"Note:\nCPU(Process) Utilization = Current process CPU time over all cpu cores / elapsed time, so max utilization can be reached 100% * number of cpu cores.\n"
"CPU(System) Utilization = All processes CPU time over all cpu cores(busy time) / (busy time + idle time).\n"
"GPU Utilization = Current process GPU time / elapsed time.")
"Note:\nIn this table, GPU time is the sum of all device(GPU) events called in the phase.\n"
"Note:\nCPU(Process) Utilization = Current process CPU time over all cpu cores / elapsed time, so max utilization can be reached 100% * number of cpu cores.\n"
"Unlike overview summary, if two device(GPU) events execute on different streams with overlap time, we sum them directly here.\n"
"CPU(System) Utilization = All processes CPU time over all cpu cores(busy time) / (busy time + idle time).\n"
"GPU Utilization = Current process GPU time / elapsed time.")