提交 f38905a6 编写于 作者: T tensor-tang

Merge remote-tracking branch 'ups/develop' into optimize/op/fusion_gru

......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ def train(avg_loss, infer_prog, optimizer, train_reader, test_reader, batch_acc,
if data == None:
if iters == args.iterations:
if iters == args.skip_batch_num:
start_time = time.time()
......@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ def train_parallel(avg_loss, infer_prog, optimizer, train_reader, test_reader,
if data == None:
if iters == args.iterations:
if args.profile and pass_id == 0 and batch_id == 5:
服务器端部署 - Anakin
Anakin - 服务器端加速引擎
服务器端部署 - 原生引擎
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="image/dog_cat.png " width="350" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/dog_cat.png?raw=true" width="350" ><br/>
图1. 通用图像分类展示
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="image/flowers.png" width="400" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/flowers.png?raw=true" width="400" ><br/>
图2. 细粒度图像分类展示
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="image/variations.png" width="550" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/variations.png?raw=true" width="550" ><br/>
图3. 扰动图片展示[22]
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
Alex Krizhevsky在2012年ILSVRC提出的CNN模型 \[[9](#参考文献)\] 取得了历史性的突破,效果大幅度超越传统方法,获得了ILSVRC2012冠军,该模型被称作AlexNet。这也是首次将深度学习用于大规模图像分类中。从AlexNet之后,涌现了一系列CNN模型,不断地在ImageNet上刷新成绩,如图4展示。随着模型变得越来越深以及精妙的结构设计,Top-5的错误率也越来越低,降到了3.5%附近。而在同样的ImageNet数据集上,人眼的辨识错误率大概在5.1%,也就是目前的深度学习模型的识别能力已经超过了人眼。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/ilsvrc.png" width="500" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/ilsvrc.png?raw=true" width="500" ><br/>
图4. ILSVRC图像分类Top-5错误率
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Alex Krizhevsky在2012年ILSVRC提出的CNN模型 \[[9](#参考文献)\] 取得
<p align="center">
<img src="image/lenet.png"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/lenet.png?raw=true"><br/>
图5. CNN网络示例[20]
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Alex Krizhevsky在2012年ILSVRC提出的CNN模型 \[[9](#参考文献)\] 取得
牛津大学VGG(Visual Geometry Group)组在2014年ILSVRC提出的模型被称作VGG模型 \[[11](#参考文献)\] 。该模型相比以往模型进一步加宽和加深了网络结构,它的核心是五组卷积操作,每两组之间做Max-Pooling空间降维。同一组内采用多次连续的3X3卷积,卷积核的数目由较浅组的64增多到最深组的512,同一组内的卷积核数目是一样的。卷积之后接两层全连接层,之后是分类层。由于每组内卷积层的不同,有11、13、16、19层这几种模型,下图展示一个16层的网络结构。VGG模型结构相对简洁,提出之后也有很多文章基于此模型进行研究,如在ImageNet上首次公开超过人眼识别的模型\[[19](#参考文献)\]就是借鉴VGG模型的结构。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/vgg16.png" width="750" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/vgg16.png?raw=true" width="750" ><br/>
图6. 基于ImageNet的VGG16模型
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ NIN模型主要有两个特点:
<p align="center">
<img src="image/inception.png" width="800" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/inception.png?raw=ture" width="800" ><br/>
图7. Inception模块
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ GoogleNet由多组Inception模块堆积而成。另外,在网络最后也没
<p align="center">
<img src="image/googlenet.jpeg" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/googlenet.jpeg?raw=true" ><br/>
图8. GoogleNet[12]
......@@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ ResNet(Residual Network) \[[15](#参考文献)\] 是2015年ImageNet图像分类
<p align="center">
<img src="image/resnet_block.jpg" width="400"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/resnet_block.jpg?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图9. 残差模块
<p align="center">
<img src="image/resnet.png"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/resnet.png?raw=true"><br/>
图10. 基于ImageNet的ResNet模型
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ResNet(Residual Network) \[[15](#参考文献)\] 是2015年ImageNet图像分类
<p align="center">
<img src="image/cifar.png" width="350"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/cifar.png?raw=true" width="350"><br/>
图11. CIFAR10数据集[21]
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ test_reader = paddle.batch(
<p align="center">
<img src="image/train_and_test.png" width="350"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/train_and_test.png?raw=true" width="350"><br/>
图12. 训练结果
......@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ Test with Pass 0, Loss 1.1, Acc 0.6
<p align="center">
<img src="image/plot.png" width="400" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/03.image_classification/image/plot.png?raw=true" width="400" ><br/>
图13. CIFAR10数据集上VGG模型的分类错误率
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $$\mbox{[小明]}_{\mbox{Agent}}\mbox{[昨天]}_{\mbox{Time}}\mbox{[晚上]}_\mb
5. 对第4步的结果,通过多分类得到论元的语义角色标签。可以看到,句法分析是基础,并且后续步骤常常会构造的一些人工特征,这些特征往往也来自句法分析。
<div align="center">
<img src="image/dependency_parsing.png" width = "80%" align=center /><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/dependency_parsing.png?raw=true" width = "80%" align=center /><br>
图1. 依存句法分析句法树示例
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $$\mbox{[小明]}_{\mbox{Agent}}\mbox{[昨天]}_{\mbox{Time}}\mbox{[晚上]}_\mb
<div align="center">
<img src="image/bio_example.png" width = "90%" align=center /><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/bio_example.png?raw=true" width = "90%" align=center /><br>
图2. BIO标注方法示例
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $$\mbox{[小明]}_{\mbox{Agent}}\mbox{[昨天]}_{\mbox{Time}}\mbox{[晚上]}_\mb
<p align="center">
<img src="./image/stacked_lstm.png" width = "40%" align=center><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/stacked_lstm.png?raw=true" width = "40%" align=center><br>
图3. 基于LSTM的栈式循环神经网络结构示意图
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $$\mbox{[小明]}_{\mbox{Agent}}\mbox{[昨天]}_{\mbox{Time}}\mbox{[晚上]}_\mb
为了克服这一缺陷,我们可以设计一种双向循环网络单元,它的思想简单且直接:对上一节的栈式循环神经网络进行一个小小的修改,堆叠多个LSTM单元,让每一层LSTM单元分别以:正向、反向、正向 …… 的顺序学习上一层的输出序列。于是,从第2层开始,$t$时刻我们的LSTM单元便总是可以看到历史和未来的信息。图4是基于LSTM的双向循环神经网络结构示意图。
<p align="center">
<img src="./image/bidirectional_stacked_lstm.png" width = "60%" align=center><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/bidirectional_stacked_lstm.png?raw=true" width = "60%" align=center><br>
图4. 基于LSTM的双向循环神经网络结构示意图
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ CRF是一种概率化结构模型,可以看作是一个概率无向图模型
序列标注任务只需要考虑输入和输出都是一个线性序列,并且由于我们只是将输入序列作为条件,不做任何条件独立假设,因此输入序列的元素之间并不存在图结构。综上,在序列标注任务中使用的是如图5所示的定义在链式图上的CRF,称之为线性链条件随机场(Linear Chain Conditional Random Field)。
<p align="center">
<img src="./image/linear_chain_crf.png" width = "35%" align=center><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/linear_chain_crf.png?raw=true" width = "35%" align=center><br>
图5. 序列标注任务中使用的线性链条件随机场
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ $$\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\,max} L(\lambda, D) = - \text{log}\left(\pr
4. CRF以第3步中LSTM学习到的特征为输入,以标记序列为监督信号,完成序列标注;
<div align="center">
<img src="image/db_lstm_network.png" width = "60%" align=center /><br>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/07.label_semantic_roles/image/db_lstm_network.png?raw=true" width = "60%" align=center /><br>
图6. SRL任务上的深层双向LSTM模型
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
为解决以上问题,统计机器翻译(Statistical Machine Translation, SMT)技术应运而生。在统计机器翻译技术中,转化规则是由机器自动从大规模的语料中学习得到的,而非我们人主动提供规则。因此,它克服了基于规则的翻译系统所面临的知识获取瓶颈的问题,但仍然存在许多挑战:1)人为设计许多特征(feature),但永远无法覆盖所有的语言现象;2)难以利用全局的特征;3)依赖于许多预处理环节,如词语对齐、分词或符号化(tokenization)、规则抽取、句法分析等,而每个环节的错误会逐步累积,对翻译的影响也越来越大。
近年来,深度学习技术的发展为解决上述挑战提供了新的思路。将深度学习应用于机器翻译任务的方法大致分为两类:1)仍以统计机器翻译系统为框架,只是利用神经网络来改进其中的关键模块,如语言模型、调序模型等(见图1的左半部分);2)不再以统计机器翻译系统为框架,而是直接用神经网络将源语言映射到目标语言,即端到端的神经网络机器翻译(End-to-End Neural Machine Translation, End-to-End NMT)(见图1的右半部分),简称为NMT模型。
<p align="center">
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/08.machine_translation/image/nmt.png?raw=true" width = "400" align=center/><br/>
图1. 基于神经网络的机器翻译系统
......@@ -45,18 +45,20 @@
具体来说,该双向循环神经网络分别在时间维以顺序和逆序——即前向(forward)和后向(backward)——依次处理输入序列,并将每个时间步RNN的输出拼接成为最终的输出层。这样每个时间步的输出节点,都包含了输入序列中当前时刻完整的过去和未来的上下文信息。下图展示的是一个按时间步展开的双向循环神经网络。该网络包含一个前向和一个后向RNN,其中有六个权重矩阵:输入到前向隐层和后向隐层的权重矩阵(`$W_1, W_3$`),隐层到隐层自己的权重矩阵(`$W_2,W_5$`),前向隐层和后向隐层到输出层的权重矩阵(`$W_4, W_6$`)。注意,该网络的前向隐层和后向隐层之间没有连接。
<p align="center">
图3. 按时间步展开的双向循环神经网络
<div align="center">
<img src = "https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/08.machine_translation/image/bi_rnn.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图2. 按时间步展开的双向循环神经网络
### 编码器-解码器框架
<p align="center">
图4. 编码器-解码器框架
<div align="center">
<img src ="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/08.machine_translation/image/encoder_decoder.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图3. 编码器-解码器框架
#### 编码器
......@@ -69,16 +71,14 @@
3. 用RNN编码源语言词序列:这一过程的计算公式为`$h_i=\varnothing _\theta \left ( h_{i-1}, s_i \right )$`,其中`$h_0$`是一个全零的向量,`$\varnothing _\theta$`是一个非线性激活函数,最后得到的`$\mathbf{h}=\left \{ h_1,..., h_T \right \}$`就是RNN依次读入源语言`$T$`个词的状态编码序列。整句话的向量表示可以采用`$\mathbf{h}$`在最后一个时间步`$T$`的状态编码,或使用时间维上的池化(pooling)结果。
第3步也可以使用双向循环神经网络实现更复杂的句编码表示,具体可以用双向GRU实现。前向GRU按照词序列`$(x_1,x_2,...,x_T)$`的顺序依次编码源语言端词,并得到一系列隐层状态`$(\overrightarrow{h_1},\overrightarrow{h_2},...,\overrightarrow{h_T})$`。类似的,后向GRU按照`$(x_T,x_{T-1},...,x_1)$`的顺序依次编码源语言端词,得到`$(\overleftarrow{h_1},\overleftarrow{h_2},...,\overleftarrow{h_T})$`。最后对于词`$x_i$`,通过拼接两个GRU的结果得到它的隐层状态,即`$h_i=\left [ \overrightarrow{h_i^T},\overleftarrow{h_i^T} \right ]^{T}$`
<p align="center">
图5. 使用双向GRU的编码器
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/08.machine_translation/image/encoder_attention.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图4. 使用双向GRU的编码器
#### 解码器
1. 每一个时刻,根据源语言句子的编码信息(又叫上下文向量,context vector)`$c$`、真实目标语言序列的第`$i$`个词`$u_i$``$i$`时刻RNN的隐层状态`$z_i$`,计算出下一个隐层状态`$z_{i+1}$`。计算公式如下:
$$z_{i+1}=\phi_{\theta '} \left ( c,u_i,z_i \right )$$
其中`$\phi _{\theta '}$`是一个非线性激活函数;`$c=q\mathbf{h}$`是源语言句子的上下文向量,在不使用[注意力机制](#注意力机制)时,如果[编码器](#编码器)的输出是源语言句子编码后的最后一个元素,则可以定义`$c=h_T$``$u_i$`是目标语言序列的第`$i$`个单词,`$u_0$`是目标语言序列的开始标记`<s>`,表示解码开始;`$z_i$``$i$`时刻解码RNN的隐层状态,`$z_0$`是一个全零的向量。
......@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ $$p\left ( u_{i+1}|u_{&lt;i+1},\mathbf{x} \right )=softmax(W_sz_{i+1}+b_z)$$
柱搜索算法使用广度优先策略建立搜索树,在树的每一层,按照启发代价(heuristic cost)(本教程中,为生成词的log概率之和)对节点进行排序,然后仅留下预先确定的个数(文献中通常称为beam width、beam size、柱宽度等)的节点。只有这些节点会在下一层继续扩展,其他节点就被剪掉了,也就是说保留了质量较高的节点,剪枝了质量较差的节点。因此,搜索所占用的空间和时间大幅减少,但缺点是无法保证一定获得最优解。
