// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/operators/cinn/cinn_launch_context.h" #include #include namespace paddle { namespace operators { namespace details { CinnLaunchContext::CinnLaunchContext( const std::unordered_map& paddle2cinn_varmap, const std::shared_ptr& cinn_scope) : paddle2cinn_varmap_(paddle2cinn_varmap), cinn_scope_(cinn_scope) { auto var_names = cinn_scope_->var_names(); cinn_variable_names_.reserve(var_names.size()); std::transform( var_names.begin(), var_names.end(), std::inserter(cinn_variable_names_, cinn_variable_names_.end()), [](const auto& name_view) { return std::string(name_view.data()); }); } void CinnLaunchContext::UpdateCapturedEnv(const framework::Scope& scope, const platform::Place& place) { if (std::addressof(scope) == cached_scope_ && std::addressof(place) == cached_place_) { VLOG(4) << "Captured scope:" << cached_scope_ << ", place:" << cached_place_ << " are not changed"; return; } cached_scope_ = std::addressof(scope); cached_place_ = std::addressof(place); cached_temp_scope_ = scope.NewTmpScope(); VLOG(4) << "Captured env is update, scope:" << cached_scope_ << "->" << std::addressof(scope) << ", place:" << cached_place_ << "->" << std::addressof(place); } bool CinnLaunchContext::IsArgumentsInitialized() const { if (hold_buffers_.empty() || name2argument_.empty()) { return false; } return true; } bool CinnLaunchContext::IsVariableUsed(const std::string& paddle_name) const { return paddle2cinn_varmap_.count(paddle_name) > 0 && cinn_variable_names_.count(paddle2cinn_varmap_.at(paddle_name)) > 0; } CinnTensor CinnLaunchContext::GetCinnTensor(const std::string& var_name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT(cinn_variable_names_.count(var_name), 0, platform::errors::NotFound( "Variable(%s) not found in cinn scope.", var_name)); return cinn_scope_->GetTensor(var_name); } std::unordered_set CinnLaunchContext::GetInternalVariableNames() { std::unordered_set all_parameters(cinn_variable_names_); std::for_each(name2argument_.begin(), name2argument_.end(), [&all_parameters](const auto& name2arg) { all_parameters.erase(name2arg.first); }); return all_parameters; } void CinnLaunchContext::CheckTensorEquivalent(const std::string& paddle_name, const LoDTensor& paddle_tensor, const CinnTensor& cinn_tensor) { // check dimension auto cinn_dims = framework::make_ddim(cinn_tensor->shape().data()); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(paddle_tensor.dims(), cinn_dims, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "Tensors' shape in variable(%s) are not equivalent, " "paddle's shape = [%s], but cinn's shape = [%s].", paddle_name, paddle_tensor.dims(), cinn_dims)); // TODO(CtfGo): check the underlying data type after CINN ready } void CinnLaunchContext::AssignExternalVariable(const std::string& paddle_name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(IsVariableUsed(paddle_name), true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Paddle variable(%s) not used by cinn", paddle_name)); const auto& cinn_name = paddle2cinn_varmap_.at(paddle_name); const auto& paddle_tensor = cached_scope_->GetVar(paddle_name)->Get(); CinnTensor cinn_tensor = GetCinnTensor(cinn_name); if (paddle_tensor.IsInitialized()) { CheckTensorEquivalent(paddle_name, paddle_tensor, cinn_tensor); } auto cinn_buffer = std::make_unique(); // assign dimensions and alloc/free callback of cinn_buffer_t cinn_buffer->resize(cinn_tensor->shape().data().data(), cinn_tensor->shape().data().size()); cinn_buffer->external_malloc = new std::function( [this, paddle_name](void* ctx, cinn_buffer_t* buffer) { auto* tensor = cached_scope_->GetVar(paddle_name)->GetMutable(); tensor->Resize(framework::DDim(buffer->dims, buffer->dimensions)); buffer->memory = reinterpret_cast( tensor->mutable_data(*cached_place_)); return 0; }); // external variables will be recycled by global gc, so do nothing here cinn_buffer->external_free = new std::function( [](void* ctx, cinn_buffer_t* buffer) { // Do nothing return 0; }); return SetArgument(cinn_name, std::move(cinn_buffer)); } void CinnLaunchContext::AssignInternalVariable(const std::string& cinn_name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT(cinn_variable_names_.count(cinn_name), 0, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Variable(%s) not found in cinn socpe.", cinn_name)); CinnTensor cinn_tensor = GetCinnTensor(cinn_name); auto cinn_buffer = std::make_unique(); // assign dimensions and alloc/free callback of cinn_buffer_t cinn_buffer->resize(cinn_tensor->shape().data().data(), cinn_tensor->shape().data().size()); cinn_buffer->external_malloc = new std::function( [this, cinn_name](void* ctx, cinn_buffer_t* buffer) { auto* tensor = cached_temp_scope_->Var(cinn_name)->GetMutable(); tensor->Resize(framework::DDim(buffer->dims, buffer->dimensions)); buffer->memory = reinterpret_cast( tensor->mutable_data(*cached_place_)); return 0; }); // internal variables should release its buffer immediately // if no instruction use it cinn_buffer->external_free = new std::function( [this, cinn_name](void* ctx, cinn_buffer_t* buffer) { auto* tensor = cached_temp_scope_->GetVar(cinn_name)->GetMutable(); tensor->clear(); return 0; }); return SetArgument(cinn_name, std::move(cinn_buffer)); } void CinnLaunchContext::SetArgument(const std::string& cinn_name, std::unique_ptr&& buffer) { VLOG(4) << "SetArgument-" << name2argument_.size() << ": name(" << cinn_name << "), dims(" << framework::DDim(buffer->dims, buffer->dimensions) << ")."; name2argument_.emplace(cinn_name, buffer.get()); hold_buffers_.emplace_back(std::move(buffer)); } const std::map& CinnLaunchContext::FinalizeArguments() const { // Check all execution parameters are assigned valued. std::for_each(cinn_variable_names_.begin(), cinn_variable_names_.end(), [this](const auto& var_name) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT(name2argument_.count(var_name), 0, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Variable(%s) is missed for launching " "compiled program execution", var_name)); }); return name2argument_; } } // namespace details } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle