提交 ea548a79 编写于 作者: C chenweihang

refactor: simplify class to function

上级 999d097b
......@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ This API is still under active development and may change drastically.
from .. import core
from ..framework import Program, Variable
__all__ = ['MemoryInfo']
DEBUG = False
__all__ = ['memory_usage']
dtype_to_size = {
core.VarDesc.VarType.FP16: 2,
......@@ -38,39 +36,43 @@ dtype_to_size = {
core.VarDesc.VarType.UINT8: 1,
DEBUG = False
class MemoryInfo(object):
def __init__(self, program):
if not isinstance(program, Program):
raise TypeError(
"Calculating Memory Usage requires Program as its Parameter."
"But you passed in %s" % (type(prgram)))
self._program = program
def _has_var(self, block, var_name):
return block.has_var(str(var_name))
def memory_usage(program, batch_size):
Get the estimate memory usage of program with input batch size.
program(Program): The current Program.
batch_size(int): The current input data batch_size.
min_total_memory(float): the estimate memory usage lower bound.
max_total_memory(float): the estimate memory usage upper bound.
unit_str(string): the unit of estimate usage result.
def _find_var(self, block, var_name):
return block.var(str(var_name))
def get_memory_usage(self, batch_size, with_details=False):
>>> import paddle.fluid as fluid
>>> lower_usage, upper_usage, unit = fluid.contrib.memory_usage(
fluid.default_main_program(), batch_size=10)
>>> print "memory usage is about %.3f - %.3f %s" % \
(lower_usage, upper_usage, unit)
# get the first block of program
first_block = self._program.global_block()
# get the var_name list of first block
# TODO(chenweihang): not find the API get block's var list directly
# Parameters check
if not isinstance(program, Program):
raise TypeError(
"Calculating Memory Usage requires Program as its Parameter."
"But you passed in %s" % (type(prgram)))
if batch_size <= 0:
raise ValueError("The batch size need to be positive.")
# Get the var_name list of first block and calculate
total_memory = 0.0
for var in self._program.list_vars():
print "All Block's Var: %s" % (var.name)
# TODO(chenweihang): why not used program.list_vars()
# calculate all variable's memory directly?
if self._has_var(first_block, var.name):
print "First Block's Var: %s" % (var.name)
print "Var's shape: ", var.shape
print "Var's dtype: ", var.dtype
for var in program.global_block().vars.itervalues():
data_count = 1
for x in var.shape:
if x == -1:
......@@ -79,21 +81,22 @@ class MemoryInfo(object):
data_count *= x
var_memory = data_count * dtype_to_size[var.dtype]
print "Var's memory: %d" % (var_memory)
print "%s memory usage: %d" % (var.name, var_memory)
total_memory += var_memory
print "total memory usage: %.2f" % (total_memory)
# Convert unit and make result string
result_str = "- With current batch size, memory usage is about "
unit_str = " B."
# Convert appropriate unit
unit_str = "B"
if total_memory > 1024:
total_memory /= 1024
unit_str = " KB."
unit_str = "KB"
if total_memory > 1024:
total_memory /= 1024
unit_str = " MB."
unit_str = "MB"
# Append extra memory consumption (5% - 10%)
result_str += str(round(total_memory * 1.05, 3)) + " - " \
+ str(round(total_memory * 1.10, 3)) + unit_str
min_total_memory = total_memory * 1.05
max_total_memory = total_memory * 1.1
return result_str
return min_total_memory, max_total_memory, unit_str
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