// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/gpu/cuda/cuda_graph.h" #include #include #include namespace paddle { namespace platform { std::unique_ptr CUDAGraph::capturing_graph_{nullptr}; paddle::optional CUDAGraph::capturing_thread_id_{paddle::none}; static std::vector ToposortCUDAGraph(cudaGraph_t graph) { size_t num_nodes; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphGetNodes(graph, nullptr, &num_nodes)); std::vector nodes(num_nodes); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaGraphGetNodes(graph, nodes.data(), &num_nodes)); size_t num_edges; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaGraphGetEdges(graph, nullptr, nullptr, &num_edges)); std::vector from(num_edges), to(num_edges); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaGraphGetEdges(graph, from.data(), to.data(), &num_edges)); std::unordered_map> in_edges, out_edges; for (auto node : nodes) { in_edges[node]; out_edges[node]; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_edges; ++i) { in_edges[to[i]].insert(from[i]); out_edges[from[i]].insert(to[i]); } std::queue q; for (const auto &pair : in_edges) { if (pair.second.empty()) { q.push(pair.first); } } nodes.clear(); while (!q.empty()) { auto cur = q.front(); q.pop(); nodes.push_back(cur); for (auto out_node : out_edges.at(cur)) { auto &in_nodes = in_edges.at(out_node); in_nodes.erase(cur); if (in_nodes.empty()) { q.push(out_node); } } } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( nodes.size(), num_nodes, phi::errors::InvalidArgument("Toposort error, this may be a bug.")); return nodes; } CUDAGraphID CUDAGraph::UniqueID() { static std::atomic id; return id.fetch_add(1); } int64_t CUDAGraph::UniqueMemoryPoolID() { static std::atomic id(CUDAGraph::kDefaultPoolID + 1); return id.fetch_add(1); } void CUDAGraph::Reset() { if (is_reset_) return; #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 for (auto graph : graphs_) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphDestroy(graph)); } graphs_.clear(); for (auto exec_graph : exec_graphs_) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphExecDestroy(exec_graph)); } exec_graphs_.clear(); #endif // callback should be called in reverse order because the latter added // callback may rely on the former added callback. for (auto iter = callbacks_.rbegin(); iter != callbacks_.rend(); ++iter) { (*iter)(); } callbacks_.clear(); is_reset_ = true; } void CUDAGraph::Replay() { #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(is_reset_, false, errors::PermissionDenied( "Cannot replay the CUDA Graph after reset is called.")); size_t n = exec_graphs_.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!is_first_run_) { for (auto &hook : pre_hooks_[i]) { hook(exec_graphs_[i]); } } PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphLaunch(exec_graphs_[i], stream_)); } is_first_run_ = false; #endif } void CUDAGraph::BeginSegmentCapture() { ThrowErrorIfNotSupportCUDAGraph(); #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( IsCapturing(), true, errors::PermissionDenied("BeginSegmentCapture should be called when CUDA " "Graph is capturing.")); if (IsThreadLocalCapturing()) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(IsThisThreadCapturing(), true, platform::errors::PermissionDenied( "When capturing CUDA Graph in the thread local mode, " "you cannot begin segmented capturing in the thread " "which is not the one that starts the capturing.")); } PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaStreamBeginCapture( capturing_graph_->stream_, capturing_graph_->capture_mode_)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(IsValidCapturing(), true, platform::errors::PermissionDenied( "CUDA Graph should not be invalidated.")); VLOG(10) << "Begin to capture CUDA Graph with ID " << capturing_graph_->id_ << ", segment id " << capturing_graph_->graphs_.size() << ", memory pool id " << capturing_graph_->pool_id_; #endif } void CUDAGraph::BeginCapture(platform::CUDAPlace place, cudaStream_t stream, cudaStreamCaptureMode mode) { ThrowErrorIfNotSupportCUDAGraph(); #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( IsCapturing(), false, errors::PermissionDenied("CUDA Graph can only captured one by one.")); PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( stream, errors::PermissionDenied( "CUDA Graph cannot be captured in default CUDA stream 0.")); capturing_graph_.reset(new