This is an incomplete list of authors of [Paddle]( codebase, to see a full list, please use the source control tool git. PaddlePaddle community encourges every Paddle codebase author include his/her GitHub account and fullname here. | Github account | name | |---|---| | abhinavarora | Abhinav Arora | | andreazanetti | Andrea Zanetti | | arlesniak | Artur Lesniak | | [arogowie-intel]( | Adam Osewski | | backyes | Yan-Fei Wang | | baiyfbupt | Yi-Fan Bai | | beckett1124 | Bin Qi | | ChengduoZH | Cheng-Duo Zhao| | chengxiaohua1105 | Xiao-Hua Cheng | | chenwhql | Wei-Hang Chen | | cxwangyi, yiwangbaidu, wangkuiyi | Yi Wang | | cxysteven | Xing-Yi Cheng | | ddokupil | Dariusz Dokupil | | dzhwinter | Zhi-Hong Dong | | dragonwarrior | Long Wang | | dyning | Yuning Du | | emailweixu | Wei Xu | | gangliao | Gang Liao | | gongweibao | Wei-Bao Gong | | guru4elephant | Daxiang Dong | | Guo Sheng | Sheng Guo | | [grygielski](| Adam Grygielski | | Haichao-Zhang | Hai-Chao Zhang | | hedaoyuan | Dao-Yuan He | | helinwang | He-Lin Wang | | jacquesqiao | Long-Fei Qiao | | [jakpiase]( | Jakub Piasecki | | [jczaja]( | Jacek Czaja | | JiayiFeng | Jia-Yi Feng | | kbinias | Krzysztof Binias | | kexinzhao | Ke-Xin Zhao | | kuke | Yi-Bing Liu | | [lidanqing]( | DanQing Li | | lcy-seso | Ying Cao | | cjld | Dun Liang | | lipeng-unisound | Peng Li | | gavin1332 | Yi Liu | | liuyuan | Yuan Liu | | livc | Zhao Li | | llxxxll | Yong-Feng Liu | | luotao01 | Tao Luo | | lzhao4ever | Liang Zhao | | mozga-intel | Mateusz Ozga | | NHZlX | Zhao-Long Xing | | Noplz | Yuan Gao | | pakchoi | Chuan-Jiang Song | | panyx0718 | Xin Pan | | pengli09 | Peng Li | | [piotrekobiIntel]( | Piotr Paturej | | [pmajchrzak]( | Piotr Majchrzak | | pkuyym | Ya-Ming Yang | | pzelazko-intel | Pawel Zelazko | | [pawelpiotrowicz]( | Pawel Piotrowicz | | QiJune | Jun Qi | | qingqing01 | Qing-Qing Dang | | reyoung | Yang Yu | | [Sand3r-](| Michal Gallus | | [sfraczek](| Sylwester Fraczek | | Silv3S | Slawomir Siwek | | sneaxiy | Jin-Le Zeng | | Superjom | Chun-Wei Yan | | tensor-tang | Jian Tang | | tianbingsz | Tian-Bing Xu | | tpatejko | Tomasz Patejko | | [tsocha]( | Tomasz Socha | | typhoonzero | Yi Wu | | velconia | Qi-Yang Min | | wanghaoshuang | Hao-Shuang Wang | | wangyang59 | Yang Wang | | wangzhen-nlp | Zhen Wang | | wen-bo-yang | Wen-Bo Yang | | wojtuss | Wojciech Uss | | [wozna](| Joanna Wozna | | wwhu | Wei-Wei Hu | | xinghai-sun | Xing-Hai Sun | | Xreki | Yi-Qun Liu | | xujun05 | Jun Xu | | xushaoyong | Shao-Yong Xu | | Yancey1989 | Xu Yan | | zhaopu7 | Pu Zhao | | zhouxiao-coder | Xiao Zhou | | Zrachel | Rui-Qing Zhang | | jeng1220 | Bai-Cheng(Ryan) Jeng (NVIDIA) | | mingxu1067 | Ming Huang (NVIDIA) | | zlsh80826 | Reese Wang (NVIDIA) | | leo0519 | Leo Chen (NVIDIA) | | jzhang533 | Jun Zhang | | Ligoml | Meng-Liu Li | | jeff41404 | Xiang Gao | | zh794390558 | Hui Zhang | | limin2021 | Min Li | | zhouwei25 | Wei Zhou | | littletomatodonkey | Ruo-Yu Guo | | zhupengyang | Zhu Pengyang | | DesmonDay | Siming Dai | | thisjiang | jiangcheng | | yghstill | Guanghua Yu | | CtfGo | Tefeng Chen | | ZHUI | Hui Zhong| | LemonNoel | Huijuan Wang | | wawltor | Zeyang Fang | | FrostML | Zheng-Xi Liu | | jiangjiajun | jiangjiajun | | dingjiaweiww | dingjiawei | | gglin001 | Allen Guo (Graphcore) | | yaozhixin | Zhixin Yao (Graphcore) | | XBWGC | Xiaobing Wang (Graphcore) | | jianghaicheng | Haicheng Jiang (Graphcore) | | czr-gc | Zhaorui Chen (Graphcore) | | zhao-han | Han Zhao (Graphcore) | | yiakwy, yiakwy-xpu-ml-framework-team | Yi Wang (Graphcore) | | [Yulv-git]( | Shuangchi He | | [zrr1999]( | Rongrui Zhan |