1. 每一个时刻,根据源语言句子的编码信息`$c$`、生成的第`$i$`个目标语言序列单词`$u_i$``$i$`时刻RNN的隐层状态`$z_i$`,计算出下一个隐层状态`$z_{i+1}$`
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Prediction Score is 4.25
<p align="center">
<img src="image/YouTube_Overview.png" width="70%" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/05.recommender_system/image/YouTube_Overview.png?raw=true" width="70%" ><br/>
图1. YouTube 推荐系统结构
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ YouTube是世界上最大的视频上传、分享和发现网站,YouTube推荐
首先,将观看历史及搜索词记录这类历史信息,映射为向量后取平均值得到定长表示;同时,输入人口学特征以优化新用户的推荐效果,并将二值特征和连续特征归一化处理到[0, 1]范围。接下来,将所有特征表示拼接为一个向量,并输入给非线形多层感知器(MLP,详见[识别数字](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/README.cn.md)教程)处理。最后,训练时将MLP的输出给softmax做分类,预测时计算用户的综合特征(MLP的输出)与所有视频的相似度,取得分最高的$k$个作为候选生成网络的筛选结果。图2显示了候选生成网络结构。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/Deep_candidate_generation_model_architecture.png" width="70%" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/05.recommender_system/image/Deep_candidate_generation_model_architecture.png?raw=true" width="70%" ><br/>
图2. 候选生成网络结构
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ $$P(\omega=i|u)=\frac{e^{v_{i}u}}{\sum_{j \in V}e^{v_{j}u}}$$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/text_cnn.png" width = "80%" align="center"/><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/05.recommender_system/image/text_cnn.png?raw=true" width = "80%" align="center"/><br/>
图3. 卷积神经网络文本分类模型
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $$\hat c=max(c)$$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/rec_regression_network.png" width="90%" ><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/05.recommender_system/image/rec_regression_network.png?raw=true" width="90%" ><br/>
图4. 融合推荐模型
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
循环神经网络是一种能对序列数据进行精确建模的有力工具。实际上,循环神经网络的理论计算能力是图灵完备的\[[4](#参考文献)\]。自然语言是一种典型的序列数据(词序列),近年来,循环神经网络及其变体(如long short term memory\[[5](#参考文献)\]等)在自然语言处理的多个领域,如语言模型、句法解析、语义角色标注(或一般的序列标注)、语义表示、图文生成、对话、机器翻译等任务上均表现优异甚至成为目前效果最好的方法。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/rnn.png" width = "60%" align="center"/><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/06.understand_sentiment/image/rnn.png?raw=true" width = "60%" align="center"/><br/>
图1. 循环神经网络按时间展开的示意图
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ $$ h_t = o_t\odot tanh(c_t) $$
其中,$i_t, f_t, c_t, o_t$分别表示输入门,遗忘门,记忆单元及输出门的向量值,带角标的$W$及$b$为模型参数,$tanh$为双曲正切函数,$\odot$表示逐元素(elementwise)的乘法操作。输入门控制着新输入进入记忆单元$c$的强度,遗忘门控制着记忆单元维持上一时刻值的强度,输出门控制着输出记忆单元的强度。三种门的计算方式类似,但有着完全不同的参数,它们各自以不同的方式控制着记忆单元$c$,如图2所示:
<p align="center">
<img src="image/lstm.png" width = "65%" align="center"/><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/06.understand_sentiment/image/lstm.png?raw=true" width = "65%" align="center"/><br/>
图2. 时刻$t$的LSTM [7]
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ $$ h_t=Recrurent(x_t,h_{t-1})$$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/stacked_lstm.jpg" width=450><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/06.understand_sentiment/image/stacked_lstm.jpg?raw=true" width=450><br/>
图3. 栈式双向LSTM用于文本分类
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $$X = USV^T$$
本章中,当词向量训练好后,我们可以用数据可视化算法t-SNE\[[4](#参考文献)\]画出词语特征在二维上的投影(如下图所示)。从图中可以看出,语义相关的词语(如a, the, these; big, huge)在投影上距离很近,语意无关的词(如say, business; decision, japan)在投影上的距离很远。
<p align="center">
<img src = "image/2d_similarity.png" width=400><br/>
<img src = "https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/04.word2vec/image/2d_similarity.png?raw=true" width=400><br/>
图1. 词向量的二维投影
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $$\frac{1}{T}\sum_t f(w_t, w_{t-1}, ..., w_{t-n+1};\theta) + R(\theta)$$
其中$f(w_t, w_{t-1}, ..., w_{t-n+1})$表示根据历史n-1个词得到当前词$w_t$的条件概率,$R(\theta)$表示参数正则项。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/nnlm.png" width=500><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/04.word2vec/image/nnlm.png?raw=true" width=500><br/>
图2. N-gram神经网络模型
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ $$\frac{1}{T}\sum_t f(w_t, w_{t-1}, ..., w_{t-n+1};\theta) + R(\theta)$$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/cbow.png" width=250><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/04.word2vec/image/cbow.png?raw=true" width=250><br/>
图3. CBOW模型
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ $$context = \frac{x_{t-1} + x_{t-2} + x_{t+1} + x_{t+2}}{4}$$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/skipgram.png" width=250><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/04.word2vec/image/skipgram.png?raw=true" width=250><br/>
图4. Skip-gram模型
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ dream that one day <e>
<p align="center">
<img src="image/ngram.png" width=400><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/04.word2vec/image/ngram.png?raw=true" width=400><br/>
图5. 模型配置中的N-gram神经网络模型
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $$y_i = \omega_1x_{i1} + \omega_2x_{i2} + \ldots + \omega_dx_{id} + b, i=1,\ldo
## 效果展示
我们使用从[UCI Housing Data Set](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Housing)获得的波士顿房价数据集进行模型的训练和预测。下面的散点图展示了使用模型对部分房屋价格进行的预测。其中,每个点的横坐标表示同一类房屋真实价格的中位数,纵坐标表示线性回归模型根据特征预测的结果,当二者值完全相等的时候就会落在虚线上。所以模型预测得越准确,则点离虚线越近。
<p align="center">
<img src = "image/predictions.png" width=400><br/>
<img src = "https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/01.fit_a_line/image/predictions.png?raw=true" width=400><br/>
图1. 预测值 V.S. 真实值
......@@ -40,13 +40,9 @@ $$MSE=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(\hat{Y_i}-Y_i)}^2$$
### 训练过程
1. 初始化参数,其中包括权重$\omega_i$和偏置$b$,对其进行初始化(如0均值,1方差)。
2. 网络正向传播计算网络输出和损失函数。
3. 根据损失函数进行反向误差传播 ([backpropagation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpropagation)),将网络误差从输出层依次向前传递, 并更新网络中的参数。
4. 重复2~3步骤,直至网络训练误差达到规定的程度或训练轮次达到设定值。
## 数据集
......@@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ $$MSE=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(\hat{Y_i}-Y_i)}^2$$
- 很多的机器学习技巧/模型(例如L1,L2正则项,向量空间模型-Vector Space Model)都基于这样的假设:所有的属性取值都差不多是以0为均值且取值范围相近的。
<p align="center">
<img src = "image/ranges.png" width=550><br/>
<img src = "https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/01.fit_a_line/image/ranges.png?raw=true" width=550><br/>
图2. 各维属性的取值范围
......@@ -199,10 +195,12 @@ step = 0
def event_handler_plot(event):
global step
if isinstance(event, fluid.EndStepEvent):
if event.step % 10 == 0: # record the test cost every 10 seconds
if step % 10 == 0: # record a train cost every 10 batches
plot_cost.append(train_title, step, event.metrics[0])
if step % 100 == 0: # record a test cost every 100 batches
test_metrics = trainer.test(
reader=test_reader, feed_order=feed_order)
plot_cost.append(test_title, step, test_metrics[0])
......@@ -210,12 +208,13 @@ def event_handler_plot(event):
# If the accuracy is good enough, we can stop the training.
print('loss is less than 10.0, stop')
step += 1
if isinstance(event, fluid.EndEpochEvent):
if event.epoch % 10 == 0:
# We can save the trained parameters for the inferences later
if params_dirname is not None:
step += 1
### 开始训练
......@@ -231,11 +230,10 @@ trainer.train(
<p align="center">
<img src = "image/train_and_test1.png" width=400><br/>
图3. 训练结果
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/01.fit_a_line/image/train_and_test.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图3 训练结果
## 预测
......@@ -262,18 +260,18 @@ inferencer = fluid.Inferencer(
batch_size = 10
test_reader = paddle.batch(paddle.dataset.uci_housing.test(),batch_size=batch_size)
test_data = test_reader().next()
test_feat = numpy.array([data[0] for data in test_data]).astype("float32")
test_label = numpy.array([data[1] for data in test_data]).astype("float32")
test_x = numpy.array([data[0] for data in test_data]).astype("float32")
test_y = numpy.array([data[1] for data in test_data]).astype("float32")
results = inferencer.infer({'x': test_feat})
results = inferencer.infer({'x': test_x})
print("infer results: (House Price)")
for k in range(0, batch_size-1):
print("%d. %f" % (k, results[0][k]))
for idx, val in enumerate(results[0]):
print("%d: %.2f" % (idx, val))
print("\nground truth:")
for k in range(0, batch_size-1):
print("%d. %f" % (k, test_label[k]))
for idx, val in enumerate(test_y):
print("%d: %.2f" % (idx, val))
## 总结
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
当我们学习编程的时候,编写的第一个程序一般是实现打印"Hello World"。而机器学习(或深度学习)的入门教程,一般都是 [MNIST](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/) 数据库上的手写识别问题。原因是手写识别属于典型的图像分类问题,比较简单,同时MNIST数据集也很完备。MNIST数据集作为一个简单的计算机视觉数据集,包含一系列如图1所示的手写数字图片和对应的标签。图片是28x28的像素矩阵,标签则对应着0~9的10个数字。每张图片都经过了大小归一化和居中处理。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/mnist_example_image.png" width="400"><br/>
图1. MNIST图片示例
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/mnist_example_image.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图1. MNIST图片示例
MNIST数据集是从 [NIST](https://www.nist.gov/srd/nist-special-database-19) 的Special Database 3(SD-3)和Special Database 1(SD-1)构建而来。由于SD-3是由美国人口调查局的员工进行标注,SD-1是由美国高中生进行标注,因此SD-3比SD-1更干净也更容易识别。Yann LeCun等人从SD-1和SD-3中各取一半作为MNIST的训练集(60000条数据)和测试集(10000条数据),其中训练集来自250位不同的标注员,此外还保证了训练集和测试集的标注员是不完全相同的。
......@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ $$ y_i = \text{softmax}(\sum_j W_{i,j}x_j + b_i) $$
在分类问题中,我们一般采用交叉熵代价损失函数(cross entropy loss),公式如下:
$$ L_{cross-entropy} (label, y) = -\sum_i label_ilog(y_i) $$
$$ L_{cross-entropy}(label, y) = -\sum_i label_ilog(y_i) $$
<p align="center">
<img src="image/softmax_regression.png" width=400><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/softmax_regression.png?raw=true" width=400><br/>
图2. softmax回归网络结构图<br/>
......@@ -54,16 +54,14 @@ $$ L_{cross-entropy} (label, y) = -\sum_i label_ilog(y_i) $$
1. 经过第一个隐藏层,可以得到 $ H_1 = \phi(W_1X + b_1) $,其中$\phi$代表激活函数,常见的有sigmoid、tanh或ReLU等函数。
2. 经过第二个隐藏层,可以得到 $ H_2 = \phi(W_2H_1 + b_2) $。
3. 最后,再经过输出层,得到的$Y=\text{softmax}(W_3H_2 + b_3)$,即为最后的分类结果向量。
<p align="center">
<img src="image/mlp.png" width=500><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/mlp.png?raw=true" width=500><br/>
图3. 多层感知器网络结构图<br/>
......@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ Softmax回归模型采用了最简单的两层神经网络,即只有输入层
<p align="center">
<img src="image/cnn.png"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/cnn.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图4. LeNet-5卷积神经网络结构<br/>
