提交 98f1cebd 编写于 作者: Y Yucheng 提交者: Dong Daxiang

add sample code test under python3 and enabled multi-thread (#20950)

* test=develop
上级 394edd86
......@@ -1002,8 +1002,7 @@ function build_document_preview() {
function example() {
pip install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl
paddle version
cp ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/sampcd_processor.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/paddle/fluid
cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/paddle/fluid
cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools
python sampcd_processor.py cpu
if [ "$?" != "0" ];then
echo "Code instance execution failed"
# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -15,10 +15,24 @@
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import math
import platform
please make sure to run in the tools path
usage: python sample_test.py {arg1} {arg2}
arg1: the first arg defined running in gpu version or cpu version
arg2: the second arg defined testing python2 or python3
for example, you can run cpu version python2 testing like this:
python sample_test.py cpu 2
def find_all(srcstr, substr):
to find all desired substring in the source string
and return their starting indices as a list
......@@ -29,23 +43,17 @@ def find_all(srcstr, substr):
list: a list of the indices of the substrings
indices = []
gotone = srcstr.find(substr)
while (gotone != -1):
gotone = srcstr.find(substr, gotone + 1)
return indices
def check_indent(cdline):
to check the indent of a given code line
to get the number of starting blank chars,
......@@ -60,8 +68,7 @@ def check_indent(cdline):
int : the indent of the number of interpreted
indent = 0
for c in cdline:
if c == '\t':
......@@ -70,20 +77,12 @@ def check_indent(cdline):
indent += 1
if c != ' ' and c != '\t':
return indent
#srccom: raw comments in the source,including ''' and original indent
def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom,
# srccom: raw comments in the source,including ''' and original indent
def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom, name, htype="def", hname=""):
Extract and run sample codes from source comment and
the result will be returned.
......@@ -110,12 +109,8 @@ def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom,
srccom(str): the source comment of some API whose
example codes will be extracted and run.
name(str): the name of the API.
logf(file): for logging the output in case they are
htype(str): the type of hint banners, def/class/method.
hname(str): the name of the hint banners , e.t. def hname.
show_details(bool): Set it to False to print wrong sample
codes only.
list: the status code of all the sample codes found in srccom.
......@@ -123,10 +118,10 @@ def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom,
def sampcd_header_print(name, sampcd, htype, hname, logf):
def sampcd_header_print(name, sampcd, htype, hname):
print hint banner headers.
......@@ -134,87 +129,59 @@ def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom,
sampcd(str): sample code string
htype(str): the type of hint banners, def/class/method.
hname(str): the name of the hint banners , e.t. def hname.
logf(file): for logging the output in case they are
print_header(logf, htype, hname)
print "Sample code " + str(y) + " extracted for " + name + " :"
print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
print_header(htype, hname)
print("Sample code ", str(y), " extracted for ", name, " :")
print "----example code check----\n"
print "executing sample code ....."
print "execution result:"
logf.write("\nSample code extracted for " + name + " :\n")
logf.write("\n" + sampcd + "\n")
logf.write("\n----example code check----\n")
logf.write("\nexecuting sample code .....\n")
logf.write("\nexecution result:\n")
print("----example code check----\n")
print("executing sample code .....")
