import React from "react" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import ImPropTypes from "react-immutable-proptypes" import cx from "classnames" import { fromJS, Seq, Iterable, List, Map } from "immutable" import { getSampleSchema, fromJSOrdered, stringify } from "core/utils" const getExampleComponent = ( sampleResponse, HighlightCode, getConfigs ) => { if ( sampleResponse !== undefined && sampleResponse !== null ) { return
} return null } export default class Response extends React.Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context) this.state = { responseContentType: "", } } static propTypes = { path: PropTypes.string.isRequired, method: PropTypes.string.isRequired, code: PropTypes.string.isRequired, response: PropTypes.instanceOf(Iterable), className: PropTypes.string, getComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getConfigs: PropTypes.func.isRequired, specSelectors: PropTypes.object.isRequired, oas3Actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, specPath: ImPropTypes.list.isRequired, fn: PropTypes.object.isRequired, contentType: PropTypes.string, activeExamplesKey: PropTypes.string, controlsAcceptHeader: PropTypes.bool, onContentTypeChange: PropTypes.func } static defaultProps = { response: fromJS({}), onContentTypeChange: () => {} }; _onContentTypeChange = (value) => { const { onContentTypeChange, controlsAcceptHeader } = this.props this.setState({ responseContentType: value }) onContentTypeChange({ value: value, controlsAcceptHeader }) } getTargetExamplesKey = () => { const { response, contentType, activeExamplesKey } = this.props const activeContentType = this.state.responseContentType || contentType const activeMediaType = response.getIn(["content", activeContentType], Map({})) const examplesForMediaType = activeMediaType.get("examples", null) const firstExamplesKey = examplesForMediaType.keySeq().first() return activeExamplesKey || firstExamplesKey } render() { let { path, method, code, response, className, specPath, fn, getComponent, getConfigs, specSelectors, contentType, controlsAcceptHeader, oas3Actions, } = this.props let { inferSchema } = fn let isOAS3 = specSelectors.isOAS3() let headers = response.get("headers") let links = response.get("links") const Headers = getComponent("headers") const HighlightCode = getComponent("highlightCode") const ModelExample = getComponent("modelExample") const Markdown = getComponent("Markdown", true) const OperationLink = getComponent("operationLink") const ContentType = getComponent("contentType") const ExamplesSelect = getComponent("ExamplesSelect") const Example = getComponent("Example") var sampleResponse var schema, specPathWithPossibleSchema const activeContentType = this.state.responseContentType || contentType const activeMediaType = response.getIn(["content", activeContentType], Map({})) const examplesForMediaType = activeMediaType.get("examples", null) // Goal: find a schema value for `schema` if(isOAS3) { const oas3SchemaForContentType = activeMediaType.get("schema") schema = oas3SchemaForContentType ? inferSchema(oas3SchemaForContentType.toJS()) : null specPathWithPossibleSchema = oas3SchemaForContentType ? List(["content", this.state.responseContentType, "schema"]) : specPath } else { schema = response.get("schema") specPathWithPossibleSchema = response.has("schema") ? specPath.push("schema") : specPath } // Goal: find an example value for `sampleResponse` if(isOAS3) { const oas3SchemaForContentType = activeMediaType.get("schema", Map({})) if(examplesForMediaType) { const targetExamplesKey = this.getTargetExamplesKey() const targetExample = examplesForMediaType.get(targetExamplesKey, Map({})) sampleResponse = stringify(targetExample.get("value")) } else if(activeMediaType.get("example") !== undefined) { // use the example key's value sampleResponse = stringify(activeMediaType.get("example")) } else { // use an example value generated based on the schema sampleResponse = getSampleSchema(oas3SchemaForContentType.toJS(), this.state.responseContentType, { includeReadOnly: true }) } } else { if(response.getIn(["examples", activeContentType])) { sampleResponse = response.getIn(["examples", activeContentType]) } else { sampleResponse = schema ? getSampleSchema( schema.toJS(), activeContentType, { includeReadOnly: true, includeWriteOnly: true // writeOnly has no filtering effect in swagger 2.0 } ) : null } } let example = getExampleComponent( sampleResponse, HighlightCode, getConfigs ) return ( { code }
{isOAS3 && response.get("content") ? (
Media type {controlsAcceptHeader ? ( Controls Accept header. ) : null}
{examplesForMediaType ? (
Examples oas3Actions.setActiveExamplesMember({ name: key, pathMethod: [path, method], contextType: "responses", contextName: code }) } showLabels={false} />
) : null}
) : null} { example || schema ? ( ) : null } { isOAS3 && examplesForMediaType ? ( ) : null} { headers ? ( ) : null} {isOAS3 ? { links ? links.toSeq().map((link, key) => { return }) : No links} : null} ) } }