/** ****************************************************************************** * @brief CAN header file of the firmware library. ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __GD32F10X_CAN_H #define __GD32F10X_CAN_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "gd32f10x.h" /** @addtogroup GD32F10x_Firmware * @{ */ /** @addtogroup CAN * @{ */ /** @defgroup CAN_Exported_Types * @{ */ /** * @brief CAN Initial Parameters */ typedef struct { uint16_t CAN_Prescaler; /*!< Baud rate prescaler.It can be 1 to 1024. */ uint8_t CAN_Mode; /*!< Set the CAN operating mode. */ uint8_t CAN_SJW; /*!< Set Resynchronization jump width */ uint8_t CAN_BS1; /*!< Set time segment 1. */ uint8_t CAN_BS2; /*!< Set time segment 2. */ TypeState CAN_TTC; /*!< Set time triggered communication mode. */ TypeState CAN_ABOR; /*!< Set automatic bus-off recovery. */ TypeState CAN_AWK; /*!< Set the automatic wake-up mode. */ TypeState CAN_ARD; /*!< Set the automatic retransmission mode. */ TypeState CAN_RFOD; /*!< Receive FIFO overwrite mode. */ TypeState CAN_TFO; /*!< Set the Transmit FIFO order. */ } CAN_InitPara; /** * @brief CAN filter Initial Parameters */ typedef struct { uint16_t CAN_FilterListHigh; /*!< the filter List number. If the filter scale is 32-bit,the filter list number is MSBs. If the filter scale is 16-bit,the filter list number is first one. This value can take from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF */ uint16_t CAN_FilterListLow; /*!< the filter List number. If the filter scale is 32-bit,the filter list number is LSBs. If the filter scale is 16-bit,the filter list number is second one. This value can take from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF */ uint16_t CAN_FilterMaskListHigh; /*!< the filter mask number or list number,according to the filter mode. If the filter scale is 32-bit,the filter mask number or list number is MSBs. If the filter scale is 16-bit,the filter mask number or list number is first one. This value can take from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF */ uint16_t CAN_FilterMaskListLow; /*!< the filter mask number or list number,according to the filter mode. If the filter scale is 32-bit,the filter mask number or list number is LSBs. If the filter scale is 16-bit,the filter mask number or list number is second one. This value can take from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF */ uint16_t CAN_FilterFIFOAssociation; /*!< Set the FIFO (0 or 1) which will be associated with the filter. */ uint8_t CAN_FilterNumber; /*!< Set the which filter to be initialized. It ranges from 0 to 13 or 0 to 27(in GD32F10X_CL). */ uint8_t CAN_FilterMode; /*!< Set the filter mode to be identifier mask or identifier list. */ uint8_t CAN_FilterScale; /*!< Set the filter scale. */ TypeState CAN_FilterWork; /*!< Set the filter to work or not. */ } CAN_FilterInitPara; /** * @brief CAN Tx message structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t StdId; /*!< Set the standard format frame identifier. This value can take from 0 to 0x7FF. */ uint32_t ExtId; /*!< Set the extended format frame identifier. This value can take from 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */ uint8_t FF; /*!< Set the format of Frame , Standard or extended Frame for the message that will be transmitted. */ uint8_t FT; /*!< Set the type of frame, Data or remote for the message that will be transmitted. */ uint8_t DLC; /*!< Set the length of the frame that will be transmitted. This value can take from 0 to 8 */ uint8_t Data[8]; /*!< store the data that will be transmitted. This value can take from 0 to 0xFF. */ } CanTxMessage; /** * @brief CAN Rx message structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t StdId; /*!< Set the standard format frame identifier. This value can take from 0 to 0x7FF. */ uint32_t ExtId; /*!< Set the extended format frame identifier. This value can take from 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */ uint8_t FF; /*!< Set the format of Frame , Standard or extended Frame for the message that will be received. */ uint8_t FT; /*!< Set the type of frame, Data or remote for the message that will be received. */ uint8_t DLC; /*!< Set the length of the frame that will be received. This value can take from 0 to 8 */ uint8_t Data[8]; /*!< store the data that will be received. This value can take from 0 to 0xFF. */ uint8_t FI; /*!< The index of the filter by which the frame is passed.. This value can take from 0 to 0xFF */ } CanRxMessage; /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /** @defgroup CAN_sleep_constants * @{ */ #define CAN_INITSTATE_FAILED ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< CAN initialization failed */ #define CAN_INITSTATE_SUCCESS ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< CAN initialization OK */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Communication_Mode * @{ */ #define CAN_MODE_NORMAL ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Normal communication mode */ #define CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Loopback communication mode */ #define CAN_MODE_SILENT ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Silent communication mode */ #define CAN_MODE_SILENT_LOOPBACK ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Loopback and silent communication mode */ /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup CAN_Working_Mode * @{ */ #define CAN_WORKINGMODE_INITIAL ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Initial working mode */ #define CAN_WORKINGMODE_NORMAL ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Normal working mode */ #define CAN_WORKINGMODE_SLEEP ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Sleep working mode */ /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup CAN_Mode_State * @{ */ #define CAN_MODESTATE_FAILED ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< CAN entering the specified mode failed */ #define CAN_MODESTATE_SUCCESS ((uint8_t)!CAN_MODESTATE_FAILED) /*!