print("execution result:")
sampcd_begins = find_all(srccom, " code-block:: python")
status = []
if (len(sampcd_begins) == 0):
print_header(logf, htype, hname)
if len(sampcd_begins) == 0:
print_header(htype, hname)
detect sample codes using >>> to format
and consider this situation as wrong
if (srccom.find("Examples:") != -1):
print "----example code check----\n"
logf.write("\n----example code check----\n")
if (srccom.find(">>>") != -1):
"Deprecated sample code style:\n\n Examples:\n\n >>>codeline\n >>>codeline\n\n\n "
+ "Please use '.. code-block:: python' to " +
"format sample code.\n")
if srccom.find("Examples:") != -1:
print("----example code check----\n")
if srccom.find(">>>") != -1:
"Deprecated sample code style:\n\n Examples:\n\n >>>codeline\n >>>codeline\n\n\n "
+ "Please use '.. code-block:: python' to " +
"Deprecated sample code style:\n\n Examples:\n\n >>>codeline\n >>>codeline\n\n\n ",
"Please use '.. code-block:: python' to ",
"format sample code.\n")
print "status code for all sample codes in " + name + " : " + str(
print("status code for all sample codes in ", name, " : ",
print "No sample code!\n"
logf.write("\nNo sample code!\n")
print("No sample code!\n")
print "status code for all sample codes in " + name + " : " + str(
print("status code for all sample codes in ", name, " : ",
for y in range(1, len(sampcd_begins) + 1):
sampcd_begin = sampcd_begins[y - 1]
sampcd = srccom[sampcd_begin + len(" code-block:: python") + 1:]
sampcd = sampcd.split("\n")
#remove starting empty lines
# remove starting empty lines
while sampcd[0].replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '') == '':
#the mininmum indent, which is the indent of the first
#non-empty line
# the minimum indent, which is the indent of the first
# non-empty line
min_indent = check_indent(sampcd[0])
sampcd_to_write = []
for i in range(0, len(sampcd)):
cdline = sampcd[i]
#handle empty lines or those only with spaces/tabs
# handle empty lines or those only with spaces/tabs
if cdline.strip() == '':
this_indent = check_indent(cdline)
if (this_indent < min_indent):
if this_indent < min_indent:
cdline = cdline.replace('\t', ' ')
......@@ -224,59 +191,48 @@ def sampcd_extract_and_run(srccom,
sampcd = '\nimport os\n' + 'os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ""\n' + sampcd
if sys.argv[1] == "gpu":
sampcd = '\nimport os\n' + 'os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"\n' + sampcd
sampcd += '\nprint ' + '\"' + name + ' sample code is executed successfully!\"\n'
sampcd += '\nprint(' + '\"' + name + ' sample code is executed successfully!\")'
if (len(sampcd_begins) > 1):
if len(sampcd_begins) > 1:
tfname = name + "_example_" + str(y) + ".py"
tfname = name + "_example" + ".py"
tempf = open("samplecode_temp/" + tfname, 'w')
if platform.python_version()[0] == "2":
cmd = ["python", "samplecode_temp/" + tfname]
elif platform.python_version()[0] == "3":
cmd = ["python3", "samplecode_temp/" + tfname]
print("fail to parse python version!")
subprc = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = subprc.communicate()
msg = "".join(output)
err = "".join(error)
if (subprc.returncode != 0):
print("\nSample code error found in " + name + ":\n")
sampcd_header_print(name, sampcd, htype, hname, logf)
print "subprocess return code: " + str(subprc.returncode)
print("Error Raised from Sample Code " + name + " :\n")
print err
print msg
logf.write("\nError Raised from Sample Code " + name + " :\n")
logf.write("\n" + msg + "\n")
msg = "".join(output.decode(encoding='utf-8'))
err = "".join(error.decode(encoding='utf-8'))
if subprc.returncode != 0:
print("\nSample code error found in ", name, ":\n")
sampcd_header_print(name, sampcd, htype, hname)
print("subprocess return code: ", str(subprc.returncode))
print("Error Raised from Sample Code ", name, " :\n")
print "status code for all sample codes in " + name + str(status)
#It works!
print("status code for all sample codes in ", name, str(status))
# It works!
if show_details:
sampcd_header_print(name, sampcd, htype, hname, logf)
print "subprocess return code: " + str(subprc.returncode)
print msg
logf.write("\n" + msg + "\n")
print "status code for all sample codes in " + name + " : " + str(
#msg is the returned code execution report
# msg is the returned code execution report
os.remove("samplecode_temp/" + tfname)
return status
def single_defcom_extract(start_from, srcls, is_class_begin=False):
to extract a def function/class/method comments body
......@@ -290,28 +246,20 @@ def single_defcom_extract(start_from, srcls, is_class_begin=False):
string : the extracted comment body, inclusive of its quote marks.
