import subprocess import os import os.path import errno import re import shutil import sys import fnmatch import errno import platform from contextlib import contextmanager from setuptools import Command from setuptools import setup, Distribution, Extension from setuptools.command.install import install as InstallCommandBase class BinaryDistribution(Distribution): def has_ext_modules(foo): return True RC = 0 ext_name = '.dll' if == 'nt' else ('.dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '.so') def git_commit(): try: cmd = ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'] git_commit = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, cwd="@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@").communicate()[0].strip() except: git_commit = 'Unknown' git_commit = git_commit.decode() return str(git_commit) def _get_version_detail(idx): assert idx < 3, "vesion info consists of %(major)d.%(minor)d.%(patch)d, \ so detail index must less than 3" if re.match('@TAG_VERSION_REGEX@', '@PADDLE_VERSION@'): version_details = '@PADDLE_VERSION@'.split('.') if len(version_details) >= 3: return version_details[idx] return 0 def get_major(): return int(_get_version_detail(0)) def get_minor(): return int(_get_version_detail(1)) def get_patch(): return str(_get_version_detail(2)) def is_taged(): try: cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--exact-match', '--tags', 'HEAD', '2>/dev/null'] git_tag = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, cwd="@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@").communicate()[0].strip() git_tag = git_tag.decode() except: return False if str(git_tag).replace('v', '') == '@PADDLE_VERSION@': return True else: return False def write_version_py(filename='paddle/'): cnt = '''# THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM PADDLEPADDLE SETUP.PY # full_version = '%(major)d.%(minor)d.%(patch)s' major = '%(major)d' minor = '%(minor)d' patch = '%(patch)s' rc = '%(rc)d' istaged = %(istaged)s commit = '%(commit)s' with_mkl = '%(with_mkl)s' def show(): if istaged: print('full_version:', full_version) print('major:', major) print('minor:', minor) print('patch:', patch) print('rc:', rc) else: print('commit:', commit) def mkl(): return with_mkl ''' commit = git_commit() with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(cnt % { 'major': get_major(), 'minor': get_minor(), 'patch': get_patch(), 'rc': RC, 'version': '${PADDLE_VERSION}', 'commit': commit, 'istaged': is_taged(), 'with_mkl': '@WITH_MKL@'}) write_version_py(filename='@PADDLE_BINARY_DIR@/python/paddle/') def write_distributed_training_mode_py(filename='paddle/fluid/incubate/fleet/parameter_server/'): cnt = '''from __future__ import print_function # THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM PADDLEPADDLE SETUP.PY from paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.base.mode import Mode BUILD_MODE=Mode.%(mode)s def is_transpiler(): return Mode.TRANSPILER == BUILD_MODE ''' dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(cnt % { 'mode': 'PSLIB' if '${WITH_PSLIB}' == 'ON' else 'TRANSPILER' }) write_distributed_training_mode_py(filename='@PADDLE_BINARY_DIR@/python/paddle/fluid/incubate/fleet/parameter_server/') packages=['paddle', 'paddle.libs', 'paddle.utils', 'paddle.utils.cpp_extension', 'paddle.dataset', 'paddle.reader', 'paddle.distributed', 'paddle.incubate', 'paddle.incubate.optimizer', 'paddle.incubate.checkpoint', 'paddle.distributed.fleet', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.base', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers.sharding', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers.ascend', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_optimizers.dygraph_optimizer', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.runtime', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.dataset', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.data_generator', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.metrics', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.proto', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.utils', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_parallel', 'paddle.distributed.fleet.meta_parallel.mp_utils', 'paddle.framework', 'paddle.jit', 'paddle.jit.dy2static', 'paddle.inference', 'paddle.fluid', 'paddle.fluid.inference', 'paddle.fluid.dygraph', 'paddle.fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static', 'paddle.fluid.dygraph.amp', 'paddle.fluid.proto', 'paddle.fluid.proto.profiler', 'paddle.fluid.distributed', 'paddle.fluid.layers', 'paddle.fluid.dataloader', 