#---Recommend System Parameter--- #Recommendation Executing Moment (Please refer to [Quartz's CronExpression]) startAt=0 0 0 ? * * #---Specific Algorithm Parameter--- #-RecommendKit- #Valid specific day the news published after which are still valuable beforeDays=-30 #Valid specific day after which those who has browsed news can be regarded "active" activeDay=-30 #-Collaborative Filtering Recommendation- #Recommend Num from CF(Collaborative Filtering) CFRecNum=5 #Valid specific day after which users' browsing history would be calculated CFValidDay=-30 #-Content-Based Recommendation- #Recommend Num from CB(Content-Based Recommend) CBRecNum=5 #Set a previous day after which the browsing history will be calculated with, namely, is still in time previousDays=-30 #TF-IDF's extracting numbers of keywords from every news TFIDFKeywordsNum=10 #-Hot Recommendation-