i = start_from
fcombody = "" #def comment body
fcombody = "" # def comment body
comstart = -1 # the starting line index of comment mark "'''" or """"""
#if it is not -1, it indicates the loop is in the comment body
# if it is not -1, it indicates the loop is in the comment body
comstyle = 0 # comment mark style ,comments quoted with ''' is coded as 1
# comments quoted with """ is coded as 2
for x in range(i + 1, len(srcls)):
if is_class_begin:
if (srcls[x].replace('\t', ' ').startswith(' def ')):
if srcls[x].replace('\t', ' ').startswith(' def '):
if ((srcls[x].startswith('def ') or srcls[x].startswith('class '))):
if srcls[x].startswith('def ') or srcls[x].startswith('class '):
if (comstart == -1 and srcls[x].replace(" ", '').replace(
"\t", '').replace("\n", '').startswith("\"\"\"")):
comstart = x
......@@ -321,7 +269,6 @@ def single_defcom_extract(start_from, srcls, is_class_begin=False):
srcls[x].replace(" ", '').replace("\t", '').replace(
"\n", '').startswith("\"\"\"")):
if (comstart == -1 and srcls[x].replace(" ", '').replace(
"\t", '').replace("\n", '').startswith("\'\'\'")):
comstart = x
......@@ -332,99 +279,61 @@ def single_defcom_extract(start_from, srcls, is_class_begin=False):
"\n", '').startswith("\'\'\'")):
if (comstart !=
-1): #when the comments start, begin to add line to fcombody
-1): # when the comments start, begin to add line to fcombody
fcombody += srcls[x]
return fcombody
def print_header(logf, htype, name):
print htype + " name:" + name
print "-----------------------"
logf.write("\n\n" + htype + " name:" + name + "\n")
def print_header(htype, name):
print(htype, " name:", name)
def srcf_print(srcfile):
print "source file name:" + srcfile.name
print "---------------------------------------------------"
logf.write("source file name:" + srcfile.name + "\n")
def show_alllist(alllist):
print "__all__:" + str(alllist) + "\n"
logf.write("__all__:" + str(alllist) + "\n\n")
def srccoms_extract(srcfile, logf, status_all, wlist, show_details):
def srccoms_extract(srcfile, status_all, wlist):
Given a source file ``srcfile``, this function will
extract its API(doc comments) and run sample codes in the
srcfile(file): the source file
logf(file): log recording file
status_all(dict): record all the sample code execution states.
wlist(list): white list
show_details(bool): if show_details is True, the whole process will be printed for you
to debug it locally
string: the length of __all__ list in srcfile versus the exact number of
analysed API to make sure no API is missed in this srcfile and it
is useful for statistic practices.
srcc = srcfile.read()
#2. get defs and classes header line number
#set file pointer to its beginning
# 2. get defs and classes header line number
# set file pointer to its beginning
srcfile.seek(0, 0)
srcls = srcfile.readlines() #source lines
if show_details:
srcls = srcfile.readlines() # source lines
#1. fetch__all__ list
# 1. fetch__all__ list
allidx = srcc.find("__all__")
if (allidx != -1):
if allidx != -1:
alllist = []
#get all list for layers/ops.py
if (srcfile.name.find("ops.py") != -1):
# get all list for layers/ops.py
if srcfile.name.find("ops.py") != -1:
for ai in range(0, len(srcls)):
if (srcls[ai].startswith("__all__")):
if srcls[ai].startswith("__all__"):
lb = srcls[ai].find('[')
rb = srcls[ai].find(']')
if (lb == -1):
if lb == -1:
allele = srcls[ai][lb + 1:rb].replace("'", '').replace(
" ", '').replace("\"", '')
if '' in alllist:
if show_details:
alllist_b = allidx + len("__all__")
allstr = srcc[alllist_b + srcc[alllist_b:].find("[") + 1:alllist_b +
allstr = allstr.replace("\n", '').replace(" ", '').replace(
......@@ -432,295 +341,184 @@ def srccoms_extract(srcfile, logf, status_all, wlist, show_details):
alllist = allstr.split(',')
if '' in alllist:
if show_details:
api_alllist_count = len(alllist)
api_count = 0
handled = []
#get src contents in layers/ops.py
if (srcfile.name.find("ops.py") != -1):
# get src contents in layers/ops.py
if srcfile.name.find("ops.py") != -1:
for i in range(0, len(srcls)):
if srcls[i].find("__doc__") != -1:
opname = srcls[i][:srcls[i].find("__doc__") - 1]
if opname in wlist:
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + opname] = [-2]
if show_details:
print_header(logf, "def", opname)
print opname + " is in white list, thus skipped"
logf.write("\n" + opname +
" is in white list, thus skipped\n")
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + opname]
logf.write("\n" + "execution status" + str(
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + opname]) + "\n")
comstart = i
