/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2018, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes */ /* @(#)clnt_udp.c 2.2 88/08/01 4.0 RPCSRC */ /* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #if !defined(lint) && defined(SCCSIDS) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)clnt_udp.c 1.39 87/08/11 Copyr 1984 Sun Micro"; #endif /* * clnt_udp.c, Implements a UDP/IP based, client side RPC. * * Copyright (C) 1984, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #include #include #include /* * UDP bases client side rpc operations */ static enum clnt_stat clntudp_call(register CLIENT *cl, /* client handle */ unsigned long proc, /* procedure number */ xdrproc_t xargs, /* xdr routine for args */ char* argsp, /* pointer to args */ xdrproc_t xresults, /* xdr routine for results */ char* resultsp, /* pointer to results */ struct timeval utimeout); static void clntudp_abort(void); static void clntudp_geterr(CLIENT *, struct rpc_err *); static bool_t clntudp_freeres(CLIENT *, xdrproc_t, char*); static bool_t clntudp_control(CLIENT *, int, char *); static void clntudp_destroy(CLIENT *); static struct clnt_ops udp_ops = { clntudp_call, clntudp_abort, clntudp_geterr, clntudp_freeres, clntudp_destroy, clntudp_control }; /* * Private data kept per client handle */ struct cu_data { int cu_sock; bool_t cu_closeit; struct sockaddr_in cu_raddr; int cu_rlen; struct timeval cu_wait; struct timeval cu_total; struct rpc_err cu_error; XDR cu_outxdrs; unsigned int cu_xdrpos; unsigned int cu_sendsz; char *cu_outbuf; unsigned int cu_recvsz; char cu_inbuf[1]; }; /* * Create a UDP based client handle. * If *sockp<0, *sockp is set to a newly created UPD socket. * If raddr->sin_port is 0 a binder on the remote machine * is consulted for the correct port number. * NB: It is the clients responsibility to close *sockp. * NB: The rpch->cl_auth is initialized to null authentication. * Caller may wish to set this something more useful. * * wait is the amount of time used between retransmitting a call if * no response has been heard; retransmition occurs until the actual * rpc call times out. * * sendsz and recvsz are the maximum allowable packet sizes that can be * sent and received. */ CLIENT *clntudp_bufcreate(struct sockaddr_in *raddr, unsigned long program, unsigned long version, struct timeval wait, int *sockp, unsigned int sendsz, unsigned int recvsz) { CLIENT *cl; register struct cu_data *cu = NULL; struct rpc_msg call_msg; static int xid_count = 0; cl = (CLIENT *) rt_malloc (sizeof(CLIENT)); if (cl == NULL) { rt_kprintf("clntudp_create: out of memory\n"); goto fooy; } sendsz = ((sendsz + 3) / 4) * 4; recvsz = ((recvsz + 3) / 4) * 4; cu = (struct cu_data *) rt_malloc (sizeof(*cu) + sendsz + recvsz); if (cu == NULL) { rt_kprintf("clntudp_create: out of memory\n"); goto fooy; } cu->cu_outbuf = &cu->cu_inbuf[recvsz]; if (raddr->sin_port == 0) { unsigned short port; extern unsigned short pmap_getport(struct sockaddr_in *address, unsigned long program, unsigned long version, unsigned int protocol); if ((port = pmap_getport(raddr, program, version, IPPROTO_UDP)) == 0) { goto fooy; } raddr->sin_port = htons(port); } cl->cl_ops = &udp_ops; cl->cl_private = (char*) cu; cu->cu_raddr = *raddr; cu->cu_rlen = sizeof(cu->cu_raddr); cu->cu_wait = wait; cu->cu_total.tv_sec = -1; cu->cu_total.tv_usec = -1; cu->cu_sendsz = sendsz; cu->cu_recvsz = recvsz; call_msg.rm_xid = ((unsigned long)rt_thread_self()) ^ ((unsigned long)rt_tick_get()) ^ (xid_count++); call_msg.rm_direction = CALL; call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION; call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = program; call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = version; xdrmem_create(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), cu->cu_outbuf, sendsz, XDR_ENCODE); if (!xdr_callhdr(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), &call_msg)) { goto fooy; } cu->cu_xdrpos = XDR_GETPOS(&(cu->cu_outxdrs)); if (*sockp < 0) { *sockp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (*sockp < 0) { rt_kprintf("create socket error\n"); goto fooy; } cu->cu_closeit = TRUE; } else { cu->cu_closeit = FALSE; } cu->cu_sock = *sockp; cl->cl_auth = authnone_create(); return (cl); fooy: if (cu) rt_free(cu); if (cl) rt_free(cl); return ((CLIENT *) NULL); } CLIENT *clntudp_create(struct sockaddr_in *raddr, unsigned long program, unsigned long version, struct timeval wait, int *sockp) { return (clntudp_bufcreate(raddr, program, version, wait, sockp, UDPMSGSIZE, UDPMSGSIZE)); } static enum clnt_stat clntudp_call(CLIENT *cl, unsigned long proc, xdrproc_t xargs, char* argsp, xdrproc_t xresults, char* resultsp, struct timeval utimeout) { register struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *) cl->cl_private; register XDR *xdrs; register int outlen; register int inlen; socklen_t fromlen; struct sockaddr_in from; struct rpc_msg reply_msg; XDR reply_xdrs; bool_t ok; int nrefreshes = 2; /* number of times to refresh cred */ call_again: xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs); xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE; XDR_SETPOS(xdrs, cu->cu_xdrpos); /* * the transaction is the first thing in the out buffer */ (*(unsigned long *) (cu->cu_outbuf))++; if ((!XDR_PUTLONG(xdrs, (long *) &proc)) || (!AUTH_MARSHALL(cl->cl_auth, xdrs)) || (!