/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_LIBICONV #include "iconv.h" #endif #include "tcrc32c.h" #include "tglobalcfg.h" #include "ttime.h" #include "ttypes.h" #include "tutil.h" int32_t strdequote(char *z) { if (z == NULL) { return 0; } int32_t quote = z[0]; if (quote != '\'' && quote != '"') { return (int32_t)strlen(z); } int32_t i = 1, j = 0; while (z[i] != 0) { if (z[i] == quote) { if (z[i + 1] == quote) { z[j++] = (char)quote; i++; } else { z[j++] = 0; return (j - 1); } } else { z[j++] = z[i]; } i++; } return j + 1; // only one quote, do nothing } void strtrim(char *z) { int32_t i = 0; int32_t j = 0; int32_t delta = 0; while (z[j] == ' ') { ++j; } if (z[j] == 0) { z[0] = 0; return; } delta = j; int32_t stop = 0; while (z[j] != 0) { if (z[j] == ' ' && stop == 0) { stop = j; } else if (z[j] != ' ' && stop != 0) { stop = 0; } z[i++] = z[j++]; } if (stop > 0) { z[stop - delta] = 0; } else if (j != i) { z[i] = 0; } } char **strsplit(char *z, const char *delim, int32_t *num) { *num = 0; int32_t size = 4; char **split = malloc(POINTER_BYTES * size); for (char *p = strsep(&z, delim); p != NULL; p = strsep(&z, delim)) { size_t len = strlen(p); if (len == 0) { continue; } split[(*num)++] = p; if ((*num) >= size) { size = (size << 1); split = realloc(split, POINTER_BYTES * size); } } return split; } char *strnchr(char *haystack, char needle, int32_t len) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (haystack[i] == needle) { return &haystack[i]; } } return NULL; } void strtolower(char *z, char *dst) { int quote = 0; char *str = z; if (dst == NULL) { return; } while (*str) { if (*str == '\'' || *str == '"') { quote = quote ^ 1; } if ((!quote) && (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z')) { *dst++ = *str | 0x20; } else { *dst++ = *str; } str++; } } char *paGetToken(char *string, char **token, int32_t *tokenLen) { char quote = 0; while (*string != 0) { if (*string == ' ' || *string == '\t') { ++string; } else { break; } } if (*string == '@') { quote = 1; string++; } *token = string; while (*string != 0) { if (*string == '@' && quote) { //*string = 0; ++string; break; } if (*string == '#' || *string == '\n' || *string == '\r') { *string = 0; break; } if ((*string == ' ' || *string == '\t') && !quote) { break; } else { ++string; } } *tokenLen = (int32_t)(string - *token); if (quote) { *tokenLen = *tokenLen - 1; } return string; } int64_t strnatoi(char *num, int32_t len) { int64_t ret = 0, i, dig, base = 1; if (len > (int32_t)strlen(num)) { len = (int32_t)strlen(num); } if ((len > 2) && (num[0] == '0') && ((num[1] == 'x') || (num[1] == 'X'))) { for (i = len - 1; i >= 2; --i, base *= 16) { if (num[i] >= '0' && num[i] <= '9') { dig = (num[i] - '0'); } else if (num[i] >= 'a' && num[i] <= 'f') { dig = num[i] - 'a' + 10; } else if (num[i] >= 'A' && num[i] <= 'F') { dig = num[i] - 'A' + 10; } else { return 0; } ret = dig * base; } } else { for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i, base *= 10) { if (num[i] >= '0' && num[i] <= '9') { dig = (num[i] - '0'); } else { return 0; } ret += dig * base; } } return ret; } FORCE_INLINE size_t getLen(size_t old, size_t size) { if (old == 1) { old = 2; } while (old < size) { old = (old * 1.5); } return old; } static char *ensureSpace(char *dest, size_t *curSize, size_t size) { if (*curSize < size) { *curSize = getLen(*curSize, size); char *tmp = realloc(dest, *curSize); if (tmp == NULL) { free(dest); return NULL; } return tmp; } return dest; } char *strreplace(const char *str, const char *pattern, const char *rep) { if (str == NULL || pattern == NULL || rep == NULL) { return NULL; } const char *s = str; size_t oldLen = strlen(str); size_t newLen = oldLen; size_t repLen = strlen(rep); size_t patternLen = strlen(pattern); char *dest = calloc(1, oldLen + 1); if (dest == NULL) { return NULL; } if (patternLen == 0) { return strcpy(dest, str); } int32_t start = 0; while (1) { char *p = strstr(str, pattern); if (p == NULL) { // remain does not contain pattern size_t remain = (oldLen - (str - s)); size_t size = remain + start + 1; dest = ensureSpace(dest, &newLen, size); if (dest == NULL) { return NULL; } strcpy(dest + start, str); dest[start + remain] = 0; break; } size_t len = p - str; size_t size = start + len + repLen + 1; dest = ensureSpace(dest, &newLen, size); if (dest == NULL) { return NULL; } memcpy(dest + start, str, len); str += (len + patternLen); start += len; memcpy(dest + start, rep, repLen); start += repLen; } return dest; } int32_t taosByteArrayToHexStr(char bytes[], int32_t len, char hexstr[]) { int32_t i; char hexval[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { hexstr[i * 2] = hexval[((bytes[i] >> 4) & 0xF)]; hexstr[(i * 2) + 1] = hexval[(bytes[i]) & 0x0F]; } return 0; } int32_t taosHexStrToByteArray(char hexstr[], char bytes[]) { int32_t len, i; char ch; // char *by; len = (int32_t)strlen((char *)hexstr) / 2; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ch = hexstr[i * 2]; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') bytes[i] = (char)(ch - '0'); else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') bytes[i] = (char)(ch - 'A' + 10); else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') bytes[i] = (char)(ch - 'a' + 10); else return -1; ch = hexstr[i * 2 + 1]; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') bytes[i] = (char)((bytes[i] << 4) + (ch - '0')); else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') bytes[i] = (char)((bytes[i] << 4) + (ch - 'A' + 10)); else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') bytes[i] = (char)((bytes[i] << 4) + (ch - 'a' + 10)); else return -1; } return 0; } // rename file name int32_t taosFileRename(char *fullPath, char *suffix, char delimiter, char **dstPath) { int32_t ts = taosGetTimestampSec(); char fname[PATH_MAX] = {0}; // max file name length must be less than 255 char *delimiterPos = strrchr(fullPath, delimiter); if (delimiterPos == NULL) return -1; int32_t fileNameLen = 0; if (suffix) fileNameLen = snprintf(fname, PATH_MAX, "%s.%d.%s", delimiterPos + 1, ts, suffix); else fileNameLen = snprintf(fname, PATH_MAX, "%s.%d", delimiterPos + 1, ts); size_t len = (size_t)((delimiterPos - fullPath) + fileNameLen + 1); if (*dstPath == NULL) { *dstPath = calloc(1, len + 1); if (*dstPath == NULL) return -1; } strncpy(*dstPath, fullPath, (size_t)(delimiterPos - fullPath + 1)); strncat(*dstPath, fname, (size_t)fileNameLen); (*dstPath)[len] = 0; return rename(fullPath, *dstPath); } bool taosCheckDbName(char *db, char *monitordb) { char *pos = strchr(db, '.'); if (pos == NULL) return false; return strcmp(pos + 1, monitordb) == 0; } bool taosUcs4ToMbs(void *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len, char *mbs) { #ifdef USE_LIBICONV iconv_t cd = iconv_open(tsCharset, DEFAULT_UNICODE_ENCODEC); size_t ucs4_input_len = ucs4_max_len; size_t outLen = ucs4_max_len; if (iconv(cd, (char **)&ucs4, &ucs4_input_len, &mbs, &outLen) == -1) { iconv_close(cd); return false; } iconv_close(cd); return true; #else mbstate_t state = {0}; int32_t len = (int32_t) wcsnrtombs(NULL, (const wchar_t **) &ucs4, ucs4_max_len / 4, 0, &state); if (len < 0) { return false; } memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); len = wcsnrtombs(mbs, (const wchar_t **) &ucs4, ucs4_max_len / 4, (size_t) len, &state); if (len < 0) { return false; } return true; #endif } bool taosMbsToUcs4(char *mbs, int32_t mbs_len, char *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len) { memset(ucs4, 0, ucs4_max_len); #ifdef USE_LIBICONV iconv_t cd = iconv_open(DEFAULT_UNICODE_ENCODEC, tsCharset); size_t ucs4_input_len = mbs_len; size_t outLen = ucs4_max_len; if (iconv(cd, &mbs, &ucs4_input_len, &ucs4, &outLen) == -1) { iconv_close(cd); return false; } iconv_close(cd); return true; #else mbstate_t state = {0}; int32_t len = mbsnrtowcs((wchar_t *) ucs4, (const char **) &mbs, mbs_len, ucs4_max_len / 4, &state); return len >= 0; #endif } bool taosValidateEncodec(char *encodec) { #ifdef USE_LIBICONV iconv_t cd = iconv_open(encodec, DEFAULT_UNICODE_ENCODEC); if (cd == (iconv_t)(-1)) { return false; } iconv_close(cd); return true; #else return true; #endif }