< CAN entering the specified mode Succeed */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Synchronisation_Jump_Width * @{ */ #define CAN_SJW_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< 1 time quanta */ #define CAN_SJW_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< 2 time quanta */ #define CAN_SJW_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< 3 time quanta */ #define CAN_SJW_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< 4 time quanta */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Time_Quanta_In_Bit_Segment_1 * @{ */ #define CAN_BS1_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< 1 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< 2 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< 3 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< 4 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_5TQ ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< 5 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_6TQ ((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< 6 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_7TQ ((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< 7 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_8TQ ((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< 8 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_9TQ ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< 9 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_10TQ ((uint8_t)0x09) /*!< 10 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_11TQ ((uint8_t)0x0A) /*!< 11 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_12TQ ((uint8_t)0x0B) /*!< 12 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_13TQ ((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< 13 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_14TQ ((uint8_t)0x0D) /*!< 14 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_15TQ ((uint8_t)0x0E) /*!< 15 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS1_16TQ ((uint8_t)0x0F) /*!< 16 time quanta */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Time_Quanta_In_Bit_Segment_2 * @{ */ #define CAN_BS2_1TQ ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< 1 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_2TQ ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< 2 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_3TQ ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< 3 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_4TQ ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< 4 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_5TQ ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< 5 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_6TQ ((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< 6 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_7TQ ((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< 7 time quanta */ #define CAN_BS2_8TQ ((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< 8 time quanta */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Filter_Mode * @{ */ #define CAN_FILTERMODE_MASK ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< mask mode */ #define CAN_FILTERMODE_LIST ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< List mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Filter_Scale * @{ */ #define CAN_FILTERSCALE_16BIT ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Two 16-bit filters */ #define CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< One 32-bit filter */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Filter_FIFO * @{ */ #define CAN_FILTER_FIFO0 ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Filter associated with FIFO0 */ #define CAN_FILTER_FIFO1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Filter associated with FIFO1 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Format_Frame * @{ */ #define CAN_FF_STANDARD ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Standard format frame */ #define CAN_FF_EXTENDED ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< Extended format frame */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Frame_Type * @{ */ #define CAN_FT_DATA ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Data frame */ #define CAN_FT_REMOTE ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< Remote frame */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Transmit_State * @{ */ #define CAN_TXSTATE_FAILED ((uint8_t)0x00)/*!< CAN transmitted failure */ #define CAN_TXSTATE_OK ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< CAN transmitted success */ #define CAN_TXSTATE_PENDING ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< CAN transmitted pending */ #define CAN_TXSTATE_NOMAILBOX ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< No empty mailbox to be used for CAN */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Receive_FIFO_Number_Constants * @{ */ #define CAN_FIFO0 ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Use CAN FIFO 0 to receive */ #define CAN_FIFO1 ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Use CAN FIFO 1 to receive */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Sleep_Constants * @{ */ #define CAN_SLEEP_FAILED ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< CAN entered the sleep mode failed */ #define CAN_SLEEP_OK ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< CAN entered the sleep mode succeeded */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Wake_Wp_Constants * @{ */ #define CAN_WAKEUP_FAILED ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< CAN leaved the sleep mode failed */ #define CAN_WAKEUP_OK ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< CAN leaved the sleep mode succeeded */ /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup CAN_Error_Type_Constants * @{ */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_NOERR ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< No Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_STUFFERR ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Stuff Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_FORMERR ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Form Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_ACKERR ((uint8_t)0x30) /*!< Acknowledgment Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_BITRECESSIVEERR ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Bit Recessive Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_BITDOMINANTERR ((uint8_t)0x50) /*!< Bit Dominant Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_CRCERR ((uint8_t)0x60) /*!< CRC Error */ #define CAN_ERRORTYPE_SOFTWARESETERR ((uint8_t)0x70) /*!< Set by software */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_flags * @{ */ /* The flag value of 0x3XXXXXXX is used with CAN_GetBitState()and CAN_ClearBitState() functions. */ /* The flag value of 0x1XXXXXXX is only used with CAN_GetBitState() function. */ /* Transmit Flags */ #define CAN_FLAG_MTF0 ((uint32_t)0x38000001) /*!< Mailbox 0 transmit finished Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_MTF1 ((uint32_t)0x38000100) /*!< Mailbox 1 transmit finished Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_MTF2 ((uint32_t)0x38010000) /*!< Mailbox 2 transmit finished Flag */ /* Receive Flags */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFL0 ((uint32_t)0x12000003) /*!< the length of the receive FIFO0 Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFF0 ((uint32_t)0x32000008) /*!< Receive FIFO 0 full Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFO0 ((uint32_t)0x32000010) /*!< Receive FIFO 0 overfull Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFL1 ((uint32_t)0x14000003) /*!< the length of the receive FIFO1 Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFF1 ((uint32_t)0x34000008) /*!< Receive FIFO 1 full Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_RFO1 ((uint32_t)0x34000010) /*!< Receive FIFO 1 overfull Flag */ /* Working Mode Flags, in CAN status register */ #define CAN_FLAG_WU ((uint32_t)0x31000008) /*!< Wake up Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_SLP ((uint32_t)0x31000012) /*!< Sleep working state Flag */ /* Error Flags, in CAN error register */ #define CAN_FLAG_WE ((uint32_t)0x10F00001) /*!< Warning error Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_PE ((uint32_t)0x10F00002) /*!< Passive error Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_BOE ((uint32_t)0x10F00004) /*!< Bus-off error Flag */ #define CAN_FLAG_ET ((uint32_t)0x30F00070) /*!< Error type Flag */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_interrupts * @{ */ #define CAN_INT_TME ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< Transmit mailbox empty Interrupt*/ /* Receive Interrupts */ #define CAN_INT_RFNE0 ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< FIFO 0 not empty interrupt */ #define CAN_INT_RFF0 ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< FIFO 0 full Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_RFO0 ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< FIFO 0 overrun Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_RFNE1 ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< FIFO 1 not empty interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_RFF1 ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< FIFO 1 full Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_RFO1 ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< FIFO 1 overfull Interrupt*/ /* Working Mode Interrupts */ #define CAN_INT_WU ((uint32_t)0x00010000) /*!< Wake-up Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_SLP ((uint32_t)0x00020000) /*!< Sleep Interrupt*/ /* Error Interrupts */ #define CAN_INT_WE ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< Warning error Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_PE ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /*!< Passive error Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_BOE ((uint32_t)0x00000400) /*!< Bus-off error Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_ET ((uint32_t)0x00000800) /*!< error type Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_ERR ((uint32_t)0x00008000) /*!< Error Interrupt*/ #define CAN_INT_MTF0 CAN_INT_TME #define CAN_INT_MTF1 CAN_INT_TME #define CAN_INT_MTF2 CAN_INT_TME /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Legacy * @{ */ #define CANINITFAILED CAN_INITSTATE_FAILED #define CANINITOK CAN_INITSTATE_SUCCESS #define CAN_FILTERFIFO0 CAN_FILTER_FIFO0 #define CAN_FILTERFIFO1 CAN_FILTER_FIFO1 #define CAN_FF_STD CAN_FF_STANDARD #define CAN_FF_EXT CAN_FF_EXTENDED //#define CAN_FT_DATA CAN_FT_DATA //#define CAN_FT_REMOTE CAN_FT_REMOTE #define CANTXFAILE CAN_TXSTATE_FAILED #define CANTXOK CAN_TXSTATE_OK #define CANTXPENDING CAN_TXSTATE_PENDING #define CAN_NO_MB CAN_TXSTATE_NOMAILBOX #define CANSLEEPFAILED CAN_SLEEP_FAILED #define CANSLEEPOK CAN_SLEEP_OK #define CANWAKEUPFAILED CAN_WAKEUP_FAILED #define CANWAKEUPOK CAN_WAKEUP_OK /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup CAN_Exported_Functions * @{ */ void CAN_DeInit(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); uint8_t CAN_Init(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_InitPara *CAN_InitParaStruct); void CAN_FilterInit(CAN_FilterInitPara *CAN_FilterInitParaStruct); void CAN_StructInit(CAN_InitPara *CAN_InitParaStruct); void CAN_HeaderBank(uint8_t CAN_HeaderBankNumber); void CAN_DebugFreeze(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, TypeState NewValue); void CAN_TimeTrigComMode_Enable(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, TypeState NewValue); /* Transmit functions */ uint8_t CAN_Transmit(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CanTxMessage *TxMessage); uint8_t CAN_TransmitState(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t TransmitMailbox); void CAN_StopTransmit(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t Mailbox); /* Receive functions */ void CAN_Receive(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber, CanRxMessage *RxMessage); void CAN_FIFODequeue(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber); uint8_t CAN_MessageLength(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber); /* Working modes functions */ uint8_t CAN_WorkingMode(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint8_t CAN_WorkingMode); uint8_t CAN_EnterSleep(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); uint8_t CAN_WakeUp(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); /* Error management functions */ uint8_t CAN_GetErrorType(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); uint8_t CAN_GetReceiveErrorCounter(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); uint8_t CAN_GetTransmitErrorCounter(CAN_TypeDef *CANx); /* Interrupts and flags management functions */ void CAN_INTConfig(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t CAN_INT, TypeState NewValue); TypeState CAN_GetBitState(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t CAN_FLAG); void CAN_ClearBitState(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t CAN_FLAG); TypeState CAN_GetIntBitState(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t CAN_INT); void CAN_ClearIntBitState(CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t CAN_INT); static TypeState CheckINTState(uint32_t CAN_Reg, uint32_t Int_Bit); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __GD32F10x_CAN_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */