未验证 提交 1bf08eca 编写于 作者: S seemingwang 提交者: GitHub

optimize graph_engine pybind (#42192)

* extract sub-graph

* graph-engine merging

* fix

* fix

* fix heter-ps config

* test performance

* test performance

* test performance

* test

* test

* update bfs

* change cmake

* test

* test gpu speed

* gpu_graph_engine optimization

* add dsm sample method

* add graph_neighbor_sample_v2

* Add graph_neighbor_sample_v2

* fix for loop

* add cpu sample interface

* fix kernel judgement

* add ssd layer to graph_engine

* fix allocation

* fix syntax error

* fix syntax error

* fix pscore class

* fix

* change index settings

* recover test

* recover test

* fix spelling

* recover

* fix

* move cudamemcpy after cuda stream sync

* fix linking problem

* remove comment

* add cpu test

* test

* add cpu test

* change comment

* combine feature table and graph table

* test

* test

* pybind

* test

* test

* test

* test

* pybind

* pybind

* fix cmake

* pybind

* fix

* fix

* add pybind

* add pybind

* optimize pybind

* test

* fix pybind

* fix
Co-authored-by: NDesmonDay <908660116@qq.com>
上级 06694953
set(BRPC_SRCS ps_client.cc server.cc)
set(BRPC_DEPS brpc ssl crypto protobuf gflags glog zlib leveldb snappy gflags glog device_context rocksdb)
set(BRPC_DEPS brpc ssl crypto protobuf gflags glog zlib leveldb snappy gflags glog device_context)
brpc_library(sendrecv_rpc SRCS
......@@ -64,11 +64,9 @@ struct GpuPsCommGraph {
suppose we have a graph like this
\ |\ |\
17 8 9 1 2
we save the nodes in arbitrary order,
in this example,the order is
......@@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ we record each node's neighbors:
by concatenating each node's neighbor_list in the order we save the node id.
we get [3,17,3,7,7,7,1,2,5,0,5,8,9,3,3,0]
this is the neighbor_list of GpuPsCommGraph
......@@ -114,6 +111,32 @@ node_list[6]-> node_id:8, neighbor_size:1, neighbor_offset:13
node_list[7]-> node_id:9, neighbor_size:1, neighbor_offset:14
node_list[8]-> node_id:17, neighbor_size:1, neighbor_offset:15
struct NeighborSampleQuery {
int gpu_id;
int64_t *key;
int sample_size;
int len;
void initialize(int gpu_id, int64_t key, int sample_size, int len) {
this->gpu_id = gpu_id;
this->key = (int64_t *)key;
this->sample_size = sample_size;
this->len = len;
void display() {
int64_t *sample_keys = new int64_t[len];
VLOG(0) << "device_id " << gpu_id << " sample_size = " << sample_size;
VLOG(0) << "there are " << len << " keys ";
std::string key_str;
cudaMemcpy(sample_keys, key, len * sizeof(int64_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (key_str.size() > 0) key_str += ";";
key_str += std::to_string(sample_keys[i]);
VLOG(0) << key_str;
delete[] sample_keys;
struct NeighborSampleResult {
int64_t *val;
int *actual_sample_size, sample_size, key_size;
......@@ -134,6 +157,29 @@ struct NeighborSampleResult {
memory::AllocShared(place, _key_size * sizeof(int));
actual_sample_size = (int *)actual_sample_size_mem->ptr();
void display() {
VLOG(0) << "in node sample result display ------------------";
int64_t *res = new int64_t[sample_size * key_size];
cudaMemcpy(res, val, sample_size * key_size * sizeof(int64_t),
int *ac_size = new int[key_size];
cudaMemcpy(ac_size, actual_sample_size, key_size * sizeof(int),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // 3, 1, 3
for (int i = 0; i < key_size; i++) {
VLOG(0) << "actual sample size for " << i << "th key is " << ac_size[i];
VLOG(0) << "sampled neighbors are ";
std::string neighbor;
for (int j = 0; j < ac_size[i]; j++) {
if (neighbor.size() > 0) neighbor += ";";
neighbor += std::to_string(res[i * sample_size + j]);
VLOG(0) << neighbor;
delete[] res;
delete[] ac_size;
VLOG(0) << " ------------------";
~NeighborSampleResult() {
// if (val != NULL) cudaFree(val);
......@@ -145,13 +191,39 @@ struct NeighborSampleResult {
struct NodeQueryResult {
int64_t *val;
int actual_sample_size;
int64_t get_val() { return (int64_t)val; }
int get_len() { return actual_sample_size; }
std::shared_ptr<memory::Allocation> val_mem;
void initialize(int query_size, int dev_id) {
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(dev_id);
platform::CUDAPlace place = platform::CUDAPlace(dev_id);
val_mem = memory::AllocShared(place, query_size * sizeof(int64_t));
val = (int64_t *)val_mem->ptr();
// cudaMalloc((void **)&val, query_size * sizeof(int64_t));
actual_sample_size = 0;
void display() {
VLOG(0) << "in node query result display ------------------";
int64_t *res = new int64_t[actual_sample_size];
cudaMemcpy(res, val, actual_sample_size * sizeof(int64_t),
VLOG(0) << "actual_sample_size =" << actual_sample_size;
std::string str;
for (int i = 0; i < actual_sample_size; i++) {
if (str.size() > 0) str += ";";
str += std::to_string(res[i]);
VLOG(0) << str;
delete[] res;
VLOG(0) << " ------------------";
NodeQueryResult() {
val = NULL;
actual_sample_size = 0;
~NodeQueryResult() {
if (val != NULL) cudaFree(val);
~NodeQueryResult() {}
......@@ -83,13 +83,15 @@ class GpuPsGraphTable : public HeterComm<int64_t, int, int> {
// }
void build_graph_from_cpu(std::vector<GpuPsCommGraph> &cpu_node_list);
NodeQueryResult *graph_node_sample(int gpu_id, int sample_size);
NeighborSampleResult *graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id, int64_t *key,
NodeQueryResult graph_node_sample(int gpu_id, int sample_size);
NeighborSampleResult graph_neighbor_sample_v3(NeighborSampleQuery q,
bool cpu_switch);
NeighborSampleResult graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id, int64_t *key,
int sample_size, int len);
NeighborSampleResult *graph_neighbor_sample_v2(int gpu_id, int64_t *key,
NeighborSampleResult graph_neighbor_sample_v2(int gpu_id, int64_t *key,
int sample_size, int len,
bool cpu_query_switch);
NodeQueryResult *query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start, int query_size);
NodeQueryResult query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start, int query_size);
void clear_graph_info();
void move_neighbor_sample_result_to_source_gpu(int gpu_id, int gpu_num,
int sample_size, int *h_left,
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// limitations under the License.
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <functional>
#pragma once
//#include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_ps/graph_gpu_ps_table.h"
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ actual_size[0,len) is to save the sample size of each node.
for ith node in index, actual_size[i] = min(node i's neighbor size, sample size)
sample_result is to save the neighbor sampling result, its size is len *
__global__ void get_cpu_id_index(int64_t* key, int* val, int64_t* cpu_key,
......@@ -198,7 +197,6 @@ int GpuPsGraphTable::init_cpu_table(
// }
comment 1
gpu i triggers a neighbor_sample task,
when this task is done,
this function is called to move the sample result on other gpu back
......@@ -211,13 +209,11 @@ int GpuPsGraphTable::init_cpu_table(
smaller than sample_size,
is saved on src_sample_res [x*sample_size, x*sample_size +
since before each gpu runs the neighbor_sample task,the key array is shuffled,
but we have the idx array to save the original order.
when the gpu i gets all the sample results from other gpus, it relies on
idx array to recover the original order.
that's what fill_dvals does.
void GpuPsGraphTable::move_neighbor_sample_result_to_source_gpu(
......@@ -404,10 +400,8 @@ void GpuPsGraphTable::clear_graph_info() {
the parameter std::vector<GpuPsCommGraph> cpu_graph_list is generated by cpu.
it saves the graph to be saved on each gpu.
for the ith GpuPsCommGraph, any the node's key satisfies that key % gpu_number
== i
In this function, memory is allocated on each gpu to save the graphs,
gpu i saves the ith graph from cpu_graph_list
......@@ -468,7 +462,12 @@ void GpuPsGraphTable::build_graph_from_cpu(
NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
NeighborSampleResult GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample_v3(
NeighborSampleQuery q, bool cpu_switch) {
return graph_neighbor_sample_v2(q.gpu_id, q.key, q.sample_size, q.len,
NeighborSampleResult GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
int64_t* key,
int sample_size,
int len) {
......@@ -479,7 +478,6 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
gpu_id:the id of gpu.
len:how many keys are used,(the length of array key)
sample_size:how many neighbors should be sampled for each node in key.
the code below shuffle the key array to make the keys
that belong to a gpu-card stay together,
the shuffled result is saved on d_shard_keys,
......@@ -489,18 +487,16 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
if keys in range [a,b] belong to ith-gpu, then h_left[i] = a, h_right[i] =
if no keys are allocated for ith-gpu, then h_left[i] == h_right[i] == -1
for example, suppose key = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], gpu_num = 2
when we run this neighbor_sample function,
the key is shuffled to [0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7]
the first part (0,2,4,6,8) % 2 == 0,thus should be handled by gpu 0,
the rest part should be handled by gpu1, because (1,3,5,7) % 2 == 1,
h_left = [0,5],h_right = [4,8]
NeighborSampleResult* result = new NeighborSampleResult();
result->initialize(sample_size, len, resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
NeighborSampleResult result;
result.initialize(sample_size, len, resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
if (len == 0) {
return result;
......@@ -508,8 +504,8 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
// cudaMalloc((void**)&result->val, len * sample_size * sizeof(int64_t));
// cudaMalloc((void**)&result->actual_sample_size, len * sizeof(int));
int* actual_sample_size = result->actual_sample_size;
int64_t* val = result->val;
int* actual_sample_size = result.actual_sample_size;
int64_t* val = result.val;
int total_gpu = resource_->total_device();
// int dev_id = resource_->dev_id(gpu_id);
auto stream = resource_->local_stream(gpu_id, 0);
......@@ -686,10 +682,10 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
return result;
NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample_v2(
NeighborSampleResult GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample_v2(
int gpu_id, int64_t* key, int sample_size, int len, bool cpu_query_switch) {
NeighborSampleResult* result = new NeighborSampleResult();
result->initialize(sample_size, len, resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
NeighborSampleResult result;
result.initialize(sample_size, len, resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
if (len == 0) {
return result;
......@@ -697,8 +693,8 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample_v2(
platform::CUDAPlace place = platform::CUDAPlace(resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
int* actual_sample_size = result->actual_sample_size;
int64_t* val = result->val;
int* actual_sample_size = result.actual_sample_size;
int64_t* val = result.val;
int total_gpu = resource_->total_device();
auto stream = resource_->local_stream(gpu_id, 0);
......@@ -861,17 +857,19 @@ NeighborSampleResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_neighbor_sample_v2(
return result;
NodeQueryResult* GpuPsGraphTable::graph_node_sample(int gpu_id,
int sample_size) {}
NodeQueryResult GpuPsGraphTable::graph_node_sample(int gpu_id,
int sample_size) {
return NodeQueryResult();
NodeQueryResult* GpuPsGraphTable::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
NodeQueryResult GpuPsGraphTable::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
int query_size) {
NodeQueryResult* result = new NodeQueryResult();
NodeQueryResult result;
if (query_size <= 0) return result;
int& actual_size = result->actual_sample_size;
int& actual_size = result.actual_sample_size;
actual_size = 0;
cudaMalloc((void**)&result->val, query_size * sizeof(int64_t));
int64_t* val = result->val;
result.initialize(query_size, resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
int64_t* val = result.val;
// int dev_id = resource_->dev_id(gpu_id);
// platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(dev_id);
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(resource_->dev_id(gpu_id));
......@@ -883,7 +881,6 @@ NodeQueryResult* GpuPsGraphTable::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
sample_size[i] = s;
then on gpu a, the nodes of positions [p1,p1 + s) should be returned
and saved from the p2 position on the sample_result array
for example:
gpu 0 saves [0,2,4,6,8], gpu1 saves [1,3,5,7]
......@@ -893,23 +890,29 @@ NodeQueryResult* GpuPsGraphTable::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
gpu_begin_pos = [3,0]
local_begin_pos = [0,3]
sample_size = [2,3]
std::function<int(int, int, int, int, int&, int&)> range_check = [](
int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int& x2, int& y2) {
if (y <= x1 || x >= y1) return 0;
y2 = min(y, y1);
x2 = max(x1, x);
return y2 - x2;
for (int i = 0; i < gpu_graph_list.size() && query_size != 0; i++) {
auto graph = gpu_graph_list[i];
if (graph.node_size == 0) {
if (graph.node_size + size > start) {
int cur_size = min(query_size, graph.node_size + size - start);
query_size -= cur_size;
gpu_begin_pos.emplace_back(start - size);
int x2, y2;
int len = range_check(start, start + query_size, size,
size + graph.node_size, x2, y2);
if (len > 0) {
gpu_begin_pos.emplace_back(x2 - size);
start += cur_size;
actual_size += cur_size;
create_storage(gpu_id, i, 1, cur_size * sizeof(int64_t));
actual_size += len;
create_storage(gpu_id, i, 1, len * sizeof(int64_t));
size += graph.node_size;
......@@ -936,6 +939,9 @@ NodeQueryResult* GpuPsGraphTable::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
auto& node = path_[gpu_id][idx[i]].nodes_.front();
for (auto x : idx) {
destroy_storage(gpu_id, x);
return result;
......@@ -158,14 +158,16 @@ void GraphGpuWrapper::init_service() {
graph_table = (char *)g;
void GraphGpuWrapper::upload_batch(std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &ids) {
void GraphGpuWrapper::upload_batch(int idx,
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &ids) {
GpuPsGraphTable *g = (GpuPsGraphTable *)graph_table;
std::vector<paddle::framework::GpuPsCommGraph> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
vec.push_back(g->cpu_graph_table->make_gpu_ps_graph(0, ids[i]));
vec.push_back(g->cpu_graph_table->make_gpu_ps_graph(idx, ids[i]));
void GraphGpuWrapper::initialize() {
std::vector<int> device_id_mapping;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) device_id_mapping.push_back(i);
......@@ -238,10 +240,10 @@ void GraphGpuWrapper::test() {
((GpuPsGraphTable *)graph_table)
->graph_neighbor_sample(0, (int64_t *)key, 2, 3);
int64_t *res = new int64_t[7];
cudaMemcpy(res, neighbor_sample_res->val, 3 * 2 * sizeof(int64_t),
cudaMemcpy(res, neighbor_sample_res.val, 3 * 2 * sizeof(int64_t),
int *actual_sample_size = new int[3];
cudaMemcpy(actual_sample_size, neighbor_sample_res->actual_sample_size,
cudaMemcpy(actual_sample_size, neighbor_sample_res.actual_sample_size,
3 * sizeof(int),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // 3, 1, 3
......@@ -256,12 +258,60 @@ void GraphGpuWrapper::test() {
NeighborSampleResult *GraphGpuWrapper::graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
int64_t *key,
int sample_size,
int len) {
NeighborSampleResult GraphGpuWrapper::graph_neighbor_sample_v3(
NeighborSampleQuery q, bool cpu_switch) {
return ((GpuPsGraphTable *)graph_table)
->graph_neighbor_sample_v3(q, cpu_switch);
// this function is contributed by Liwb5
std::vector<int64_t> GraphGpuWrapper::graph_neighbor_sample(
int gpu_id, std::vector<int64_t> &key, int sample_size) {
int64_t *cuda_key;
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(gpu_id);
cudaMalloc(&cuda_key, key.size() * sizeof(int64_t));
cudaMemcpy(cuda_key, key.data(), key.size() * sizeof(int64_t),
auto neighbor_sample_res =
((GpuPsGraphTable *)graph_table)
->graph_neighbor_sample(gpu_id, cuda_key, sample_size, key.size());
int *actual_sample_size = new int[key.size()];
cudaMemcpy(actual_sample_size, neighbor_sample_res.actual_sample_size,
key.size() * sizeof(int),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // 3, 1, 3
int cumsum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++) {
cumsum += actual_sample_size[i];
/* VLOG(0) << "cumsum " << cumsum; */
std::vector<int64_t> res;
res.resize(cumsum * 2);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < actual_sample_size[i]; j++) {
res[count] = key[i];
count += 1;
cudaMemcpy(res.data() + cumsum, neighbor_sample_res.val,
cumsum * sizeof(int64_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
/* for(int i = 0;i < res.size();i ++) { */
/* VLOG(0) << i << " " << res[i]; */
/* } */
return res;
NodeQueryResult GraphGpuWrapper::query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start,
int query_size) {
return ((GpuPsGraphTable *)graph_table)
->graph_neighbor_sample(gpu_id, key, sample_size, len);
->query_node_list(gpu_id, start, query_size);
......@@ -29,13 +29,17 @@ class GraphGpuWrapper {
void init_service();
void set_up_types(std::vector<std::string>& edge_type,
std::vector<std::string>& node_type);
void upload_batch(std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& ids);
void upload_batch(int idx, std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& ids);
void add_table_feat_conf(std::string table_name, std::string feat_name,
std::string feat_dtype, int feat_shape);
void load_edge_file(std::string name, std::string filepath, bool reverse);
void load_node_file(std::string name, std::string filepath);
NeighborSampleResult* graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id, int64_t* key,
int sample_size, int len);
NodeQueryResult query_node_list(int gpu_id, int start, int query_size);
NeighborSampleResult graph_neighbor_sample_v3(NeighborSampleQuery q,
bool cpu_switch);
std::vector<int64_t> graph_neighbor_sample(int gpu_id,
std::vector<int64_t>& key,
int sample_size);
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> edge_to_id, feature_to_id;
std::vector<std::string> id_to_feature, id_to_edge;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<std::string, int>> table_feat_mapping;
......@@ -139,23 +139,17 @@ TEST(TEST_FLEET, test_cpu_cache) {
platform::CUDADeviceGuard guard(0);
cudaMalloc((void **)&key, 3 * sizeof(int64_t));
cudaMemcpy(key, cpu_key, 3 * sizeof(int64_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
auto neighbor_sample_res = g.graph_neighbor_sample(0, (int64_t *)key, 2, 3);
int64_t *res = new int64_t[7];
cudaMemcpy(res, neighbor_sample_res->val, 3 * 2 * sizeof(int64_t),
int *actual_sample_size = new int[3];
cudaMemcpy(actual_sample_size, neighbor_sample_res->actual_sample_size,
3 * sizeof(int),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // 3, 1, 3
//{0,9} or {9,0} is expected for key 0
auto neighbor_sample_res =
g.graph_neighbor_sample_v2(0, (int64_t *)key, 2, 3, true);
//{1,9} or {9,1} is expected for key 0
//{0,2} or {2,0} is expected for key 1
//{1,3} or {3,1} is expected for key 2
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
VLOG(0) << "actual sample size for " << i << " is "
<< actual_sample_size[i];
for (int j = 0; j < actual_sample_size[i]; j++) {
VLOG(0) << "sampled an neighbor for node" << i << " : " << res[i * 2 + j];
auto node_query_res = g.query_node_list(0, 0, 4);
NeighborSampleQuery query;
query.initialize(0, node_query_res.get_val(), 2, node_query_res.get_len());
auto c = g.graph_neighbor_sample_v3(query, false);
/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
......@@ -255,6 +252,8 @@ using paddle::distributed::IndexNode;
using paddle::framework::GraphGpuWrapper;
using paddle::framework::NeighborSampleResult;
using paddle::framework::NeighborSampleQuery;
using paddle::framework::NodeQueryResult;
void BindIndexNode(py::module* m) {
......@@ -307,21 +306,39 @@ void BindIndexWrapper(py::module* m) {
void BindNodeQueryResult(py::module* m) {
py::class_<NodeQueryResult>(*m, "NodeQueryResult")
.def("initialize", &NodeQueryResult::initialize)
.def("display", &NodeQueryResult::display)
.def("get_val", &NodeQueryResult::get_val)
.def("get_len", &NodeQueryResult::get_len);
void BindNeighborSampleQuery(py::module* m) {
py::class_<NeighborSampleQuery>(*m, "NeighborSampleQuery")
.def("initialize", &NeighborSampleQuery::initialize)
.def("display", &NeighborSampleQuery::display);
void BindNeighborSampleResult(py::module* m) {
py::class_<NeighborSampleResult>(*m, "NeighborSampleResult")
.def("initialize", &NeighborSampleResult::initialize);
.def("initialize", &NeighborSampleResult::initialize)
.def("display", &NeighborSampleResult::display);
void BindGraphGpuWrapper(py::module* m) {
py::class_<GraphGpuWrapper>(*m, "GraphGpuWrapper")
.def("test", &GraphGpuWrapper::test)
//.def("test", &GraphGpuWrapper::test)
.def("initialize", &GraphGpuWrapper::initialize)
.def("neighbor_sample", &GraphGpuWrapper::graph_neighbor_sample_v3)
.def("graph_neighbor_sample", &GraphGpuWrapper::graph_neighbor_sample)
.def("set_device", &GraphGpuWrapper::set_device)
.def("init_service", &GraphGpuWrapper::init_service)
.def("set_up_types", &GraphGpuWrapper::set_up_types)
.def("query_node_list", &GraphGpuWrapper::query_node_list)
.def("add_table_feat_conf", &GraphGpuWrapper::add_table_feat_conf)
.def("load_edge_file", &GraphGpuWrapper::load_edge_file)
.def("upload_batch", &GraphGpuWrapper::upload_batch)
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ void BindIndexSampler(py::module* m);
void BindNeighborSampleResult(py::module* m);
void BindGraphGpuWrapper(py::module* m);
void BindNodeQueryResult(py::module* m);
void BindNeighborSampleQuery(py::module* m);
} // namespace pybind
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -4578,6 +4578,8 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
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