......@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ Softmax回归模型采用了最简单的两层神经网络,即只有输入层
<p align="center">
<img src="image/conv_layer.png" width='750'><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/conv_layer.png?raw=true" width='750'><br/>
图5. 卷积层图片<br/>
......@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ Softmax回归模型采用了最简单的两层神经网络,即只有输入层
#### 池化层
<p align="center">
<img src="image/max_pooling.png" width="400px"><br/>
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/max_pooling.png?raw=true" width="400px"><br/>
图6. 池化层图片<br/>
......@@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ Softmax回归模型采用了最简单的两层神经网络,即只有输入层
更详细的关于卷积神经网络的具体知识可以参考[斯坦福大学公开课]( http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/ )[图像分类](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/image_classification/README.md)教程。
### 常见激活函数介绍
- sigmoid激活函数: $ f(x) = sigmoid(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} $
- tanh激活函数: $ f(x) = tanh(x) = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}} $
......@@ -136,20 +133,18 @@ PaddlePaddle在API中提供了自动加载[MNIST](http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mni
我们建议使用 Fluid API,因为它更容易学起来。
下面是快速的 Fluid API 概述。
1. `inference_program`:指定如何从数据输入中获得预测的函数。
2. `train_program`:指定如何从 `inference_program``标签值`中获取 `loss` 的函数。
1. `train_program`:指定如何从 `inference_program``标签值`中获取 `loss` 的函数。
3. `optimizer_func`: “指定优化器配置的函数。优化器负责减少损失并驱动培训。Paddle 支持多种不同的优化器。
1. `optimizer_func`: “指定优化器配置的函数。优化器负责减少损失并驱动培训。Paddle 支持多种不同的优化器。
4. `Trainer`:PaddlePaddle Trainer 管理由 `train_program``optimizer` 指定的训练过程。
1. `Trainer`:PaddlePaddle Trainer 管理由 `train_program``optimizer` 指定的训练过程。
通过 `event_handler` 回调函数,用户可以监控培训的进展。
5. `Inferencer`:Fluid inferencer 加载 `inference_program` 和由 Trainer 训练的参数。
1. `Inferencer`:Fluid inferencer 加载 `inference_program` 和由 Trainer 训练的参数。
......@@ -240,6 +235,7 @@ def train_program():
acc = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=predict, label=label)
return [avg_cost, acc]
#### Optimizer Function 配置
......@@ -255,9 +251,9 @@ def optimizer_program():
下一步,我们开始训练过程。`paddle.dataset.movielens.train()``paddle.dataset.movielens.test()`分别做训练和测试数据集。这两个函数各自返回一个reader——PaddlePaddle中的reader是一个Python函数,每次调用的时候返回一个Python yield generator。
下面`shuffle`是一个reader decorator,它接受一个reader A,返回另一个reader B 。reader B 每次读入`buffer_size`条训练数据到一个buffer里,然后随机打乱其顺序,并且逐条输出。
下面`shuffle`是一个reader decorator,它接受一个reader A,返回另一个reader B。reader B 每次读入`buffer_size`条训练数据到一个buffer里,然后随机打乱其顺序,并且逐条输出。
`batch`是一个特殊的decorator,它的输入是一个reader,输出是一个batched reader 。在PaddlePaddle里,一个reader每次yield一条训练数据,而一个batched reader每次yield一个minibatch。
`batch`是一个特殊的decorator,它的输入是一个reader,输出是一个batched reader。在PaddlePaddle里,一个reader每次yield一条训练数据,而一个batched reader每次yield一个minibatch。
train_reader = paddle.batch(
......@@ -280,7 +276,6 @@ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if use_cuda else fluid.CPUPlace()
trainer = fluid.Trainer(
train_func=train_program, place=place, optimizer_func=optimizer_program)
#### Event Handler 配置
......@@ -315,11 +310,10 @@ def event_handler(event):
`event_handler_plot` 可以用来在训练过程中画图如下:
<p align="center">
<img src="image/train_and_test2.png" width="400"><br/>
图7. 训练结果
<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/02.recognize_digits/image/train_and_test.png?raw=true" width="400"><br/>
图7 训练结果
PaddlePaddle Fluid 提供了 C++ API 来支持模型的部署上线
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ Paddle 预测 API
为了更简单方便的预测部署,Fluid 提供了一套高层 API
`预测库相关代码 <https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/develop/paddle/fluid/inference/api>`__
`预测库相关代码 <https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/develop/paddle/contrib/inference>`__
- 头文件 ``paddle_inference_api.h`` 定义了所有的接口
- 库文件\ ``libpaddle_fluid.so`` 或 ``libpaddle_fluid.a``
- 库文件 ``libpaddle_inference_api.so`` 或
编译和依赖可以参考 :ref:`install_or_build_cpp_inference_lib` 。
......@@ -95,7 +97,8 @@ engine
CHECK(predictor->Run(slots, &outputs));
// 获取 outputs ...
编译时,联编 ``libpaddle_fluid.a/.so`` 即可。
编译时,联编 ``libpaddle_fluid.a/.so`` 和
``libpaddle_inference_api.a/.so`` 便可。
......@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@
......@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.prelu ArgSpec(args=['x', 'mode', 'param_attr', 'name'], vara
paddle.fluid.layers.flatten ArgSpec(args=['x', 'axis', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, None))
paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_mask ArgSpec(args=['x', 'maxlen', 'dtype', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, 'int64', None))
paddle.fluid.layers.stack ArgSpec(args=['x', 'axis'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(0,))
paddle.fluid.layers.pad2d ArgSpec(args=['input', 'paddings', 'mode', 'pad_value', 'data_format', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=([0, 0, 0, 0], 'constant', 0.0, 'NCHW', None))
paddle.fluid.layers.unstack ArgSpec(args=['x', 'axis', 'num'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(0, None))
paddle.fluid.layers.data ArgSpec(args=['name', 'shape', 'append_batch_size', 'dtype', 'lod_level', 'type', 'stop_gradient'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(True, 'float32', 0, VarType.LOD_TENSOR, True))
paddle.fluid.layers.open_recordio_file ArgSpec(args=['filename', 'shapes', 'lod_levels', 'dtypes', 'pass_num', 'for_parallel'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, True))
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct CastDataLayout {
const std::vector<int> axis_;
template <typename T>
void operator()() {
void apply() {
auto place = ctx_->GetPlace();
if (platform::is_cpu_place(place)) {
......@@ -26,75 +26,40 @@ namespace framework {
extern proto::VarType::Type ToDataType(std::type_index type);
extern std::type_index ToTypeIndex(proto::VarType::Type type);
#if !defined(_WIN32)
template <typename Visitor>
inline void VisitDataType(proto::VarType::Type type, Visitor visitor) {
switch (type) {
case proto::VarType::FP16:
visitor.template operator()<platform::float16>();
visitor.template apply<platform::float16>();
case proto::VarType::FP32:
visitor.template operator()<float>();
visitor.template apply<float>();
case proto::VarType::FP64:
visitor.template operator()<double>();
visitor.template apply<double>();
case proto::VarType::INT32:
visitor.template operator()<int>();
visitor.template apply<int>();
case proto::VarType::INT64:
visitor.template operator()<int64_t>();
visitor.template apply<int64_t>();
case proto::VarType::BOOL:
visitor.template operator()<bool>();
visitor.template apply<bool>();
case proto::VarType::UINT8:
visitor.template operator()<uint8_t>();
visitor.template apply<uint8_t>();
case proto::VarType::INT16:
visitor.template operator()<int16_t>();
visitor.template apply<int16_t>();
case proto::VarType::INT8:
visitor.template operator()<int8_t>();
visitor.template apply<int8_t>();
PADDLE_THROW("Not supported %d", type);
// the msvc compiler do not implement two-stage name lookup correctly.
template <typename Visitor>
inline void VisitDataType(proto::VarType::Type type, Visitor visitor) {
switch (type) {
case proto::VarType::FP16:
case proto::VarType::FP32:
case proto::VarType::FP64:
case proto::VarType::INT32:
case proto::VarType::INT64:
case proto::VarType::BOOL:
case proto::VarType::UINT8:
case proto::VarType::INT16:
PADDLE_THROW("Not supported %d", type);
#endif // _WIN32
extern std::string DataTypeToString(const proto::VarType::Type type);
extern size_t SizeOfType(std::type_index type);
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ struct CastDataType {
const platform::DeviceContext* ctx_;
template <typename OutType>
void operator()() {
void apply() {
auto* in_begin = in_.data<InType>();
auto* in_end = in_begin + in_.numel();
auto* out_begin = out_->mutable_data<OutType>(in_.place());
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct ReduceLoDTensor {
: src_tensors_(src), dst_tensor_(*dst) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto &t0 = *src_tensors_[0];
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE(t0.numel(), 0);
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/attention_lstm_fuse_pass.h"
#include <string>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_viz_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
......@@ -216,11 +219,11 @@ void PrepareLSTMWeight(const LoDTensor& W_forget_w0,
float* out_data = out->mutable_data<float>(platform::CPUPlace());
std::array<const float*, 4> tensors(
{W_forget_w0.data<float>(), W_input_w0.data<float>(),
W_output_w0.data<float>(), W_cell_w0.data<float>()});
{{W_forget_w0.data<float>(), W_input_w0.data<float>(),
W_output_w0.data<float>(), W_cell_w0.data<float>()}});
std::array<const float*, 4> tensors1(
{W_forget_w1.data<float>(), W_input_w1.data<float>(),
W_output_w1.data<float>(), W_cell_w1.data<float>()});
{{W_forget_w1.data<float>(), W_input_w1.data<float>(),
W_output_w1.data<float>(), W_cell_w1.data<float>()}});
for (int row = 0; row < D; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
......@@ -243,8 +246,8 @@ void PrepareLSTMBias(const LoDTensor& B_forget, const LoDTensor& B_input,
const LoDTensor& B_output, const LoDTensor& B_cell,
LoDTensor* out) {
std::array<const float*, 4> tensors(
{B_forget.data<float>(), B_input.data<float>(), B_output.data<float>(),
{{B_forget.data<float>(), B_input.data<float>(), B_output.data<float>(),
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(B_forget.dims().size(), 1);
int D = B_forget.dims()[0];
......@@ -13,37 +13,37 @@
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace ir {
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
GraphPatternDetector gpd;
auto* pattern = gpd.mutable_pattern();
std::unordered_set<int> fused_ops({// first lstm
13, 15, 16,
// second lstm
23, 25, 26});
std::string GenNodeName(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& name) {
return prefix + "/" + name;
pattern->NewNode([&](Node* x) { return fused_ops.count(x->id()); },
void BuildPattern(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope,
bool with_fc_bias) {
PDNode* x = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "x")
auto* fc_out = patterns::FC(pattern, name_scope, x, with_fc_bias);
fc_out->AsIntermediate(); // fc_out is a tmp var, will be removed after fuse.
