/* Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HETERPS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/gloo_wrapper.h" #endif #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/thirdparty/round_robin.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_set.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_context.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_ps/heter_ps_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_ps/heter_resource.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_ps/mem_pool.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/variable_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/gpu/gpu_info.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/dynload/nccl.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/macros.h" // for DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN #include "paddle/fluid/platform/place.h" #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/wrapper/fleet.h" #endif #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSLIB #include "afs_api.h" #endif namespace paddle { namespace framework { #define TYPEALIGN(ALIGNVAL, LEN) \ (((uint64_t)(LEN) + ((ALIGNVAL)-1)) & ~((uint64_t)((ALIGNVAL)-1))) #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSLIB class AfsWrapper { public: AfsWrapper() {} virtual ~AfsWrapper() {} void init(const std::string& fs_name, const std::string& fs_user, const std::string& pass_wd, const std::string& conf); int remove(const std::string& path); int mkdir(const std::string& path); std::vector list(const std::string& path); int exist(const std::string& path); int upload(const std::string& local_file, const std::string& afs_file); int download(const std::string& local_file, const std::string& afs_file); private: paddle::ps::AfsApiWrapper afs_handler_; }; #endif class PSGPUWrapper { public: virtual ~PSGPUWrapper() { delete HeterPs_; } PSGPUWrapper() { HeterPs_ = NULL; sleep_seconds_before_fail_exit_ = 300; hbm_thread_pool_.resize(thread_keys_shard_num_); for (size_t i = 0; i < hbm_thread_pool_.size(); i++) { hbm_thread_pool_[i].reset(new ::ThreadPool(1)); } } void PullSparse(const paddle::platform::Place& place, const int table_id, const std::vector& keys, const std::vector& values, const std::vector& slot_lengths, const int hidden_size); void PushSparseGrad(const paddle::platform::Place& place, const int table_id, const std::vector& keys, const std::vector& grad_values, const std::vector& slot_lengths, const int hidden_size, const int batch_size); void CopyKeys(const paddle::platform::Place& place, uint64_t** origin_keys, uint64_t* total_keys, const int64_t* gpu_len, int slot_num, int total_len); void CopyForPull(const paddle::platform::Place& place, uint64_t** gpu_keys, const std::vector& values, const FeatureValue* total_values_gpu, const int64_t* gpu_len, const int slot_num, const int hidden_size, const int64_t total_length); void CopyForPush(const paddle::platform::Place& place, const std::vector& grad_values, FeaturePushValue* total_grad_values_gpu, const std::vector& slot_lengths, const int hidden_size, const int64_t total_length, const int batch_size); void BuildGPUTask(std::shared_ptr gpu_task); void PreBuildTask(std::shared_ptr gpu_task); void BuildPull(std::shared_ptr gpu_task); void LoadIntoMemory(bool is_shuffle); void BeginPass(); void EndPass(); void start_build_thread(); void pre_build_thread(); void build_task(); void Finalize() { VLOG(3) << "PSGPUWrapper Begin Finalize."; if (s_instance_ == nullptr) { return; } data_ready_channel_->Close(); buildcpu_ready_channel_->Close(); gpu_free_channel_->Close(); running_ = false; VLOG(3) << "begin stop pre_build_threads_"; pre_build_threads_.join(); s_instance_ = nullptr; VLOG(3) << "PSGPUWrapper Finalize Finished."; } void InitializeGPU(const std::vector& dev_ids) { if (s_instance_ != NULL && is_initialized_ == false) { VLOG(3) << "PSGPUWrapper Begin InitializeGPU"; is_initialized_ = true; resource_ = std::make_shared(dev_ids); resource_->enable_p2p(); keys_tensor.resize(resource_->total_gpu()); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO auto gloo = paddle::framework::GlooWrapper::GetInstance(); if (gloo->Size() > 1) { multi_node_ = 1; } #else PADDLE_THROW( platform::errors::Unavailable("heter ps need compile with GLOO")); #endif if (multi_node_) { int dev_size = dev_ids.size(); // init inner comm inner_comms_.resize(dev_size); inter_ncclids_.resize(dev_size); platform::dynload::ncclCommInitAll(&(inner_comms_[0]), dev_size, &dev_ids[0]); // init inter comm #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO inter_comms_.resize(dev_size); if (gloo->Rank() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dev_size; ++i) { platform::dynload::ncclGetUniqueId(&inter_ncclids_[i]); } } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( gloo->IsInitialized(), true, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "You must initialize the gloo environment first to use it.")); gloo::BroadcastOptions opts(gloo->GetContext()); opts.setOutput(&inter_ncclids_[0], dev_size); opts.setRoot(0); gloo::broadcast(opts); for (int i = 0; i < dev_size; ++i) { platform::dynload::ncclCommInitRank(&inter_comms_[i], gloo->Size(), inter_ncclids_[i], gloo->Rank()); } node_size_ = gloo->Size(); #else PADDLE_THROW( platform::errors::Unavailable("heter ps need compile with GLOO")); #endif } heter_devices_ = dev_ids; data_ready_channel_->Open(); data_ready_channel_->SetCapacity(3); buildcpu_ready_channel_->Open(); buildcpu_ready_channel_->SetCapacity(3); gpu_free_channel_->Open(); gpu_free_channel_->SetCapacity(1); current_task_ = nullptr; gpu_free_channel_->Put(current_task_); table_id_ = 0; // start build cpu&gpu ps thread start_build_thread(); } } void SetSparseSGD(float nonclk_coeff, float clk_coeff, float min_bound, float max_bound, float learning_rate, float initial_g2sum, float initial_range); void SetEmbedxSGD(float mf_create_thresholds, float mf_learning_rate, float mf_initial_g2sum, float mf_initial_range, float mf_min_bound, float mf_max_bound); void InitializeGPUServer(std::unordered_map config) { float nonclk_coeff = (config.find("nonclk_coeff") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["nonclk_coeff"]; float clk_coeff = (config.find("clk_coeff") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["clk_coeff"]; float min_bound = (config.find("min_bound") == config.end()) ? -10000.0 : config["min_bound"]; float max_bound = (config.find("max_bound") == config.end()) ? 10000.0 : config["max_bound"]; float learning_rate = (config.find("learning_rate") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["learning_rate"]; float initial_g2sum = (config.find("initial_g2sum") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["initial_g2sum"]; float initial_range = (config.find("initial_range") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["initial_range"]; // mf config settings float mf_create_thresholds = (config.find("mf_create_thresholds") == config.end()) ? static_cast(1.0) : config["mf_create_thresholds"]; float mf_learning_rate = (config.find("mf_learning_rate") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["mf_learning_rate"]; float mf_initial_g2sum = (config.find("mf_initial_g2sum") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["mf_initial_g2sum"]; float mf_initial_range = (config.find("mf_initial_range") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["mf_initial_range"]; float mf_min_bound = (config.find("mf_min_bound") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["mf_min_bound"]; float mf_max_bound = (config.find("mf_max_bound") == config.end()) ? 1.0 : config["mf_max_bound"]; for (size_t i = 0; i < heter_devices_.size(); i++) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(cudaSetDevice(heter_devices_[i])); this->SetSparseSGD(nonclk_coeff, clk_coeff, min_bound, max_bound, learning_rate, initial_g2sum, initial_range); this->SetEmbedxSGD(mf_create_thresholds, mf_learning_rate, mf_initial_g2sum, mf_initial_range, mf_min_bound, mf_max_bound); } } void SetDate(int year, int month, int day) { year_ = year; month_ = month; day_ = day; } void SetDataset(Dataset* dataset) { dataset_ = dataset; } // PSGPUWrapper singleton static std::shared_ptr GetInstance() { if (NULL == s_instance_) { s_instance_.reset(new paddle::framework::PSGPUWrapper()); } return s_instance_; } std::vector>>& GetLocalTable( int table_id) { return local_tables_[table_id]; } void SetSlotVector(const std::vector& slot_vector) { slot_vector_ = slot_vector; } void SetSlotOffsetVector(const std::vector& slot_offset_vector) { slot_offset_vector_ = slot_offset_vector; } void SetSlotDimVector(const std::vector& slot_mf_dim_vector) { slot_mf_dim_vector_ = slot_mf_dim_vector; assert(slot_mf_dim_vector_.size() == slot_vector_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < slot_mf_dim_vector.size(); i++) { slot_dim_map_[slot_vector_[i]] = slot_mf_dim_vector_[i]; } std::unordered_set dims_set; for (auto& it : slot_dim_map_) { dims_set.insert(it.second); } size_t num_of_dim = dims_set.size(); index_dim_vec_.resize(num_of_dim); index_dim_vec_.assign(dims_set.begin(), dims_set.end()); std::sort(index_dim_vec_.begin(), index_dim_vec_.end()); std::unordered_map dim_index_map; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_dim; i++) { dim_index_map[index_dim_vec_[i]] = i; } hbm_pools_.resize(resource_->total_gpu() * num_of_dim); mem_pools_.resize(resource_->total_gpu() * num_of_dim); max_mf_dim_ = index_dim_vec_.back(); multi_mf_dim_ = (dim_index_map.size() >= 1) ? dim_index_map.size() : 0; resource_->set_multi_mf(multi_mf_dim_, max_mf_dim_); slot_index_vec_.resize(slot_mf_dim_vector_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < slot_index_vec_.size(); i++) { slot_index_vec_[i] = dim_index_map[slot_mf_dim_vector_[i]]; } val_type_size_ = TYPEALIGN(8, sizeof(FeatureValue) + sizeof(float) * (max_mf_dim_ + 1)); grad_type_size_ = TYPEALIGN(8, sizeof(FeaturePushValue) + (max_mf_dim_ * sizeof(float))); } void ShowOneTable(int index) { HeterPs_->show_one_table(index); } int UseAfsApi() { return use_afs_api_; } #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSLIB std::shared_ptr OpenReader( const std::string& filename) { return afs_handler_.open_reader(filename); } void InitAfsApi(const std::string& fs_name, const std::string& fs_user, const std::string& pass_wd, const std::string& conf); #endif private: static std::shared_ptr s_instance_; Dataset* dataset_; #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSLIB paddle::ps::AfsApiWrapper afs_handler_; #endif std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector>>> local_tables_; HeterPsBase* HeterPs_; std::vector keys_tensor; // Cache for pull_sparse std::shared_ptr resource_; int32_t sleep_seconds_before_fail_exit_; std::vector slot_vector_; std::vector slot_offset_vector_; std::vector slot_mf_dim_vector_; std::unordered_map slot_dim_map_; std::vector slot_index_vec_; std::vector index_dim_vec_; int multi_mf_dim_{0}; int max_mf_dim_{0}; size_t val_type_size_{0}; size_t grad_type_size_{0}; int multi_node_{0}; int node_size_; uint64_t table_id_; std::vector inner_comms_; std::vector inter_comms_; std::vector inter_ncclids_; std::vector heter_devices_; std::unordered_set gpu_ps_config_keys_; HeterObjectPool gpu_task_pool_; std::vector>> thread_keys_; std::vector>>> thread_dim_keys_; int thread_keys_thread_num_ = 37; int thread_keys_shard_num_ = 37; uint64_t max_fea_num_per_pass_ = 5000000000; int year_; int month_; int day_; int use_afs_api_ = 0; std::vector mem_pools_; std::vector hbm_pools_; // in multi mfdim, one table need hbm // pools of totol dims number std::shared_ptr< paddle::framework::ChannelObject>> data_ready_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel>(); std::shared_ptr< paddle::framework::ChannelObject>> buildcpu_ready_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel>(); std::shared_ptr< paddle::framework::ChannelObject>> gpu_free_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel>(); std::shared_ptr current_task_ = nullptr; std::thread pre_build_threads_; bool running_ = false; std::vector> hbm_thread_pool_; protected: static bool is_initialized_; }; } // end namespace framework } // end namespace paddle #endif