'paddle.fluid.contrib', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.decoder', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.quantize', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.slim', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.slim.quantization', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.slim.quantization.imperative', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.extend_optimizer', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.mixed_precision', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.mixed_precision.bf16', 'paddle.fluid.contrib.layers', 'paddle.fluid.transpiler', 'paddle.fluid.transpiler.details', 'paddle.fluid.incubate', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.checkpoint', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.base', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.parameter_server', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.parameter_server.distribute_transpiler', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.parameter_server.pslib', '', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.collective', 'paddle.fluid.incubate.fleet.utils', 'paddle.amp', 'paddle.hapi', '', '', '', '', 'paddle.text', 'paddle.text.datasets', 'paddle.incubate', '', 'paddle.optimizer', 'paddle.nn', 'paddle.nn.functional', 'paddle.nn.layer', 'paddle.nn.initializer', 'paddle.nn.utils', 'paddle.metric', 'paddle.static', 'paddle.static.nn', 'paddle.static.amp', 'paddle.tensor', 'paddle.onnx', 'paddle.autograd', ] with open('@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/python/requirements.txt') as f: setup_requires = # Note(wangzhongpu): # When compiling paddle under python36, the dependencies belonging to python2.7 will be imported, resulting in errors when installing paddle if sys.version_info >= (3,6) and sys.version_info < (3,7): setup_requires_tmp = [] for setup_requires_i in setup_requires: if "<\"3.6\"" in setup_requires_i or "<\"3.5\"" in setup_requires_i or "<=\"3.5\"" in setup_requires_i: continue setup_requires_tmp+=[setup_requires_i] setup_requires = setup_requires_tmp if sys.version_info >= (3,5) and sys.version_info < (3,6): setup_requires_tmp = [] for setup_requires_i in setup_requires: if "<\"3.5\"" in setup_requires_i: continue setup_requires_tmp+=[setup_requires_i] setup_requires = setup_requires_tmp if sys.version_info >= (3,7): setup_requires_tmp = [] for setup_requires_i in setup_requires: if "<\"3.6\"" in setup_requires_i or "<=\"3.6\"" in setup_requires_i or "<\"3.5\"" in setup_requires_i or "<=\"3.5\"" in setup_requires_i or "<\"3.7\"" in setup_requires_i: continue setup_requires_tmp+=[setup_requires_i] setup_requires = setup_requires_tmp # the prefix is sys.prefix which should always be usr paddle_bins = '' if not '${WIN32}': paddle_bins = ['${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/scripts/paddle'] package_data={'paddle.fluid': ['${FLUID_CORE_NAME}' + ('.so' if != 'nt' else '.pyd')]} if '${HAS_NOAVX_CORE}' == 'ON': package_data['paddle.fluid'] += ['core_noavx' + ('.so' if != 'nt' else '.pyd')] package_dir={ '': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python', # The paddle.fluid.proto will be generated while compiling. # So that package points to other directory. 'paddle.fluid.proto.profiler': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/platform', 'paddle.fluid.proto': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/framework', 'paddle.fluid': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid', } # put all thirdparty libraries in paddle.libs libs_path='${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/libs' package_data['paddle.libs']= [] package_data['paddle.libs']=[('libwarpctc' if != 'nt' else 'warpctc') + ext_name] shutil.copy('${WARPCTC_LIBRARIES}', libs_path) if '${WITH_MKL}' == 'ON': shutil.copy('${MKLML_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) shutil.copy('${MKLML_SHARED_IOMP_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=[('libmklml_intel' if != 'nt' else 'mklml') + ext_name, ('libiomp5' if != 'nt' else 'libiomp5md') + ext_name] else: if == 'nt': # copy the openblas.dll shutil.copy('${OPENBLAS_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['openblas' + ext_name] elif == 'posix' and platform.machine() == 'aarch64' and '${OPENBLAS_LIB}'.endswith('so'): # copy the on linux+aarch64 # special: depends on '', not '' if os.path.exists('${OPENBLAS_LIB}' + '.0'): shutil.copy('${OPENBLAS_LIB}' + '.0', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs'] += [''] if '${WITH_LITE}' == 'ON': shutil.copy('${LITE_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=['libpaddle_full_api_shared' + ext_name] if '${WITH_PSLIB}' == 'ON': shutil.copy('${PSLIB_LIB}', libs_path) if os.path.exists('${PSLIB_VERSION_PY}'): shutil.copy('${PSLIB_VERSION_PY}', '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid/incubate/fleet/parameter_server/pslib/') package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['libps' + ext_name] if '${WITH_MKLDNN}' == 'ON': if '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' == 'Release' and != 'nt': # only change rpath in Release mode. # TODO(typhoonzero): use install_name_tool to patch mkl libs once # we can support mkl on mac. # # change rpath of, add $ORIGIN/ to it. # The reason is that all thirdparty libraries in the same directory, # thus, will find and command = "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/' ${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB}" if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("patch failed, command: %s" % command) shutil.copy('${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) if != 'nt': shutil.copy('${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB_1}', libs_path) shutil.copy('${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB_2}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=['', '', ''] else: package_data['paddle.libs']+=['mkldnn.dll'] if '${WITH_XPU}' == 'ON': # only change rpath in Release mode, if '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' == 'Release': if != 'nt': if "@APPLE@" == "1": command = "install_name_tool -id \"@loader_path/\" ${XPU_API_LIB}" else: command = "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/' ${XPU_API_LIB}" if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("patch ${XPU_API_LIB} failed, command: %s" % command) shutil.copy('${XPU_API_LIB}', libs_path) shutil.copy('${XPU_RT_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=['${XPU_API_LIB_NAME}', '${XPU_RT_LIB_NAME}'] if '${WITH_XPU_BKCL}' == 'ON': shutil.copy('${XPU_BKCL_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=['${XPU_BKCL_LIB_NAME}'] # Only for lite xpu inference. if '${WITH_XPU}' == 'OFF' and '${XPU_SDK_ROOT}' != '': xpu_api_lib = os.path.join('${XPU_SDK_ROOT}', 'XTDK/shlib/', '') xpu_rt_lib = os.path.join('${XPU_SDK_ROOT}', 'XTDK/runtime/shlib/', '') if os.path.exists(xpu_api_lib): shutil.copy(xpu_api_lib, libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=[''] if os.path.exists(xpu_rt_lib): shutil.copy(xpu_rt_lib, libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=[''] ### New custom op extension mechanism related ### # copy paddle_custom_op.lib/paddle_custom_op.dll to libs on Windows if == 'nt': shutil.copy('${PADDLE_CUSTOM_OP_IMPORT_LIB}', libs_path) shutil.copy('${PADDLE_CUSTOM_OP_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['paddle_custom_op.lib', 'paddle_custom_op.dll'] # remove unused paddle/libs/ if os.path.isfile(libs_path+'/'): os.remove(libs_path+'/') package_dir['paddle.libs']=libs_path # change rpath of ${FLUID_CORE_NAME}.ext, add $ORIGIN/../libs/ to it. # The reason is that libwarpctc.ext, libiomp5.ext etc are in paddle.libs, and # ${FLUID_CORE_NAME}.ext is in paddle.fluid, thus paddle/fluid/../libs will pointer to above libraries. # This operation will fix if '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' == 'Release': if != 'nt': # only change rpath in Release mode, since in Debug mode, ${FLUID_CORE_NAME}.xx is too large to be changed. if "@APPLE@" == "1": command = "install_name_tool -id \"@loader_path/../libs/\" ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid/${FLUID_CORE_NAME}" + '.so' else: command = "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../libs/' ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid/${FLUID_CORE_NAME}" + '.so' # The sw_64 not suppot patchelf, so we just disable that. if platform.machine() != 'sw_64' and platform.machine() != 'mips64': if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("patch ${FLUID_CORE_NAME}.%s failed, command: %s" % (ext_name, command)) ext_modules = [Extension('_foo', [''])] if == 'nt': # fix the path separator under windows fix_package_dir = {} for k, v in package_dir.items(): fix_package_dir[k] = v.replace('/', '\\') package_dir = fix_package_dir ext_modules = [] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': ext_modules = [] def find_files(pattern, root, recursive=False): for dirpath, _, files in os.walk(root): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if not recursive: break headers = ( list(find_files('*.h', '@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/paddle')) + list(find_files('*.h', '@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/paddle/fluid/extension/include')) + # extension list(find_files('*', '${BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR}/boost', True)) + # boost # For paddle uew custom op, only copy data type headers from `paddle/fluid/platform` # to `extension/incude`, ['@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/paddle/fluid/platform/complex64.h'] + ['@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/paddle/fluid/platform/complex128.h'] + ['@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/paddle/fluid/platform/float16.h']) if '${WITH_MKLDNN}' == 'ON': headers += list(find_files('*', '${MKLDNN_INSTALL_DIR}/include')) # mkldnn if '${WITH_GPU}' == 'ON' or '${WITH_ROCM}' == 'ON': headers += list(find_files('*.pb', '${cudaerror_INCLUDE_DIR}')) # errorMessage.pb for errormessage class InstallCommand(InstallCommandBase): def finalize_options(self): ret = InstallCommandBase.finalize_options(self) self.install_lib = self.install_platlib self.install_headers = os.path.join(self.install_platlib, 'paddle', 'include') return ret class InstallHeaders(Command): """Override how headers are copied. """ description = 'install C/C++ header files' user_options = [('install-dir=', 'd', 'directory to install header files to'), ('force', 'f', 'force installation (overwrite existing files)'), ] boolean_options = ['force'] def initialize_options(self): self.install_dir = None self.force = 0 self.outfiles = [] def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options('install', ('install_headers', 'install_dir'), ('force', 'force')) def mkdir_and_copy_file(self, header): if 'pb.h' in header: install_dir = re.sub('${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/', '', header) elif 'third_party' not in header: # paddle headers install_dir = re.sub('@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/', '', header) if 'fluid' in install_dir: install_dir = "paddle/extension/include/" else: # third_party install_dir = re.sub('${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}', 'third_party', header) patterns = ['boost/src/extern_boost', 'install/mkldnn/include'] for pattern in patterns: install_dir = re.sub(pattern, '', install_dir) install_dir = os.path.join(self.install_dir, os.path.dirname(install_dir)) if not os.path.exists(install_dir): self.mkpath(install_dir) return self.copy_file(header, install_dir) def run(self): hdrs = self.distribution.headers if not hdrs: return self.mkpath(self.install_dir) for header in hdrs: (out, _) = self.mkdir_and_copy_file(header) self.outfiles.append(out) def get_inputs(self): return self.distribution.headers or [] def get_outputs(self): return self.outfiles # we redirect setuptools log for non-windows if sys.platform != 'win32': @contextmanager def redirect_stdout(): f_log = open('${SETUP_LOG_FILE}', 'w') origin_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = f_log yield f_log = sys.stdout sys.stdout = origin_stdout f_log.close() else: @contextmanager def redirect_stdout(): yield # Log for PYPI if sys.version_info > (3,0): with open("@PADDLE_BINARY_DIR@/python/paddle/README.rst", "r", encoding='UTF-8') as f: long_description = else: with open("@PADDLE_BINARY_DIR@/python/paddle/README.rst", "r")as f: long_description = unicode(, 'UTF-8') # strip *.so to reduce package size if '${WITH_STRIP}' == 'ON': command = 'find ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle -name "*.so" | xargs -i strip {}' if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("strip *.so failed, command: %s" % command) with redirect_stdout(): setup(name='${PACKAGE_NAME}', version='${PADDLE_VERSION}', description='Parallel Distributed Deep Learning', long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author_email="", maintainer="PaddlePaddle", maintainer_email="", project_urls = { 'Homepage': '', 'Downloads': '' }, license='Apache Software License', packages=packages, install_requires=setup_requires, ext_modules=ext_modules, package_data=package_data, package_dir=package_dir, scripts=paddle_bins, distclass=BinaryDistribution, headers=headers, cmdclass={ 'install_headers': InstallHeaders, 'install': InstallCommand, }, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'fleetrun = paddle.distributed.fleet.launch:launch' ] }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Education', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: C++', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', ], ) # As there are a lot of files in purelib which causes many logs, # we don't print them on the screen, and you can open `` # for the full logs. if os.path.exists('${SETUP_LOG_FILE}'): os.system('grep -v "purelib" ${SETUP_LOG_FILE}')