patterns::LSTM(pattern, name_scope, fc_out);
// LOG(INFO) << "\n" << pattern->DotString();
std::unordered_set<Node*> marked_nodes;
int BuildFusion(Graph* graph, const std::string& name_scope, Scope* scope,
bool with_fc_bias) {
GraphPatternDetector gpd;
auto* pattern = gpd.mutable_pattern();
auto handler = [&](const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph,
Graph* g) {
auto* id = subgraph.at(gpd.pattern().RetrieveNode("any_node"));
gpd(graph.get(), handler);
BuildPattern(pattern, name_scope, with_fc_bias);
// Create New OpDesc
auto lstm_creator = [&](int lstm, int input, int weight_x, int weight_h,
int bias, int hidden, int cell, int xx) {
int bias, int hidden, int cell, int xx, int fc_bias) {
#define GET_NODE(x) auto* x##_n = graph->RetriveNode(x);
......@@ -61,12 +61,33 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
SET_IN(WeightX, weight_x);
SET_IN(WeightH, weight_h);
SET_IN(Bias, bias);
#undef GET_NODE
#undef SET_IN
if (with_fc_bias) {
// Add FC-bias with LSTM-bias and create a new weight
const std::string& new_bias_var = name_scope + "_bias.new";
auto* bias_var = scope->Var(new_bias_var);
auto* bias_tensor = bias_var->GetMutable<framework::LoDTensor>();
auto* lstm_bias_var = scope->FindVar(bias_n->Name());
const auto& lstm_bias_tensor = lstm_bias_var->Get<framework::LoDTensor>();
auto* fc_bias_var = scope->FindVar(fc_bias_n->Name());
const auto& fc_bias_tensor = fc_bias_var->Get<framework::LoDTensor>();
auto* data = bias_tensor->mutable_data<float>(platform::CPUPlace());
for (int i = 0; i < bias_tensor->numel(); i++) {
data[i] =
fc_bias_tensor.data<float>()[i] + lstm_bias_tensor.data<float>()[i];
op_desc.SetInput("Bias", {new_bias_var});
VLOG(4) << "hidden_n: " << hidden_n->Name();
VLOG(4) << "cell: " << cell_n->Name();
VLOG(4) << "xx: " << xx_n->Name();
#undef GET_NODE
op_desc.SetInput("H0", {});
op_desc.SetInput("C0", {});
......@@ -76,7 +97,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
op_desc.SetOutput("BatchedGate", {"blstm_0.tmp_2"});
op_desc.SetOutput("BatchCellPreAct", {"blstm_1.tmp_2"});
op_desc.SetAttr("is_reverse", lstm_n->Op()->GetAttr("is_reverse"));
op_desc.SetAttr("use_peepholes", false);
op_desc.SetAttr("use_peepholes", lstm_n->Op()->GetAttr("use_peepholes"));
auto* op = graph->CreateOpNode(&op_desc);
#define LINK_TO(a, b) \
......@@ -89,33 +110,71 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
LINK_TO(op, hidden_n);
#undef LINK_TO
return op;
lstm_creator(16, 12, 14, 18, 17, 22, 21, 19);
lstm_creator(26, 12, 24, 28, 27, 32, 31, 29);
int fusion_count{0};
// remove all the nodes
auto fc_no_bias_handler = [&](
const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph, Graph* g) {
for (auto* node : marked_nodes) {
#define GET_NODE(name__) \
std::string name__##key = name_scope + "/" + #name__; \
auto* name__##n = pattern->RetrieveNode(name__##key); \
PADDLE_ENFORCE(name__##n); \
PADDLE_ENFORCE(subgraph.count(name__##n)); \
Node* name__##_n = subgraph.at(name__##n); \
int name__ __attribute__((unused)) = name__##_n->id();
for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) {
for (auto it = node->inputs.begin(); it != node->inputs.end();) {
if (marked_nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->inputs.erase(it);
} else
for (auto it = node->outputs.begin(); it != node->outputs.end();) {
if (marked_nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->outputs.erase(it);
} else
if (with_fc_bias) {
lstm_creator(lstm, x, w, Weight, Bias, Hidden, Cell, fc_out, fc_bias);
} else {
lstm_creator(lstm, x, w, Weight, Bias, Hidden, Cell, fc_out, -1);
#undef GET_NODE
// Remove unneeded nodes.
std::unordered_set<const Node*> marked_nodes({mul_n, lstm_n});
GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes);
gpd(graph, fc_no_bias_handler);
return fusion_count;
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> MulLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
FusePassBase::Init(name_scope_, graph.get());
int fusion_count = BuildFusion(graph.get(), name_scope_, param_scope(),
false /*with_fc_bias*/);
return graph;
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
FusePassBase::Init(name_scope_, graph.get());
int fusion_count = BuildFusion(graph.get(), name_scope_, param_scope(),
true /*with_fc_bias*/);
return graph;
......@@ -123,4 +182,5 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> FCLstmFusePass::ApplyImpl(
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
REGISTER_PASS(mul_lstm_fuse_pass, paddle::framework::ir::MulLstmFusePass);
REGISTER_PASS(fc_lstm_fuse_pass, paddle::framework::ir::FCLstmFusePass);
......@@ -12,20 +12,34 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fuse_pass_base.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace ir {
class FCLstmFusePass : public Pass {
// The MulLstmFusePass and MulLstmFusePass will fuse to the same FusionLstm op.
// Just FC without bias
class FCLstmFusePass : public FusePassBase {
virtual ~FCLstmFusePass() {}
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl(std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const;
const std::string name_scope_{"fc_lstm_fuse"};
class MulLstmFusePass : public FusePassBase {
virtual ~MulLstmFusePass() {}
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl(std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const;
const std::string name_scope_{"fc_nobias_lstm_fuse"};
} // namespace ir
......@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ class Graph {
std::map<std::string, std::function<void(void)>> attr_dels_;
std::map<ir::Node *, std::unique_ptr<ir::Node>> nodes_;
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> node_set_;
int node_count_{0};
bool IsControlDepVar(const ir::Node &var);
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_traits.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_viz_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
namespace paddle {
......@@ -71,7 +72,11 @@ void PDPattern::AddEdge(PDNode* a, PDNode* b) {
void GraphPatternDetector::operator()(Graph* graph,
GraphPatternDetector::handle_t handler) {
if (!MarkPDNodesInGraph(*graph)) return;
if (!MarkPDNodesInGraph(*graph)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Mark failed";
auto subgraphs = DetectPatterns();
......@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ void GraphPatternDetector::operator()(Graph* graph,
bool GraphPatternDetector::MarkPDNodesInGraph(const ir::Graph& graph) {
VLOG(4) << "mark pdnodes in graph";
VLOG(3) << "mark pdnodes in graph";
if (graph.Nodes().empty()) return false;
for (auto& node : GraphTraits::DFS(graph)) {
......@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ bool GraphPatternDetector::MarkPDNodesInGraph(const ir::Graph& graph) {
VLOG(3) << pdnodes2nodes_.size() << " nodes marked";
return !pdnodes2nodes_.empty();
......@@ -357,7 +363,9 @@ PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_nth_input(const std::string& op_type,
asserts_.emplace_back([=](Node* x) {
for (auto* op : x->outputs) {
if (IsNthInput(x, op, argument, nth)) return true;
if (op->IsOp() && op->Op()->Type() == op_type &&
IsNthInput(x, op, argument, nth))
return true;
return false;
......@@ -368,7 +376,9 @@ PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_nth_output(const std::string& op_type,
asserts_.emplace_back([=](Node* x) {
for (auto* op : x->inputs) {
if (IsNthOutput(x, op, argument, nth)) return true;
if (op->IsOp() && op->Op()->Type() == op_type &&
IsNthOutput(x, op, argument, nth))
return true;
return false;
......@@ -412,6 +422,12 @@ PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_output(const std::string& op_type) {
return this;
PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_output(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& argument) {
assert_is_op_nth_output(op_type, argument, 0);
return this;
PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_input(const std::string& op_type) {
asserts_.emplace_back([=](Node* x) {
......@@ -424,6 +440,12 @@ PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_input(const std::string& op_type) {
return this;
PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op_input(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& argument) {
assert_is_op_nth_input(op_type, argument, 0);
return this;
PDNode* PDNode::assert_op_has_n_inputs(const std::string& op_type, size_t n) {
asserts_.emplace_back([=](Node* x) { return x->inputs.size() == n; });
......@@ -439,6 +461,128 @@ PDNode* PDNode::assert_more(PDNode::teller_t&& teller) {
return this;
bool VarLinksToOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type) {
for (auto* out : node->outputs) {
if (out->IsOp() && out->Op()->Type() == op_type) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsNthInput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument, size_t nth) {
if (op->Op()->Input(argument).size() <= nth) return false;
return var->Name() == op->Op()->Input(argument)[nth];
bool IsNthOutput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument, size_t nth) {
if (op->Op()->Output(argument).size() <= nth) return false;
return var->Name() == op->Op()->Output(argument)[nth];
void GraphSafeRemoveNodes(Graph* graph,
const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& nodes) {
for (auto* node : nodes) {
for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) {
for (auto it = node->inputs.begin(); it != node->inputs.end();) {
if (nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->inputs.erase(it);
} else
for (auto it = node->outputs.begin(); it != node->outputs.end();) {
if (nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->outputs.erase(it);
} else
bool VarLinksFromOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type) {
for (auto* out : node->inputs) {
if (out->IsOp() && out->Op()->Type() == op_type) {
return true;
return false;
PDNode* patterns::FC(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope,
PDNode* x, bool with_bias) {
// Create Operators
PDNode* elementwise_add_op{nullptr};
auto* mul_op = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "mul")->assert_is_op("mul");
if (with_bias) {
elementwise_add_op = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "elementwise_add")
// Create variables
// w
auto* mul_weight_var = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "w")
->assert_is_op_nth_input("mul", "Y", 0);
PDNode* mul_out_var{nullptr};
if (with_bias) {
// intermediate variable, will be removed in the IR after fuse.
mul_out_var = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "mul_out")
PDNode *bias{nullptr}, *fc_out{nullptr};
if (with_bias) {
// bias
bias = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "fc_bias")
// output
fc_out = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "fc_out")
} else {
fc_out = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "fc_out")
if (with_bias) {
mul_op->LinksFrom({mul_weight_var, x}).LinksTo({mul_out_var});
elementwise_add_op->LinksFrom({mul_out_var, bias}).LinksTo({fc_out});
} else {
mul_op->LinksFrom({mul_weight_var, x}).LinksTo({fc_out});
return fc_out;
PDNode* patterns::LSTM(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope,
PDNode* x) {
x->assert_is_op_input("lstm", "Input");
auto* lstm_op = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, "lstm")->assert_is_op("lstm");
#define NEW_NODE(arg__, io__) \
auto* arg__ = pattern->NewNode(name_scope, #arg__) \
->assert_is_op_##io__("lstm", #arg__);
// Currently, the H0 and C0 are optional
// TODO(Superjomn) upgrade the fuse framework to support optional.
// NEW_NODE(H0, input);
// NEW_NODE(C0, input);
NEW_NODE(Weight, input);
NEW_NODE(Bias, input);
NEW_NODE(Hidden, output);
NEW_NODE(Cell, output);
NEW_NODE(BatchGate, output);
NEW_NODE(BatchCellPreAct, output);
lstm_op->LinksFrom({x, Weight, Bias});
lstm_op->LinksTo({Hidden, Cell, BatchGate, BatchCellPreAct});
return Hidden;
} // namespace ir
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ struct PDNode {
PDNode* assert_var_not_persistable();
PDNode* assert_is_persistable_var();
PDNode* assert_is_op_output(const std::string& op_type);
PDNode* assert_is_op_output(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& argument);
PDNode* assert_is_op_input(const std::string& op_type);
PDNode* assert_is_op_input(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& argument);
PDNode* assert_is_op_nth_input(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& argument, int nth);
PDNode* assert_is_op_nth_output(const std::string& op_type,
......@@ -167,6 +171,9 @@ class PDPattern {
PDNode* NewNode(PDNode::teller_t&& teller, const std::string& name = NewID());
PDNode* NewNode(const std::string& name = NewID());
PDNode* NewNode(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& name) {
return NewNode(prefix + "/" + name);
PDNode* RetrieveNode(const std::string& id) const;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PDNode>>& nodes() const { return nodes_; }
......@@ -257,64 +264,36 @@ class GraphPatternDetector {
// some helper methods.
// Op's input.
static bool VarLinksToOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type) {
for (auto* out : node->outputs) {
if (out->IsOp() && out->Op()->Type() == op_type) {
return true;
return false;
// Tell if a var links to an Op
bool VarLinksToOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type);
// Op's output.
static bool VarLinksFromOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type) {
for (auto* out : node->inputs) {
if (out->IsOp() && out->Op()->Type() == op_type) {
return true;
return false;
// Tell if an op links to a var
bool VarLinksFromOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type);
// Check whether a var node is a op node's nth input.
static bool IsNthInput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument,
size_t nth) {
if (op->inputs.size() <= nth) return false;
return var->Name() == op->Op()->Input(argument)[nth];
static bool IsNthOutput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument,
size_t nth) {
if (op->inputs.size() <= nth) return false;
return var->Name() == op->Op()->Output(argument)[nth];
static void GraphSafeRemoveNodes(Graph* graph,
const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& nodes) {
for (auto* node : nodes) {
bool IsNthInput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument, size_t nth);
for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) {
for (auto it = node->inputs.begin(); it != node->inputs.end();) {
if (nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->inputs.erase(it);
} else
for (auto it = node->outputs.begin(); it != node->outputs.end();) {
if (nodes.count(*it)) {
it = const_cast<Node*>(node)->outputs.erase(it);
} else
// Tell whether a var node is a op node's nth output.
bool IsNthOutput(Node* var, Node* op, const std::string& argument, size_t nth);
// Graph safely remove some nodes, will automatically clean up the edges.
void GraphSafeRemoveNodes(Graph* graph,
const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& nodes);
// Some pre-defined patterns those can be reused in multiple passes.
namespace patterns {
// FC with bias
// op: mul + elementwise_add
// named nodes:
// mul, elementwise_add
// w, mul_out, bias, fc_out
PDNode* FC(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope, PDNode* x,
bool with_bias);
PDNode* LSTM(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope, PDNode* x);
} // namespace patterns
} // namespace ir
} // namespace framework
......@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ class GraphVizPass : public Pass {
marked_nodes_t ConsumeMarkedNodes(Graph* graph) const;
static GraphVizPass::marked_nodes_t& GetMarkedNodes(Graph* graph) {
if (!graph->Has(kGraphvizMarkedNodeAttr)) {
graph->Set(kGraphvizMarkedNodeAttr, new GraphVizPass::marked_nodes_t);
return graph->Get<GraphVizPass::marked_nodes_t>(kGraphvizMarkedNodeAttr);
} // namespace ir
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct TensorCopyVisitor {
size_(size) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
// TODO(Yancey1989): support other place
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
memory::Copy(cpu, dst_->mutable_data<T>(cpu) + dst_offset_, cpu,
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ struct AnyDTypeVisitor {
: predicate_(predicate), tensor_(tensor), ctx_(ctx), out_(out) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto t = EigenVector<T>::Flatten(tensor_);
auto o = EigenScalar<bool>::From(*out_);
// return any of predicate_(t) is true.
