# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from threading import Thread import subprocess import multiprocessing import six import sys import warnings import logging from six.moves.queue import Queue from six.moves import zip_longest from six.moves import map from six.moves import zip import itertools import random import zlib import paddle.compat as cpt from paddle.fluid.reader import QUEUE_GET_TIMEOUT __all__ = [] # On macOS, the 'spawn' start method is now the default in Python3.8 multiprocessing, # Paddle is currently unable to solve this, so forces the process to start using # the 'fork' start method. # # TODO: This solution is not good, because the fork start method could lead to # crashes of the subprocess. Figure out how to make 'spawn' work. # # For more details, please refer to # https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#contexts-and-start-methods # https://bugs.python.org/issue33725 if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and sys.platform == 'darwin': fork_context = multiprocessing.get_context('fork') else: fork_context = multiprocessing def cache(reader): """ Cache the reader data into memory. Be careful that this method may take long time to process, and consume lots of memory. :code:`reader()` would only call once. Args: reader (generator): a reader object which yields data each time. Returns: generator: a decorated reader object which yields data from cached memory. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle def reader(): for i in range(3): yield i # All data is cached into memory cached_reader = paddle.io.cache(reader) # Output: 0 1 2 for i in cached_reader(): print(i) """ all_data = tuple(reader()) def __impl__(): for item in all_data: yield item return __impl__ def map_readers(func, *readers): """ Creates a data reader that outputs return value of function using output of each data reader as arguments. If input readers output the following data entries: 2 3, and the input func is mul(x, y), the output of the resulted reader will be 6. Args: func: a function to read data and compute result, the output of this function will be set as the output of the resulted data reader. readers (Reader|list of Reader): list of readers whose outputs will be used as arguments of func. Returns: the resulted data reader (Reader) Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.reader d = {"h": 0, "i": 1} def func(x): return d[x] def reader(): yield "h" yield "i" map_reader_result = paddle.reader.map_readers(func, reader) """ def reader(): rs = [] for r in readers: rs.append(r()) for e in map(func, *rs): yield e return reader def shuffle(reader, buf_size): """ paddle.fluid.io.shuffle ( :ref:`api_fluid_io_shuffle` ) is recommended to use, and paddle.reader.shuffle is an alias. This API creates a decorated reader that outputs the shuffled data. The output data from the origin reader will be saved into a buffer, and then shuffle the data. The size of buffer is determined by argument buf_size. Args: reader(callable): the original reader whose data will be shuffled. buf_size(int): the size of shuffled buffer. Returns: callable: a decorated reader. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid def reader(): for i in range(5): yield i shuffled_reader = fluid.io.shuffle(reader, 3) for e in shuffled_reader(): print(e) # outputs are 0~4 unordered arrangement """ def data_reader(): buf = [] for e in reader(): buf.append(e) if len(buf) >= buf_size: random.shuffle(buf) for b in buf: yield b buf = [] if len(buf) > 0: random.shuffle(buf) for b in buf: yield b return data_reader def chain(*readers): """ Use the input data readers to create a chained data reader. The new created reader chains the outputs of input readers together as its output, and it do not change the format of the outputs. **Note**: ``paddle.reader.chain`` is the alias of ``paddle.fluid.io.chain``, and ``paddle.fluid.io.chain`` is recommended to use. For example, if three input readers' outputs are as follows: [0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10], [20, 20, 20]. The chained reader will output: [0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10], [20, 20, 20]. Args: readers(list): input data readers. Returns: callable: the new chained data reader. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle def reader_creator_3(start): def reader(): for i in range(start, start + 3): yield [i, i, i] return reader c = paddle.reader.chain(reader_creator_3(0), reader_creator_3(10), reader_creator_3(20)) for e in c(): print(e) # Output: # [0, 0, 0] # [1, 1, 1] # [2, 2, 2] # [10, 10, 10] # [11, 11, 11] # [12, 12, 12] # [20, 20, 20] # [21, 21, 21] # [22, 22, 22] """ def reader(): rs = [] for r in readers: rs.append(r()) for e in itertools.chain(*rs): yield e return reader class ComposeNotAligned(ValueError): pass def compose(*readers, **kwargs): """ Creates a data reader whose output is the combination of input readers. If input readers output following data entries: (1, 2) 3 (4, 5) The composed reader will output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Args: readers (Reader|list of Reader): readers that will be composed