for j in range(i, len(srcls)):
if (srcls[j].find("\"\"\"") != -1):
if srcls[j].find("\"\"\"") != -1:
comstart = i
opcom = ""
for j in range(comstart + 1, len(srcls)):
opcom += srcls[j]
if (srcls[j].find("\"\"\"") != -1):
if srcls[j].find("\"\"\"") != -1:
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(opcom, opname, logf, "def",
opname, show_details)
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(opcom, opname, "def",
api_count += 1
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + opname] = status
opname) #ops.py also has normal formatted functions
#use list 'handled' to mark the functions have been handled here
#which will be ignored in the following step
opname) # ops.py also has normal formatted functions
# use list 'handled' to mark the functions have been handled here
# which will be ignored in the following step
for i in range(0, len(srcls)):
if srcls[i].startswith(
'def '): #a function header is detected in line i
'def '): # a function header is detected in line i
f_header = srcls[i].replace(" ", '')
fn = f_header[len('def'):f_header.find('(')] #function name
fn = f_header[len('def'):f_header.find('(')] # function name
if fn in handled:
if fn in alllist:
api_count += 1
if fn in wlist or fn + "@" + srcfile.name in wlist:
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn] = [-2]
if show_details:
print_header(logf, "def", fn)
print fn + " is in white list, thus skipped"
logf.write("\n" + fn +
" is in white list, thus skipped\n")
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn]
logf.write("\n" + "execution status" + str(
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn]) + "\n")
fcombody = single_defcom_extract(i, srcls)
if (fcombody == ""): #if no comment
print_header(logf, "def", fn)
print "WARNING: no comments in function " + fn + ", but it deserves."
logf.write("no comments in function " + fn + "\n\n")
if fcombody == "": # if no comment
print_header("def", fn)
print("WARNING: no comments in function ", fn,
", but it deserves.")
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn] = [-1]
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn]
logf.write("\n" + "execution status" + str(status_all[
srcfile.name + '/' + fn]) + "\n")
print(status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn])
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(fcombody, fn, logf,
"def", fn, show_details)
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(fcombody, fn, "def", fn)
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + fn] = status
if show_details:
print_header(logf, "def", fn)
print fn + " not in __all__ list"
logf.write(fn + " not in __all__ list\n\n")
if srcls[i].startswith('class '):
c_header = srcls[i].replace(" ", '')
cn = c_header[len('class'):c_header.find('(')] #class name
cn = c_header[len('class'):c_header.find('(')] # class name
if cn in handled:
if cn in alllist:
api_count += 1
if cn in wlist or cn + "@" + srcfile.name in wlist:
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn] = [-2]
if show_details:
print cn + " is in white list, thus skipped"
logf.write("\n" + cn +
" is in white list, thus skipped\n")
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn]
logf.write("\n" + "execution status" + str(
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn]) + "\n")
#class comment
# class comment
classcom = single_defcom_extract(i, srcls, True)
if (classcom != ""):
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(
classcom, cn, logf, "class", cn, show_details)
if classcom != "":
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(classcom, cn, "class",
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn] = status
print "WARNING: no comments in class itself " + cn + ", but it deserves.\n"
logf.write("no comments in class itself " + cn +
print("WARNING: no comments in class itself ", cn,
", but it deserves.\n")
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn] = [-1]
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn]
logf.write("\n" + "execution status" + str(status_all[
srcfile.name + '/' + cn]) + "\n")
#handling methods in class bodies
print(status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + cn])
# handling methods in class bodies
for x in range(
i + 1,
len(srcls)): #from the next line of class header
len(srcls)): # from the next line of class header
if (srcls[x].startswith('def ') or
srcls[x].startswith('class ')):
#member method def header
# member method def header
srcls[x] = srcls[x].replace('\t', ' ')
if (srcls[x].startswith(
' def ')): #detect a mehtod header..
