/* ATTENTION! This file (but not the functions within) is deprecated. You should probably add a new file to `./helpers/` instead of adding a new function here. One-function-per-file is a better pattern than what we have here. If you're refactoring something in here, feel free to break it out to a file in `./helpers` if you have the time. */ import Im from "immutable" import { sanitizeUrl as braintreeSanitizeUrl } from "@braintree/sanitize-url" import camelCase from "lodash/camelCase" import upperFirst from "lodash/upperFirst" import _memoize from "lodash/memoize" import find from "lodash/find" import some from "lodash/some" import eq from "lodash/eq" import isFunction from "lodash/isFunction" import { memoizedSampleFromSchema, memoizedCreateXMLExample } from "core/plugins/samples/fn" import win from "./window" import cssEscape from "css.escape" import getParameterSchema from "../helpers/get-parameter-schema" import randomBytes from "randombytes" import shaJs from "sha.js" const DEFAULT_RESPONSE_KEY = "default" export const isImmutable = (maybe) => Im.Iterable.isIterable(maybe) export function isJSONObject (str) { try { var o = JSON.parse(str) // Handle non-exception-throwing cases: // Neither JSON.parse(false) or JSON.parse(1234) throw errors, hence the type-checking, // but... JSON.parse(null) returns null, and typeof null === "object", // so we must check for that, too. Thankfully, null is falsey, so this suffices: if (o && typeof o === "object") { return o } } catch (e) { // do nothing } return false } export function objectify (thing) { if(!isObject(thing)) return {} if(isImmutable(thing)) return thing.toJS() return thing } export function arrayify (thing) { if(!thing) return [] if(thing.toArray) return thing.toArray() return normalizeArray(thing) } export function fromJSOrdered(js) { if (isImmutable(js)) { return js // Can't do much here } if (js instanceof win.File) { return js } if (!isObject(js)) { return js } if (Array.isArray(js)) { return Im.Seq(js).map(fromJSOrdered).toList() } if (isFunction(js.entries)) { // handle multipart/form-data const objWithHashedKeys = createObjWithHashedKeys(js) return Im.OrderedMap(objWithHashedKeys).map(fromJSOrdered) } return Im.OrderedMap(js).map(fromJSOrdered) } /** * Convert a FormData object into plain object * Append a hashIdx and counter to the key name, if multiple exists * if single, key name = * if multiple, key name = * @example single entry for vegetable * fdObj.entries.vegtables: "carrot" * // returns newObj.vegetables : "carrot" * @example multiple entries for fruits[] * fdObj.entries.fruits[]: "apple" * // returns newObj.fruits[]_**[]1 : "apple" * fdObj.entries.fruits[]: "banana" * // returns newObj.fruits[]_**[]2 : "banana" * fdObj.entries.fruits[]: "grape" * // returns newObj.fruits[]_**[]3 : "grape" * @param {FormData} fdObj - a FormData object * @return {Object} - a plain object */ export function createObjWithHashedKeys (fdObj) { if (!isFunction(fdObj.entries)) { return fdObj // not a FormData object with iterable } const newObj = {} const hashIdx = "_**[]" // our internal identifier const trackKeys = {} for (let pair of fdObj.entries()) { if (!newObj[pair[0]] && !(trackKeys[pair[0]] && trackKeys[pair[0]].containsMultiple)) { newObj[pair[0]] = pair[1] // first key name: no hash required } else { if (!trackKeys[pair[0]]) { // initiate tracking key for multiple trackKeys[pair[0]] = { containsMultiple: true, length: 1 } // "reassign" first pair to matching hashed format for multiple let hashedKeyFirst = `${pair[0]}${hashIdx}${trackKeys[pair[0]].length}` newObj[hashedKeyFirst] = newObj[pair[0]] // remove non-hashed key of multiple delete newObj[pair[0]] // first } trackKeys[pair[0]].length += 1 let hashedKeyCurrent = `${pair[0]}${hashIdx}${trackKeys[pair[0]].length}` newObj[hashedKeyCurrent] = pair[1] } } return newObj } export function bindToState(obj, state) { var newObj = {} Object.keys(obj) .filter(key => typeof obj[key] === "function") .forEach(key => newObj[key] = obj[key].bind(null, state)) return newObj } export function normalizeArray(arr) { if(Array.isArray(arr)) return arr return [arr] } export function