CUDAGraph()); capturing_graph_->place_ = place; capturing_graph_->stream_ = stream; capturing_graph_->capture_mode_ = mode; if (mode == cudaStreamCaptureModeThreadLocal) { capturing_thread_id_ = std::this_thread::get_id(); VLOG(10) << "Capturing CUDA Graph in thread local mode, thread id: " << capturing_thread_id_; } BeginSegmentCapture(); #endif } void CUDAGraph::EndSegmentCapture() { ThrowErrorIfNotSupportCUDAGraph(); #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(IsCapturing(), true, errors::PermissionDenied("No CUDA Graph is capturing.")); cudaGraph_t graph; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaStreamEndCapture(capturing_graph_->stream_, &graph)); auto num_nodes = static_cast(-1); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphGetNodes(graph, nullptr, &num_nodes)); if (num_nodes == 0) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphDestroy(graph)); VLOG(10) << "Skip empty CUDA Graph with ID " << capturing_graph_->id_ << ", segment id " << capturing_graph_->graphs_.size() << ", memory pool id " << capturing_graph_->pool_id_; return; } auto sorted_nodes = ToposortCUDAGraph(graph); capturing_graph_->pre_hooks_.emplace_back(); std::unordered_set visited; VLOG(10) << "SetSeedFunc number : " << capturing_graph_->set_seed_funcs_.size(); for (const auto &set_seed_func : capturing_graph_->set_seed_funcs_) { bool found = false; for (auto node : sorted_nodes) { if (visited.count(node) > 0) continue; cudaGraphNodeType type; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphNodeGetType(node, &type)); if (type == cudaGraphNodeTypeKernel) { cudaKernelNodeParams params; auto err = cudaGraphKernelNodeGetParams(node, ¶ms); if (err == cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction) { continue; } else { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(err); } CUDAKernelParams kernel_params(¶ms); if (set_seed_func(&kernel_params, true)) { capturing_graph_->pre_hooks_.back().push_back( [set_seed_func, node, params](cudaGraphExec_t exec_graph) { CUDAKernelParams kernel_params(¶ms); set_seed_func(&kernel_params, false); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams( exec_graph, node, ¶ms)); }); visited.insert(node); found = true; break; } } } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(found, true, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "Cannot find the corresponding random CUDA kernel.")); } capturing_graph_->set_seed_funcs_.clear(); cudaGraphExec_t exec_graph; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaGraphInstantiate(&exec_graph, graph, nullptr, nullptr, 0)); VLOG(10) << "End to capture CUDA Graph with ID " << capturing_graph_->id_ << ", segment id " << capturing_graph_->graphs_.size() << ", memory pool id " << capturing_graph_->pool_id_; capturing_graph_->graphs_.emplace_back(graph); capturing_graph_->exec_graphs_.emplace_back(exec_graph); #endif } std::unique_ptr CUDAGraph::EndCapture() { EndSegmentCapture(); capturing_thread_id_ = paddle::none; return std::move(capturing_graph_); } bool CUDAGraph::IsValidCapturing() { #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10010 if (!IsCapturing()) return false; cudaStreamCaptureStatus status; CUDAGraphID id; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaStreamGetCaptureInfo(capturing_graph_->stream_, &status, &id)); return status == cudaStreamCaptureStatusActive; #else return false; #endif } static std::string ConcatPath(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &filename) { #ifdef _WIN32 const char kFileSep[] = "\\"; #else const char kFileSep[] = "/"; #endif if (!dirname.empty() && dirname.back() == kFileSep[0]) { return dirname + filename; } else { return dirname + kFileSep + filename; } } void CUDAGraph::PrintToDotFiles(const std::string &dirname, unsigned int flags) { ThrowErrorIfNotSupportCUDAGraph(); #if CUDA_VERSION >= 11030 for (size_t i = 0; i < graphs_.size(); ++i) { auto filename = ConcatPath(dirname, "segment_" + std::to_string(i) + ".dot"); VLOG(10) << "Save the " << i << "-th segment of graph " << id_ << " to " << filename; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( cudaGraphDebugDotPrint(graphs_[i], filename.c_str(), flags)); } #else PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unimplemented( "The print_to_dot_files() method is only supported when CUDA version >= " "11.3.")); #endif } } // namespace platform } // namespace paddle