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ struct DeserializedDataFunctor {
: buf_(buf), tensor_(tensor), place_(place) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() {
void apply() {
*buf_ = tensor_->mutable_data<T>(place_);
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ get_property(fluid_modules GLOBAL PROPERTY FLUID_MODULES)
# paddle_fluid_origin exclude inference api interface
cc_library(paddle_fluid_origin DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api)
# Create static library
cc_library(paddle_fluid DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api paddle_inference_api)
......@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ function (inference_analysis_test TARGET)
set(options "")
set(oneValueArgs "")
set(multiValueArgs SRCS EXTRA_DEPS)
set(multiValueArgs SRCS ARGS EXTRA_DEPS)
cmake_parse_arguments(analysis_test "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
set(mem_opt "")
set(mem_opt "--fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.5")
......@@ -35,28 +34,25 @@ function (inference_analysis_test TARGET)
SRCS "${analysis_test_SRCS}"
DEPS analysis graph fc_fuse_pass graph_viz_pass infer_clean_graph_pass graph_pattern_detector pass ${analysis_test_EXTRA_DEPS}
ARGS --inference_model_dir=${PYTHON_TESTS_DIR}/book/word2vec.inference.model ${mem_opt})
ARGS --inference_model_dir=${PYTHON_TESTS_DIR}/book/word2vec.inference.model ${mem_opt} ${analysis_test_ARGS})
set_tests_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES DEPENDS test_word2vec)
set(DITU_RNN_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fmodel.tar.gz")
set(DITU_RNN_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fdata.txt.tar.gz")
set(DITU_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/install/ditu_rnn" CACHE PATH "Ditu RNN model and data root." FORCE)
function (inference_download_and_uncompress target url gz_filename)
function (inference_download_and_uncompress install_dir url gz_filename)
message(STATUS "Download inference test stuff ${gz_filename} from ${url}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "mkdir -p ${DITU_INSTALL_DIR}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "cd ${DITU_INSTALL_DIR} && wget -q ${url}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "cd ${DITU_INSTALL_DIR} && tar xzf ${gz_filename}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "mkdir -p ${install_dir}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "cd ${install_dir} && wget -q ${url}")
execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "cd ${install_dir} && tar xzf ${gz_filename}")
message(STATUS "finish downloading ${gz_filename}")
inference_download_and_uncompress(ditu_rnn_model ${DITU_RNN_MODEL_URL} "ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fmodel.tar.gz")
inference_download_and_uncompress(ditu_rnn_data ${DITU_RNN_DATA_URL} "ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fdata.txt.tar.gz")
set(DITU_RNN_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fmodel.tar.gz")
set(DITU_RNN_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fdata.txt.tar.gz")
set(DITU_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/ditu_rnn" CACHE PATH "Ditu RNN model and data root." FORCE)
inference_download_and_uncompress(${DITU_INSTALL_DIR} ${DITU_RNN_MODEL_URL} "ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fmodel.tar.gz")
inference_download_and_uncompress(${DITU_INSTALL_DIR} ${DITU_RNN_DATA_URL} "ditu_rnn_fluid%2Fdata.txt.tar.gz")
inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer SRCS analyzer_tester.cc
......@@ -73,8 +69,7 @@ inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer SRCS analyzer_tester.cc
ARGS --inference_model_dir=${PYTHON_TESTS_DIR}/book/word2vec.inference.model
ARGS --infer_ditu_rnn_model=${DITU_INSTALL_DIR}/model
inference_analysis_test(test_data_flow_graph SRCS data_flow_graph_tester.cc)
......@@ -87,3 +82,29 @@ inference_analysis_test(test_tensorrt_subgraph_pass SRCS tensorrt_subgraph_pass_
inference_analysis_test(test_pass_manager SRCS pass_manager_tester.cc)
inference_analysis_test(test_tensorrt_subgraph_node_mark_pass SRCS tensorrt_subgraph_node_mark_pass_tester.cc)
inference_analysis_test(test_model_store_pass SRCS model_store_pass_tester.cc)
set(CHINESE_NER_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_ner_model.tar.gz")
set(CHINESE_NER_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_ner-data.txt.tar.gz")
set(CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/chinese_ner" CACHE PATH "Chinese ner model and data root." FORCE)
inference_download_and_uncompress(${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} ${CHINESE_NER_MODEL_URL} "chinese_ner_model.tar.gz")
inference_download_and_uncompress(${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} ${CHINESE_NER_DATA_URL} "chinese_ner-data.txt.tar.gz")
inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer_ner SRCS analyzer_ner_tester.cc
EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api
ARGS --infer_model=${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR}/model
set(LAC_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/lac_model.tar.gz")
set(LAC_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/lac_data.txt.tar.gz")
set(LAC_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/lac" CACHE PATH "LAC model and data root." FORCE)
inference_download_and_uncompress(${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} ${LAC_MODEL_URL} "lac_model.tar.gz")
inference_download_and_uncompress(${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} ${LAC_DATA_URL} "lac_data.txt.tar.gz")
inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer_lac SRCS analyzer_lac_tester.cc
EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api
ARGS --infer_model=${LAC_INSTALL_DIR}/model
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ void Analyzer::Run(Argument* argument) {
"infer_clean_graph_pass", "graph_viz_pass", //
"attention_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", //
"fc_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", //
"mul_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", //
"seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", //
"fc_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass" //
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h"
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ut_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
DEFINE_string(infer_model, "", "model path for LAC");
DEFINE_string(infer_data, "", "data file for LAC");
DEFINE_int32(batch_size, 1, "batch size.");
DEFINE_int32(burning, 0, "Burning before repeat.");
DEFINE_int32(repeat, 1, "Running the inference program repeat times.");
DEFINE_bool(test_all_data, false, "Test the all dataset in data file.");
namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {
struct DataRecord {
std::vector<int64_t> data;
std::vector<size_t> lod;
// for dataset and nextbatch
size_t batch_iter{0};
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> batched_lods;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> batched_datas;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> datasets;
DataRecord() = default;
explicit DataRecord(const std::string &path, int batch_size = 1) {
batch_iter = 0;
void Load(const std::string &path) {
std::ifstream file(path);
std::string line;
int num_lines = 0;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::vector<std::string> data;
split(line, ';', &data);
std::vector<int64_t> words_ids;
split_to_int64(data[1], ' ', &words_ids);
void Prepare(int bs) {
if (bs == 1) {
batched_datas = datasets;
for (auto one_sentence : datasets) {
batched_lods.push_back({0, one_sentence.size()});
} else {
std::vector<int64_t> one_batch;
std::vector<size_t> lod{0};
int bs_id = 0;
for (auto one_sentence : datasets) {
one_batch.insert(one_batch.end(), one_sentence.begin(),
lod.push_back(lod.back() + one_sentence.size());
if (bs_id == bs) {
bs_id = 0;
if (one_batch.size() != 0) {
DataRecord NextBatch() {
DataRecord data;
data.data = batched_datas[batch_iter];
data.lod = batched_lods[batch_iter];
if (batch_iter >= batched_datas.size()) {
batch_iter = 0;
return data;
void GetOneBatch(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *input_slots, DataRecord *data,
int batch_size) {
auto one_batch = data->NextBatch();
PaddleTensor input_tensor;
input_tensor.name = "word";
input_tensor.shape.assign({static_cast<int>(one_batch.data.size()), 1});
input_tensor.dtype = PaddleDType::INT64;
TensorAssignData<int64_t>(&input_tensor, {one_batch.data});
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(batch_size, static_cast<int>(one_batch.lod.size() - 1));
static void PrintTime(const double latency, const int bs, const int repeat) {
LOG(INFO) << "===========profile result===========";
LOG(INFO) << "batch_size: " << bs << ", repeat: " << repeat
<< ", avg latency: " << latency / repeat << "ms";
LOG(INFO) << "=====================================";
void BenchAllData(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &data_file,
const int batch_size, const int repeat) {
NativeConfig config;
config.model_dir = model_path;
config.use_gpu = false;
config.device = 0;
config.specify_input_name = true;
std::vector<PaddleTensor> input_slots, outputs_slots;
DataRecord data(data_file, batch_size);
auto predictor =
CreatePaddlePredictor<NativeConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kNative>(config);
GetOneBatch(&input_slots, &data, batch_size);
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_burning; i++) {
predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs_slots);
Timer timer;
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
for (size_t bid = 0; bid < data.batched_datas.size(); ++bid) {
GetOneBatch(&input_slots, &data, batch_size);
predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs_slots);
sum += timer.toc();
PrintTime(sum, batch_size, repeat);
const int64_t lac_ref_data[] = {24, 25, 25, 25, 38, 30, 31, 14, 15, 44, 24, 25,
25, 25, 25, 25, 44, 24, 25, 25, 25, 36, 42, 43,
44, 14, 15, 44, 14, 15, 44, 14, 15, 44, 38, 39,
14, 15, 44, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23};
void TestLACPrediction(const std::string &model_path,
const std::string &data_file, const int batch_size,
const int repeat, bool test_all_data) {
if (test_all_data) {
BenchAllData(model_path, data_file, batch_size, repeat);
NativeConfig config;
config.model_dir = model_path;
config.use_gpu = false;
config.device = 0;
config.specify_input_name = true;
std::vector<PaddleTensor> input_slots, outputs_slots;
DataRecord data(data_file, batch_size);
GetOneBatch(&input_slots, &data, batch_size);
auto predictor =
CreatePaddlePredictor<NativeConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kNative>(config);
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_burning; i++) {
predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs_slots);
Timer timer;
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs_slots);
PrintTime(timer.toc(), batch_size, repeat);
EXPECT_EQ(outputs_slots.size(), 1UL);
auto &out = outputs_slots[0];
size_t size = std::accumulate(out.shape.begin(), out.shape.end(), 1,
[](int a, int b) { return a * b; });
size_t batch1_size = sizeof(lac_ref_data) / sizeof(int64_t);
EXPECT_GE(size, batch1_size);
int64_t *pdata = static_cast<int64_t *>(out.data.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < batch1_size; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(pdata[i], lac_ref_data[i]);
TEST(Analyzer_LAC, native) {
LOG(INFO) << "LAC with native";
TestLACPrediction(FLAGS_infer_model, FLAGS_infer_data, FLAGS_batch_size,
FLAGS_repeat, FLAGS_test_all_data);
} // namespace analysis
} // namespace inference
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h"
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ut_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
DEFINE_string(infer_model, "", "model path");
DEFINE_string(infer_data, "", "data path");
DEFINE_int32(batch_size, 10, "batch size.");
DEFINE_int32(repeat, 1, "Running the inference program repeat times.");
namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
struct DataRecord {
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> word_data_all, mention_data_all;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> rnn_word_datas, rnn_mention_datas;
std::vector<size_t> lod; // two inputs have the same lod info.
size_t batch_iter{0};
size_t batch_size{1};
DataRecord() = default;
explicit DataRecord(const std::string &path, int batch_size = 1)
: batch_size(batch_size) {
DataRecord NextBatch() {
DataRecord data;
size_t batch_end = batch_iter + batch_size;
// NOTE skip the final batch, if no enough data is provided.
if (batch_end <= word_data_all.size()) {
data.word_data_all.assign(word_data_all.begin() + batch_iter,
word_data_all.begin() + batch_end);
data.mention_data_all.assign(mention_data_all.begin() + batch_iter,
mention_data_all.begin() + batch_end);
// Prepare LoDs
CHECK_EQ(data.word_data_all.size(), data.mention_data_all.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < data.word_data_all.size(); j++) {
// calculate lod
data.lod.push_back(data.lod.back() + data.word_data_all[j].size());
batch_iter += batch_size;
return data;
void Load(const std::string &path) {
std::ifstream file(path);
std::string line;
int num_lines = 0;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::vector<std::string> data;
split(line, ';', &data);
// load word data
std::vector<int64_t> word_data;
split_to_int64(data[1], ' ', &word_data);
// load mention data
std::vector<int64_t> mention_data;
split_to_int64(data[3], ' ', &mention_data);
void PrepareInputs(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *input_slots, DataRecord *data,
int batch_size) {
PaddleTensor lod_word_tensor, lod_mention_tensor;
lod_word_tensor.name = "word";
lod_mention_tensor.name = "mention";
auto one_batch = data->NextBatch();
int size = one_batch.lod[one_batch.lod.size() - 1]; // token batch size
lod_word_tensor.shape.assign({size, 1});
lod_mention_tensor.shape.assign({size, 1});
// assign data
TensorAssignData<int64_t>(&lod_word_tensor, one_batch.rnn_word_datas);
TensorAssignData<int64_t>(&lod_mention_tensor, one_batch.rnn_mention_datas);
// Set inputs.
input_slots->assign({lod_word_tensor, lod_mention_tensor});
for (auto &tensor : *input_slots) {
tensor.dtype = PaddleDType::INT64;
// the first inference result
const int chinese_ner_result_data[] = {30, 45, 41, 48, 17, 26,
48, 39, 38, 16, 25};
void TestChineseNERPrediction() {
NativeConfig config;
config.prog_file = FLAGS_infer_model + "/__model__";
config.param_file = FLAGS_infer_model + "/param";
config.use_gpu = false;
config.device = 0;
config.specify_input_name = true;
auto predictor =
CreatePaddlePredictor<NativeConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kNative>(config);
std::vector<PaddleTensor> input_slots;
DataRecord data(FLAGS_infer_data, FLAGS_batch_size);
// Prepare inputs.
PrepareInputs(&input_slots, &data, FLAGS_batch_size);
std::vector<PaddleTensor> outputs;
Timer timer;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_repeat; i++) {
predictor->Run(input_slots, &outputs);
LOG(INFO) << "===========profile result===========";
LOG(INFO) << "batch_size: " << FLAGS_batch_size
<< ", repeat: " << FLAGS_repeat
<< ", latency: " << timer.toc() / FLAGS_repeat << "ms";
LOG(INFO) << "=====================================";
PADDLE_ENFORCE(outputs.size(), 1UL);
auto &out = outputs[0];
size_t size = std::accumulate(out.shape.begin(), out.shape.end(), 1,
[](int a, int b) { return a * b; });
int64_t *result = static_cast<int64_t *>(out.data.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(11UL, size); i++) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(result[i], chinese_ner_result_data[i]);
// Directly infer with the original model.
TEST(Analyzer, Chinese_ner) { TestChineseNERPrediction(); }
} // namespace inference
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {
using namespace framework;
using namespace framework; // NOLINT
TEST(Analyzer, analysis_without_tensorrt) {
FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = false;
......@@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ void PrepareInputs(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *input_slots, DataRecord *data,
// clang-format on
// assign data
std::vector<std::vector<float>>({{0, 0}}));
std::vector<float> tmp_zeros(batch_size * 15, 0.);
TensorAssignData(&init_zero_tensor, {tmp_zeros});
TensorAssignData(&lod_tensor_tensor, one_batch.rnn_link_data);
TensorAssignData(&week_tensor, one_batch.rnn_week_datas);
TensorAssignData(&minute_tensor, one_batch.rnn_minute_datas);
TensorAssignData<float>(&init_zero_tensor, {tmp_zeros});
TensorAssignData<float>(&lod_tensor_tensor, one_batch.rnn_link_data);
TensorAssignData<float>(&week_tensor, one_batch.rnn_week_datas);
TensorAssignData<float>(&minute_tensor, one_batch.rnn_minute_datas);
// Set inputs.
auto init_zero_tensor1 = init_zero_tensor;
init_zero_tensor1.name = "hidden_init";
......@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ void TestDituRNNPrediction(const std::string &model_path,
float *data = static_cast<float *>(out.data.data());
float *base_data = static_cast<float *>(base_out.data.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
EXPECT_NEAR(data[i], base_data[i], 1e-3);
for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
EXPECT_NEAR(data[j], base_data[j], 1e-3);
......@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ void TestDituRNNPrediction(const std::string &model_path,
EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc"), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc_nobias_lstm_fuse"), 1);
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct Argument {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(!attrs_.count(key), "Duplicate set Argument's attr [%s]",
attrs_[key] = data;
attr_deleters_[key] = [data, key, this]() {
attr_deleters_[key] = [data, key]() {
VLOG(3) << "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
VLOG(3) << "argument delete attr: " << key;
delete data;
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void NativePaddlePredictor::PrepareFeedFetch() {
feed_names_[op->Output("Out")[0]] = idx;
} else if (op->Type() == "fetch") {
int idx = boost::get<int>(op->GetAttr("col"));
if (fetchs_.size() <= idx) {
if (fetchs_.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(idx)) {
fetchs_.resize(idx + 1);
fetchs_[idx] = op;
......@@ -179,8 +179,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> NativePaddlePredictor::Clone() {
LOG(ERROR) << "fail to call Init";
return nullptr;
#ifdef __clang__
// fix clang compile error
return cls;
// fix manylinux compile error.
return std::move(cls);
bool NativePaddlePredictor::SetFeed(const std::vector<PaddleTensor> &inputs,
......@@ -222,29 +227,15 @@ bool NativePaddlePredictor::SetFeed(const std::vector<PaddleTensor> &inputs,
return true;
bool NativePaddlePredictor::GetFetch(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *outputs,
framework::Scope *scope) {
VLOG(3) << "Predictor::get_fetch";
for (size_t i = 0; i < fetchs_.size(); ++i) {
int idx = boost::get<int>(fetchs_[i]->GetAttr("col"));
framework::LoDTensor &output =
framework::GetFetchVariable(*scope, "fetch", idx);
// TODO(panyx0718): Support fetch of other types.
if (output.type() != typeid(float)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "only support fetching float now.";
return false;
template <typename T>
void NativePaddlePredictor::GetFetchOne(const framework::LoDTensor &fetch,
PaddleTensor *output) {
std::vector<int> shape;
auto dims_i = output.dims();
auto lod = output.lod();
const float *output_ptr = output.data<float>();
// const int64_t* output_ptr = fetchs[i].data<int64_t>();
auto num = output.numel();
std::vector<float> data;
auto dims_i = fetch.dims();
auto lod = fetch.lod();
const T *output_ptr = fetch.data<T>();
auto num = fetch.numel();
std::vector<T> data;
if (0 == lod.size()) {
std::copy(output_ptr, output_ptr + num, std::back_inserter(data));
for (int j = 0; j < dims_i.size(); ++j) {
......@@ -281,18 +272,38 @@ bool NativePaddlePredictor::GetFetch(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *outputs,
outputs->at(i).shape = shape;
auto &buffer = outputs->at(i).data;
if (buffer.empty() || buffer.length() < sizeof(float) * data.size()) {
buffer.Resize(sizeof(float) * data.size());
output->shape = shape;
auto &buffer = output->data;
if (buffer.empty() || buffer.length() < sizeof(T) * data.size()) {
buffer.Resize(sizeof(T) * data.size());
std::memcpy(buffer.data(), data.data(), buffer.length());
// copy LoD
for (const auto &level : output.lod()) {
for (const auto &level : fetch.lod()) {
bool NativePaddlePredictor::GetFetch(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *outputs,
framework::Scope *scope) {
VLOG(3) << "Predictor::get_fetch";
for (size_t i = 0; i < fetchs_.size(); ++i) {
int idx = boost::get<int>(fetchs_[i]->GetAttr("col"));
PADDLE_ENFORCE((size_t)idx == i);
framework::LoDTensor &fetch =
framework::GetFetchVariable(*scope, "fetch", idx);
auto type = fetch.type();
auto output = &(outputs->at(i));
if (type == typeid(float)) {
GetFetchOne<float>(fetch, output);
output->dtype = PaddleDType::FLOAT32;
} else if (type == typeid(int64_t)) {
GetFetchOne<int64_t>(fetch, output);
output->dtype = PaddleDType::INT64;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "unknown type, only support float32 and int64 now.";
outputs->at(i).dtype = PaddleDType::FLOAT32;
// TODO(panyx0718): support other types? fill tensor name? avoid a copy.
return true;
......@@ -323,7 +334,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor<
if (!dynamic_cast<NativePaddlePredictor *>(predictor.get())->Init(nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
#ifdef __clang__
// fix clang compile error
return predictor;
return std::move(predictor);
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ class NativePaddlePredictor : public PaddlePredictor {
framework::Scope *scope);
bool GetFetch(std::vector<PaddleTensor> *output_data,
framework::Scope *scope);
template <typename T>
void GetFetchOne(const framework::LoDTensor &fetchs,
PaddleTensor *output_data);
void PrepareFeedFetch();
NativeConfig config_;
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
......@@ -68,6 +69,13 @@ static void split_to_float(const std::string &str, char sep,
std::transform(pieces.begin(), pieces.end(), std::back_inserter(*fs),
[](const std::string &v) { return std::stof(v); });
static void split_to_int64(const std::string &str, char sep,
std::vector<int64_t> *is) {
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
split(str, sep, &pieces);
std::transform(pieces.begin(), pieces.end(), std::back_inserter(*is),
[](const std::string &v) { return std::stoi(v); });
template <typename T>
std::string to_string(const std::vector<T> &vec) {
std::stringstream ss;
......@@ -84,14 +92,18 @@ template <>
std::string to_string<std::vector<std::vector<float>>>(
const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>> &vec);
// clang-format off
static void TensorAssignData(PaddleTensor *tensor, const std::vector<std::vector<float>> &data) {
template <typename T>
static void TensorAssignData(PaddleTensor *tensor,
const std::vector<std::vector<T>> &data) {
// Assign buffer
int dim = std::accumulate(tensor->shape.begin(), tensor->shape.end(), 1, [](int a, int b) { return a * b; });
tensor->data.Resize(sizeof(float) * dim);
int dim = std::accumulate(tensor->shape.begin(), tensor->shape.end(), 1,
[](int a, int b) { return a * b; });
tensor->data.Resize(sizeof(T) * dim);
int c = 0;
for (const auto &f : data) {
for (float v : f) { static_cast<float *>(tensor->data.data())[c++] = v; }
for (T v : f) {
static_cast<T *>(tensor->data.data())[c++] = v;
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ struct BeamSearchDecodeFunctor {
template <typename T>
void operator()() const;
void apply() const;
bool tensor_on_gpu_;
size_t beam_size_;
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ struct BeamSearchDecodeFunctor {
template <typename T>
void BeamSearchDecodeFunctor::operator()() const {
void BeamSearchDecodeFunctor::apply() const {
BeamSearchDecoder<T> beam_search_decoder(beam_size_, end_id_);
// Check if the tensor is on GPU. If so, use the CPU copy instead
if (tensor_on_gpu_) {
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void BeamSearchDecodeFunctor::operator()() const {
template <>
void BeamSearchDecodeFunctor::operator()<bool>() const {
void BeamSearchDecodeFunctor::apply<bool>() const {
PADDLE_THROW("beam search decode op does not support bool!");
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ struct CastOpFunctor {
: in_(in), out_(out), ctx_(ctx) {}
template <typename OutT>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto* in_begin = in_->data<InT>();
auto numel = in_->numel();
auto* in_end = in_begin + numel;
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct AppendProposalsFunctor {
: out_(out), offset_(offset), to_add_(to_add) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto *out_data = out_->data<T>();
auto *to_add_data = to_add_->data<T>();
memcpy(out_data + offset_, to_add_data, to_add_->numel() * sizeof(T));
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct FillOpVisitor {
: tensor_(tensor), value_(value) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
platform::CPUPlace cpu;
auto *data = tensor_->mutable_data<T>(cpu);
std::transform(value_.data(), value_.data() + tensor_->numel(), data,
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detail/safe_ref.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device_context.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/port.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
if (NOT WIN32)
endif(NOT WIN32)
function(math_library TARGET)
# math_library is a function to create math library.
......@@ -38,9 +40,13 @@ math_library(context_project DEPS im2col math_function)
math_library(gru_compute DEPS activation_functions math_function)
if (NOT WIN32) # windows do not support avx functions yet.