isFn(fn) { return typeof fn === "function" } export function isObject(obj) { return !!obj && typeof obj === "object" } export function isFunc(thing) { return typeof(thing) === "function" } export function isArray(thing) { return Array.isArray(thing) } // I've changed memoize libs more than once, so I'm using this a way to make that simpler export const memoize = _memoize export function objMap(obj, fn) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, key) => { newObj[key] = fn(obj[key], key) return newObj }, {}) } export function objReduce(obj, fn) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, key) => { let res = fn(obj[key], key) if(res && typeof res === "object") Object.assign(newObj, res) return newObj }, {}) } // Redux middleware that exposes the system to async actions (like redux-thunk, but with out system instead of (dispatch, getState) export function systemThunkMiddleware(getSystem) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars return next => action => { if (typeof action === "function") { return action(getSystem()) } return next(action) } } } export function defaultStatusCode ( responses ) { let codes = responses.keySeq() return codes.contains(DEFAULT_RESPONSE_KEY) ? DEFAULT_RESPONSE_KEY : codes.filter( key => (key+"")[0] === "2").sort().first() } /** * Returns an Immutable List, safely * @param {Immutable.Iterable} iterable the iterable to get the key from * @param {String|[String]} key either an array of keys, or a single key * @returns {Immutable.List} either iterable.get(keys) or an empty Immutable.List */ export function getList(iterable, keys) { if(!Im.Iterable.isIterable(iterable)) { return Im.List() } let val = iterable.getIn(Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys]) return Im.List.isList(val) ? val : Im.List() } /** * Take an immutable map, and convert to a list. * Where the keys are merged with the value objects * @param {Immutable.Map} map, the map to convert * @param {String} key the key to use, when merging the `key` * @returns {Immutable.List} */ export function mapToList(map, keyNames="key", collectedKeys=Im.Map()) { if(!Im.Map.isMap(map) || !map.size) { return Im.List() } if(!Array.isArray(keyNames)) { keyNames = [ keyNames ] } if(keyNames.length < 1) { return map.merge(collectedKeys) } // I need to avoid `flatMap` from merging in the Maps, as well as the lists let list = Im.List() let keyName = keyNames[0] for(let entry of map.entries()) { let [key, val] = entry let nextList = mapToList(val, keyNames.slice(1), collectedKeys.set(keyName, key)) if(Im.List.isList(nextList)) { list = list.concat(nextList) } else { list = list.push(nextList) } } return list } export function extractFileNameFromContentDispositionHeader(value){ let patterns = [ /filename\*=[^']+'\w*'"([^"]+)";?/i, /filename\*=[^']+'\w*'([^;]+);?/i, /filename="([^;]*);?"/i, /filename=([^;]*);?/i ] let responseFilename patterns.some(regex => { responseFilename = regex.exec(value) return responseFilename !== null }) if (responseFilename !== null && responseFilename.length > 1) { try { return decodeURIComponent(responseFilename[1]) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } } return null } // PascalCase, aka UpperCamelCase export function pascalCase(str) { return upperFirst(camelCase(str)) } // Remove the ext of a filename, and pascalCase it export function pascalCaseFilename(filename) { return pascalCase(filename.replace(/\.[^./]*$/, "")) } // Check if ... // - new props // - If immutable, use .is() // - if in explicit objectList, then compare using _.eq // - else use === export const propChecker = (props, nextProps, objectList=[], ignoreList=[]) => { if(Object.keys(props).length !== Object.keys(nextProps).length) { return true } return ( some(props, (a, name) => { if(ignoreList.includes(name)) { return false } let b = nextProps[name] if(Im.Iterable.isIterable(a)) { return !Im.is(a,b) } // Not going to compare objects if(typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") { return false } return a !== b }) || objectList.some( objectPropName => !eq(props[objectPropName], nextProps[objectPropName]))) } export const validateMaximum = ( val, max ) => { if (val > max) { return `Value must be less than ${max}` } } export const validateMinimum = ( val, min ) => { if (val < min) { return `Value must be greater than ${min}` } } export const validateNumber = ( val ) => { if (!/^-?\d+(\.?\d+)?$/.test(val)) { return "Value must be a number" } } export const validateInteger = ( val ) => { if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(val)) { return "Value must be an integer" } } export const validateFile = ( val ) => { if ( val && !(val instanceof win.File) ) { return "Value must be a file" } } export const validateBoolean = ( val ) => { if ( !(val === "true" || val === "false" || val === true || val === false) ) { return "Value must be a boolean" } } export const validateString = ( val ) => { if ( val && typeof val !== "string" ) { return "Value must be a string" } } export const validateDateTime = (val) => { if (isNaN(Date.parse(val))) { return "Value must be a DateTime" } } export const validateGuid = (val) => { val = val.toString().toLowerCase() if (!/^[{(]?[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}[)}]?$/.test(val)) { return "Value must be a Guid" } } export const validateMaxLength = (val, max) => { if (val.length > max) { return `Value must be no longer than ${max} character${max !== 1 ? "s" : ""}` } } export const validateMinLength = (val, min) => { if (val.length < min) { return `Value must be at least ${min} character${min !== 1 ? "s" : ""}` } } export const validatePattern = (val, rxPattern) => { var patt = new RegExp(rxPattern) if (!patt.test(val)) { return "Value must follow pattern " + rxPattern } } // validation of parameters before execute export const validateParam = (param, value, { isOAS3 = false, bypassRequiredCheck = false } = {}) => { let errors = [] let paramRequired = param.get("required") let { schema: paramDetails, parameterContentMediaType } = getParameterSchema(param, { isOAS3 }) if(!paramDetails) return errors let required = paramDetails.get("required") let maximum = paramDetails.get("maximum") let minimum = paramDetails.get("minimum") let type = paramDetails.get("type") let format = paramDetails.get("format") let maxLength = paramDetails.get("maxLength") let minLength = paramDetails.get("minLength") let pattern = paramDetails.get("pattern") /* If the parameter is required OR the parameter has a value (meaning optional, but filled in) then we should do our validation routine. Only bother validating the parameter if the type was specified. */ if ( type && (paramRequired || required || value) ) { // These checks should evaluate to true if there is a parameter let stringCheck = type === "string" && value let arrayCheck = type === "array" && Array.isArray(value) && value.length let arrayListCheck = type === "array" && Im.List.isList(value) && value.count() let arrayStringCheck = type === "array" && typeof value === "string" && value let fileCheck = type === "file" && value instanceof win.File let booleanCheck = type === "boolean" && (value || value === false) let numberCheck = type === "number" && (value || value === 0) let integerCheck = type === "integer" && (value || value === 0) let objectCheck = type === "object" && typeof value === "object" && value !== null let objectStringCheck = type === "object" && typeof value === "string" && value const allChecks = [ stringCheck, arrayCheck, arrayListCheck, arrayStringCheck, fileCheck, booleanCheck, numberCheck, integerCheck, objectCheck, objectStringCheck, ] const passedAnyCheck = allChecks.some(v => !!v) if ((paramRequired || required) && !passedAnyCheck && !bypassRequiredCheck ) { errors.push("Required field is not provided") return errors } if ( type === "object" && typeof value === "string" && (parameterContentMediaType === null || parameterContentMediaType === "application/json") ) { try { JSON.parse(value) } catch (e) { errors.push("Parameter string value must be valid JSON") return errors } } if (pattern) { let err = validatePattern(value, pattern) if (err) errors.push(err) } if (maxLength || maxLength === 0) { let err = validateMaxLength(value, maxLength) if (err) errors.push(err) } if (minLength) { let err = validateMinLength(value, minLength) if (err) errors.push(err) } if (maximum || maximum === 0) { let err = validateMaximum(value, maximum) if (err) errors.push(err) } if (minimum || minimum === 0) { let err = validateMinimum(value, minimum) if (err) errors.push(err) } if ( type === "string" ) { let err if (format === "date-time") { err = validateDateTime(value) } else if (format === "uuid") { err = validateGuid(value) } else { err = validateString(value) } if (!err) return errors errors.push(err) } else if ( type === "boolean" ) { let err = validateBoolean(value) if (!err) return errors errors.push(err) } else if ( type === "number" ) { let err = validateNumber(value) if (!err) return errors errors.push(err) } else if ( type === "integer" ) { let err = validateInteger(value) if (!err) return errors errors.push(err) } else if ( type === "array" ) { let itemType if ( !arrayListCheck || !value.count() ) { return errors } itemType = paramDetails.getIn(["items", "type"]) value.forEach((item, index) => { let err if (itemType === "number") { err = validateNumber(item) } else if (itemType === "integer") { err = validateInteger(item) } else if (itemType === "string") { err = validateString(item) } if ( err ) { errors.push({ index: index, error: err}) } }) } else if ( type === "file" ) { let err = validateFile(value) if (!err) return errors errors.push(err) } } return errors } const getXmlSampleSchema = (schema, config) => { if (!schema.xml || !schema.xml.name) { schema.xml = schema.xml || {} if (schema.$$ref) { let match = schema.$$ref.match(/\S*\/(\S+)$/) schema.xml.name = match[1] } else if (schema.type || schema.items || schema.properties || schema.additionalProperties) { return "\n" } else { return null } } return memoizedCreateXMLExample(schema, config) } const shouldStringifyTypesConfig = [ { when: /json/, shouldStringifyTypes: ["string"] } ] const defaultStringifyTypes = ["object"] const getStringifiedSampleForSchema = (schema, config, contentType) => { const res = memoizedSampleFromSchema(schema, config) const resType = typeof res const typesToStringify = shouldStringifyTypesConfig.reduce( (types, nextConfig) => nextConfig.when.test(contentType) ? [...types, ...nextConfig.shouldStringifyTypes] : types, defaultStringifyTypes) return some(typesToStringify, x => x === resType) ? JSON.stringify(res, null, 2) : res } export const getSampleSchema = (schema, contentType="", config={}) => { if (/xml/.test(contentType)) { return getXmlSampleSchema(schema, config) } return getStringifiedSampleForSchema(schema, config, contentType) } export const parseSearch = () => { let map = {} let search = win.location.search if(!search) return {} if ( search != "" ) { let params = search.substr(1).split("&") for (let i in params) { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue } i = params[i].split("=") map[decodeURIComponent(i[0])] = (i[1] && decodeURIComponent(i[1])) || "" } } return map } export const serializeSearch = (searchMap) => { return Object.keys(searchMap).map(k => { return encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(searchMap[k]) }).join("&") } export const btoa = (str) => { let buffer if (str instanceof Buffer) { buffer = str } else { buffer = Buffer.from(str.toString(), "utf-8") } return buffer.toString("base64") } export const sorters = { operationsSorter: { alpha: (a, b) => a.get("path").localeCompare(b.get("path")), method: (a, b) => a.get("method").localeCompare(b.get("method")) }, tagsSorter: { alpha: (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b) } } export const buildFormData = (data) => { let formArr = [] for (let name in data) { let val = data[name] if (val !== undefined && val !== "") { formArr.push([name, "=", encodeURIComponent(val).replace(/%20/g,"+")].join("")) } } return formArr.join("&") } // Is this really required as a helper? Perhaps. TODO: expose the system of presets.apis in docs, so we know what is supported export const shallowEqualKeys = (a,b, keys) => { return !!find(keys, (key) => { return eq(a[key], b[key]) }) } export function sanitizeUrl(url) { if(typeof url !