"Note:\nCPU(Process) Utilization = Current process CPU time over all cpu cores / elapsed time, so max utilization can be reached 100% * number of cpu cores.\n"
"CPU(System) Utilization = All processes CPU time over all cpu cores(busy time) / (busy time + idle time).\n"
"GPU Utilization = Current process GPU time / elapsed time.")
"Note:\nIn this table, GPU time is the sum of all device(GPU) events called in the phase.\n"
"Unlike overview summary, if two device(GPU) events execute on different streams with overlap time, we sum them directly here.\n"
"Note:\nCPU(Process) Utilization = Current process CPU time over all cpu cores / elapsed time, so max utilization can be reached 100% * number of cpu cores.\n"
"CPU(System) Utilization = All processes CPU time over all cpu cores(busy time) / (busy time + idle time).\n"
"GPU Utilization = Current process GPU time / elapsed time.")