math_library(gru_compute DEPS activation_functions math_function)
math_library(lstm_compute DEPS activation_functions)
endif (NOT WIN32)
cc_library(blas SRCS blas.cc DEPS cblas framework_proto device_context)
math_library(math_function DEPS blas)
......@@ -51,7 +57,9 @@ math_library(sequence_padding)
math_library(sequence_pooling DEPS math_function)
math_library(softmax DEPS math_function)
if (NOT WIN32)
endif (NOT WIN32)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct TensorSetConstantCPU {
TensorSetConstantCPU(framework::Tensor* tensor, float value)
: tensor_(tensor), value_(value) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto cpu = platform::CPUPlace();
auto* begin = tensor_->mutable_data<T>(cpu);
std::fill(begin, begin + tensor_->numel(), static_cast<T>(value_));
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct TensorSetConstantGPU {
: context_(context), tensor_(tensor), value_(value) {}
template <typename T>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
SetConstant<platform::CUDADeviceContext, T> functor;
functor(reinterpret_cast<const platform::CUDADeviceContext&>(context_),
tensor_, static_cast<T>(value_));
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct OneHotOpCUDAFunctor {
: in_(in), out_(out), depth_(depth), ctx_(ctx) {}
template <typename OutT>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto* p_in_data = in_->data<InT>();
auto numel = in_->numel();
auto* p_out_data = out_->mutable_data<OutT>(ctx_.GetPlace());
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct OneHotOpFunctor {
: in_(in), out_(out), depth_(depth), ctx_(ctx) {}
template <typename OutT>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto* p_in_data = in_->data<InT>();
auto numel = in_->numel();
auto* p_out_data = out_->mutable_data<OutT>(ctx_.GetPlace());
/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include <algorithm>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
using framework::Tensor;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DConstNCHW(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T value,
T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w] =
(in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height || in_w >= in_width)
? value
: in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w];
in_data += in_height * in_width;
out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DConstNHWC(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T value,
T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
if (in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height || in_w >= in_width) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
out_data[out_index + c] = value;
} else {
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
out_data[out_index + c] = in_data[in_index + c];
in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DReflectNCHW(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = std::max(in_h, -in_h); // reflect by 0
in_h =
std::min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2); // reflect by in_height
in_w = std::max(in_w, -in_w); // reflect by 0
in_w =
std::min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2); // reflect by in_width
out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w] = in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w];
in_data += in_height * in_width;
out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DReflectNHWC(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = std::max(in_h, -in_h);
in_h = std::min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2);
in_w = std::max(in_w, -in_w);
in_w = std::min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2);
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
out_data[out_index + c] = in_data[in_index + c];
in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DEdgeNCHW(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width, const int pad_top,
const int pad_left, T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = std::min(in_height - 1, std::max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = std::min(in_width - 1, std::max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w] = in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w];
in_data += in_height * in_width;
out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DEdgeNHWC(const T* in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width, const int pad_top,
const int pad_left, T* out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
int in_h = std::min(in_height - 1, std::max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = std::min(in_width - 1, std::max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
out_data[out_index + c] = in_data[in_index + c];
in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradConstNCHW(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
if (!(in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height ||
in_w >= in_width)) {
d_in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w] =
d_out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradConstNHWC(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
if (!(in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height || in_w >= in_width)) {
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
d_in_data[in_index + c] = d_out_data[out_index + c];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradReflectNCHW(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = std::max(in_h, -in_h); // reflect over 0
in_h = std::min(in_h,
2 * in_height - in_h - 2); // reflect over in_height
in_w = std::max(in_w, -in_w); // reflect over 0
in_w =
std::min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2); // reflect over in_width
d_in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w] +=
d_out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradReflectNHWC(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = std::max(in_h, -in_h);
in_h = std::min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2);
in_w = std::max(in_w, -in_w);
in_w = std::min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2);
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
d_in_data[in_index + c] += d_out_data[out_index + c];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradEdgeNCHW(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
int in_h = std::min(in_height - 1, std::max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = std::min(in_width - 1, std::max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
d_in_data[in_h * in_width + in_w] +=
d_out_data[out_h * out_width + out_w];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width;
template <typename T>
void Pad2DGradEdgeNHWC(T* d_in_data, const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) {
for (int out_h = 0; out_h < out_height; ++out_h) {
for (int out_w = 0; out_w < out_width; ++out_w) {
const int out_index = (out_h * out_width + out_w) * channels;
int in_h = std::min(in_height - 1, std::max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = std::min(in_width - 1, std::max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
const int in_index = (in_h * in_width + in_w) * channels;
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
d_in_data[in_index + c] += d_out_data[out_index + c];
d_in_data += in_height * in_width * channels;
d_out_data += out_height * out_width * channels;
template <typename T>
class Pad2dCPUKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override {
auto pads = context.Attr<std::vector<int>>("paddings");
auto mode = context.Attr<std::string>("mode");
auto data_format = context.Attr<std::string>("data_format");
T value = context.Attr<T>("pad_value");
auto* x = context.Input<Tensor>("X");
auto* out = context.Output<Tensor>("Out");
auto in_dims = x->dims();
auto out_dims = out->dims();
const T* in_data = x->data<T>();
T* out_data = out->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
const int pad_top = pads[0];
const int pad_left = pads[2];
const int num = in_dims[0];
if (data_format == "NCHW") {
const int channels = in_dims[1];
const int in_height = in_dims[2];
const int in_width = in_dims[3];
const int out_height = out_dims[2];
const int out_width = out_dims[3];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DReflectNCHW(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DEdgeNCHW(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else {
Pad2DConstNCHW(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, value, out_data);
} else {
const int channels = in_dims[3];
const int in_height = in_dims[1];
const int in_width = in_dims[2];
const int out_height = out_dims[1];
const int out_width = out_dims[2];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DReflectNHWC(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DEdgeNHWC(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else {
Pad2DConstNHWC(in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, value, out_data);
template <typename T>
class Pad2dGradCPUKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override {
auto pads = context.Attr<std::vector<int>>("paddings");
auto mode = context.Attr<std::string>("mode");
auto data_format = context.Attr<std::string>("data_format");
auto* d_out = context.Input<Tensor>(framework::GradVarName("Out"));
auto* d_in = context.Output<Tensor>(framework::GradVarName("X"));
auto d_in_dims = d_in->dims();
auto d_out_dims = d_out->dims();
const T* d_out_data = d_out->data<T>();
T* d_in_data = d_in->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
math::SetConstant<platform::CPUDeviceContext, T> set_zero;
set_zero(context.template device_context<platform::CPUDeviceContext>(),
d_in, static_cast<T>(0));
const int pad_top = pads[0];
const int pad_left = pads[2];
const int num = d_in_dims[0];
if (data_format == "NCHW") {
const int channels = d_in_dims[1];
const int in_height = d_in_dims[2];
const int in_width = d_in_dims[3];
const int out_height = d_out_dims[2];
const int out_width = d_out_dims[3];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DGradReflectNCHW(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left,
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DGradEdgeNCHW(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else {
Pad2DGradConstNCHW(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left,
} else {
const int channels = d_in_dims[3];
const int in_height = d_in_dims[1];
const int in_width = d_in_dims[2];
const int out_height = d_out_dims[1];
const int out_width = d_out_dims[2];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DGradReflectNHWC(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left,
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DGradEdgeNHWC(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else {
Pad2DGradConstNHWC(d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width,
out_height, out_width, pad_top, pad_left,
class Pad2dOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
using framework::OperatorWithKernel::OperatorWithKernel;
void InferShape(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
"Input(X) of Pad2dOp should not be null.");
"Output(Out) of Pad2dOp should not be null.");
auto x_dim = ctx->GetInputDim("X");
auto paddings = ctx->Attrs().Get<std::vector<int>>("paddings");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(x_dim.size(), 4,
"Size of paddings should be equal to 4.");
std::vector<int64_t> out_dims(x_dim.size());
auto data_format = ctx->Attrs().Get<std::string>("data_format");
out_dims[0] = x_dim[0];
if (data_format == "NCHW") {
out_dims[1] = x_dim[1];
out_dims[2] = x_dim[2] + paddings[0] + paddings[1]; // height
out_dims[3] = x_dim[3] + paddings[2] + paddings[3]; // width
} else { // NHWC
out_dims[3] = x_dim[3];
out_dims[1] = x_dim[1] + paddings[0] + paddings[1];
out_dims[2] = x_dim[2] + paddings[2] + paddings[3];
ctx->SetOutputDim("Out", framework::make_ddim(out_dims));
if (out_dims[0] == x_dim[0]) {
// Only pass LoD when the first dimension is equal between
// output and input.
ctx->ShareLoD("X", /*->*/ "Out");
class Pad2dOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() override {
"The input of pad2d op. "
"The input should be a 4-D tensor with formate NCHW or NHWC.");
"The output of pad2d op. "
"A tensor with the same shape as X.");
"(vector<int>) "
"A list<int> to describe the padding rules."
"paddings=[0, 1, 2, 3] means "
"padding 0 row to top, 1 row to bottom, 2 columns to left "
"and 3 columns to right. Size of paddings must be 4.");
"(float, default 0.0) "
"The value to fill the padded areas in constant mode.")
"(float, default constant) "
"Three modes: constant(default), reflect, edge.")
"(string, default NCHW) Only used in "
"An optional string from: \"NHWC\", \"NCHW\". "
"Defaults to \"NHWC\". Specify the data format of the input data.")
Pad2d Operator.
Pad 2-d images accordding to 'paddings' and 'mode'.
If mode is 'reflect', paddings[0] and paddings[1] must be no greater
than height-1. And the width dimension has the same condition.