together. check_alignment(bool, optional): Indicates whether the input readers are checked for alignment. If True, whether input readers are aligned correctly will be checked, else alignment will not be checkout and trailing outputs will be discarded. Defaults to True. Returns: the new data reader (Reader). Raises: ComposeNotAligned: outputs of readers are not aligned. This will not raise if check_alignment is set to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid def reader_creator_10(dur): def reader(): for i in range(10): yield i return reader reader = fluid.io.compose(reader_creator_10(0), reader_creator_10(0)) """ check_alignment = kwargs.pop('check_alignment', True) def make_tuple(x): if isinstance(x, tuple): return x else: return (x, ) def reader(): rs = [] for r in readers: rs.append(r()) if not check_alignment: for outputs in zip(*rs): yield sum(list(map(make_tuple, outputs)), ()) else: for outputs in zip_longest(*rs): for o in outputs: if o is None: # None will be not be present if compose is aligned raise ComposeNotAligned( "outputs of readers are not aligned.") yield sum(list(map(make_tuple, outputs)), ()) return reader def buffered(reader, size): """ Creates a buffered data reader. The buffered data reader will read and save data entries into a buffer. Reading from the buffered data reader will proceed as long as the buffer is not empty. Args: reader(generator): the data reader to read from. size(int): max buffer size. Returns: generator: the buffered data reader. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle def reader(): for i in range(3): yield i # Create a buffered reader, and the buffer size is 2. buffered_reader = paddle.io.buffered(reader, 2) # Output: 0 1 2 for i in buffered_reader(): print(i) """ class EndSignal(): pass end = EndSignal() def read_worker(r, q): for d in r: q.put(d) q.put(end) def data_reader(): r = reader() q = Queue(maxsize=size) t = Thread( target=read_worker, args=( r, q, )) t.daemon = True t.start() e = q.get() while e != end: yield e e = q.get() return data_reader def firstn(reader, n): """ paddle.fluid.io.firstn ( :ref:`api_fluid_io_firstn` ) is recommended to use, and paddle.reader.firstn is an alias. This API creates a decorated reader, and limits the max number of samples that reader could return. Args: reader(callable): the input reader. n(int): the max number of samples in the reader. Returns: callable: the decorated reader. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid def reader(): for i in range(100): yield i firstn_reader = fluid.io.firstn(reader, 5) for e in firstn_reader(): print(e) # the outputs are: 0 1 2 3 4 """ # TODO(yuyang18): Check if just drop the reader, could clean the opened # resource or not? def firstn_reader(): for i, item in enumerate(reader()): if i == n: break yield item return firstn_reader class XmapEndSignal(): pass def xmap_readers(mapper, reader, process_num, buffer_size, order=False): """ Use multi-threads to map samples from reader by a mapper defined by user. Args: mapper (callable): a function to map the data from reader. reader (callable): a data reader which yields the data. process_num (int): thread number to handle original sample. buffer_size (int): size of the queue to read data in. order (bool): whether to keep the data order from original reader. Default False. Returns: callable: a decorated reader with data mapping. """ end = XmapEndSignal() # define a worker to read samples from reader to in_queue def read_worker(reader, in_queue): for i in reader(): in_queue.put(i) in_queue.put(end) # define a worker to read samples from reader to in_queue with order flag def order_read_worker(reader, in_queue): in_order = 0 for i in reader(): in_queue.put((in_order, i)) in_order += 1 in_queue.put(end) # define a worker to handle samples from in_queue by mapper # and put mapped samples into out_queue def handle_worker(in_queue, out_queue, mapper): sample = in_queue.get() while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal): r = mapper(sample) out_queue.put(r) sample = in_queue.get() in_queue.put(end) out_queue.put(end) # define a worker to handle samples from in_queue by mapper # and put mapped samples into out_queue by order def order_handle_worker(in_queue, out_queue, mapper, out_order): ins = in_queue.get() while not isinstance(ins, XmapEndSignal): order, sample = ins r = mapper(sample) while order != out_order[0]: pass out_queue.put(r) out_order[0] += 1 ins = in_queue.get() in_queue.put(end) out_queue.put(end) def xreader(): in_queue = Queue(buffer_size) out_queue = Queue(buffer_size) out_order = [0] # start a read worker in a thread target = order_read_worker if order else read_worker t = Thread(target=target, args=(reader, in_queue)) t.daemon = True t.start() # start several handle_workers target = order_handle_worker if order else handle_worker args = (in_queue, out_queue, mapper, out_order) if order else ( in_queue, out_queue, mapper) workers = [] for i in range(process_num): worker = Thread(target=target, args=args) worker.daemon = True workers.append(worker) for w in workers: w.start() sample = out_queue.get() while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal): yield sample sample = out_queue.get() finish = 1 while finish < process_num: sample = out_queue.get() if isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal): finish += 1 else: yield sample return xreader def multiprocess_reader(readers, use_pipe=True, queue_size=1000): """ This API use python ``multiprocessing`` to read data from ``readers`` parallelly, and then ``multiprocess.Queue`` or ``multiprocess.Pipe`` is used to merge these data. A separate process will be created for each reader in the ``readers`` list, please guarantee every reader can work independently to avoid conflicts in parallel environment. ``Multiprocess.Queue`` require the rw access right to /dev/shm, and it's not supported in some platforms. Parameters: readers (list( ``generator`` ) | tuple( ``generator`` )): a python ``generator`` list used to read input data use_pipe (bool, optional): control the inner API used to implement the multi-processing, default True - use ``multiprocess.Pipe`` which is recommended queue_size (int, optional): only useful when ``use_pipe`` is False - ``multiprocess.Queue`` is used, default 1000. Increase this value can speed up the data reading, and more memory will be consumed. Returns: ``generator``: a new reader which can be run parallelly Example: .. code-block:: python import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.io import multiprocess_reader import numpy as np sample_files = ['sample_file_1', 'sample_file_2'] def fake_input_files(): with open(sample_files[0], 'w') as f: np.savez(f, a=np.array([1, 2]), b=np.array([3, 4]), c=np.array([5, 6]), d=np.array([7, 8])) with open(sample_files[1], 'w') as f: np.savez(f, a=np.array([9, 10]), b=np.array([11, 12]), c=np.array([13, 14])) def generate_reader(file_name): # load data file def _impl(): data = np.load(file_name) for item in sorted(data.files): yield data[item], return _impl if __name__ == '__main__': # generate sample input files fake_input_files() with fluid.program_guard(fluid.Program(), fluid.Program()): place = fluid.CPUPlace() # the 1st 2 is batch size image = fluid.data(name='image', dtype='int64', shape=[2, 1, 2]) fluid.layers.Print(image) # print detailed tensor info of image variable reader = fluid.io.PyReader(feed_list=[image], capacity=2) decorated_reader = multiprocess_reader( [generate_reader(sample_files[0]), generate_reader(sample_files[1])], False) reader.decorate_sample_generator(decorated_reader, batch_size=2, places=[place]) exe = fluid.Executor(place) exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program()) for data in reader(): res = exe.run(feed=data, fetch_list=[image]) print(res[0]) # print below content in this case # [[[1 2]], [[3 4]]] # [[[5 6]], [[7 8]]] # [[[9 10]], [[11 12]]] # [13,14] will be dropped """ if sys.platform == 'win32': raise NotImplementedError( "The multiprocess_reader method is not supported on windows.") # ujson is ultra fast json encoder and decoder written in pure C with bindings for Python 3.6+. try: import ujson as json except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "The `ujson` module is not found, use the `json` module, `ujson` encodes and decodes faster, " "you can install `ujson` through `pip install ujson`.") import json assert isinstance(readers, (list, tuple)) and len(readers) > 0, ( "`readers` must be list or tuple.") def _read_into_queue(reader, queue): try: for sample in reader(): if sample is None: raise ValueError("sample has None") queue.put(sample) queue.put(None) except: queue.put("") six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) def queue_reader(): queue = fork_context.Queue(queue_size) for reader in readers: p = fork_context.Process( target=_read_into_queue, args=(reader, queue)) p.start() reader_num = len(readers) finish_num = 0 while finish_num < reader_num: try: sample = queue.get(timeout=QUEUE_GET_TIMEOUT) except: logging.error( "multiprocess_reader failed to get data from the multiprocessing.Queue." ) six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) if sample is None: finish_num += 1 elif sample == "": raise ValueError( "multiprocess_reader failed to put data into the multiprocessing.Queue." ) else: yield sample def _read_into_pipe(reader, conn): try: for sample in reader(): if sample is None: raise ValueError("sample has None!") conn.send(json.dumps(sample)) conn.send(json.dumps(None)) conn.close() except: conn.send(json.dumps("")) conn.close() six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) def pipe_reader(): conns = [] for reader in readers: parent_conn, child_conn = fork_context.Pipe() conns.append(parent_conn) p = fork_context.Process( target=_read_into_pipe, args=(reader, child_conn)) p.start() reader_num = len(readers) finish_num = 0 conn_to_remove = [] while finish_num < reader_num: for conn in conn_to_remove: conns.remove(conn) conn_to_remove = [] for conn in conns: sample = json.loads(conn.recv()) if sample is None: finish_num += 1 conn.close() conn_to_remove.append(conn) elif sample == "": conn.close() conn_to_remove.append(conn) raise ValueError( "multiprocess_reader failed to send data into the multiprocessing.Pipe." ) else: yield sample if use_pipe: return pipe_reader else: return queue_reader