== "string" || url === "") { return "" } return braintreeSanitizeUrl(url) } export function requiresValidationURL(uri) { if (!uri || uri.indexOf("localhost") >= 0 || uri.indexOf("") >= 0 || uri === "none") { return false } return true } export function getAcceptControllingResponse(responses) { if(!Im.OrderedMap.isOrderedMap(responses)) { // wrong type! return null } if(!responses.size) { // responses is empty return null } const suitable2xxResponse = responses.find((res, k) => { return k.startsWith("2") && Object.keys(res.get("content") || {}).length > 0 }) // try to find a suitable `default` responses const defaultResponse = responses.get("default") || Im.OrderedMap() const defaultResponseMediaTypes = (defaultResponse.get("content") || Im.OrderedMap()).keySeq().toJS() const suitableDefaultResponse = defaultResponseMediaTypes.length ? defaultResponse : null return suitable2xxResponse || suitableDefaultResponse } // suitable for use in URL fragments export const createDeepLinkPath = (str) => typeof str == "string" || str instanceof String ? str.trim().replace(/\s/g, "%20") : "" // suitable for use in CSS classes and ids export const escapeDeepLinkPath = (str) => cssEscape( createDeepLinkPath(str).replace(/%20/g, "_") ) export const getExtensions = (defObj) => defObj.filter((v, k) => /^x-/.test(k)) export const getCommonExtensions = (defObj) => defObj.filter((v, k) => /^pattern|maxLength|minLength|maximum|minimum/.test(k)) // Deeply strips a specific key from an object. // // `predicate` can be used to discriminate the stripping further, // by preserving the key's place in the object based on its value. export function deeplyStripKey(input, keyToStrip, predicate = () => true) { if(typeof input !== "object" || Array.isArray(input) || input === null || !keyToStrip) { return input } const obj = Object.assign({}, input) Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => { if(k === keyToStrip && predicate(obj[k], k)) { delete obj[k] return } obj[k] = deeplyStripKey(obj[k], keyToStrip, predicate) }) return obj } export function stringify(thing) { if (typeof thing === "string") { return thing } if (thing && thing.toJS) { thing = thing.toJS() } if (typeof thing === "object" && thing !== null) { try { return JSON.stringify(thing, null, 2) } catch (e) { return String(thing) } } if(thing === null || thing === undefined) { return "" } return thing.toString() } export function numberToString(thing) { if(typeof thing === "number") { return thing.toString() } return thing } export function paramToIdentifier(param, { returnAll = false, allowHashes = true } = {}) { if(!Im.Map.isMap(param)) { throw new Error("paramToIdentifier: received a non-Im.Map parameter as input") } const paramName = param.get("name") const paramIn = param.get("in") let generatedIdentifiers = [] // Generate identifiers in order of most to least specificity if (param && param.hashCode && paramIn && paramName && allowHashes) { generatedIdentifiers.push(`${paramIn}.${paramName}.hash-${param.hashCode()}`) } if(paramIn && paramName) { generatedIdentifiers.push(`${paramIn}.${paramName}`) } generatedIdentifiers.push(paramName) // Return the most preferred identifier, or all if requested return returnAll ? generatedIdentifiers : (generatedIdentifiers[0] || "") } export function paramToValue(param, paramValues) { const allIdentifiers = paramToIdentifier(param, { returnAll: true }) // Map identifiers to values in the provided value hash, filter undefined values, // and return the first value found const values = allIdentifiers .map(id => { return paramValues[id] }) .filter(value => value !== undefined) return values[0] } // adapted from https://auth0.com/docs/flows/guides/auth-code-pkce/includes/create-code-verifier export function generateCodeVerifier() { return b64toB64UrlEncoded( randomBytes(32).toString("base64") ) } export function createCodeChallenge(codeVerifier) { return b64toB64UrlEncoded( shaJs("sha256") .update(codeVerifier) .digest("base64") ) } function b64toB64UrlEncoded(str) { return str .replace(/\+/g, "-") .replace(/\//g, "_") .replace(/=/g, "") } export const isEmptyValue = (value) => { if (!value) { return true } if (isImmutable(value) && value.isEmpty()) { return true } return false }