLSX['.'] = "63"; DLSX['-'] = "c9"; DLSX['x'] = "d4"; DLSX['%'] = "d5";
DLSX[','] = "1b"; // dlsx don't support ',' just work as space;
DLSX['+'] = ""; // dlsx don't support ',' just work as space;
DLSX[':'] = ""; // dlsx don't support ',' just work as space;
......@@ -336,11 +371,12 @@ enum DisplayDirection
class Item
Item(DisplayType type, DisplayDirection disp):m_type(type), m_disp(disp){}
virtual int Display()=0;
virtual void DisplayOnVideo(string &value, string &position)
cout << "value = " << value << endl;
string cmd = "~/bit_dlsx 81 01 04 73 " + position;
size_t value_size = value.size();
int actual_count = 0;
......@@ -359,11 +395,12 @@ class Item
cmd += " ff";
// private:
// private:
DisplayDirection m_disp;
DisplayType m_type;
#include <sstream>
class CSQ : public Item
......@@ -387,8 +424,21 @@ public:
case ToVideo: {
string dispvalue = value.substr(value.find(":") + 2, value.find(",") - value.find(":") - 2);
// convert string dispvalue into int disp.
int disp;
stringstream ss;
ss << dispvalue;
ss >> disp;
string signal;
if (disp <= 6) signal = "";
else if (disp <= 13) signal = "I";
else if (disp <= 20) signal = "II";
else if (disp <= 27) signal = "III";
else if (disp <= 31) signal = "IIII";
else signal = "XXXX";
string position("20");
DisplayOnVideo(value, position);
DisplayOnVideo(signal, position);
case ToStdout:
......@@ -429,8 +479,9 @@ class PSART : public Item
switch (m_disp)
case ToVideo: {
string dispvalue = value.substr((value.find(":") + 2));
string position("21");
DisplayOnVideo(value, position);
DisplayOnVideo(dispvalue, position);
case ToStdout:
......@@ -457,6 +508,8 @@ class COPS : public Item
char buf[512] = {0};
write_read_serial("ATE\r", buf);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
// use short string for IPS. CMCC/CU-GSM
write_read_serial("AT+COPS=3,1\r", buf);
write_read_serial("AT+COPS?\r", buf);
string tmp(buf);
......@@ -471,8 +524,9 @@ class COPS : public Item
switch (m_disp)
case ToVideo: {
string dispvalue = value.substr(value.find("\"") + 1, value.rfind("\"") - value.find("\"") - 1);
string position("22");
DisplayOnVideo(value, position);
DisplayOnVideo(dispvalue, position);
case ToStdout:
......@@ -497,45 +551,92 @@ class NETRATE : public Item
NETRATE(DisplayType type, DisplayDirection disp) : Item(type, disp){}
virtual int Display()
static int recv_bytes = 0;
static int tras_bytes = 0;
int current_recv = 0, current_tras = 0;
static unsigned long old_recv = 0;
static unsigned long old_tras = 0;
unsigned long current_recv = 0;
unsigned long current_tras = 0;
char tmp[64] = {0};
FILE* rp = popen("ifconfig ppp0 | grep \"RX bytes\" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut - -d \" \" -f 1", "r");
FILE* rp = popen("ifconfig eth0 | grep \"RX bytes\" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut - -d \" \" -f 1", "r");
while(fgets(tmp, sizeof(tmp), rp) != NULL)
if (tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] == '\n') {
tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; //去除换行符
current_recv = atoi(tmp);
current_recv = atol(tmp);
// check peer 5 seconds.
double recv_rate = (current_recv - recv_bytes) / 5;
recv_bytes = current_recv;
// check peer DISPLAY_INTERVAL seconds.