' def ')): # detect a mehtod header..
thisl = srcls[x]
indent = len(thisl) - len(thisl.lstrip())
mn = thisl[indent + len('def '):thisl.find(
'(')] #method name
name = cn + "." + mn #full name
'(')] # method name
name = cn + "." + mn # full name
if mn.startswith('_'):
if show_details:
print mn + " is hidden, not visible to users\n"
"\n" + mn +
" is hidden, not visible to users\n")
if name in wlist or name + "@" + srcfile.name in wlist:
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' + name] = [-2]
if show_details:
print name + " is in white list, thus skipped"
"\n" + name +
" is in white list, thus skipped\n")
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
"\n" + "execution status" + str(
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
name]) + "\n")
thismethod = [] #method body lines
#get all the lines of a single method body
#into thismethod(list)
#and send it to single_defcom_extract
thismethod = [thisl[indent:]
] # method body lines
# get all the lines of a single method body
# into thismethod(list)
# and send it to single_defcom_extract
for y in range(x + 1, len(srcls)):
srcls[y] = srcls[y].replace('\t', ' ')
if (srcls[y].startswith('def ') or
srcls[y].startswith('class ')):
#end of method
# end of method
elif (srcls[y].startswith(' def ')):
#end of method
elif srcls[y].startswith(' def '):
# end of method
thismtdcom = single_defcom_extract(0,
if (thismtdcom != ""):
if thismtdcom != "":
status = sampcd_extract_and_run(
thismtdcom, name, logf, "method", name,
thismtdcom, name, "method", name)
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
name] = status
if show_details:
print "no comments in method " + name + "\n"
logf.write("no comments in method " +
name + "\n\n\n")
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
name] = [-1]
print status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
"\n" + "execution status" + str(
status_all[srcfile.name + '/' +
name]) + "\n")
if show_details:
print cn + " is not in __all__ list"
logf.write(cn + " is not in __all__ list\n\n")
return [
srcfile.name + " all list length: " + str(api_alllist_count),
"analysed api count: " + str(api_count)
def test(file_list):
for file in file_list:
src = open(file, 'r')
counts = srccoms_extract(src, status_all, wlist)
Important constant lists:
filenames : the modules pending for check .
wlist : a list of API that should not trigger the example check .
It is composed of wlist_temp + wlist_inneed + wlist_ignore.
show_details: a boolean value to indicate whether it should be run
in debugging mode.
status_all: a status list containing all the execution status of all
srcfile: the source .py code file
filenames = [
"layers/control_flow.py", "layers/io.py", "layers/nn.py", "layers/ops.py",
"layers/tensor.py", "layers/learning_rate_scheduler.py",
"layers/detection.py", "layers/metric_op.py"
filenames += [
"dygraph/layers.py", "dygraph/base.py", "dygraph/nn.py",
"dygraph/tracer.py", "dygraph/profiler.py", "dygraph/parallel.py",
"dygraph/checkpoint.py", "dygraph/learning_rate_scheduler.py",
filenames += [
"data_feeder.py", "dataset.py", "clip.py", "metrics.py", "executor.py",
"initializer.py", "io.py", "nets.py", "optimizer.py", "profiler.py",
"regularizer.py", "backward.py", "average.py", "unique_name.py",
"framework.py", "evaluator.py", "param_attr.py"
"../python/paddle/fluid/dataset.py", "../python/paddle/fluid/clip.py",
"../python/paddle/fluid/metrics.py", "../python/paddle/fluid/executor.py",
"../python/paddle/fluid/initializer.py", "../python/paddle/fluid/io.py",
"../python/paddle/fluid/nets.py", "../python/paddle/fluid/optimizer.py",
"../python/paddle/fluid/backward.py", "../python/paddle/fluid/average.py",
wlist_inneed = [
"append_LARS", "BuildStrategy.debug_graphviz_path",
......@@ -752,7 +550,6 @@ wlist_inneed = [
'StaticRNN.output', "cuda_places", "CUDAPinnedPlace", "CUDAPlace",
wlist_temp = [
......@@ -851,7 +648,6 @@ wlist_ignore = [
'Precision.update', 'WeightedAverage.eval', 'Conv3D.forward',
'Embedding.forward', 'Recall.eval', 'FC.forward', 'While.block'
