### Version History: - 1.5.11: Fix typo near version string - 1.5.10: Print the error code if the action failed - 1.5.9: Migrate the OpenShift auth server - 1.5.8: Add `--move` flag to delete source files/directories on successfull transfers - 1.5.7: Reduce multiprocess timeout to 49 days, to accommodate Python 3 on Windows - 1.5.6: Downloading using downloader also retries - 1.5.5: Minor: Improve 'multiprocess' installation prompts - 1.5.4: Print instructions on how to fix 'multiprocess' errors - 1.5.3: Change to streaming upload - 1.5.2: Defuse the circular import bomb brought in the previous version... - 1.5.1: Improve multiprocess (and fix filter() for Python3) - 1.5.0: Multi-Process for directory download / upload / sync up/down - 1.4.4: Aria2 download works even file names contain single quote (') - 1.4.3: Fix __server_auth() - 1.4.2: Add bypy version in getting and refresshing token requests for finer control - 1.4.1: Fix a severe bug in token refreshing - 1.4.0: Correct Refresh server list; Add in update check - 1.3.9: Add in queue for capturing JSONs returned from PCS - 1.3.8: Don't output Auth Server failures if no `-d` specified - 1.3.7: Allow passing leading dash arguments to downloader - 1.3.6: Fix downdir downloads to a wrong directory structure - 1.3.5: Fix aria2 unable to resume download - 1.3.4: Add --select-fastest-mirror, --config-dir command line arguments; Switch to wheel dist format - 1.3.3: Fix the upload failure when slices expired - 1.3.2: Enable SSL check by default now - 1.3.1: Fix setup.py failures - 1.3.0: Major change: Make bypy a real Python package - 1.2.22: Fix "TypeError: b'xxxxxx' is not JSON serializable" for cache - 1.2.21: Support aria2 downloading resuming (disable preallocation) - 1.2.20: Fix an error in upload resuming; Add in retries for aria2 - 1.2.19: Add in aria2 download support - 1.2.18: Add in upload resuming using slices; Fix Unicode issue with py2_jsondump(); Fix the pypi setup package - 1.2.17: Fix UnicodeEncodeError on redirect; Add in retry on urllib3 TimeOutError - 1.2.16: Add in proxy prompts - 1.2.15: Fix a severe bug (accidental directory deletion) in `download` command intoduced in 1.2.14 - 1.2.14: Add in `download` command - 1.2.13: Remove argcomplete; Improve encoding handling prompting - 1.2.12: Add in (optional) argcomplete - 1.2.11: Fix Exception in error dump introduced in 1.2.10 - 1.2.10: Handle (32, 'EPIPE'); Warn LOUDLY on encoding failures; Remove 'is_revision' - 1.2.9: Fix formatex() Syntax Error; Handle (110, 'ETIMEDOUT') - 1.2.8: Fix a Syntax Error; Handle {'error_code': 0, 'error_msg': 'no error'} - 1.2.7: Fix Hash Cache JSON saving (need to using string for Hashes) - 1.2.6: Fix Hash Cache JSON dumping (`Unicode` again) - 1.2.5: Add in offline (cloud) download; Fix stack printing - 1.2.4: Fix command line parsing for Python 3 (`Unicode` by default) - 1.2.3: Fix GUI for Python 3 - 1.2.2: Fix division for Python 3 - 1.2.1: Make it `universal` (Python 2 & 3 compatible) - 1.0.20: Initial release