(*xargs) (xdrs, argsp))) { cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS; return RPC_CANTENCODEARGS; } outlen = (int) XDR_GETPOS(xdrs); send_again: if (sendto(cu->cu_sock, cu->cu_outbuf, outlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &(cu->cu_raddr), cu->cu_rlen) != outlen) { cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND; return RPC_CANTSEND; } /* * sub-optimal code appears here because we have * some clock time to spare while the packets are in flight. * (We assume that this is actually only executed once.) */ reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth; reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = resultsp; reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xresults; /* do recv */ do { fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); inlen = recvfrom(cu->cu_sock, cu->cu_inbuf, (int) cu->cu_recvsz, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen); }while (inlen < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (inlen < 4) { rt_kprintf("recv error, len %d\n", inlen); cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno; cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV; return RPC_CANTRECV; } /* see if reply transaction id matches sent id */ if (*((uint32_t *) (cu->cu_inbuf)) != *((uint32_t *) (cu->cu_outbuf))) goto send_again; /* we now assume we have the proper reply */ /* * now decode and validate the response */ xdrmem_create(&reply_xdrs, cu->cu_inbuf, (unsigned int) inlen, XDR_DECODE); ok = xdr_replymsg(&reply_xdrs, &reply_msg); /* XDR_DESTROY(&reply_xdrs); save a few cycles on noop destroy */ if (ok) { _seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(cu->cu_error)); if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) { if (!AUTH_VALIDATE(cl->cl_auth, &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) { cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR; cu->cu_error.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP; } if (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL) { extern bool_t xdr_opaque_auth(XDR *xdrs, struct opaque_auth *ap); xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE; (void) xdr_opaque_auth(xdrs, &(reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)); } } /* end successful completion */ else { /* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */ if (nrefreshes > 0 && AUTH_REFRESH(cl->cl_auth)) { nrefreshes--; goto call_again; } } /* end of unsuccessful completion */ } /* end of valid reply message */ else { cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES; } return (enum clnt_stat)(cu->cu_error.re_status); } static void clntudp_geterr(CLIENT *cl, struct rpc_err *errp) { register struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *) cl->cl_private; *errp = cu->cu_error; } static bool_t clntudp_freeres(CLIENT *cl, xdrproc_t xdr_res, char* res_ptr) { register struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *) cl->cl_private; register XDR *xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs); xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE; return ((*xdr_res) (xdrs, res_ptr)); } static void clntudp_abort() { } static bool_t clntudp_control(CLIENT *cl, int request, char *info) { register struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *) cl->cl_private; switch (request) { case CLSET_TIMEOUT: { int mtimeout; cu->cu_total = *(struct timeval *) info; mtimeout = ((cu->cu_total.tv_sec * 1000) + ((cu->cu_total.tv_usec + 500)/1000)); /* set socket option, note: lwip only support msecond timeout */ setsockopt(cu->cu_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &mtimeout, sizeof(mtimeout)); } break; case CLGET_TIMEOUT: *(struct timeval *) info = cu->cu_total; break; case CLSET_RETRY_TIMEOUT: cu->cu_wait = *(struct timeval *) info; break; case CLGET_RETRY_TIMEOUT: *(struct timeval *) info = cu->cu_wait; break; case CLGET_SERVER_ADDR: *(struct sockaddr_in *) info = cu->cu_raddr; break; default: return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } static void clntudp_destroy(CLIENT *cl) { register struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *) cl->cl_private; if (cu->cu_closeit) { lwip_close(cu->cu_sock); } XDR_DESTROY(&(cu->cu_outxdrs)); rt_free(cu); rt_free(cl); }