# only white on CPU
gpu_not_white = [
"deformable_conv", "cuda_places", "CUDAPinnedPlace", "CUDAPlace",
......@@ -861,146 +657,65 @@ gpu_not_white = [
wlist = wlist_temp + wlist_inneed + wlist_ignore
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Error: inadequate number of arguments"
print("Error: inadequate number of arguments")
print('''If you are going to run it on
"CPU: >>> python sampcd_processor.py cpu
"GPU: >>> python sampcd_processor.py gpu
sys.exit("lack arguments")
show_details = False
if sys.argv[1] == "gpu":
for _gnw in gpu_not_white:
elif sys.argv[1] != "cpu":
print("Unrecognized argument:'" + sys.argv[1] + "' , 'cpu' or 'gpu' is "
+ "desired\n")
sys.exit("Invalid arguments")
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
if sys.argv[2] == "sd":
show_details = True
print("Unrecognized argument:'" + sys.argv[2] + "' , 'sd' is " +
print("Unrecognized argument:'", sys.argv[1], "' , 'cpu' or 'gpu' is ",
sys.exit("Invalid arguments")
print("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* API check -- Example Code Cheker *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* This process is meant to check *\n" +
"* all example codes per CI to ensure *\n" +
"* the example codes can be run successfully *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* Refer to the comments for detailed *\n" +
"* introduction *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* *\n" +
"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n")
print("API check -- Example Code")
print("sample_test running under python", platform.python_version())
status_all = {}
#a file to record the terminal output
logf = open("example-code-check-log.txt", 'w')
# a temp directory to store temporary sample code file
# subprocess needs a single file to run the code
if not os.path.isdir("./samplecode_temp"):
to_check = filenames
for filename in to_check:
srcfile = open(filename, 'r')
counts = srccoms_extract(srcfile, logf, status_all, wlist, show_details)
if show_details:
logf.write("\n\n" + str(counts) + "\n\n")
one_part_filenum = int(math.ceil(len(filenames) / 10))
divided_file_list = [
filenames[i:i + one_part_filenum]
for i in range(0, len(filenames), one_part_filenum)
po = multiprocessing.Pool(10)
for file_list in divided_file_list:
po.apply_async(test, (file_list, ))
# clear temp files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./samplecode_temp"):
for fntemp in files:
os.remove("./samplecode_temp/" + fntemp)
status_groups = {-2: [], -1: [], 0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []}
ci_pass = True
for key in status_all:
statusl = status_all[key]
for ele in statusl:
if (ele != 0 and ele != -2 and ele != -1):
if ele != 0 and ele != -2 and ele != -1:
ci_pass = False
if len(statusl) == 1:
for u in range(0, len(statusl)):
status_groups[statusl[u]].append(key + '_' + str(u + 1))
"\n\n------------------End of the Check-------------------------------------------\n\n"
print("----------------End of the Check--------------------")
errorapisl = status_groups[1] + status_groups[2] + status_groups[3]
if len(errorapisl) > 0:
print "Error raised from: " + str(errorapisl)
print("Error raised from: ", str(errorapisl))
if not ci_pass:
"\nOh no.. Mistakes found in sample codes, refer to the log for details\n\n"
- How to run it locally?
Simply put this script under directory:
and run in python 2.7 (as some interfaces of subprocess may
not work in python 3)
You must specify the device type to run the sample code on:
CPU: >>> python sampcd_processor.py cpu
GPU: >>> python sampcd_processor.py gpu
- How to debug?
This script has an option for showing the details of
the execution status:
>>> python sampcd_processor.py cpu sd
Please ensure your are using
.. code-block:: python
[sample code starts here]
ONLY 1 BLANKSPACE between '::' and 'python'
print("Mistakes found in sample codes")
print "Sample code check is successful!"
print("Sample code check is successful!")
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