# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function #from .math import * #from .creation import * #from .linalg import * # TODO: define alias in tensor and framework directory from .random import randperm from .attribute import rank #DEFINE_ALIAS from .attribute import shape #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import create_tensor #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .creation import create_lod_tensor #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .creation import create_random_int_lodtensor #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import crop_tensor #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import diag #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import eye #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import fill_constant #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .creation import get_tensor_from_selected_rows #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import linspace #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import ones #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import ones_like #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import zeros #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import zeros_like #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import arange #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import eye #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import full #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import full_like #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import triu #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import tril #DEFINE_ALIAS from .creation import meshgrid #DEFINE_ALIAS from .io import save #DEFINE_ALIAS from .io import load #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import matmul #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import dot #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .linalg import einsum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import norm #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import transpose #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import dist #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import t #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import cross #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import cholesky #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .linalg import tensordot #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import bmm #DEFINE_ALIAS from .linalg import histogram #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import equal #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import greater_equal #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import greater_than #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import is_empty #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import isfinite #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import less_equal #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import less_than #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import logical_and #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import logical_not #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import logical_or #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import logical_xor #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import not_equal #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import reduce_all #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import reduce_any #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import allclose #DEFINE_ALIAS from .logic import equal_all #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .logic import isnan #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import cast #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import concat #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import expand #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import expand_as #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import flatten #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import gather #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import gather_nd #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import reshape #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import flip as reverse #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import scatter #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import scatter_nd_add #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import scatter_nd #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import shard_index #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import slice #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import split #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import squeeze #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import stack #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import strided_slice #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import transpose #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import unique #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import unique_with_counts #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import unsqueeze #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import unstack #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import flip #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import unbind #DEFINE_ALIAS from .manipulation import roll #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import abs #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import acos #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import asin #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import atan #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import ceil #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import cos #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import cosh #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import cumsum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_add #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_div #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_floordiv #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_mod #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_pow #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_sub #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import exp #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import floor #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import increment #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import log #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import multiplex #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import pow #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import reciprocal #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import reduce_max #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import reduce_min #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import reduce_prod #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import reduce_sum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import round #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import rsqrt #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import scale #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sign #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sin #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sinh #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sqrt #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import square #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import stanh #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import sums #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import tanh #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import elementwise_sum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import max #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import maximum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import min #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import minimum #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import mm #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import div #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import multiply #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import add #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import atan #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import logsumexp #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import inverse #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import log1p #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import erf #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import addcmul #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import addmm #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import clamp #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import trace #DEFINE_ALIAS from .math import kron #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .random import gaussin #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .random import uniform #DEFINE_ALIAS from .random import shuffle #DEFINE_ALIAS from .random import randn #DEFINE_ALIAS from .random import rand #DEFINE_ALIAS from .random import randint #DEFINE_ALIAS from .random import randperm #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import argmax #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import argmin #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import argsort #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import has_inf #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import has_nan #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .search import masked_select #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import topk #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import where #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import index_select #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import nonzero #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import sort #DEFINE_ALIAS from .search import index_sample #DEFINE_ALIAS from .stat import mean #DEFINE_ALIAS from .stat import reduce_mean #DEFINE_ALIAS from .stat import std #DEFINE_ALIAS from .stat import var #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .tensor import Tensor #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .tensor import LoDTensor #DEFINE_ALIAS # from .tensor import LoDTensorArray #DEFINE_ALIAS