double recv_rate = 0;
// incase the byte up to 4294967295 then down to 0;
if ((old_recv != 0) && (current_recv >= old_recv))
recv_rate = ((double)(current_recv - old_recv)) / DISPLAY_INTERVAL;
old_recv = current_recv;
FILE* tp = popen("ifconfig ppp0 | grep \"RX bytes\" | cut -d : -f 3 | cut - -d \" \" -f 1", "r");
FILE* tp = popen("ifconfig eth0 | grep \"RX bytes\" | cut -d : -f 3 | cut - -d \" \" -f 1", "r");
while(fgets(tmp, sizeof(tmp), tp) != NULL)
if (tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] == '\n') {
tmp[strlen(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; //去除换行符
current_tras = atoi(tmp);
current_tras = atol(tmp);
double tras_rate = (current_tras - tras_bytes) / 5;
tras_bytes = current_tras;
double tras_rate = 0;
// incase the byte up to 4294967295 then down to 0;
if ((old_tras != 0) && (current_tras >= old_tras))
tras_rate = ((double)(current_tras - old_tras)) / DISPLAY_INTERVAL;
old_tras = current_tras;
// --------------------------------------------------------
char str[11] = {0};
sprintf(str, "RX %.1lf", recv_rate);
double disp_recv_rate = recv_rate;
if ((disp_recv_rate / 1024) >= 1)
disp_recv_rate = disp_recv_rate / 1024;
if ((disp_recv_rate / 1024) >= 1)
disp_recv_rate = disp_recv_rate / 1024;
sprintf(str, "RX%.1fMS", disp_recv_rate);
sprintf(str, "RX%.1fKS", disp_recv_rate);
sprintf(str, "RX%.1fBS", disp_recv_rate);
string value(str);
char str1[11] = {0}; //TODO
sprintf(str1, "TX %.1lf", tras_rate);
// --------------------------------------------------------
char str1[11] = {0};
double disp_tras_rate = tras_rate;
cout << "tras" << tras_rate << endl;
if ((disp_tras_rate / 1024) >= 1)
disp_tras_rate = disp_tras_rate / 1024;
if ((disp_tras_rate / 1024) >= 1)
disp_tras_rate = disp_tras_rate / 1024;
sprintf(str1, "TX%.1fMS", disp_tras_rate);
sprintf(str1, "TX%.1fKS", disp_tras_rate);
sprintf(str1, "TX%.1fBS", disp_tras_rate);
string value1(str1);
cout << value1 << endl;
switch (m_disp)
case ToVideo: {
......@@ -557,12 +658,28 @@ class NETRATE : public Item
//#include <nmea.h>
class GPS : public Item
GPS(DisplayType type, DisplayDirection disp) : Item(type, disp){}
virtual int Display()
// get gps info
char result[2048] = "";
read_gps(NULL, result);
cout << "=== GPS ===" << result << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
printf("%x ", result[i]);
//int pos = 0, start_pos = 0;
//while((pos = tmp.find("\r\n", start_pos)) != string::npos)
......@@ -690,19 +807,19 @@ bool parse_config(const string & filename, map<string, string> & m)
// ============================================================================
// =============================================================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
map<string, string> cfg;
map<string, string> cfg; // key value for log config
map<string, DisplayType> map_type;
map<string, DisplayType> map_type; // map the string to enum display type
map_type["CSQ"] = DCSQ;
map_type["PSART"] = DPSART;
map_type["COPS"] = DCOPS;
map_type["NETRATE"] = DNETRATE;
map_type["GPS"] = DGPS;
map<string, DisplayDirection> map_direction;
map<string, DisplayDirection> map_direction; // string to enum direction
map_direction["ToLogFile"] = ToLogFile;
map_direction["ToStdout"] = ToStdout;
map_direction["ToVideo"] = ToVideo;
......@@ -712,6 +829,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// TODO now check the config file then start instance peer config,
// delete the instances everytime.
// enhance should be do to check the config file compare to the old
// one to determine which instance should add or delete.
parse_config("/mnt/nand/lte.conf", cfg);
vector<Item*> display_list;
......@@ -728,7 +849,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for(it = display_list.begin(); it != display_list.end(); ++it)
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