Given that X is a channel of image from input:
X = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]]
Case 0:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3],
mode = 'constant'
pad_value = 0
Out = [[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
Case 1:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 1],
mode = 'reflect'
Out = [[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2]
[6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5]
[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2]]
Case 2:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 1],
mode = 'edge'
Out = [[1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3]
[4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]
[4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]]
class Pad2dOpGrad : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
using framework::OperatorWithKernel::OperatorWithKernel;
void InferShape(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasInput("X"), "Input(X) should not be null");
"Input(Out@GRAD) should not be null");
auto x_dims = ctx->GetInputDim("X");
auto x_grad_name = framework::GradVarName("X");
if (ctx->HasOutput(x_grad_name)) {
ctx->SetOutputDim(x_grad_name, x_dims);
class Pad2dOpGradMaker : public framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker {
using framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker::SingleGradOpDescMaker;
std::unique_ptr<framework::OpDesc> Apply() const override {
auto* bind = new framework::OpDesc();
bind->SetInput("X", Input("X"));
bind->SetInput(framework::GradVarName("Out"), OutputGrad("Out"));
bind->SetOutput(framework::GradVarName("X"), InputGrad("X"));
return std::unique_ptr<framework::OpDesc>(bind);
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OPERATOR(pad2d, ops::Pad2dOp, ops::Pad2dOpMaker,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(pad2d_grad, ops::Pad2dOpGrad);
REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL(pad2d, ops::Pad2dCPUKernel<float>);
REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL(pad2d_grad, ops::Pad2dGradCPUKernel<float>);
/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include <algorithm>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/cuda_primitives.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/gpu_info.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
using platform::PADDLE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS;
#define CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < (n); \
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
using framework::Tensor;
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DConstNCHW(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T value,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int nc = index / out_width;
const int out_w = index % out_width;
const int out_h = nc % out_height;
nc /= out_height;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
out_data[index] =
(in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height || in_w >= in_width)
? value
: in_data[(nc * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DConstNHWC(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left, T value,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int n = index / channels;
const int c = index % channels;
const int out_w = n % out_width;
n /= out_width;
const int out_h = n % out_height;
n /= out_height;
const int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
const int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
out_data[index] =
(in_h < 0 || in_w < 0 || in_h >= in_height || in_w >= in_width)
? value
: in_data[((n * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w) * channels +
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DReflectNCHW(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int nc = index / out_width;
const int out_w = index % out_width;
const int out_h = nc % out_height;
nc /= out_height;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = max(in_h, -in_h); // reflect by 0
in_h = min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2); // reflect by in_height
in_w = max(in_w, -in_w); // reflect by 0
in_w = min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2); // reflect by in_width
out_data[index] = in_data[(nc * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DReflectNHWC(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int n = index / channels;
const int c = index % channels;
const int out_w = n % out_width;
n /= out_width;
const int out_h = n % out_height;
n /= out_height;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = max(in_h, -in_h);
in_h = min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2);
in_w = max(in_w, -in_w);
in_w = min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2);
out_data[index] =
in_data[((n * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w) * channels + c];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DEdgeNCHW(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int nc = index / out_width;
const int out_w = index % out_width;
const int out_h = nc % out_height;
nc /= out_height;
int in_h = min(in_height - 1, max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = min(in_width - 1, max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
out_data[index] = in_data[(nc * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DEdgeNHWC(const int nthreads, const T* in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
T* out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int n = index / channels;
const int c = index % channels;
const int out_w = n % out_width;
n /= out_width;
const int out_h = n % out_height;
n /= out_height;
int in_h = min(in_height - 1, max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
int in_w = min(in_width - 1, max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
out_data[index] =
in_data[((n * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w) * channels + c];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradConstNCHW(const int in_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(in_index, in_size) {
int nc = in_index / in_width;
const int out_w = in_index % in_width + pad_left;
const int out_h = nc % in_height + pad_top;
nc /= in_height;
d_in_data[in_index] =
d_out_data[(nc * out_height + out_h) * out_width + out_w];
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradConstNHWC(const int in_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(in_index, in_size) {
int n = in_index / channels;
const int c = in_index % channels;
const int out_w = n % in_width + pad_left;
n /= in_width;
const int out_h = n % in_height + pad_top;
n /= in_height;
d_in_data[in_index] =
d_out_data[((n * out_height + out_h) * out_width + out_w) * channels +
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradReflectNCHW(const int out_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_index, out_size) {
int nc = out_index / out_width;
const int out_w = out_index % out_width;
const int out_h = nc % out_height;
nc /= out_height;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = max(in_h, -in_h);
in_w = max(in_w, -in_w);
in_h = min(in_h, 2 * in_height - in_h - 2);
in_w = min(in_w, 2 * in_width - in_w - 2);
atomicAdd(&d_in_data[(nc * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w],
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradReflectNHWC(const int out_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_index, out_size) {
const int c = out_index % channels;
int n = out_index / channels;
const int out_w = n % out_width;
n /= out_width;
const int out_h = n % out_height;
n /= out_height;
int in_h = out_h - pad_top;
int in_w = out_w - pad_left;
in_h = max(in_h, -in_h);
in_w = max(in_w, -in_w);
in_h = min(in_h, in_height * 2 - in_h - 2);
in_w = min(in_w, in_width * 2 - in_w - 2);
&d_in_data[((n * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w) * channels + c],
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradEdgeNCHW(const int out_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_index, out_size) {
int nc = out_index / out_width;
const int out_w = out_index % out_width;
const int out_h = nc % out_height;
nc /= out_height;
const int in_h = min(in_height - 1, max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
const int in_w = min(in_width - 1, max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
atomicAdd(&d_in_data[(nc * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w],
template <typename T>
__global__ void Pad2DGradEdgeNHWC(const int out_size, T* d_in_data,
const int num, const int channels,
const int in_height, const int in_width,
const int out_height, const int out_width,
const int pad_top, const int pad_left,
const T* d_out_data) {
CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_index, out_size) {
const int c = out_index % channels;
int n = out_index / channels;
const int out_w = n % out_width;
n /= out_width;
const int out_h = n % out_height;
n /= out_height;
const int in_h = min(in_height - 1, max(out_h - pad_top, 0));
const int in_w = min(in_width - 1, max(out_w - pad_left, 0));
&d_in_data[((n * in_height + in_h) * in_width + in_w) * channels + c],
template <typename T>
class Pad2dCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override {
auto pads = context.Attr<std::vector<int>>("paddings");
auto mode = context.Attr<std::string>("mode");
auto data_format = context.Attr<std::string>("data_format");
T value = context.Attr<T>("pad_value");
auto* x = context.Input<Tensor>("X");
auto* out = context.Output<Tensor>("Out");
auto in_dims = x->dims();
auto out_dims = out->dims();
const T* in_data = x->data<T>();
T* out_data = out->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
const int pad_top = pads[0];
const int pad_left = pads[2];
const int num = in_dims[0];
auto stream = context.cuda_device_context().stream();
const int out_size = out->numel();
int grid = (out_size + block - 1) / block;
if (data_format == "NCHW") {
const int channels = in_dims[1];
const int in_height = in_dims[2];
const int in_width = in_dims[3];
const int out_height = out_dims[2];
const int out_width = out_dims[3];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DReflectNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DEdgeNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else {
Pad2DConstNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, value, out_data);
} else {
const int channels = in_dims[3];
const int in_height = in_dims[1];
const int in_width = in_dims[2];
const int out_height = out_dims[1];
const int out_width = out_dims[2];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DReflectNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DEdgeNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, out_data);
} else {
Pad2DConstNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, value, out_data);
template <typename T>
class Pad2dGradCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override {
auto pads = context.Attr<std::vector<int>>("paddings");
auto mode = context.Attr<std::string>("mode");
auto data_format = context.Attr<std::string>("data_format");
auto* d_out = context.Input<Tensor>(framework::GradVarName("Out"));
auto* d_in = context.Output<Tensor>(framework::GradVarName("X"));
auto d_in_dims = d_in->dims();
auto d_out_dims = d_out->dims();
const T* d_out_data = d_out->data<T>();
T* d_in_data = d_in->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
math::SetConstant<platform::CUDADeviceContext, T> set_zero;
set_zero(context.template device_context<platform::CUDADeviceContext>(),
d_in, static_cast<T>(0));
const int pad_top = pads[0];
const int pad_left = pads[2];
const int num = d_in_dims[0];
auto stream = context.cuda_device_context().stream();
const int out_size = d_out->numel();
const int in_size = d_in->numel();
int grid = (out_size + block - 1) / block;
if (data_format == "NCHW") {
const int channels = d_in_dims[1];
const int in_height = d_in_dims[2];
const int in_width = d_in_dims[3];
const int out_height = d_out_dims[2];
const int out_width = d_out_dims[3];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DGradReflectNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DGradEdgeNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else {
grid = (in_size + block - 1) / block;
Pad2DGradConstNCHW<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
in_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else {
const int channels = d_in_dims[3];
const int in_height = d_in_dims[1];
const int in_width = d_in_dims[2];
const int out_height = d_out_dims[1];
const int out_width = d_out_dims[2];
if (mode == "reflect") {
Pad2DGradReflectNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else if (mode == "edge") {
Pad2DGradEdgeNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
out_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} else {
grid = (in_size + block - 1) / block;
Pad2DGradConstNHWC<T><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
in_size, d_in_data, num, channels, in_height, in_width, out_height,
out_width, pad_top, pad_left, d_out_data);
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OP_CUDA_KERNEL(pad2d, ops::Pad2dCUDAKernel<float>);
REGISTER_OP_CUDA_KERNEL(pad2d_grad, ops::Pad2dGradCUDAKernel<float>);
......@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@ class PReluKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
auto dim = x->dims();
int index = 0;
int i = 0;
int temp = 0;
if (mode == "channel") {
int temp = numel / (dim[0] * dim[1]);
for (i = 0; i < numel; i++) {
temp = numel / (dim[0] * dim[1]);
index = (i / temp) % dim[1];
o_ptr[i] = x_ptr[i] > 0 ? x_ptr[i] : alpha_ptr[index] * x_ptr[i];
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ struct SequenceMaskFunctor {
: ctx_(ctx), x_(x), y_(y), limits_(limits), maxlen_(maxlen) {}
template <typename Ty>
void operator()() const {
void apply() const {
auto *y_data = y_->mutable_data<Ty>(ctx_.GetPlace());
platform::ForRange<DeviceContext> for_range(ctx_, limits_);
for_range(SequenceMaskForRangeFunctor<Tx, Ty>(x_, y_data, maxlen_));
......@@ -62,7 +62,10 @@ class ShrinkRNNMemoryOp : public ArrayOp {
if (dst_num_rows != 0) {
out_tensor.ShareDataWith(x_tensor.Slice(0, height));
out_tensor.mutable_data(place, x_tensor.type());
auto dev_ctx = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance().Get(place);
framework::TensorCopy(x_tensor.Slice(0, height), place, *dev_ctx,
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ __all__ = [
......@@ -5614,6 +5615,94 @@ def rank_loss(label, left, right, name=None):
return out
def pad2d(input,
paddings=[0, 0, 0, 0],
Pad 2-d images accordding to 'paddings' and 'mode'.
If mode is 'reflect', paddings[0] and paddings[1] must be no greater
than height-1. And the width dimension has the same condition.
Given that X is a channel of image from input:
X = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]]
Case 0:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3],
mode = 'constant'
pad_value = 0
Out = [[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
Case 1:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 1],
mode = 'reflect'
Out = [[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2]
[6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5]
[3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2]]
Case 2:
paddings = [0, 1, 2, 1],
mode = 'edge'
Out = [[1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3]
[4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]
[4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]]
input (Variable): The input image with [N, C, H, W] format or [N, H, W, C] format.
paddings (tuple|list): The padding size. If padding is a tuple, it must
contain four integers, (padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right).
Default: padding = [0, 0, 0, 0].
mode (str): Three modes: constant(default), reflect, edge. Default: constant
pad_value (float32): The value to fill the padded areas in constant mode. Default: 0
data_format (str): An optional string from: "NHWC", "NCHW". Specify the data format of
the input data.
Default: "NCHW"
name (str|None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
will be named automatically.
Variable: The tensor variable padded accordding to paddings and mode.
.. code-block:: python
data = fluid.layers.data(name='data', shape=[3, 32, 32], dtype='float32')
result = fluid.layers.pad2d(input=data, padding=[1,2,3,4], mode='reflect')
helper = LayerHelper('pad2d', **locals())
dtype = helper.input_dtype(input_param_name='input')
out = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype)
inputs={'X': input},
outputs={"Out": out},
'paddings': paddings,
'mode': mode,
'pad_value': pad_value,
'data_frmat': data_format
return out
def prelu(x, mode, param_attr=None, name=None):
......@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ class TestLocalLookupTable(TestDistLookupTableBase):
# 2 optimize for table adam
# NOTE: if param is not selected rows, the grad will scaled to grad / trainer_num
self.assertEqual([op.type for op in pserver1.blocks[2].ops],
["sum", "adam", "scale", "scale"])
["sum", "scale", "adam", "scale", "scale"])
trainer, _ = self.get_trainer()
self.assertEqual(len(trainer.blocks), 1)
......@@ -521,6 +521,20 @@ class TestBook(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pad2d(self):
program = Program()
with program_guard(program):
input = layers.data(
name="input", shape=[3, 100, 100], dtype="float32")
out = layers.pad2d(
paddings=[1, 2, 3, 4],
def test_prelu(self):
program = Program()
with program_guard(program):
# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import numpy as np
from op_test import OpTest
class TestPad2dOp(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
self.pad_value = 0.0
self.op_type = "pad2d"
self.inputs = {'X': np.random.random(self.shape).astype("float32"), }
self.attrs = {}
self.attrs['paddings'] = np.array(self.paddings).flatten()
self.attrs['pad_value'] = self.pad_value
self.attrs['mode'] = self.mode
self.attrs['data_format'] = self.data_format
if self.data_format == "NCHW":
paddings = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (self.paddings[0], self.paddings[1]),
(self.paddings[2], self.paddings[3])]
paddings = [(0, 0), (self.paddings[0], self.paddings[1]),
(self.paddings[2], self.paddings[3]), (0, 0)]
if self.mode == "constant":
out = np.pad(self.inputs['X'],
out = np.pad(self.inputs['X'], paddings, mode=self.mode)
self.outputs = {'Out': out}
def test_check_output(self):
def test_check_grad_normal(self):
self.check_grad(['X'], 'Out', max_relative_error=0.006)
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 3, 4, 4)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "constant"
self.data_format = "NCHW"
self.pad_value = 0.0
class TestCase1(TestPad2dOp):
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 3, 4, 4)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "reflect"
self.data_format = "NCHW"
class TestCase2(TestPad2dOp):
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 3, 4, 4)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "edge"
self.data_format = "NCHW"
class TestCase3(TestPad2dOp):
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 4, 4, 2)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "reflect"
self.data_format = "NHWC"
class TestCase4(TestPad2dOp):
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 4, 4, 2)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "edge"
self.data_format = "NHWC"
class TestCase5(TestPad2dOp):
def initTestCase(self):
self.shape = (2, 4, 4, 2)
self.paddings = [0, 1, 2, 3]
self.mode = "constant"
self.pad_value = 1.2
self.data_format = "NHWC"
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -1390,8 +1390,6 @@ class DistributeTranspiler(object):
inputs={"X": vars2merge},
outputs={"Out": merged_var},
attrs={"use_mkldnn": False})
# TODO(panyx0718): What if it's SELECTED_ROWS.
if not merged_var.type == core.VarDesc.VarType.SELECTED_ROWS:
inputs={"X": merged_var},
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