/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/framework/operator.h" #include #include "paddle/framework/op_registry.h" namespace paddle { namespace framework { template <> Eigen::DefaultDevice& ExecutionContext::GetEigenDevice< platform::CPUPlace, Eigen::DefaultDevice>() const { return *device_context_->get_eigen_device(); } #ifndef PADDLE_ONLY_CPU template <> Eigen::GpuDevice& ExecutionContext::GetEigenDevice() const { return *device_context_->get_eigen_device(); } #endif std::string OperatorBase::Input(const std::string& name) const { auto& ins = Inputs(name); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(ins.size(), 1UL, "Op %s input %s should contain only one variable", type_, name); return ins.empty() ? kEmptyVarName : ins[0]; } const std::vector& OperatorBase::Inputs( const std::string& name) const { auto it = inputs_.find(name); PADDLE_ENFORCE(it != inputs_.end(), "Op %s do not have input %s", type_, name); return it->second; } std::string OperatorBase::Output(const std::string& name) const { auto& outs = Outputs(name); PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(outs.size(), 1UL, "Op %s output %s should contain only one variable", type_, name); return outs.empty() ? kEmptyVarName : outs[0]; } const std::vector& OperatorBase::Outputs( const std::string& name) const { auto it = outputs_.find(name); PADDLE_ENFORCE(it != outputs_.end(), "Op %s does not have output %s", type_, name); return it->second; } std::string OperatorBase::DebugString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Op(" << type_ << "), inputs:{"; for (auto it = inputs_.begin(); it != inputs_.end();) { auto& input = *it; ss << input.first << "["; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.second.size(); ++i) { ss << input.second[i]; if (i != input.second.size() - 1) { ss << ", "; } } ss << "]"; ++it; if (it != inputs_.end()) { ss << ", "; } } ss << "}, outputs:{"; for (auto it = outputs_.begin(); it != outputs_.end();) { auto& output = *it; ss << output.first << "["; for (size_t i = 0; i < output.second.size(); ++i) { ss << output.second[i]; if (i != output.second.size() - 1) { ss << ", "; } } ss << "]"; ++it; if (it != outputs_.end()) { ss << ", "; } } ss << "}."; return ss.str(); } void OperatorBase::Rename(const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name) { for (auto& input : inputs_) { std::replace(input.second.begin(), input.second.end(), old_name, new_name); } for (auto& output : outputs_) { std::replace(output.second.begin(), output.second.end(), old_name, new_name); } } OperatorBase::OperatorBase(const std::string& type, const VariableNameMap& inputs, const VariableNameMap& outputs, const AttributeMap& attrs) : type_(type), inputs_(inputs), outputs_(outputs), attrs_(attrs) { GenerateTemporaryNames(); CheckAllInputOutputSet(); } std::vector OperatorBase::InputVars() const { std::vector ret_val; for (auto& o : outputs_) { ret_val.reserve(ret_val.size() + o.second.size()); ret_val.insert(ret_val.end(), o.second.begin(), o.second.end()); } return ret_val; } std::vector OperatorBase::OutputVars(bool has_intermediate) const { std::vector ret_val; if (has_intermediate) { // push all outputs into ret_val for (auto& o : outputs_) { ret_val.reserve(ret_val.size() + o.second.size()); ret_val.insert(ret_val.end(), o.second.begin(), o.second.end()); } return ret_val; } auto& info = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(Type()); // get all OpProto::Var for outputs for (auto& o : info.Proto().outputs()) { // ignore all intermediate output if (o.intermediate()) continue; auto out = outputs_.find(o.name()); if (out != outputs_.end()) { ret_val.reserve(ret_val.size() + out->second.size()); ret_val.insert(ret_val.end(), out->second.begin(), out->second.end()); } } return ret_val; } void OperatorBase::CheckAllInputOutputSet() const { auto& info_map = OpInfoMap::Instance(); auto* op_info = info_map.GetNullable(Type()); if (op_info == nullptr || op_info->proto_ == nullptr) return; for (auto& in : op_info->Proto().inputs()) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(inputs_.find(in.name()) != inputs_.end(), "Type %s's input %s is not set", Type(), in.name()); } for (auto& out : op_info->Proto().outputs()) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(outputs_.find(out.name()) != outputs_.end(), "Type %s's output %s is not set", Type(), out.name()); } } void OperatorBase::GenerateTemporaryNames() { static std::atomic gUniqId(0UL); for (auto& output : outputs_) { for (auto& output_name : output.second) { if (output_name == kTempVarName) { output_name += type_; output_name += "@"; output_name += std::to_string(gUniqId.fetch_add(1)); } } } } template <> const Tensor* InferShapeContext::Input(const std::string& name) const { auto* var = InputVar(name); if (var == nullptr) return nullptr; if (var->IsType()) { return &var->Get(); } PADDLE_ENFORCE(var->IsType(), "The Input(%s) must be LoDTensor or Tensor."); return &var->Get(); } template <> const std::vector InferShapeContext::MultiInput( const std::string& name) const { auto names = op().Inputs(name); std::vector res; res.reserve(names.size()); std::transform( names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res), [&](const std::string& sub_name) { return Input(sub_name); }); return res; } template <> Tensor* ExecutionContext::Output(const std::string& name) const { auto* var = OutputVar(name); if (var == nullptr) return nullptr; if (var->IsType()) { return const_cast(&var->Get()); } PADDLE_ENFORCE(var->IsType(), "The Input(%s) must be LoDTensor or Tensor."); return const_cast(&var->Get()); } template <> std::vector ExecutionContext::MultiOutput( const std::string& name) const { auto names = op().Outputs(name); std::vector res; res.reserve(names.size()); std::transform( names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res), [&](const std::string& sub_name) { return Output(sub_name); }); return res; } void OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::Validate() { validated_ = true; CheckNoDuplicatedInOutAttrs(); } OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::VariableBuilder OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::AddInput( const std::string& name, const std::string& comment) { auto* input = proto_->add_inputs(); input->set_name(name); input->set_comment(comment); return OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::VariableBuilder{input}; } OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::VariableBuilder OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::AddOutput( const std::string& name, const std::string& comment) { auto* output = proto_->add_outputs(); output->set_name(name); output->set_comment(comment); return OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::VariableBuilder{output}; } void OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::CheckNoDuplicatedInOutAttrs() { std::unordered_set names; auto checker = [&](const std::string& name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(!names.count(name), "[%s] is duplicated", name); names.insert(name); }; for (auto& attr : proto_->attrs()) { checker(attr.name()); } for (auto& input : proto_->inputs()) { checker(input.name()); } for (auto& output : proto_->outputs()) { checker(output.name()); } } } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle